Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 627: Master?

"If you guessed right, it should be Nie Yun. I didn't expect you to be a kendo and camouflage teacher. Good, I can't even hide it!"

Rotating in the air, a huge jade seal was dripping, and it was pinched in the palm by a white jade-like palm, accompanied by a cold and cold voice, and a graceful figure slowly emerged from the air.

Every time the figure took a step, the air made a "swish!" Sound, and the sword standing on the sword stand seemed to be suppressed by a large force. No matter how struggling it was, it was unable to move, as if it had been completely restrained.

In charge of teaching seal, the sword gods only have things, even in the place of sacrifice, they also have absolute power, representing rights, majesty, and cannot be challenged! The heart of the sword **** is only respect, awe, and authority.

"It turned out to be Yun Xuan, when was Yun Zong united with the zombie demon?"

When she saw her coming, Nie Yun exhaled a sigh of relief. Although she felt sorry for missing the killing in her heart, she could not see anything unusual in her face.

The woman's mind is too deep, and she will encounter big troubles if she is inadvertent. She must be very careful whether she speaks or behaves, otherwise she won't know if she was sold.

Every time I faced her, Nie Yun felt that she was trying and suffering. I really do n’t know what Qian Qian liked at first.

"Union? Hehe! It's just my puppet!" Yun Xuan chuckled, twirling his hair, his eyes slowly fell on Nie Yun, as if he wanted to see through his body and thoughts "You can control this Duobao sword, let all the sword spirits in the sacrificial place listen to you, presumably the heart of the sword **** has been refined! "

"Heart of the sword god?" Nie Yun pretended to look stunned. "What is the heart of the sword god? Oh, you said that heart that suddenly rushed over, do you think I want to refine it? Something unknown, I don't want it. But it has to rush over and stay away, hey, it's really uncomfortable! "

Nie Yun is not stupid, even though Yun Xuan does not have such a deep city and effort. This series of encounters, coupled with her performance, has guessed things out of nowhere, and knows what to say to make this woman angry, crazy, mad. It's impossible to pretend to be a pair. In fact, I don't want it ...

Sure enough, the voice just came down, and saw Yun Xuan's original calm complexion turned blue, and Jiao's body under her tight armour kept trembling and breathing fast. The **** fell together, and the whole person seemed to explode at any time.

No wonder she is angry, she has paid too much for the sword god's heart, Qian Huan, Chen Wenxu, Ying Long ... are all her victims!

After some hard work and hard work, I even made a wedding dress for the guy in front of me! The hatred in Yun Xuan's heart was like the surging river. It seems to clean the whole world.

If this guy is a strong Dantian acupoint, he will admit it. It is irritating that he is just an insecure ant. This kind of guy can usually kill a large piece with one finger, and now ... Not only did it undermine the heart of the recognition of the sword god, but it also pretended to be the dream of dominating the floating continent, but it also disguised itself for such a long time.

"Sovereign. This maggot is a zombie demon king and cannot stay. Once it is alive, it will definitely bring great disaster to Zongmen. Please also kill it ..."

See Yun Xuan save Xia. Ye Jianxing understood what was going on, but he was still lucky and shouted.

"No matter how difficult it is to bring a great deal to Zongmen?" With a chuckle, Yun Xuanjiao fluttered to her chest, Qian Qianyu's hand stroking her dirty hair, as if she didn't feel the other person's stinky body, and her eyes were exposed. The excitement of excitement "It can only bring more prosperity to Zongmen. The real disaster is that I should have killed you and this Nie Yun instead of keeping you alive!"

"Although He has great strength, but the appearance of him will turn countless people into zombies, and even some of the Zongmen disciples can't resist it. It is unexpected that the Sovereign Sovereign Sovereign could support this thing!"

Seeing her current movement, Nie Yun was nauseated. Regardless of previous and present life, the most hated is the demon. This head is a corpse buried thousands of years underground. The smell on her body can be imagined. Such a disgusting thing, Yun Xuan even stroked her hair, like a lover.

If you give this to a woman who knows that he likes it, will she become a demon herself ... Nie Yun's mind is not malicious.

"If you want to dominate the floating sky, some deaths are necessary and you can't bear it. It only means that you don't work hard during the practice! Even if you die, there is nothing!"

Yun Xuan snorted softly, with a meaning of indifferent to human life in his tone, and took out a jet of black elixir into the entrance with a stroke of his palm.


After eating the elixir, a lot of stinky blood flowed out of the whole body again, and the bones rang awkwardly. The fist that was originally cut off by Nie Yun actually re-grown, as before, there is no difference at all.

Each of the elixir that can renew the limbs is extremely precious, especially for those who are strong in Dantian acupoints to regenerate their fists. I am afraid this medicine has at least reached the holy product!

It is indeed the Sword God Sovereign Sovereign, so great!

"Heart of the sword god, I said it was mine a long time ago. If you refine, you are sentenced to death, but ..."

Healing the wounds on Xun's body, Yun Xuan turned around again and looked at Nie Yun, with a venomous color in his eyes: "If you now hand over the heart of the sword god, the sword of the sword **** and the statue of the stolen ancestor, I can leave you alive! "

Although the boy in front of him is full of resentment and wants to kill soon, but he is not a hot-headed person. This guy is not strong, but has countless powerful means. In addition to the master who has Dantian acupoints, even if If you want to deal with it, you have to think about it.

The Dantian Acupoint Powerful Realm is really terrible. If you are locked up in the same place as last time, that kind of humiliation can't stand it.

Although there is now a big hole card, you still have to be careful. Hua Yunzong has accumulated for so many years. The four elders are old monsters who have become famous on the mainland for many years. There is no guarantee that there is no stronger hole card!

It is for this reason that she said this only after he had cured the wounds on his uncle.

"Give up the heart of the sword god, sword of the sword god?" Hearing Yun Xuan's words, how did Nie Yun guess what she was afraid of, and her eyes turned "It's okay, but I'm afraid I'll see you again after I hand it over." There is no way for him to explain! "

"Where is your master? Let him come out, I don't believe he will let you come to the sword **** zong alone!" Yun Xuan brow.

"I also want him to come out, but it's a pity that I'm not here today. You also know that the old man is Xiao Yi, even if I can't easily find it!" Nie Yun waved his hand.

Knowing that the woman was suspicious by nature, no one believed it. She deliberately said that she could not find a master.

There is not much dialogue, but there are opportunities.

"You don't need to bluff me with these words. This is the place of worship for the sword **** sect, even if your master has no more cards, today, let me see, who can save you again!"

Hesitating for a moment, Yun Xuan finally showed a trace of embarrassment on her face. It seemed that she didn't want to endure it anymore, and turned to look at the zombie king.

Although I started, I still left the way and let my uncle take the shot. If Master Nie Yun really appeared, it would be better to take care of it.


Hearing Yun Xuan's order, his eyes turned red again.

Seeing Yun's appearance and Yun Xuan's cold expression, Nie Yun froze in his heart, knowing that the other party really wanted to kill himself, and turned to look at Ye Jianxing, "I have a safe place, you go first!"

After speaking, they did n’t wait for the other party to answer, and they were taken into Zihua Dongfu as soon as the spirit was collected.

Controlled by a deliberate woman such as Yun Xuan, the fighting power of the King of Zombies will definitely multiply several times. Ye Jianxing has already been seriously injured, so it is better to go to Zihua Dongfu first to avoid it.

After dealing with Ye Jianxing, Nie Yun secretly concentrated his mind, and once again used the swordsman Dantian and the heart of the sword **** to contact the swords left by other ancestors, the sword spirit, but found that it was like a sinking sea with no news.

"The palm teaching seal is really amazing!"

Knowing that these sword spirits must have been suppressed by Zhang Jiaoyin, he would not help himself anymore, and Nie Yun was cold.

Unexpectedly, in the confrontation between the sword god's heart and the palm teaching seal, they were even defeated by the latter!

It is no wonder that in the face of absolute power, any friendship and awe would seem to have little effect.

The only way to confront the puppet is to rely on the strength of the ancestors of the sacrificial ancestors, but now they cannot help, it means that they have lost a lot of help and can no longer compete with each other.

"Master, I'll do it first!"

Knowing that there was no other way, he no longer hesitated. Nie Yun suddenly looked in one direction, screamed loudly, turned his wrist, and Xuanyu's sword appeared in the palm of his hand, and the confrontation stabbed in the past.


Seeing his attack, I chuckled with a smile, and just wanted to kill him, but I saw a pair of black wings suddenly appeared on the young man's back. This pair of wings suddenly slammed, "Hoo!" Changed immediately. After coming to Yun Xuan in the direction, a great swordsmanship poured out like a storm!

The attack just now was a false move. The main purpose of Nie Yun was Yun Xuan. As long as he could catch her, I wouldn't be worried.

"Oh, your master? I don't think he will do anything!"

It seems to have long been known that Nie Yun will have this trick, Yun Xuan smiled slightly, his finger forward.


The supreme sword art that Nie Yun stabbed did not produce even a little gas explosion ~ www.readwn.com ~ and was imprisoned in the air together with himself.

In Sword God Sect, the power to teach the seal is greater, and it is more powerful than in Chiba City. Nie Yun cannot resist at all.


When Nie Yun was imprisoned, he couldn't move in the air, and felt that this time was really inevitable. Suddenly, an old man suddenly appeared in front of the crowd. When he stretched out a strange thing, he shot Yun Xuan and He. Stuck inside.

"Who said I wouldn't shoot?"

The voice of the old man sounded throughout the place of worship.

ps: Internet cafes are really not a place for code words. Three thousand characters have taken five hours. It is really a cup. Today's electricity has not come yet. I heard that today can't come. Depressed.

Seeing that there are four more copies of the power outage in Laoya, give a monthly pass to comfort the injured heart! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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