Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 623: Sword God's Heart

"Go, kill the demon!"

The mind communicates with the sword spirit, Kendo master Dan Tian keeps running, and Nie Yun roars in his heart. He wants these swords to fly and siege against him. However, the previous attacks may have caused the sword spirit to fear, and all of them trembled in the original earthquake. No one came forward.

Although the spirituality possessed by the spiritual soldiers will only be low, they will also avoid evil and evil, and the feeling of this puppet in front of them is too strong. Despite the call of the Kendo, they are unwilling to step forward.

"You can't count on them, you can only rely on yourself!"

I found that the sword spirits of these swords were frightening one by one. Not only did they move, Nie Yun knew how to count on them, but he did n’t know how to die. When he looked at the palms that would fall on his body, his body shook, and the whole person went backwards. After gliding for a few steps, the talent of the Earthmaster combined with the unrelenting mana, he rushed away from the frontal attack of the rush under the rapid rush.

"Dead to me!"

He avoided the attack, but Ye Jianxing, on one side, struggled to stand up, with a long roar, no sword in his hand, and a sword in his heart, the whole person was like a sharp sword with a sheath, with a forward thought, stabbed straight to the stab. past.

With no sword at all, with the initial strength of Tianqiao Realm, she rushed to the puppet with Dantian Acupoint Realm Power. No matter from which point of view, she felt that this was a death, and Ye Jianxing was a bit silly.

But he had such a belief that he would rather bend, and would rather die than step back!


With being a sword and breaking through his beliefs, Ye Jianxing seemed to realize something. His body strength in the air suddenly increased, and he made a huge breakthrough in an instant, reaching the late stage of the overpass!

The power was promoted, and it seemed that the awareness of Kendo had also deepened, and Ye Jianxing seemed to become a sword all over his body. Dazzling.


Seeing this weak guy in front of him, he had such a fierce side, and his stiff face showed a look of surprise. He ignored Nie Yun and grabbed his palm forward. She blocked Ye Jianxing's attack.



Ye Jianxing flew upside down again. This time he suffered more serious injuries. His whole body was broken in several places. His internal organs also suffered extremely serious injuries, bleeding from his mouth, nose, ears, and eyes.

魃 was raised from the body of the predecessor of Sword God Sect. At the root, it seems that he is not so disgusted with the disciples of Sword God Sect. Although this power is not small, he still stays behind and does not kill Ye Jianxing.

"You monsters must be killed. For Zongmen, there is no regret!"

Struggling to stand up again. Ye Jianxing was covered with blood, but his eyes seemed to be burning with a sense of warfare. He was even more crazy, and rushed to fit again.

"Brave, crazy, abandon all life and death! No death for sects ..."

Seeing that he would die, he didn't even step back. Nie Yunxin seemed to be hit hard, his eyes were getting brighter.

Sword, sharp and unparalleled, king of soldiers!

Sword, go forward bravely, unswervingly!

With the realization of the sword, more and more, then a loud voice like Brahma, from his throat, body. Deep in the bones, it sounds slowly.

"Knowing that you aren't the enemy, you do n’t regret your death, rather than bend, you go forward. It ’s for Kendo!"


The sound was low and slow, as if to explain the true meaning of kendo. A sword awn radiated from the head of Nie Yun. The originally slow-moving kendo Dantian suddenly changed, as if it had a qualitative leap!

Click! Click!

The kendo spirit in Kendo Dantian, accompanied by Nie Yun's understanding, turned into a long sword, pulled out from the scabbard, and instantly dazzled a dreadful, dazzling light.


"When Ye Jianxing and Wen Chao found the tomb of Fengge, they must be able to see the corpse that kept coming out. At that time, they would definitely take out the repressive runes I gave and shoot them into the cemetery! In this way, it would be complete. This is the last step of parenting and it will be fully activated from sleep! "

In the other direction of the sacrifice place, a slender figure moved forward quickly.

This figure's walking path is very weird, not a straight line, but a zigzag shape. Although the action is not slow, the whole human figure is looming in the place of sacrifice, like a living soul that is walking around like it is not. The soldiers couldn't even see her.


The figure stopped, the black hair flung backwards, revealing a stunningly beautiful appearance.

Sword God Sect Master Yun Xuan!

At this point, Yun Xuan's face was slightly red, and her eyes were irritated with excitement. Looking in the opposite direction, "魃 Once awake, it will definitely attract the attention of the entire sacrificial place. All sword spirits will focus on this. On the head of the zombie demon king, at this time, the sword god's heart will definitely reduce the defense to protect the sacrifice place of the ancestral gate. I will appear as the contemporary lord of the sword lord's sect, indicating that I will try to subdue him ... I will definitely be recognized ! "

"Recognized by the heart of the sword god, and then found the gate of the sword god, you can get the full inheritance of the ancestors. Even if you ca n’t become a swordsman, your strength will certainly advance by leaps and bounds, and at least reach the peak of breaking through the void. ! "

"And at this time, I must have made the matter big, and Supreme Elders will come over. At this time, I'm coming forward ... Hehe, I have been raised for fifty years, and I have become an obedient person who only obeys my orders. At that time, as long as you use a little tricks, others will not be able to see it. I thought it was my hard work and I was convinced! I won the approval of the sword god, received the ancestor's inheritance, and then convinced the middle ages of Dantian Acupuncture ... My reputation will peak! "

"At this time, even the Supreme Elder can't treat me, I will issue a decree against Hua Yunzong, and they certainly have no opinion ..."

"So ... the whole floating heavens will tremble under my feet ..."

With his fist clenched lightly, Yun Xuan scrutinized her plan again, almost invulnerable. Then she took a deep breath, and her body jumped a few times in a row, and came to the most central place of the sacrifice. With a big stroke, the space was broken. Open a crack.


Yun Xuan got into it.

The next moment, she appeared in a closed space. The space was not large, connected with the turbulent stream, and a huge heart in the middle jumped like alive.

Every time the heart beats, it sends out a breath of surrender to thousands of swords, representing the real kendo, which stretches across ancient and modern times.

"Yun Xuan, the 358th Sword God of the Sect of the Sect, came to meet the ancestor of the sword!"

As soon as the palm was turned over, Yun Xuan bowed to the ground, and raised the palm teaching seal with a respectful look on his pretty face.


It seemed to understand the sound, and in the beating of the heart, "a shout!", A blink of red light covered the teaching seal, and the two slowly blended together, as if there was some kind of communication.

For a moment, the red light on the palm print was slowly falling on Yun Xuan's palm again.

"Thank you, ancestor!"

After taking over the teaching instruction, Yun Xuan's face turned red, and Jiao's body twisted and stood up.

The palm teaching seal came back to her again, indicating that the ancestor's sword **** heart recognized her palm teaching status.

There are only a few dozen of the more than five hundred masters of the Sword God ancestors who can truly recognize their ancestors. This is also a great honor for Yun Xuan.

"Back to the old ancestors, you must have found that there is a zombie demon king in the sacrifice place. This guy possesses the strength of the Dantian acupoint in the middle of the realm. In order to protect the Zongmen community, don't subvert it in my hands. Yun Xuan hopes to be able to Get the ancestor's approval, find the gate of the sword god, get the inheritance, and try to subdue this head! "

Yun Xuan stood in front of her heart with her fists, showing her color of integrity, her eyes full of courage and perseverance.

噗通, 噗通!

The heart was beating slowly in the air, as if she didn't understand her, and she was thinking.

"Although Yun Xuan is a woman, she has been working hard to revitalize the Sword God Sect. Now Zongmen encounters a major disaster. The sword of the Sword God has been stolen by the wicked. The stone statue of Kendo Dantian has also disappeared. He also asked the ancestor to make a decision as soon as possible. Yun Xuan did this not for ambition and strength, but for the ancestors! "

Yun Xuan bowed again, looking reverent.


At this moment, the earth outside was trampled by a giant elephant, trembling with thunder, and then all sword spirits seemed to have discovered strange alien monsters, and fired countless swords.

These sword qi did not hurt the demon, but he swallowed it all.

These images were all mapped into the confined space by Yun Xuan by special means.

"Father, make a decision now. Stop this one soon. Your descendants and the ancestral gate you set up will be insulted!" Yun Xuan's finger was anxious, her anxious, white jade With a strong sense of compassion on his face, people couldn't help but want to take care of it.


The huge heart also seemed to feel that the crickets walking in the sacrifice place had extremely powerful strength, beating again, no longer hesitating, suddenly a roar, and once again radiated a ball of red light.

This round of red light enveloped a circular area, which almost allowed one to penetrate.

Seeing this, Yun Xuan almost jumped up in excitement, and her heart glowed red to let her go, indicating that she had received the approval of the sword god's heart and was qualified to enter the gate of the sword god!

This honor ~ www.readwn.com ~ Since the establishment of Sword God Sect, I am the first!

"Thank you, ancestor!"

With a quick fist, Yun Xuan strode toward the circular area.

Wow! jingle!

Immediately when she came to the circular area shrouded in red light, the entire place of sacrifice suddenly trembled again, a sharp and crisp sound, and all the swords around it seemed to be summoned, and at the same time, they made a jingling sound, not Stop trembling.

"Knowing that you aren't the enemy, you do n’t regret your death, rather than bend, you go forward bravely, for Kendo!"

Suddenly a sound like a Brahma sings through Yunxiao. With this voice, the heart of the beating sword **** abruptly shrinks, and the red light is retracted, and the scope of the confined space is broken out in a shock.


Disappeared in front of Yun Xuan. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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