Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 619: Blood Demon Shuttle

Opening his eyes again, Nie Yun saw that he was in a small dark room.

The dark room is only six or seven square meters. The three of them stand a little crowded inside. The sky's eyes look outwards through the wall, and they suddenly feel tight.

Outside the dark room turned out to be a turbulent stream!

Qi Yunxuan even brought them both into the void!

The horrible emptiness of the void, let alone Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing, even if Yun Xuan enters it, they will also become immobile wooden people. How did you get here?

"I'm telling you the task now. It's very simple. It's to enter the sacrifice area of ​​Zongmen and take out a corpse!"

He turned to look at the two, and Yun Xuan said what they wanted them to do.

进入 "Enter the sacrifice place?" Ye Jianxing froze with a shock on his face and quickly waved his hand. "This is the forbidden area of ​​Zongmen, we are not qualified to enter ..."

Relative to Ye Jianxing's shock, Nie Yun was not surprised. Before interrogating Ying Long, he heard what he said and combined with Yun Xuan to help Wen Chao to advance, he already guessed seven or eight points.

I guessed and guessed that Nie Yun's face still had to show the surprise, it seemed that like Ye Jianxing, his face was pale, and he backed up again and again.

The sacrifice place is a forbidden place in the minds of all disciples in Zongmen, and those who enter it will die. How can they not be afraid?

And the lord also asked to enter and take out a corpse, which is even more incredible!

The ancestral remains are buried in the sacrificial rites. Is it necessary to take out the body of an ancestor? Let the ancestors rest?

"As a Sword God Sovereign, of course, I know the rules of the Zongmen, but the reason for breaking the rules is also to save the Zongmen!" Yun Xuan's face was solemn, and his indifferent eyes took all the determination to take the interests of the Zongmen.

"Save the ancestral gate?" Ye Jianxing froze.

He broke into the place of sacrifice and took out the ancestor's body, in order to save the ancestral gate? Where is this ...?

"Well, this ancestor was the predecessor who died for the floating continent seven thousand years ago in the Battle of the Demon. The strongest person who broke the air was called Fengge. After his death, Zongmen buried the body here. Suddenly I found something wrong! "

Yun Xuan said here, Xiu Mei frowned slightly, as if recalling a terrible thing. "At that time, the ancestors of Fengge were killed by the masters of the demons, and the place of burial gathered the coldness, although there was no [ Wuxia fell coffin] It's so scary, it's almost the same, it seems to have transformed into a zombie demon! "

"Zombie demon tribe?" Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing took a breath of air.

Zombie demon tribe, when the Trinity Valley was tested in the demon domain of Yaoluo, the two had just seen it. The demon corpse controlled the corpse at that time, lying in a bronze coffin. It was strange and inexplicable. If this Fengge senior really became the same as the demon corpse With the strength of breaking the air, it will indeed bring great disaster to the entire gate!

"Is it ... I misunderstood Yun Xuan, he let Ying Long enter the sacrifice place, and put a jade card every five years, actually suppressing the corpse of Fengge instead of trying to take it out and refine it?"

Suddenly Nie Yun's heart moved.

Ying Long said that Yun Xuan secretly let him enter the sacrifice place 50 years ago and put a jade card on the body every five years. Now it seems that it may be to delay the demonization of the body. Until now, I'm afraid it can't be postponed any longer, so she intends to let the two take it out and suppress it in person!

However, if this is the case, she can apply to Supreme Master Elderly and openly.

Anyway, Yun Xuan's words can only be trusted at most, and even half of them cannot be believed. She must have done her own purpose, not just for the ancestors.

"Zombie demon believes that you should also understand the dangers, and you are still a zombie demon who breaks the air!" Yun Xuan's face showed caution. "What I want you to do is to prevent the danger before it happens, and find a way to bring it out, as long as it is out of sacrifice. I will personally show my hands and subdue it! You know, the place of sacrifice is the place where the ancestors slept, and even if I am a suzerain, I ca n’t do anything wantonly! "

"So it is, lord, we will not live up to your expectations!" Ye Jianxing made the first statement.

Although Nie Yun still doubts Yun Xuan now, when he heard Ye Jianxing speak, he did not hesitate, and hurriedly turned his face to show his attitude.

"Brother Ye Jianxing and I must work hard to bring this zombie demon out, but ... the lord, the two of us only have the strength of Tianqiao Realm, which is so different from breaking the air, we are afraid that we cannot complete the mission ..."

There is a difference between heaven and earth in the Tiantianqiao Realm and the Virtual Reality, not to mention the difference from the seventh-breaking airspace in the Mysterious Realm. The difference between the Shenlong and the ants is too much.

If this Fengge corpse really completely transforms into a zombie demon, let alone two overpass realms, even if a hundred Na Realms come over, it will not be enough for the other to slap.

"You do n’t have to worry. Although the body of the senior Fengge has been transformed, so far, it has not been completely successful and cannot be attacked. Even if my inference is wrong, he can already act, and you do n’t have to be afraid. This is a repressive sign. The seal is a thing left by the predecessors of Zongmen's secret realm Yae Dan Tian acupoint. When you reach the tomb, you just need to throw this thing at the tomb to completely suppress it and eliminate future troubles! "

When Yun Yunxuan flipped her palm, a clear and transparent rune appeared on the palm of her hand. As soon as the jade card appeared, her heart was filled with heart-strength power. The huge breath tearing the void seemed to escape from her palm at any time.

"It is a rune portrayed by Dantian Acupoint Powerful ..."

Although Nie Yun didn't scan with his spirit, just looking at the might shows that it must be something portrayed by the Eighth Power of the Mystery. Only such a powerful master can make such a powerful treasure.

Secret Reality is a master of Dantian acupoints. Although there are no other ancestors except Hua Yunzong on the Ming surface, Nie Yun knows that a sectarian like the sword **** sect who has stood for thousands of years will surely have such a powerful old man. Monsters are alive, but they have never been born, and many people forget them.

But these talents are the true cards and support of Zongmen. If it is not for this, how can you stand on the floating continent with a few powerful players, and compete against Hua Yunzong with such super strength?

You should know that Hua Yunzong does not say anything else. The four elders, east, west, north, south, and north have all the strength of Dantian acupoints. However, since the disappearance of Hua Yunzong ’s teaching, the ancestors have been torn apart, and the four elders have their own politics. It is not in the Zongmen that this leads to a decline in overall strength.

"Thank you lord!" Ye Jianxing reached out to take the rune.

"Yeah!" Seeing that the rune was taken away, Yun Xuan nodded, a hint of relief appeared on Qiao's face. "The place of sacrifice is full of ancestors' spirits buried everywhere, with a very strong cold chill and Xiao killing intention, Among them, the formation is heavy, and there is a lot of resentment. There are two defensive defensive energies here. You two will use them when you enter.

Speaking of this, Yun Xuan stopped for a moment, showing a tenacious, fierce color on his face. "This thing can only succeed and not fail! You should also be able to think about the consequences of failure, and although this thing is good for Zongmen, it never succeeds again. Before, in order to prevent panic, no one should be leaked, otherwise, I will kill you directly on the charge of violating the rules! "

"Yes!" Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing stunned at the same time, nodded while receiving the air of defense.

"Well, now I will use a big method to teleport you from this place to the place of sacrifice. This is the burial place of the ancestor corpse of Fengge. After entering, go straight to the target. Do not touch other places. Otherwise, there will be endless troubles. ! "

Xi Yunxuan explained again.

"Yes!" The two nodded again.

"Okay, let's go!" Yun Xuan nodded, seeing all that was said, biting her finger and scoring in the air, a blood-red portal appeared in front of the two.

"[Blood Demon Shuttle]? Secrets of the demon sneak sneaking!" Seeing Yun Xuan's actions and the red portal appearing in front of her eyes, Nie Yun was shocked at the same time, wondering to regenerate.

The blood demon shuttle is the best mystery of the blood demon family. It uses the blood in the body to form the door of the blood demon and implements point-to-point passing. This kind of shuttle will not alarm any array method, even the demon is almost inexplicable. Not many people will. Nie Yun also killed a broken demon and searched for souls in his previous life. He never knew this thing from his mind. Why ... Yun Xuan would use it?

And it looks very skilled?

传送 This transmission will not cause changes in the place of sacrifice at all, it is truly silent!

Since Xun was in order to kill the ancestors, with such a strange method and so careful, Yun Xuan revealed questionable monsters no matter where.

However, even questioning is useless now, and Nie Yun is not Yun Xuan's opponent, so she has to take one step at a time, as long as she finds out the problem, destroys what she is going to do, and makes her plan unsuccessful, even if she succeeds.

I thought of this, Nie Yun didn't say much, looked at Ye Jianxing, nodded at the same time, and they walked towards the gate of the blood demon at the same time.


The two disappeared at the same time.

Wu Yunxuan swipes with one hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ The image that appeared in the Sword God Temple before appears again in it, which shows that Nie Yun is standing at the sacrifice place at this time, surrounded by altars and swords.

"Oh, very good, I should act, if it succeeds, Hua Yunzong is nothing! Whatever the four elders, as long as they have not reached the peak of the Dantian acupoint, they will be killed by me and the insults of that day will be washed away! "

I remembered the scene where Chiba Castle himself was held by an old alcoholic, and when he couldn't move, Yun Xuan Qiao's face became pale for a while.

出 Since her debut, she relied on the opportunity to seek the city government. She never suffered a disadvantage. She really felt that she could not help herself that day. Although the old alcoholic didn't care about it, Yun Xuan's heart had left a heavy shadow.

So, from that day on, Yun Xuan secretly vowed that she must be killed at all costs!


His teeth clenched, and Yun Xuan took a deep breath. Then Jiao twisted her body, her figure turned into a heart-shaped arc, and she entered the gate of the blood demon and disappeared.

A short time after she left, the space in the dark room "huh!" A figure suddenly appeared, turned out to be Elder Ni Xu.

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[To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 一袭 青衣 平 天下].] If you like this work, you are welcome to 打 中文 网 〓 to subscribe, reward, and your support is my greatest motivation] ◆, If you have any questions, please go to Piaoxu. If you want to join, you are welcome to join Piaoxu.

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