Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 624: 3rd form

"What? Father, father ..."

Unexpectedly, only one step away from getting approval, my ancestor's heart suddenly disappeared, Yun Xuangen's hair suddenly exploded, and a panic rushed into my head, going crazy!

In order to obtain the approval of the sword **** heart, she made a decision from the moment she entered the sword **** sect. She began to lay out fifty years ago, and became indifferent for this. To this end, thousands of illusions have been made to die. The heart of the sword **** has been recognized, and the red light has been released. How can there be a change and disappear suddenly?

What exactly is that voice?

Knowing that you are not defeated, you will die without regret, rather than bend, and go forward bravely, for Kendo!

Is it for Kendo? Does anyone understand the true meaning of Kendo?

Wrong. Since the establishment of Sword God Sect for so many years, many people have come to understand Kendo, and there is no regret in death. There are no one hundred and at least eighty or ninety. Why did not change at that time, and the moment when we saw success , The heart of the sword **** suddenly left?

Sword God's heart left, even if Yun Xuan was stupid enough to understand, only one problem was explained, that is ... someone is more suitable than her for recognition. Sword God's Heart even left the special space to survive in order to recognize the other party!

The heart of the sword **** is not real life, but it is detached from the physical heart and saved by a large method. Once leaving this space, it will quickly wither and die completely.

In order to recognize this person, hesitate to die ...

Who is it?

Who is it?

Who stole what originally belonged to me! Who dares to compete with me Yun Xuan?

I have no part to count, for whom I have worked so hard!

Some tricks, some hard work, hard work, and finally. Turned out to be empty!

Yun Xuan no longer had enchanting beauty, her complexion became pale.

No, no matter who this person is, this sword god's heart, I must grab it back!

"Whoever it is. Pay the price!"


As soon as he stepped, Yun Xuan taught him to take out the seal. He opened the space with one hand and ran out straight. At this time, she didn't cover her figure and appeared. Teaching India suddenly caused the whole sacrifice to tremble and thunder and lightning.

All of a sudden, everyone knew ... Palm teaching entered the place of sacrifice!


In the depths of space and time, a huge osmanthus tree swayed and stood in the void, and its slender roots were densely stretched to nowhere and nowhere to draw energy. I can only see the space above the lush branches and leaves shattering layer by layer, exciting colors, these layers are endless, and the invisible avenue is perfectly displayed. If you often watch here, you will definitely have a new understanding of the avenue The improvement is faster.

Born osmanthus tree. One thousand years withered. Void Health Avenue, branches and leaves v. The sky!

Turns out to be a Void Sky Gui!

Void Sky Gui, in the upside down void, can resist the turbulence of the void and autonomously generate space. In this space, the leaves and trees can resist the scour of the turbulence and can automatically evolve the avenue. It is the best place for cultivation.

In this best spot, four figures sit cross-legged on a round futon under the laurel. In the same pose, but wearing different clothes, the red, yellow, blue, and black colors shine brightly under the mottled tree shadow.

It seems that they are practicing in a special matrix.

Suddenly, the light faded. The old man in red, sitting in front, slowly turned his head and sighed.

"The avenue is invisible ... Although we often watch here, we spend our time thinking about it, even using the characteristics of time and space, delaying life, forming a matrix, and comprehending nature ... It is also impossible to train power into Dantian, and understand the true meaning of Dantian Anatomy , Can't understand that level! "

In front of these figures, a long sword was inserted in front of them.

"Yeah, we have been enlightened for so many years this time, and we still haven't made any progress. Dantian Acupoints are really too difficult to achieve!"

"If it's so easy to reach, there will not be so few of the eighth strongest person in the entire secret world of the floating heavens!"

The blue and black old men also shook their heads.

"It ’s really impossible, let ’s burn [Sword of God] to find a way to summon Master Yun Yun. Master Yun Yun is so amazing that he has already reached the point of Dan Tian acupoint. If he has guidance, we will definitely be able to explore Dan Tian acupoint better. Meaning, use Dantian's power early! "

The old man in yellow.

"The sword **** ancestor of the year had only three ancestors, and he could not be burned before the death and death crisis of Zongmen. If he burned once, only to allow Master Yun Yun to preach, he would not only speak, but he would Kill us four! "

The former elder in red smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, do n’t leave any cheats, do n’t leave any cultivation methods about Dantian Acupuncture, let us realize for ourselves, the rules left by the ancestors of the sword gods, openly violated, and let Master Yun Yun come to explain, indeed court death!"

"Mr. Yun Yun ’s life span has reached more than 9,000, reaching the limit. I am now cultivating deeper in time and space, looking for breakthrough opportunities, and then disturbing him. It shouldn't be true! In fact, if we can find the Dantian acupoint of the floating heaven and earth The super strong preaching will certainly relieve some doubts! "Said the old man in red.

"The Dantian acupoints who live on the bright surface of the heavens are the strong ones in Yunzong. Do you mean to find them?" The old man in yellow clothes frowned.

"It's nothing. When the Eight Doors were just established, it was to make the entire humans in the floating continent live better and drive out the demon. The Eight Doors at that time were closely united and did not distinguish each other ... hey, who knows The demons were almost driven away. The eight ancestral gates are in power. They fight fiercely for the sake of monopoly, and secretly use their means. The current eight ancestral gates have long lost their unity! "

The old man in red shook his head, his face showing loneliness.

"Actually, these two methods don't need to be used. We have other methods to promote Dantian acupoints!" The old man in black suddenly said.

"Other methods?"

"Yes, as long as one of us is able to obtain the recognition of the sword god's heart left by the ancestors, open the gate of the sword **** to gain the ancestor's inheritance, and even directly reach the Dantian acupuncture point without even realizing the realm! At that time, again Wouldn't it be better to tell the mystery of Dantian Xueqiao? "The old man in black laughed.

"You, this method sounds simple, but it is actually the most difficult. The ancestors of the sword **** learned the heavens and the people, and arranged a large means behind the gate of the sword god, which really allows people to directly advance to the Dantian acupoint ... It ’s a pity that it would be so easy to get the approval of the sword **** heart. The sword **** sect has been established for tens of thousands of years, and no one has appeared! We haven't tried it, the ancestor's sword **** heart ignored us! "

Speaking of the heart of the sword **** in the sacrifice place, the faces of several old men all showed a bitter smile.

With the approval of the sword god's heart, you have the opportunity to enter the gate of the sword **** and get the inheritance left by the ancestors, so that you can ascend to the sky in one step and reach the Dantian acupoint ... Unfortunately, none of them have succeeded.

"The means left by the ancestors are not all successful. It is difficult to obtain the approval of the sword **** heart, and it is even more difficult to refine the sword of the sword god!"

"It ’s really difficult to do both, but if both are successful, even if you do n’t have to enter the gate of the sword god, as long as you stay in the place of sacrifice, you will be blessed by the strength of the sword **** ancestors, and you can have the strength and abilities of the Dantian cave power!"

"This is only a legend. It is hard to say whether it is true or not. Besides, this effect is only in the place of sacrifice. From this place, what strength was originally and what strength will not become your promotion. ! "

"Oh, don't we just need insights on Dantian Xueqiao? It doesn't matter if you fall back to your original strength. At least you have that kind of strength. Knowing what happened to Dantian Xueqiao, it shouldn't be difficult to get promoted!"

Speaking of Sword God's Heart and Sword God's Sword, the four elders are more helpless. How difficult it is to get recognition, it can almost be described as impossible. Sword God Sect has been established for tens of thousands of years, of which genius children, tens of thousands, There are dozens of other sword gods, and none of them can get sword sword approval!

It's too difficult, it's harder than breaking through the Dantian acupoint alone!


As the people talked, suddenly the sky in front of the sky was shaking violently, and the leaves were rattling.

"It's a place of sacrifice!" The old man in red looked at it as if he remembered something, suddenly stood up, his face was dignified. "This Void Sky Gui takes root in the place of sacrifice. Once the palm teaching fails to pass us, hold the palm teaching If it is printed in the place of worship, it will cause the osmanthus to shake! "

"Teacher what to do in the place of sacrifice at this time?"

"Even if the sacrifice wants to enter, you have to discuss with our four elders. She does n’t discuss it. Is there anything to enter privately?"

"Is that the elder Elder died in battle? Check it out! The sacrifice is the place where the ancestors of the Zongmen ancestors slept. Don't go wrong!"

When the other three old men heard the words of the old man in red, they all stood up.

Hearing his words can guess the identity, they are the Supreme Master of the Red, Yellow, Blue and Black Sword Gods.

"Okay, go back!"

The Supreme Elder nodded his head, and swiped with his hands, a dark channel appeared in the space in front of him, and the junction of the end of the channel was the sacrifice place of Sword God.


Four people entered the channel at the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~ disappeared in place.


Feeling was just a matter of a moment. Nie Yun woke up in a blink of an eye, and looked at Dan Tian, ​​the kendo in the sea of ​​energy, his eyes brightened.

At this time, Kendo Dantian became a pale cyan, and a special sword intention rose from it, radiating Qihai, shaking all its mana.

The kendo spirit derived from kendo dantian has also changed its shape. One path is like a long sword connected end to end. They form a complete kendo.

Seeing this complete kendo, Nie Yun seemed to understand what came over, and suddenly his face froze, his voice murmured.

"This is Kendo Danda ... the third form?"

ps: Just finished, a few minutes late, sorry, there will be four changes today, continue to ask for tickets! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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