Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 621: drought demon

Legend has it that 魃 ① is the king of the zombie demon tribe. At least he has the strength of the Dantian acupoint. He can fly across the sky, tear the space, swallow the clouds and kill the dragon. Wherever he goes, the plague is eaten by thousands of people. All human beings will become zombies, become puppets, and continue to mutilate more people. As long as puppets have enough soul power, they can be controlled all the time!

In a short time, a city and a continent could become his huge army.

In the history of the floating heaven continent, two magpies have appeared. At that time, thousands of birds have disappeared, thousands of people have disappeared, and thousands of tens of thousands of towns have become ruins. Hundreds of millions of humans have become In order to eliminate the horrible persecution of the human beings, the eight major sects finally organized siege against them. They fought for more than three months and persecuted them into the turbulence of the void before killing them.

In the battle of the floating world, there were seven deadly masters who broke through the air, a Dantian acupoint superpower, a tens of thousands of disciples, and billions of ordinary human beings. Because of this, this kind of thing was Recorded in the most prominent position of Hua Yunzong, ranked 19th in the most evil demon ranking!

There are tens of thousands of monsters, the most famous of which is 7,000. It can stand out among many races, ranking 19th, which is terrible!

Although Nie Yun hadn't seen him in his previous life, he heard too many legends. Hua Yunzong had a detailed method of discerning such a demon, so when he felt the sleepy and awake breath of the ancient giant, he immediately understood.

Yun Xuan even ... is raising a cricket!

No wonder she asked Ying Long to send a jade card every five years and placed it on Fengge's corpse. It turned out that she used some mystery to transform this corpse from the master of the sword **** sect into a cricket. monster!

Turning into a tadpole means at least the strength of Dantian Acupoint. Let the corpse rise to strength, and also become the king of the zombie demon ... How could she be such a sinister, a mystery that the demon did not dare to use?

The rune just now is the key to activate it. Ye Jianxing didn't understand it. He just typed it in and activated this monster that everyone was afraid of!

Although vaguely felt that something was wrong before, Yun Xuan's vagueness and the fact that almost no one could think of the mighty sword-sect suzerain would be a demon. I do n’t think of this kind of monster that everyone talks about.

Because of this, it was too late to stop Ye Jianxing and hit Yun Xuan's way!

东西 This thing is going to kill when it is born. It seems that Yun Xuan asked the two to come and activate the thing, but he didn't plan to let the two go out alive. Let Ye Jianxing and himself become a zombie and a zombie!

What a vicious mind! What a deep calculation!

Two generations and Yun Xuan played against each other carefully and carefully, and finally hit the trap she designed!

"Ah ... it really turned into a zombie demon, brother Nie Yun, today you must suppress this demon, or the gate will be over ..."

Nie Yun stunned everything in an instant, while Ye Jianxing stared round. The whole body of Jian Qi is like a Tao, it seems that it is about to rush up and fight hard with this head!

"Come on, we are not our opponents. There is only one way to stay here!"

Seeing this usually very smart Ye Jianxing now looks like this. Stupid and naive, Nie Yun was going crazy, grabbed his hand and grabbed it, and fled.

Staying here is definitely a dead end. You must run away as soon as possible, and how far you can!

"You can't run away without being an opponent. Brother Nie Yun, you are not Zongmen. Leave first, I will fight to the end to defend Jiansong Zong!" Chang Xiao said as soon as Ye Jianxing's arm broke away from Nie Yun's envelope, the whole person His eyes shot firm.

"You ... didn't you see that? This head was raised by Yun Xuan. She won't let her attack the sword **** sect. We have a trace of life to escape now. If we don't, we will die!"

Nie Yun was furious with this boy's stubbornness and said quickly.

Now, although he is about to wake up, he hasn't appeared yet. If he escapes, there may still be a hint of vitality. Once he climbs out of the grave and then wants to escape, it will be difficult.

"Whether or not it was brought up by Lord Yun Xuan, this thing is very dangerous at first glance. As a disciple of the sword god, he has no obligation to protect the gate, even if he dies, he must also guard his home! Brother Nie Yun, you are not a disciple of the gate, You will understand this feeling, leave me alone, you go first! "

Ye Jianxing flung his arm again, his face resolute, and an unchangeable decision was made in his heart.

"As a disciple of Zongmen, Zongmen is in danger. If he can't be faithful, even if he survives, it will be boring and he will die!"


Hearing about the disciples of Zongmen, he regarded death as home. In order to protect Zongmen's willingness to die, Nie Yun tried to persuade him, but could not say anything.

As a disciple of the former Yunzong, he had no regrets for the death of Zongmen. Isn't it exactly the same as the stubborn boy in front of him?

People who live in the world must have missions and goals in order to live better, look farther, and cultivate higher. If they are in danger, they will know how to escape, and they will never be able to break through in terms of strength or state of mind.

After coming to the floating heaven continent, the people they met were very powerful. Nie Yun was repeatedly hunted, escaped, and even used to escape. In fact, this has created a shadow in his heart that can't escape. If this shadow cannot be eliminated, and if you renew your nirvana in the future, you will definitely not be able to overcome the heartbreak and fail to succeed!

Every time a breakthrough is reached in Tianqiao, there will be a Tianjie. At the beginning, Guangmingzi warned himself that the top ten special talents have a larger number of robberies. If the state of mind cannot be broken, it will be difficult to escape.

If the top ten special talents are not killed, but they have not survived the calamity, it will be a waste of life!

"Well, since you are here to swear to defend Sword God Sect, I will accompany you and not escape!"

Understanding this, Nie Yun yelled.

As soon as his voice fell, he felt that his thoughts were well communicated. The soul, who had reached the second level of the spiritual peak, jumped up and radiated again, even reaching the third level in an instant! Can radiate 10 million to 100 million kilometers!

The third level of the spiritual peak apex soul is only available to those who are satisfied with the peak of the virtual realm. Such soul power, although still unable to tear the space and jump through, can at least protect himself from being hurt in the turbulent void.

"You're not a disciple of the sword god, what are you doing here?"

Unexpectedly, Nie Yun would make such a decision. Ye Jianxing first felt stunned, then moved in his heart, and quickly said.

"Instead of running away, it's better to fight against the water. Even if the strength reaches the Dantian acupoint, it will definitely not play out in the sacrifice place, especially with so many formations and sword ancestor ancestors here. May not lose! "

Nie Yunlang said.

He is only in the realm now, even if the fighting power is strong and the soul is stronger again, the fighting power can only be compared with the half-buffering virtual realm, compared with the Dantian acupoint strong realm, it is still heaven and earth, not the same!

The reason why Nie Yun dared to say this is not because of arrogance, but because of the identity of the swordsman who made Wan Jian to be equal when he accepted the inheritance!

All the spirits in the sacrifice place, including the body of this puppet, are disciples of the sword **** sect. As long as they are in this identity, they will have awe of the Kendo master. If this can be used well, they may also be entangled with this puppet. Take a look without being hurt!

Besides, even if you want to escape, you cannot escape. When the two come, the blood demon cast by Yun Xuan shuttles. After the shuttle is completed, the gate of the blood demon disappears. If you want to go back, you must portray the portal. Even if you escape now, only After being able to escape for a while, I was still trapped here in the end. Rather than staying here, I would fight with the puppet and seek a glimmer of life.

"This is the sacrifice place for the ancestors. These ancestors died to kill the demon, and they will definitely bless us! Okay, fight together!" Encouraged by Nie Yun's words, Ye Jianxing felt bloody, nodded, and lingered.

"Yeah!" Nie Yun took a deep breath as he turned his wrist over the Nether Sword.

When the sword of the sword **** was interrogated before Yinglong, I felt a bit. Although I am a Kendo, but because the strength is too low, it is impossible to refine it. Taking an unrefined sword, I am afraid that it will not increase the strength but will It greatly reduced the strength, so after thinking about it, I decided to use the ghost sword.

Although the current strength still can not exert the full strength of the ghost sword, but the sword spirit Xie Zhanghuizi became, can perfectly cooperate with himself, truly fight, can make his strength reach 120%, strength Big increase.

"Where's your sword?" Taking out the ghost sword, Nie Yun looked at Ye Jianxing, only to remember that he didn't see a sword in his hand from now on.

The sword that Ye Jianxing uses is Chen Wenxu's. Although he can't keep up with the ghost sword, he is not weak. I'm afraid he is at least a superb soldier. As a disciple of the sword god, how come he encountered so many dangers and didn't take out the sword?

"My sword was taken by the suzerain ~ www.readwn.com ~ she said that she would design a set of swordsmanship specifically for me based on my sword and teach it to me!" Ye Jianxing said.

"Well, Yun Xuan took it?" Nie Yun froze, with some doubts in her heart.

Although there is a certain connection between swordsmanship and swords, it is as if using the sword of Xuanyu to cast dark power is very comfortable, but you ca n’t use the ghost sword. Why should he take his sword away?

This is weird no matter where you look at it.


However, time didn't allow Nie Yun to think carefully. Before the doubts in her heart came out, she heard a huge roar in front, a great earthquake shaking, a huge air wave sweeping away, and the Fengge Tomb not far away exploded into powder, A huge corpse, three or four meters high, slowly stood up from it, and opened his eyes slowly.

Note ①: Alas, a saying is a drought, a ghost that caused drought in the legend, the daughter of Huangdi; another saying is that after a zombie has become a demon, it becomes a zombie, and the zombie after it becomes a zombie can fly. The dragon swallows the clouds and walks like the wind. Wherever he goes, he is the king of zombies. This book borrows the second kind.

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