Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 615: Interrogating Yinglong

Tan Nieyun sat on the round platform of the Temple of the Sword, and for a long time, finally opened his eyes.

"It seems that there is no Kendo that I understand. It seems that he is a disciple who cannot obtain the ancestor's approval ..." Looking at the dense swords in the image in front of him, he shook his head helplessly.

Although Nie Yun has learned a lot, he relied on his own learned kendo to go dark and first-class. There were no 4,548 ancestors in the place of sacrifice, and none of them went this way. This also shows that he cannot accept inheritance. !!

Wu Yunxuan said that five out of ten people could not inherit it. How could he never imagine that he was one of the five people who could not inherit it.

I ca n’t accept the inheritance, I will die! This is the constant law of Sword God Sect!

Although he has many ways to save his life now, there is no way under the sword **** sect altar.

"Can't sit back and try out the essence of Kendo ..." Knowing the rules of this sacrifice, Nie Yun didn't dare to hesitate, knowing that there was no Kendo that met his own understanding, and immediately turned the essence of martial arts into operation.

But after running, it still has no effect.

The essence of martial arts is just too much practice of swordsmanship and integration into the bone marrow, and the practice of cultivation is almost all of their predecessors. There is no innovation, let alone the realization of their own Tao, naturally it has no effect.

"What to do now?"

The essence of martial arts is useless, and there is no similar Tao. Nie Yun is thinking about it, and suddenly feels that the kendo Dantian in the sea is slowly operating.


As soon as Xun started running, he felt that the tremendous pressure from the sacrifice place had been relieved a lot, and he immediately looked up at the image left by Yun Xuan.

I saw 4,548 ancestors in the sacrifice place of the image, leaving their taunted sword, and at the same time sent a burst of roar and fell to the ground!


Seeing such a scene, Nie Yun was startled.

Only when the heirs are approved by the sword spirit can the sword fall to the ground. The most sword-sect history in history is the eight-handed sword. Why is it all down?

Does it mean that all the sword spirits have recognized themselves?

It's unlikely!

"Is it Kendo?"

There was a flash of light in the head of Nie Yun.

The enshrined sect of Sword God Sect is a swordsman. The people who left the sword in the sacrifice place are all descendants of the swordsman. Perhaps because of this, the swordsman Dantian runs, so that all the swords fall to the ground, and everyone's Approved!

All the swords fell to the ground, and the sword spirit idea from the attack also stopped attacking, it seemed to bring natural surrender to the kendo talent.

"This will not work. Once Yun Xuan finds it out, my swordsmanship will definitely help!"

I figured out what was going on. Nie Yun was not happy, but was helpless, and quickly stopped the operation of Kendo Dantian.

It is no longer an issue to get so many swords together. Yun Xuan will definitely find an abnormality as soon as he comes back. At that time, even if he is even better at camouflage, he will definitely not be able to explain it.


Sure enough, as soon as Kendo Dantian stopped operating, more than 4,000 swords that fell to the ground in the image stood up again and straightly inserted on the sword stand.


Wu Baojian stood up again, and Nie Yun saw the idea of ​​the sky spread again, just like the scene of the sacrifice just before.

"You cannot stop after the sacrifice ..."

Seeing this situation, Nie Yun understood it immediately.

The sacrifice of the Emperor Zongmen will not stop once someone accepts the inheritance or the death of the inheritor.

I looked for it specifically. None of the kendo contained in the more than 4,000 swords was suitable, which means that Nie Yun could not accept the inheritance normally, and once the kendo talent is operated, he will be recognized by all the swords ... Very troublesome and in trouble.

"What to do if you can't stop and stop, and you can't accept the inheritance?"

I thought of the current situation, and Nie Yun was a little helpless.

"Well, by the way, although Xiaohu and Heiyan are both monsters, they have also practiced sword sword ancestors. Although the monsters have a low level of understanding, they may also have a kendo that suits them. Let ’s try them and see if they can accept the inheritance. ! "

Suddenly a sudden move occurred in her heart, thinking of two big pets, Xiaohu and Heiyan.

The current situation is that as long as someone gets the inheritance, the inheritance will end, they ca n’t get it, the demon pet can do it!

There is a special connection between the demon pet and the master, plus the camouflage of promotion to the second form, it can completely replace it!

I just couldn't be sure how the two demon pet swordsmanship practiced.

When I was in the Valley of the Heavens, I let them practice swordsmanship too. For some time now, I may have realized what belongs to me, and I can associate with a certain ancestor in the place of worship.

Anyway, Nie Yun is a kendo teacher. Once he finds that they ca n’t fit, he can also run Kendo Dantian, let all the swords bow down, and think of his method again.

Do it when you think of it, and release Heiyan and Xiaohu from Zihuadongfu House as soon as you move.

With four big demon pets, Zitong and Xiaofeng did not wake up due to the refining of the unicorn and the thunder beast.

"... see if there is a Tao for you ..."

I told my thoughts and the two big monsters, and Nie Yun pointed at the image in front of her and said.

"Hmm!" Through Tamada, the two monsters also understood Nie Yun's current embarrassment, and at the same time calmed down to sense the Kendo in the air.

After a short while, the two monster pets opened their eyes at the same time.

"Master, I sense a link with my kendo practice ..."

Bian Nieyun looked up and saw Heiyan snoring in a sigh.


黑 Heiyan was originally five big and three rough. Nie Yun thought that Xiaohu was very likely to accept the inheritance, but he did not expect it.

Nie Yun sighed luck when he saw the handwriting left on the sword platform of the ancestor who communicated with it.

This ancestor was born with the same epee that was trained with the same divine power, but he did not realize the dark energy. All the tricks were opened and closed, relying on strength to win. Black Rock itself is a monster, and the body is a black bear. It is a coincidence that they are connected.

"How about you, Xiaohu?" Turning to look at the first monster pet, the tiger beast.

"I know too little about swordsmanship, and I haven't got the right words for me yet ..." Xiaohu scratched his head.

Heiyan is a monster that has lived for hundreds of years anyway, and Xiao Hu is too young and has a low understanding of Kendo. From this point alone, he is far from the former.

"Well, Black Rock, you accept the inheritance here, Xiaohu and I go back to Zihuadongfu first to hide!"

Since there is a monster that can accept the inheritance, Nie Yun is no longer talking nonsense. At the next moment, he enters Zihuadongfu with a tiger, and at the same time he holds a camouflage air on the body of Black Rock to make it look like Wen Chao.


Heiyan was able to accept the inheritance, the turbulent kendo idea in the air immediately stopped the attack, and a huge force of extreme strength was instilled into the galaxy.


I am too powerful, Rao is black and strong, still feels that his whole body is about to explode, he can't help but send a deep snoring.

However, despite the pain of accepting the inheritance, the strength suddenly increased and grew rapidly, and Heiyan's whole body swelled and swelled. No matter the soul or mana, there was a qualitative leap.

The sacrifice heritage can not only increase the mana and realm, but also make its soul power increase rapidly.


Soon after Heihei had accepted the inheritance, a teleportation array appeared again outside the Sword God Temple, and the twinkling light Yun Xuan and Ni Xu walked in.

"Accepted by an ancestor, has begun to accept the inheritance ... No surprise?"

He looked up at Black Rock on the round platform and immediately saw the situation in the image. At this time, Black Rock accepted the inheritance. There was only one sword falling to the ground in the image, and there was nothing strange at all.

"All the swords in the channel of the sword pointed in this direction just now, what happened to the ground?"

Xun's soul expanded sharply. Yun Xuan scanned the entire Sword God Temple and found no abnormalities.

The swords hanging in the channel of the sword were all left by the ancestors of Zongmen. The sword's spirit level is no less than that of the sacrifice land. Suddenly falling down in this direction at the same time can only explain one kind of situation—the other one Teacher, the ghost of Nie Yun!

"Is it related to this Wen Chao?"

I searched again and found no reason. Yun Xuan looked at Wen Chao who was receiving the inheritance, and her face was cold. "Regardless of whether it has anything to do with him, he must die after doing this!"

He snorted coldly, Yun Xuan turned to look at Elder Ni Xu on one side.

"Go and find Ye Jianxing and say I want to teach him swordsmanship!"

"Ye Jianxing? Zong mainly taught Ye Jianxing himself?" Elder Ni Xu didn't know why the lord suddenly made such a decision, and he was a little confused.

"Well, hurry up!" Yun Xuan did not explain.

"Yes!" Elder Ni Xu stepped back two steps and quickly left the hall.


"Successfully concealed Yun Xuan, and just happened to question Ying Long now!"

He stood in Zihuadongfu ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun's eyes fell on Ying Long who was trapped by the large array.

At this time, Ying Long was miserably cleaned up by Xiaohu and Heiyan. His nose and face were swollen and his body was good everywhere. Although he was a defensive division, when he was put in, he was confused by Nie Yun's soul. In this case, together with imprisonment by the formation law, where can withstand the puppets of the two monsters.

"wide awake!"

Seeing his appearance, Master Nie Yuntian Yin woke him from his semi-coma as soon as he had the talent.

"Who the **** are you? What has it to do with Qianxian, why do you catch me?"

Xu wakes up, Ying Long glances around, knowing that he must not escape, so he stares at the young man in front of him and asks loudly.

"Who am I? What I am now, you cannot confirm it, now?"

Xie Nieyun became the appearance of participating in the trial.

"Copper cloud? It's you? It's impossible ... how could your strength grow so fast? A few days ago, it's not much different from me. How can it be a spiritual peak soul now? Impossible ..."

I can see clearly how Nie Yun changed, Ying Long's face changed, and his voice was hoarse, he couldn't believe it was true.

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[Unfinished To Be Continued [This text is provided by Piaoxuan @ 观 之 淡然] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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