Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 618: Golden Illusion Heart

"Of course I will tell you, but ... there are a few things to tell you in advance, you must remember them!"

Interrupted Ye Jianxing's questioning, Yun Xuan's face became harsher, her voice was cold and cold, with apathy to kill the fruit.

第一 "First, what I ask you to do is related to the rise and fall and survival of Sword God Sect. You must not be sloppy. The responsibility is very great. Once there is an error, none of you can afford it!"

第二 "Second, this thing can't be told to anyone, it is the biggest secret of Zongmen. If I know who you are spreading, the result should be conceivable!"

第三 "Third, this is a life-threatening event. It is very dangerous. You must be determined to be dead to Zong Men to qualify. If you two find it difficult, you can quit now!"

With a wave of his palm, Yun Xuan said three conditions coldly.

"For Zongmen, there is no death without regrets!" Ye Jianxing has a strong affection for Zongmen. When he heard this, Zongmen's rise and fall, he immediately turned his face up.

"I will not quit!" Nie Yun also hurriedly stated.

任务 This task must be related to Ying Long, and even has some relationship with Qian Huan and Chen Wenxu. I have the opportunity to investigate, and Nie Yun will not refuse, and just look at what medicine Xun Xuan sells!

"Okay, I just saw your loyalty to Zongmen, so I plan to explain this to you. Since no one has withdrawn, just follow me!"

Seeing the attitude of the two, Yun Xuan nodded with satisfaction and turned to look at Elder Ni Xu, "Ni Xu, now you will assist Elder Hu Jia and try to arrest Nie Yun!"

"This ... Sovereign, since the tasks performed by the two of them are related to the rise and fall of the sect, I also want to do a little for the sect, better serve the sect, and worry for the sect, and send me over. Being able to do things well, so that the suzerain has peace of mind ... "

When I heard him leave, Ni Xu's face changed, and he quickly said.

"No need!" Yun Xuan waved her hand and frowned. "You have other things to do. Doing this well will benefit you!"


I heard that the suzerain's tone was decisive, Ni Xu nodded and promised to go down and walked forward, but after a few steps he suddenly turned around and looked at Ye Jianxing and Nie Yun.

"Sovereign, although these two are loyal to Zongmen, I still feel uneasy. It happens that I have two good things here, to give them to take. As long as they are at ease working for the suzerain, there will be no seizures. Once there is a second heart, Die immediately! "

After talking about Ni Xu's palm, she immediately saw two bean-sized black beetles on her palm, covered with scale armor, and two tentacles on her head, which looked very disgusting.

"Golden silk fantasy heart?" Yun Xuan watched the black beetle recognize it and frowned.

"I'm still a lord, and I have a lot of knowledge. The golden silk illusion is something that I accidentally got. The two tentacles can monitor people's thinking. As long as they take it, they will swim in the body. Although individuals are loyal to Zongmen, I'm still afraid of other changes in their missions. I can only rest assured if I take this stuff! "

Ni Xu sneered, his face gaunt, and the other palm was gently stroking the black beetle, making a "squeak!" Sound.

As soon as this sound rang, Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing felt a dazzling sensation, which was very similar to the ghostly gate and wind you had heard in the ghost world.


I felt this sense of vertigo, Nie Yunxian Yin Dantian was running, and my heart whispered.

With the sound of the fairy, the dizziness disappeared immediately.

The genius of Youmon Fairy Tale can't resist, but this is suppressed at once. It seems that although similar to Guimen Youfeng, the power seems to be much worse than the former.

停 "Stop! How's it going?"

He didn't seem to see Nie Yun awake, Ni Xu picked it up, and the black beetle "squeaked!" The voice stopped and smiled coldly.

The maggots, what the maggots are good at, the maggots and the cursed **** are equally famous, weird and unpredictable. Even in the previous life, Nie Yun knew the monsters so well that he dared not contact them.

Elder Emperor Sword Master Zongzhang had this kind of thing, and he had to put it on a disciple with a sincere loyalty. This Ni Xu is really poisonous, more than Yun Xuan!

When thinking of this, Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing looked at each other, and each of them saw the disgust in the other's eyes.

"Master, don't need this, we must do our best for Zongmen!" Ni Xu was sentenced to death again in his heart, Nie Yun snorted and said to Xuan Xuan with his fist.

"The task arranged by the lord, we must work hard to complete it, we don't need this kind of thing at all!" Ye Jianxing is not stupid, knowing that once he is successfully succumbed by the other party, his thinking must be controlled, and he said quickly.

"It must be done, do your best? Hehe, since you have no heart to the suzerain, this thing should be served even more, so that you can show your loyalty to the suzerain, as long as you don't betray, there will be nothing!"

He stroked his fingers and touched the black beetle on the palm of his hand. Elder Ni Xu sneered again and again, took two steps forward and came to the two.

"Sovereign ..."

Seeing the urge to elder Ni Xu to force the two to take the black beetle into his mouth, Ye Jianxing turned his head to look at Yun Xuan. What's the difference between crooked roads! "

"Yes, Sovereign, we can swear to our ancestor Zongmen, we must not leak this matter, and complete the task seriously!" Nie Yun also quickly said.

"Golden magic heart is really not something that decent people can use ..."

After hearing the words of Ye Jianxing and Nie Yun, Yun Xuan Xiu frowned, hesitated for a while, put her palm behind her, and said lightly: "However, what you are doing this time is of great importance. The slightest news cannot be revealed, Ni Xu, give these two maggots to them! "


I heard Yun Xuan's first half of the sentence, and Nie and Ye thought that they would stop there. When they heard the second half of the sentence, they all hesitated.

Not only they couldn't believe it, even Ni Xu seemed to think that the suzerain's order was a little incredible, but he flickered across his face, and then his face was vicious.

"Still lord wise!"

With a sneer, Elder Ni Xu covered all the surrounding space with the grasp of his hand. When the powerful force was pulled, Ye Jianxing and Nie Yun were pulled over.

"Fractal Shadowsword!"

Feeling the powerful tearing force, Ye Jianxing whispered, the palm of his hand stretched forward, and his fingertip suddenly shot a sword.

Make a sword with your fingers!


As soon as Ye Jianxing started, Elder Ni Xu didn't even have time to take the shot, he heard Yun Xuan on one side sighed coldly, his slender fingers lightly, and he didn't see much movement. All of Ye Jianxing's attacks crackled and tightened. Then the figure walking forward, "Hoo!", Was imprisoned in the air.

In the Sword God Sect, she possesses the teaching seal, her strength has increased more than ten times, and Nie Yun could not stop it, let alone Ye Jianxing now.

"How about you?"

Imprisoning Ye Jianxing, Yun Xuan looked at Nie Yun, with a hint of indifferent indifference in his black eyes.

"I'm willing to swallow!"

Seeing this situation in front of him, Nie Yun sighed in his heart, and did not intend to resist.


After seeing Zong take the initiative to subdue the two, Elder Ni Xu sneered and came to Ye Jianxing in two steps. With a flick of his palm, there was one less black beetle on his palm, and then he came to Nie Yun.

"come on!"

Nie Yun nodded, obedient on the surface, and the defensive talents in the body quietly covered all the internal organs and soul. As soon as it was ready, he felt a sweet throat and something came into his throat.


This thing went into the throat, and felt light, and then felt nothing.

He felt that he could not feel the maggot immediately, and Nie Yun was startled.

Did this thing get into the body? It shouldn't be, the talent of the defender has already protected all the internal organs, and the soul has reached the peak of the spirit level. Even if this maggot is more powerful, you should not avoid searching in a blink of an eye and disappear!

Is it really terrible for the dwarf art of the dwarf tribe?

Originally, Nie Yun did not resist because he had some confidence in resisting tapeworms. After all, he concentrated a lot of talents in one body. He couldn't use the fire to burn the whole body. He didn't believe that the tapeworms could hold the fire. But when the tapeworm disappeared, that confidence was gone.

You can't find it, how can you burn each other?

However, even if you ca n’t find the tapeworm, Nie Yun still has a strong self-confidence about whether tapeworm can listen to his own thinking. At the beginning, Huo Yingling's exquisite heart was devoured by her, which is equivalent to the double cultivation of the soul. You ca n’t really see your secret, more Don't talk about a tiny roundworm!

As long as there is an unknown method in ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun is confident that no one can see through his own thinking.

He also said that King Kong's glass body reached the fifth level of the thunder gold body. Once he thought of thunder, the thunder could break through all evils. It was not easy for the maggot to listen to the mind.

When I thought of this, Nie Yun felt relieved, and at the same time, she hated Elder Ni Xu even more, and wanted to kill him more seriously.

In order to please the lord, he used such a method, and this kind of person is not worthy of being an elder of the Eight Sects.

At the same time that I hate Ni Xu, she also has a deeper understanding of Yun Xuan. This woman really does whatever she can for the purpose and can do everything!

"Well, you're under maggots, let's go!"

Seeing Ni Xu's good maggots, Yun Xuan waved his hand.

"Yes!" Elder Ni Xu nodded with satisfaction, not to say more, turned around and walked out, and disappeared in the sword temple soon.

"Okay, let's go!"

Seeing Elder Ni Xu leaving the Temple of the Sword God, there are only three people left in the temple. Yun Xuan grabbed the palm of his hand, and the teaching seal appeared again. He suddenly drawn a teleportation array in front of him, and walked in immediately.


Xie Nieyun and Ye Jianxing also entered the teleportation array, and when the light flashed, the three disappeared from their place.

ps: Two chapters have been added and completed. Lao Ya is half-paralyzed, and will be updated at 12 o'clock tomorrow. [To be continued] [This text is provided by Piao Su @ z1872530384 [Gentle, handsome, cute, handsome, domineering, leading bamboo sound] provided] Like this work, welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe, reward, your support is my biggest motivation]

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