Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 625: Supreme Sword Art

Although it ’s not clear what the Kendo division ’s grading is, it ’s so stupid to see Nie Yun in the body. Kendo Dantian even broke through two levels in the epiphany just now and reached the third form!

The founding master of the Sword God Sect of the year only reached this level!

With a short fist, Nie Yun felt countless swords rushing into his heart. Previously, the Supreme Sword Art, which could not be practiced because there were no cheats, also broke through the maggots in a split second and succeeded.

Four seasons swordsmanship, breaking the dust lore swordsmanship, Dabei Seven Immortal Swords, spirit rhinoceros breaking sky sword, misty thousand hand swords, heaven and earth xuanyang swordsmanship ...

The ten sets of supreme swordsmanship are constantly evolving under the operation of the spirit of the sword **** in the body. As if he has cultivated thousands of times and integrated into the soul, he cannot be familiar with it anymore.

Kendo Dantian has reached the third form, and even the best swordsmanship can create it by himself. Cultivation is naturally very simple. One idea is integrated into the soul and reaches the mind and sword mood.

In the past, I performed the Supreme Sword Technique, and I thought it was very powerful, but from the current perspective, there are many loopholes. As long as the other party uses the sword in front of himself, it will always be flawed!

This is Kendo!

Only such a swordsman is truly terrible!


A roar interrupted Nie Yun's excitement, looked up, and saw Ye Jianxing's paranoia and madness, finally angering the zombie king in front of him. The roar sounded with thick anger, and the thick fingers suddenly point to Ye Jianxing Came down.

Before the finger was far away from its body, the air in front of it burst out into a series of gas explosions, annihilating into small black holes.

The strong can break the space, the Dantian acupoint is stronger, and the space will be wiped out, let alone humans. Even if the superb spirit soldier fell into such a black hole, it would be instantly stirred into powder and completely disappear.

"Ye Jianxing is dangerous, Kendo upright, top ten swordsmanship. Lore!"

Knowing that no shot was taken at this time, even if Ye Jianxing's strength increased, he would be killed without any doubt. Without hesitation, Nie Yun screamed, and the ghost sword in his hand instantly stirred tens of thousands of times in the air. From the laser shot, the four seasons swordsmanship, breaking the dust lore swordsmanship, the Seven Swords of Great Tragedy, the rhinoceros breaking sky sword, the ethereal thousand hand swords, the heaven and earth xuanyang swordsmanship ... ten sets of supreme swordsmanship that have been integrated into the soul, suddenly all at the sword tip Released into a stream like a waterfall, rushing forward.

"This turned out to be ... the Great Sword of Desolation?"

Nie Yun was also stunned by his sword strokes. For a while, surprised.

The ten sets of Supreme Swords just played are connected end to end, one wave after another, like a huge curtain covering the wild, under the powerful sword atmosphere, the air of the sacrifice place is agitated and thick. Makes people seem to be caught in a special field!

Realm of Swords!

Can make swordsmanship appear in a unique field, and there is only one sword sect in the whole ...

No wonder no one in the past has practiced this set of swordsmanship, no one knows the practice method, and even suspects that this set of swordsmanship is incomplete and impossible to practice ... The original great swordsmanship is actually ten sets. Sword skill combined!

And you have to show it all at once, without any slugs!

Practicing a set of Supreme Sword Skills requires the consumption of one kendo qi, which is practiced into ten sets, and the kendo qi required for such a sophisticated state. No need to think it will be scary!

Such a huge consumption, not Kendo, how can it succeed?

That's it!

Understand the secret of the great swordsmanship of breaking the sky, and amazement flashed in Nie Yun's mind, without stopping in the hand. The whole person continued to rush to the past.

Supreme Sword Art is indeed more terrible than Supreme Sword Art. After seeing this kind of sword art, I know that the skill of Da Bei Qixian Sword is totally incomparable, and the two are not the same concept.

Difference between Hercules and baby.


Seeing that Nie Yun had such powerful swordsmanship with such powerful strength, his eyes seemed to show surprise, and the fingers extended forward did not shrink, and continued to click.

However, the direction this time was not Ye Jianxing, but Nie Yun's sword tip.


Supreme swordsmanship is fast, and the fingers are fast, the two of them collide with each other in the blink of an eye.

I felt that the whole body was shaken, blood splattered from Nie Yunhu's mouth, and all the bones on the right palm were shattered instantly.


The bones of Nie Yun's palm were shattered, and the momentum of the fingers spreading forward was undiminished. Immediately submerged the Supreme Sword Technique, only one moment, the mighty Super Sword Technique that transmitted the entire floating heaven continent was fragmented and re-formed The air flow disappeared.

Supreme Sword Art is great, but Nie Yun's strength is too low, let alone defeat, even a thousandth of a second can't resist!


Smashing Nie Yun's palm and Supreme Sword Art, his fingers continued to move forward, stabbing Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing's chest.

"Defend Dantian! Yahong just resist!"

When he saw his fingers tearing the world, Nie Yun drew his heart sharply, knowing that the other party was really angry, no longer like she was just now, with pure playfulness, her face changed, and her left hand would be returned. Ye Jianxing in front of himself picked it up and placed it behind him. The defensive air in his body formed the tortoise shell on the surface of the body, and at the same time released Yahong Gangyu again.


As soon as Yahong Gang was released, he also roared and blocked in front of the two. He did not hesitate to make the strongest attack.

The Supreme Masterpiece of Mi Shenzong is in the palm of his hand!

Although his attack was strong, even affecting the strong in the early days of breaking through the air, it had no effect on the slowly moving finger.


A muffled sound came out, and Da Guiming's palm was not even completely formed, and he was nodded by the crippled finger, and then continued to “wow!” And pierced Yahong's body.


Agitated with vigor, Ya Honggang's body was smashed into a pile of powder.

"My uncle ..."

Nie Yun felt a pain in his heart when he saw this puppet with high hopes. He was blasted into powder without blocking even half a move.

He is a mid-term powerhouse in Dantian Acupoints. Despite his attack, he is still shocking. Ya Honggang's strongest trick to accept the peak of the virtual reality is also ridiculous to him.

There is no way for heartache, and now it is not the time for heartache. Because of breaking through the defense line of Yahong Gang, Aya's fingers appeared again in front of Nie Yun, and gently tapped on his defender tortoise shell.

As a defensive division, he is not afraid of waste. Nie Yun put dozens of tortoise shells on his body, and each one runs. Even if the strong man wants to break open in the early days of the virtual reality, it is difficult, but ...


Did not hold on for half a breath, all tortoise shells were broken!

The uncle's fingers did not stop, and continued to move forward, as if the previous block had no effect on him.

The tortoise formed by piercing and destroying the incomparable Great Sword Art, Great Guiming Palm, Ya Honggang's corpse, and dozens of defensive atmospheres is undiminished. How powerful should it be?

"The Ghost Sword resists! Floods are boundless!"

Although he has a deep understanding of the middle stage of Dantian acupoints, Nie Yun still did not expect that this finger would have such power, even being comparable to the general late strong.

It's useless to understand. Time didn't give him any thoughts. He spit out in one breath. Nie Yun threw his hands to the face of Ningjian Sword as soon as he shook his hand.

This trick is not to hit the cymbals, but to the side of the two to help them pan in the air, hoping to avoid this unstoppable finger!


Before the Nether Sword arrived, I was struck by the strength of his body and flew into the distance. I was swayed by the sword born in this world. The speed of my advance was slowed down, and Nie Yun took advantage of this time. With the help of the flood, the two men translated more than ten centimeters, which is exactly more than ten centimeters, avoiding the vital position of the heart.


The fingers penetrated the chests of Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing. The spreading energy shot out into the distance, knocked down a series of sword sets, cut through countless layers of space, pierced a dark black hole, the energy rang, and a series of pieces shattered and disappeared. In the distance.


His chest was pierced, and Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing fell heavily to the ground, spitting blood.


With a whisper in his heart, the vitality Dantian frantically drew vitality, restoring the strength of the whole body, and at the same time healing Qi repaired himself and Ye Jianxing's injuries.

A fist-sized hole appeared in the chest, and it must have died for the average person. Fortunately, he was a therapist, and the treatment was delayed for a while, otherwise, he must have died.


Seeing that they did not kill the two with a single finger, his eyes turned red, and he took a step forward again. The air was so huge that the sky collapsed and the earth fell.

In his eyes, the two ants-like characters did not kill twice in a row, making it lose patience and concentration.

"Oh ... hmm!"

Seeing the killing in his eyes, Nie Yun knew that Xun shot again, and the two must die. In anxiety, blood spewed again.

"Ye Jianxing, you still have to enter the Zihua Cave, eh, Ye Jianxing ..."

Turning his head to look at Ye Jianxing intending to take him into Zihuadongfu for refuge, he found that he had fallen into a coma due to serious injuries.

Although the prohibition outside Zihua Dongfu is very strong, it is also laid out by the Seventh and Eighth Strongest. Even if you escape, you will not be able to avoid it for a long time ~ www.readwn.com ~ It will definitely be ripped off by the cricket!

And now that he is in a coma, his spirit cannot interact, and it is impossible to put it in!

The talent of the line master can also allow the two to get into the ground and enter into it. The other party does not need too much movement. As long as they gently step on the ground, the powerful impact force, even if they have escaped hundreds of thousands of kilometers, will not be spared!

In front of absolute strength, all special talents and all means have become a joke!


I clicked again.

"It's over, I'm afraid to die ..."

Seeing that this finger was stronger than just now, Nie Yun knew that this time it was really over.


Just then, a huge heart suddenly appeared above Nie Yun. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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