Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 622: Summon Sword Spirit

As soon as the corpse stood up, it breathed an ancient and distant breath, as if buried deep in the ground for hundreds of millions of years. The thick and huge sense of oppression made it difficult to breathe.

"It really is!"

I recalled Hua Yunzong's record about me in my brain. Compared with the tall corpse in front of me, it was true and not bad!

毫无 The unquestionable king of zombie monsters!

Xun Yunxuan actually made a head out!

If this 魃 can really obey her order, it can be predicted that it will definitely cause turbulence in the floating continent and set off countless **** storms.

"This is ... in the middle of Dantian Acupoint? This ..."

I was shocked, and Nie Yun looked carefully at the body in front of her, only one glance, her face suddenly changed.

Originally, he thought that even if Yun Xuan could support him, this guy might still be the pinnacle of the empty state. At the beginning of the Dantian acupoint, although he was strong, he could still restrict and counteract, but now he suddenly found that he had reached the Dantian acupoint. Mid-term realm!

The previous Nie Yun has reached this level, and he knows the horror of this strength very well, because the floating continent has not appeared in the mysterious super strong in tens of thousands of years, and the Dantian Acupoint Realm is the pinnacle of the mainland. For this kind of strength, Dan Tian self-contained acupoints, self-contained void, mana is extremely powerful, and the soul has achieved great spiritual perfection, almost impeccable!

The original self, because of having such a strength, made the monsters hate but couldn't kill them, so it cost the monsters possession at great cost, let the brothers betray, the soul appeared flawed, and killed in one fell swoop!

If these are not straightforward, then say that the current top four elders from east to west, north and south of Yunzong, although they are standing on the top of the mainland, their true strength has not yet reached the middle stage of Dantian Acupoint, at most it is only the initial stage!

The difference between the initial stage and the middle stage of accepting the virtual realm is not the same. The difference in the Dantian acupoints is even greater. In other words, even if all the four elders of Yunzong rush over, it is not enough to choke the teeth. !!

It seems that Yun Xuan's purpose of raising this head is to satisfy personal ambitions, surpass the transformation of Yunzong, and dominate the entire floating world!

"Did the seven gates of the previous life besiege the Yun Yunzong Lingxiao Peak, which caused Hua Yunzong to be completely defeated, because of this?" Nie Yun suddenly thought of the events of the previous life, and his heart was stunned.

When the previous life became famous, it was more than two hundred years later than it was now. At that time, the siege of Huayunzong by the seven gates was long over. Although it later became the supreme elder of Huayunzong, all the people involved in the battle The disappearance was impossible to investigate, and the incident became a mystery of eternity.

Is it possible that this is related to this head?


As soon as I appeared, I immediately found Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing. Elder Ni Xu ’s golden heart imagination made [Soul Soul Soldier] invisible, and I wanted to conceal him. ,Totally impossible!

"This is the top-level spirit soldier, you hold it first!"

See 魃 come over, he will always do something, Nie Yun's pupil shrinks, he takes Ye Jianxing a few steps back, enters a formation in the sacrifice place, grabs it with his big hand, and throws him a sword of superior soldier.

There are several swords in the top grade spirit soldiers in Zihuadong Mansion. Now Ye Jianxing has no sword in his hand, and his strength is greatly reduced, and there is nothing to beat.

"I'll come first!"

I knew that it was useless to be polite now. After taking the sword, Ye Jianxing screamed, and the slender figure turned into a sword, and stabbed straight ahead.

The whole person is like a shooting star, pure sword **** sect skill combined with the special atmosphere of the sacrificial place, in a blink of an eye, he cut through the space and came to 魃.

I saw Ye Jianxing's swordsmanship and Xiuwei again for a few days. Although he did not enter the real estate area to appreciate the kendo, his progress was not slower than others. It is truly a genius known as the super-double arrogant, terrible!

If Nie Yun was not a human being for two generations, the understanding and grasp of strength, plus the 20 unknown fields of the unknown method, simply can't compare with the speed of cultivation.


Although Ye Jianxing's swordsmanship has not yet reached the level of supreme swordsmanship, it is also the highest peak swordsmanship. Compared with the Fan Yun swordsmanship practiced by Nie Yun at the beginning, he saw such a mighty swordsmanship, and his stiff face revealed sarcasm. Color, body movements are not moving, let the former stab.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

With the sword of the superior soldier, combined with powerful swordsmanship, he stabbed heavily on the body of the sword, smashing hundreds of times in the same place, each breaking gold and stone, enough to allow the peak strength of the overpass realm to avoid the edge.

However, all hit on 魃 's body, not to mention injuries, not even leaving a white mark, for it, it has no effect at all.

The Zombie Demon Clan has always been known for its physical rigidity. In addition, this maggot has reached the middle stage of the Dantian acupoint. The physical rigidity is stronger than the best-quality spirit soldiers, and the top-quality spirit soldiers can't hurt at all.


Haw seemed to itch, and Haw breathed.


The top soldiers of Ye Jianxing's palm shattered like popsicles and fell to the ground into a pile of shreds.


Although his heart was extremely shocked, Nie Yun moved while Ye Jianxing's sword was broken.

He did not pierce his sword with his sword, but his eyes!

Even if the zombie demon is harder, the eyes are soft. As long as it can be stabbed, it will definitely have an effect!

However, this time there must be no slight difference in the hands, you must hit in one hit, so he immediately became popular and hit the strongest sword move currently used to assassinate!

Breaking Dust Lore Sword Art!

As soon as the powerful swordsmanship was exhibited, Nie Yun suddenly looked like a sharp arrow breaking through the air, and rushed forward like a thunderbolt. At the same time, the ghost sword with hot flames combined with the fairy sound effect of the fairy sounder, with an unstoppable power, Sick coming.


Although Nie Yun's attack was very powerful, in his eyes, he was still indistinguishable from the child's house. A funny smile flashed in his eyes, and he roared.


Before Ning came to the other side, Nie Yun felt a sudden and energetic sweep, and Ye Jianxing and "Jiao!" Flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

Although both of them now have tortoises formed by the defense division, they are still physically injured and their blood is squirting wildly.

In one breath, the top soldiers were blown, and a roar shook the two men with the tortoise shell of the defense division into serious injuries. However, I also felt that the strength of the two was too low, and I didn't kill them if I wanted to make them into a trance, otherwise, You don't even need to do it, as long as one look, the two will become human beings, and the dead can't die anymore.

Luo Dantian acupoints, flyovers ... the gap is too big, there is no comparability at all!


Injured the two of them, 魃 like injuring two insignificant ants, glanced indifferently, and walked over.

Every time I walked, there was a tremor on the ground, and the air was compressed by a powerful gas field.


Many of the ancestors of the sword **** ancestors in the sacrifice sacrifice site seemed to know that there were demon people here, and countless magnificent sword spirits burst into the air, but before they came to the sacrifice, they were grabbed by his thick palms and swallowed into the mouth.

"As soon as Yahiro comes out, it's my turn!"

Seeing this zombie demon king stepping in gradually, although Nie Yun was nervous but not afraid, he pulled Ye Jianxing back a few steps again, walking through the gap in the matrix of the sacrifice place, and at the same time, the spirit was the most powerful hole card. Yahiro Gang's body was taken out.

Nie Yun now doesn't want to kill this 魃, but wants to use the attack to figure out where the opponent's shortcomings are. Even if he can't kill, once he hits the key, he can escape for the two and bring advantages.

As soon as Mi Yahiro's corpse appeared, the unparalleled spirit stone started to run, with five fingers spread out, and a stroke of Daguiming's palm was played without any drag.


The admirer of the virtual realm was completely different from the attack of the two of them. The air in the place of sacrifice was pinched, forming a huge palm print.


He seemed to be unmindful of Ya Honggang's attack, and continued to roar. He couldn't even bother to stretch out his palm, and opened his mouth sharply.


He Yahong just made a huge palm print with infinite power and was sucked into his mouth and swallowed.

"It's strong ... it seems I can only use my Kendo identity!"

Nie Yungang's body had no effect on Nian. Nie Yun had a certain judgment on the latter's strength. He took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes.

Equally, the realm strengths are different, not to mention the Dantian acupoints! Natural strength is also different. Nie Yun had reached this state in his previous life. The nuances of this state can be seen. Although there was little confrontation just now, he already knew that this cricket strength, even in the middle stage of Dantian Acupoint Can be considered strong!

To deal with this kind of strength guys, you can't stay behind, you must come directly to the best.

Raising his hands, Kendo Dantian turned up. Sure enough, Nie Yun felt for a moment that many sword spirits in the entire sacrifice land surrendered to himself again, and thousands of long swords flew densely.

"This 魃 is a demon, as a disciple of Sword God Sect ~ www.readwn.com ~ there is no obligation to kill the demon, what are you waiting for!"

As soon as Xun's heart moved, an idea was radiated from the newly promoted soul and entered each long sword.

Although Kendo's talents can make the heroes and swordsmen of the sacrificial place surrender, they cannot order each other, because they are only Kendo masters, not master teachers.

Therefore, if Nie Yun wants to summon these swords, and at the same time to deal with 灵魂, he must communicate with the soul.


All the sword spirits in the sacrifice place seemed to "hear" his thoughts, and at the same time they beeped.



When Nie Yun used the talent of Kendo Master to communicate sword spirit, he seemed to have lost patience, his turbid eyes widened sharply, and grabbed his hands, and the formation in front of Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing was shattered.


One more time, 魃 Huge palms have appeared in front of Nie Yun, less than one meter from his face.


A **** smell pierced into the nostrils. Under the huge pressure, Nie Yun's face was pumped straight, and she was almost unconscious.

ps: I do n’t think it ’s a good time to write recently, so everyone does n’t vote monthly, um, my fault, it seems that I ca n’t catch the manuscript, think more, think more, and the climax is coming soon, I ’m afraid Bad writing, let me prepare well and give everyone a better-looking book.

无 No change at noon, updated at 7 and 12 pm. [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 缥缈 落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to Chinese website, give a reward, your support is my biggest motivation] ◆, if you have any questions Please go to Piaoxu to ask questions. If you want to join, you are welcome to join Piaoxu.

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