Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 626: Yun Xuan's arrival

The heart shone with bright red light, and once it appeared, it enveloped Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing.

Zizi Zizi!

As soon as the red light flashed, Nie Yun immediately felt that the kendo Dantian, who had reached the third form, began to spin slowly, and his understanding of kendo took to the next level. The serious injuries to his chest and the bones of his right hand gradually recovered, which was even better than the healing qi. Be strong!

The mood that has just reached the heart sword shortly also has the flavor of being about to break through. It seems that the highest level of life sword realm can be reached at any time!

Kendo mood is divided into: ordinary, elite, core, grandmaster, the essence of kendo (the essence of martial arts), the sword of the heart, and the sword of life!

Ordinary, elite, core, and great masters understand well. The essence of Kendo is the realm of Chen Wenxu. By training swordsmanship into his bones, the sword of heart is the realm that can be carved on the sword mark stone. There is a sword in the heart and a sword in the soul.

The fate sword is said to be equivalent to the fifth form of the Kendo division. With fate as the sword, a shot can cut off the opponent's fate, invisible to kill, and truly reach its peak.

However, Nie Yun also knows that the life sword is not so easy to reach. At the time, the ancestors of the sword **** ancestors did not reach this level, which shows the difficulty of this level!


The sudden emergence of the heart not only helped Nie Yun to treat the injury, but also blocked the power of the rush forward, and he hesitated to the blood-red eyes of the heart, and his face appeared confused. Although I do n’t know what this thing is, I felt it was a lot of oppression, I couldn't help but take a few steps back, for a while I was not chasing.

The body of this maggot is the Fengge of the Sword God Sect. The heart of the Sword God has a suppressive effect on any disciple disciple. Although Fengge has become a zombie demon, the oppression that appears in the soul makes him dare not rush. come.

Of course, this oppression time will not persist for too long, after all, the heart of the sword **** is not a living creature. It is just a special form that can be saved. It is impossible to fight and cause damage to puppets.

"Nie Yun ... this is the heart of the ancestor of the sword **** ... Although I don't know why it appeared here ... but it seems to recognize you ... Fastly merge it with your body, as long as you can ... The sword spirits of all the ancestors attacked this puppet! "

Nie Yun is wondering what this heart is. I heard Ye Jianxing on the side saying that he was weak and weak. It seemed that the red light emitted by the heart just now gave him a certain benefit. He recovered from his coma after recovering from his injury.

"The heart of the ancestors?" Nie Yun froze, although he still didn't quite understand. However, knowing that the situation was critical, once the uncle in front of him started, the two would die, and he did not hesitate at the moment, his palms were raised upwards, and he just wanted to grab the heart. When he saw the red light flash, the latter got into his body and disappeared.


At first, he looked at his chest, and when he saw this heart blinking, he merged with his own heart, making his heart beat more vigorously, every pulse. There was a scream of sword qi, as if born for the sword, lived for the sword.

The heart is integrated into the body, and the injury just recovered in a blink of an eye. The body is as perfect as ever.

"Summon the ancestor's sword spirit to attack, it will be too late ..."

I was feeling whether the integration of the heart would bring side effects. I heard Ye Jianxing's anxious voice sounded. Nie Yun looked up and saw that He came over to the two again.

The Sword God's heart suppressed it just now, and now it is fused with Nie Yun's heart. No worries, it seemed even more furious, and growled again, this time not a finger, but a huge palm flip. Heaven and earth collapsed and attacked.

"Summon ancestor sword spirit attack?"

One finger of the other side exhausted all the means, even Yahong Gang wasted, and did not block the slightest. This palm is ten times more powerful than his fingers. Nie Yun knows that he will never do anything anymore. He will definitely die. Dodge but simply not. Dodging, arms raised, Kendo Dantian running, the spirit is highly concentrated, and once again introduced the thoughts into the dense swords around.


With the turn of Kendo Dantian, the heart fused with the heart of the sword **** leaped violently. With each beating, an irresistible majesty spread. Under this majestic shock, a series of crisp sounds, distance The recent seven or eight hundred long swords flew up sharply.


Feeling that these swords obeyed his call, Nie Yun's eyes lighted up, and he pointed at the palm of his hand!


The swords left by the ancestors of seven or eight hundred handles were densely packed together. Each sword exhibited powerful sword skills, and the palms of the opponents came stabbed.

The ancestors who could be buried in the place of sacrifice had the worst strength to reach the peak of the virtual realm, and even the strongest reached the empty space like Fengge. Although people are dead, the sword spirit control sword cannot exert all its power, but Being able to play one or two of ten is very powerful, as if seven or eight hundred masters hit at the same time, the instant space is broken, and time and space are countercurrent.


Extremely strong sword qi gathered together to form a black sword, and instantly met with the palm of the hand.


The sharp blade cut the attack in half directly into half. Yu Wei continued to pierce a visible hole in his hand, exuding thick black smelly blood.

There is blood in life, and the zombie demon tribe is no exception, but their blood is not red, but black, and it is highly toxic. Although it can't catch the saliva of the demon ghost, it is more than enough to poison the overpass.


魃 I did not expect that the character just like the ants had the ability to injure it at this time, looked down at the bleeding hand, raised an unwilling roar, and his eyes became completely blood red.

This time I was really angry.

The angry maggots became stronger and stronger, reaching the strength of the Dantian acupoint in the middle of the state, rolled out, and the body did not move, the surrounding space was shattered, forming a dark round halo on its body surface.

"[Broken empty lock shape]? This ... This should be the ability that Dantian Acupuncture had in the late stage. How could this guy have it?"

When he saw this dark circle, Nie Yun's face changed.

The broken and locked shape is the strong force of Dantian acupoints, which shakes out the power of acupoints derived from Dantian and shatters all the space outside the body surface, as if a layer of dark armor was formed on the surface.

This armor is formed by broken space, so as long as an attack hits it, it will be broken up by space, and no powerful attack can hit it.

Form the broken space into a body armor. Not only requires a strong understanding of space, but also excellent control, otherwise, not only can not protect themselves, but become a trick to stab themselves. This was originally a trick that can be practiced by the strong in the later stage of Dantian Acupoint. It is no wonder that Nie Yun was surprised that only the middle-aged puppet was exhibited.


Ignoring his surprise, he punched with a punch.

This punch didn't feel like it was just now, it seemed even a little light, and there was no mana fluctuation around. But Nie Yun knew that the power of this fist was at least ten times stronger than the palm of his hand!

Because the power and speed of this punch has exceeded the tolerance of the space, it seems that there is no movement, because the speed is too fast, as long as time passes. It will definitely break like glass.

It's like taking chestnuts from the fire, it's fast and it won't be hot.

"The ancestor of the Sword God Sect, I am now, as the heir of the Sword God's heart, order you to help me kill this demon together!"

Knowing the horribleness of this trick, it must be the strongest attack of Xun, although Nie Yun was nervous but not flustered. Enormous ideas spread and instantly invaded every sword.

The soul of the sword **** is integrated into the body, and the temperament of Nie Yun's whole person has also changed. Like the ancestor of the sword **** ancestor who has been sleeping for thousands of years, his eyebrows are raised, exuding the solemn majesty that only the sword **** has.

This majesty and the stone statues in Zihuadong House complement each other, and they have deadly oppression to all disciples of the sword gods.


Under this majestic command of the sword god, more than 4,000 long swords in the entire sacrifice area were commanded at the same time, all flying over with powerful and unmatched strength.


Growled. The strength of more than 4,000 long-handled swords gathered together perfectly, and immediately greeted Fang's fists and split the past.


The attack of more than 4,000 long-swords condensed together opened up a world, and in a blink of an eye, it pierced the broken surface of the carcass. With a flutter, he split his huge fist with a sword.

"It's so strong, I'm afraid it's comparable to the peak of Dantian acupoints!"

Nie Yun originally thought that more than 4,000 swords were assembled, and it would take a while to defeat this trick. It was unexpected that he cut off the opponent's fist, his eyes brightened, and his confidence increased greatly.

The combined power of these swords definitely has the peak fighting power of Dantian Acupoints!

There is a world difference at every small level of Dantian Acupoints. There is a huge difference between the peak and the middle. If you use it well, killing this cricket will be as simple as cutting vegetables and killing melon.

"Let me die while you are sick!"

Knowing this, Nie Yun didn't hesitate, his eyes showed a ferocious color, and he closed his fingers and pointed forward again, and more than 4,000 long swords whistled and pierced his head!

As long as the head is cut off, even if this zombie demon king is strong, it will completely die!

boom! boom! boom!

I also seemed to know the danger. He took a few steps back, and his palms ushered forward. At the moment, the two major attacks collided, and the waves rolled, but it retreated as fast as the sword that didn't fly. The combined attack of more than a thousand soldiers and swords was about to cut off their heads, and suddenly an angry Jiao drink sounded in the air.

"Here is the palm teaching seal left by the ancestors, and all the sword spirits left by the younger disciples are all backed down to me!"

Immediately afterwards, a huge jade seal crossed the space and flew over it, shrouding the impenetrable momentum over the magpie.

Stopped by this momentum, all the swords called by Nie Yun seemed to meet the nemesis, and in a blink of an eye, they returned and rested quietly on the altar ~ www.readwn.com ~ no longer moving.

"Yun Xuan ..."

Nie Yun felt cold when he saw the sudden appearance of the palm teaching seal.

Yun Xuan is here!

This woman was rescued when all the swords were about to kill the cricket.

ps: Nima, your **** power failure will not be notified in advance, the five thousand character manuscript I wrote this morning, I fuck! !!

Isn't the power supply company going out of business, and power was cut off at both ends for three days!

The fire is big, the manuscript of the morning code is lost, and Lao Ya is tragically carrying the host to the Internet cafe to code, I fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

As long as the Internet cafes do not lose power, there should be a fourth update today.

Ask for a monthly pass to comfort me, I'm really furious. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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