Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 628: Chen Wenxu's Excitement

"Broken me?"

Yun Xuan didn't expect the other party to come so fast, and her shot was fierce, and she and her uncle were trapped in it at once. With an eyebrow raised, the palm teaching seal in his hand rushed towards the barrier in front of him.


The immense power of the palm to teach the seal did not break the barrier, just let it shake, and rebounded again.

"You come!"

Seeing that his attack was fruitless, Yun Xuan turned to look at him.

The king of the zombies roared, and his thick palm slammed forward, hitting the barrier in front of him fiercely.

The attack of the powerful men in the middle stage of Dantian Acupoint Really was different. When they shot, the world changed color, there were many ghosts everywhere, and the blocked space inside the barrier issued a "squeak!" The voice of oppression seemed to break at any time.

"So strong!"

After seeing his attack at this time, Nie Yun knew how lucky he was just now.

This is probably the real strength of this maggot. It is definitely not only in the middle stage of Dantian Acupuncture, it certainly has the power of the later period!

If you just hit this trick just now, no matter how many methods you use, it will definitely turn into a meat pie. You can't die if you die.


He's attacked on the barrier. The result was the same as Yun Xuan. Although the barrier swayed violently, it still bounced back, covering the two again.

"Here are two wood chips?"

Seeing that such a powerful attack did not break the barrier, Nie Yun could clearly see the appearance of the barrier. It turned out to be two pieces of wood that looked very ordinary and slanted into the ground. It looked rough and anomalous, but blocked the space. Even if you have a puppet in the late stage of Dantian Acupoint, you can't break through.


"Who the **** are you? Pretend to be the elder of Zongmen and come to the sacrifice place of our Sword God Sect, aren't you afraid of causing Zongmen war?"

See not breaking the barrier. Yun Xuan stopped and screamed.

"Haha, stay in there for a while, I talk to my brother!"

Nie Yun is also wondering who saved him and is thinking. I heard the voice of the old man who rescued me just now, and then I felt relaxed for a while, and the power of imprisonment disappeared. I quickly turned to look at it, and my face froze.

"Elder Ni Xu?"

It wasn't anyone else who appeared. It was Ni Xu who had harmed himself and helped himself.

"What Ni Xu, this guy is here!"

"Elder Ni Xu" shook his head and flipped a figure on his wrist. "Stop!" He fell to the ground, his eyes closed, and he was in a coma. This figure is exactly the same as standing Ni Xu, but there are two Ni Xu.

In both respects, the two are exactly the same. Rao is the eye of Nie Yunling's peak, and they can't see anything wrong.

"He's Ni Xu? Then you ..." I couldn't recognize Tian Tian's eyes, but Nie Yun came up with an idea, but couldn't confirm it.

"Of course it is a thousand magic!" The elder Ni Xu flickered, and immediately turned into a little beggar. The sound also became familiar, and it was exactly when I saw Qian Huan in Aurora City.

"It's really you ..." Although he had guessed it, "Ni Xu" in front of him admits that Nie Yun could not help but look upset and excited.

Isn't Sword God Sect his sad place? Isn't Yun Xuan his old lover? How did he know he was here? Yun Xuan didn't recognize who he was, how could he tell? Isn't Qianqiang's strength not strong? How can you trap Yun and Xuan in the middle of Dantian Acupuncture ...

There are too many doubts in Nie Yun's heart, and I do n’t know where to ask. Qianhuan feels too mysterious. Even as his best friend, there are too many.

"This is not the time to say these things. The two of them are only temporarily trapped by me. Once they come out, we can't stop them as well. You still let Ye Jianxing out!"

Seeing his expression, Qian Huan seemed to know what he wanted to ask. He turned to look at the figure trapped in the wood piece, shook his head slightly, and said quickly.

"Release Ye Jianxing? What's wrong?" Nie Yun froze, but did not slow down, and released Ye Jianxing from Zihua Dongfu as soon as the spirit moved.

"Nie Yun ..."

As soon as he came out, Ye Jianxing was bewildered by the sight in front of him. He couldn't figure out what was going on. Isn't Yun Xuan going to do a dozen breaths? How did it become this picture in a flash?

"This is my good friend Qian Huan, you know, he is looking for you!" Nie Yun pointed his finger at Qian Huan.

Ye Jianxing had previously talked about the thousand fantasy in the sword hall, knowing that this **** steals, even in the sword **** sect, knows more than himself, so I do n’t need to introduce it in detail.

"Predecessor of Qianxian? You find me ..." After hearing the introduction, Ye Jianxing turned his head to look at Qianxian, his eyes brightened.

It was learned from the uncle Chen Wenxu that the world ’s first **** stole many things. Ye Jianxing was full of curiosity from childhood to childhood. When he saw a real person for the first time, he was inexpressible.

"Oh, it's not me who is looking for you, but he is looking for you!" Seeing his appearance, Qianqiang shook his head helplessly, his wrists flipped, and a yellow oil lamp appeared in front of the two.

Gathering Light!

The soul-gathering lamp was in his hands!

"come out!"

The palm of the hand grabbed the oil lamp, and the dim yellow flames burst out, and an unruly back appeared in the light.

As soon as the back appeared, he carried a strong sword spirit, upright and bright, and Yun Xuan's feminine feeling, completely different.

"Heart sword realm?"

As soon as his heart moved, Nie Yun knew that this figure, like himself, had reached the realm of mind and sword, and even had a lower understanding of this realm than himself.


The figure turned around.

"Uncle Wenxu? You ... You're not dead?" Looking at the figure's face, Ye Jianxing stiffened and his eyes became red.

Ye Jianxing has been following Uncle Wen Xu since entering the Sword God Sect, and has been with him for many years. He has extremely deep feelings. Yaoluo Ningyu knows that he is already in a trance, and has no chance of meeting again in this life. He never expected to meet again here.

"Senior Chen Wenxu?"

Nie Yun was also shocked. He absorbed the essence of the opponent ’s martial arts, knew the features of Chen Wenxu's looks and temperament, and once disguised himself as a pair of swordsmanship exercises. Recognize it.

"Jian Xing, I didn't expect to see you again. It seems that God is not thin to me!" Seeing this most beloved teacher and nephew, Chen Wenxu's eyes were also red, and he looked up at Yun Xuan trapped in the wood piece. Shaking his head, "It's not the time to tell the old. When you first entered the ancestral gate, I saw that you are an excellent seed for practicing swordsmanship. Through teaching, and just as I imagined, you have a great understanding of swordsmanship. So I think ... "

Chen Wenxu spoke very quickly. Speaking of this, she wanted to continue speaking. Suddenly, when her eyes fell on Nie Yun, she stopped speaking, and her surprised face turned red. "You, you ..."

"I'm sorry for the seniors. Ye Jianxing and I saw the skeletons of the seniors in the demon psychedelic sphere of Tianyou Valley. They thought that the seniors had died, so they deliberately absorbed the bones of the seniors' martial arts ..."

The essence of martial arts was cultivated by Chen Wenxu, and he could definitely recognize it at a glance. Nie Yun saw his expression, thinking that the other party was a little angry at his rudeness, and he did not deny it at the moment, his face flushed.

Absorbed what people have cultivated for many years, and now the host is here and feels uncomfortable.

"Not the essence of martial arts, but ... are you refining the heart of the sword god?" Chen Wenxu interrupted Nie Yun's words, his eyes widened, and his face was surprised. "You ... you are a kendo master, and your kendo talent opens to Is the third form? "

"Yes!" Nie Yun did not expect that the other party did not care about the essence of martial arts. Instead, he asked the heart of the sword **** and Kendo Dantian. He did not deny it at the moment and nodded.

Although I saw Chen Wenxu for the first time, I was very relieved about his character after having felt the essence of his martial arts.

"Thousands of fantasy, you haven't told me that your brother is a kendo prince? And also a kendo mentor whose kendo talent is turned into the third form? I didn't have to look for others if I knew this, and I worry about it for so long time……"

Seeing the young man confessed, Chen Wenxu seemed unable to curb his inner excitement and turned to look at Qian Huan.

"Uh ... my brother is more mysterious than me and doesn't know his special talents ..." Qian Huan glanced at Nie Yun and shook his head helplessly.

They all say that they are mysterious. Compared with the brother in front of them, they are nothing. They have met him before and have never found that he has the talent of Kendo. Now when I see them, I have not only got them, but also opened to the third form. I do n’t know. How many secrets does this guy have ...

If Nie Yun knew Qian Qian's thoughts, he would have to cry and laugh. When you saw me last time, I did not have the talent of kendo ...

However, even if he has a good relationship with Qianhuan, and believes in him, Nie Yun will not tell what the unknown method can open Dantian. This has become his biggest secret and will never be with anyone. share it.

"Ha ha, the talent of Kendo Master, Kendo Dantian opened to the third form, and received the recognition of the ancestor's heart, you are more suitable than Ye Jianxing, more hopeful than him, the sword **** sect has been saved!" Chen Wenxu was emotional, a little tone Chaos is like madness, with tears in his eyes. "Even if I die, I won't be a sinner in Zongmen!"

"This ... Uncle Wen Xu, what is going on?"

Not only did Nie Yunyue listen more and more confused ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even Ye Jianxing was a little bit unconscious, what is more suitable than me, what is the perfect seedling for the sword ... Why are these words uttered in a whisper and a mess? ?

In his impression, the uncle Chen Wenxu was a calm, elegant person. Why is his uncle today completely different from the usual?

"It's like this ..."

When Chen Wenxu wanted to speak, he suddenly heard a trembling on the ground. The air flow around him slammed violently.

"Well, they're out of sleep!"

Next, Nie Yun heard Qian Huan anxiously shout, turned around and saw the two pieces of wood stuck in the ground trapping Yun Xuan, and flew backwards under the impact of a huge force.


Yun Xuan and Xun broke through the space and appeared in front of everyone. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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