Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 629: Lover meet

Yun Xuan was trapped just now, and Qian Huan did not take everyone away for three main reasons.

First, I am a strong man in Dantian acupoints. He can tear the space and jump. Even if he flees far away now, the other party can catch up with only one thought. It does n’t make sense to escape.

Secondly, the wood chips that trapped the two were not a thousand magical treasures, but the treasures that he had borrowed and could trap the powerful men in Dantian acupoints. The value was so great that it was difficult to estimate with words and it was impossible to throw them. Off.

Thirdly, whether it is Xun or Yun Xuan, now it has become the tumor of Zongmen. If it is not resolved, the sword **** sect has established a reputation for tens of thousands of years. I am afraid that it will be ruined because of the zombie king who raised Xun.

For these three reasons, the crowd did not leave directly, and the power of the wood chips was infinite. Even Qianqian thought that they could trap the two for at least ten minutes. This time could allow Chen Wenxu to say the countermeasures, and then implement the following Steps, I didn't expect to be out of trouble in less than three minutes!

"In the place of sacrifice, Yun Xuan used the teaching seal of the palm and borrowed the words of the ancestors' spirits. The real strength is better than the cricket. The wood chips can trap them for three minutes!"

Nie Yun knew very well the borrowing of the power of the ancestors' spirits and sword spirits. By virtue of the sword god's heart, Nie Yun could defeat the guy with the strength comparable to the later stage of Dantian Acupuncture, not to mention the one with the teaching seal Yun Xuan is here!

No wonder that the lord who has the seal of teaching is invincible in his ancestors. Now it seems that it is.

"Hum, just didn't run away, it's too late now!"

Out of the wood chip barrier, Yun Xuan screamed for a long time, and the sound shook through the ages. His teaching seal suddenly made a stroke, matching the strength of the cricket. The space around the crowd "cracked!" Collapsed, and the place where it was located was divided out separately, like a closed space, there is no possibility of escape.


Trapped the crowd, Yun Xuan then slumped before the crowd. His eyes narrowed and he looked at the boy in front.

"Thousands of fantasy, I didn't expect you to dare to come, but did not kill you last time, only to cause these troubles today, hum, this time I see how you escape!"

She is not the same as Chihiro. Not only is there no trace of nostalgia, the words are actually indifferent to kill, and it's cold in my ears.

Unexpectedly, the old lover 70 years ago, the first sentence after the meeting turned out to be this, the elegant look on Qian Huan's face disappeared, and he wanted to say something. After opening his mouth for a long time, he didn't say a word, his face was more lost and uncomfortable.

In memory, how simple Yun Xuan was when he fell in love with him. For her sake, she would rather die a hundred times, and now she is gone.

"Pretend to be Elder Ni Xu. Do you think Chen Wenxu can be saved by stealing the gathering light while I'm not prepared? Haha, ridiculous, none of you can escape today, you must die for me!"

Yun Xuan looked coldly at Chen Wenxu in the Soul Gathering Lamp, and the surrounding Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing had indifferent and ruthless voices. It seemed that only by killing all of them could they feel some hatred.

"You ... Yun Xuan, how did you become like this?"

Hearing Yun Xuan's words, Qian Huan was not afraid. Instead, there was a thick loss in his eyes.

"I have always been like this, but it was just to use you!" Yun Xuan waved her hand and didn't care.

Dividing the space out, Yun Xuan is not afraid of everyone escaping, plus whether it is Qian Fantasy or Chen Wenxu. Both have important meanings to her, so I don't mind talking to them more.

"Using me ..." She had already guessed the ending, and she heard her own confession, Qianhuan still looked lonely.

"Vicious woman, even love can be used as a bargaining chip! Also, Yun Xuan, I didn't expect you to know how to raise a puppet, and started planning as early as decades ago, but it is still everywhere on the bright side. Asking me to relax my vigilance is really good intention! "

Chen Wenxu seemed to see the entanglement and sadness in his friend's thousand fantasy hearts, shook his head, looked up at Yun Xuan, and spoke indifferently.

When he was young, he had a strong interest in the demon world. He had entered the world of the demon several times by himself, and the method of nurturing him was also obtained by accident in the world of the demon.

This method is the top secret even in the demon tribe. After it was found, it was hunted down and seriously injured. He was rescued by Xie Zhanghuizi, and this was the moment of deep love.

Later, when he returned to Zongmen, Chen Wenxu reported the incident to the teacher in charge at that time. Yun Xuan did not know how to hear it. He always wanted this method of nurturing the uncle, and he knew it was hurting and secretly hidden. When I got up, I kept it secret. I thought it was well hidden, but I didn't expect that Yun Xuan had learned about the maintenance method decades ago, and had already implemented it!

It ’s ridiculous that I ’ve been getting a way to support her, but I ’ve been forbearing. She continued to ask on the surface, but she secretly started to support her.

"Oh, how can you relax your vigilance if you are not forced like this? Without asking you these questions, how can you make you obey the path of the gate of the sword god?" Speaking of this matter, Yun Xuan seemed very proud and chuckled. The corner of his mouth raised.

"You forced me to ask, nothing, let me not recognize, but also recognize, but I just do not understand, how you get the way to raise your uncle!" Chen Wenxu looked puzzled.

This matter has always puzzled him, and how to raise him. After he got it, he kept it close to his body and did not give it to Zongmen. How did Yun Xuan know?

"Hey, I blame me, Brother Wen Xu. It was my fascination at the time. I stole your stuff and made a fake one again ... everything today is the bitter fruit of my brew!"

Before Yun Xuan answered, he heard Qian Qian on the side and sighed. I saw him at this time, with a sense of remorse on his face, and seemed to be sad about the past.

"You stole it? Make a new one?" Chen Wenxu took a moment to understand.

That ’s right, even if the protection is good, what secret is there in the world where the first **** steals?

Thousands of magic stealing technology, not to mention extinct ancient and modern, is definitely the first person in the world, at that time he listened to everything Yun Xuan, stealing and copying a copy, it is not difficult.

"So it is!" As soon as these thoughts turned in his mind, Chen Wenxu understood all of them, shaking his head with a grin.

Thousands of fantasy stole their own things, let go of thousands of fantasy themselves, and now thousands of fantasy come to save themselves again, the two of them want to crack the method ... hey, it is really complicated and messy.

What kind of cause, what kind of effect, Tiandao Zhaozhao, cause and effect cycle, retribution unhappy, not bad!

"It's too late to understand these, and today I will send you on the road together to die in the hands of the future No. 1 hegemon of Futian Continent. You are also considered Guangzong Yaozu!"

With a cold hum, Yun Xuanyu raised her hand and shot at the same time with Xun.


The two masters started to work together, and the entire sacrifice area was rendered by mana. Everyone saw a black hole like a mountain peak sweeping through the heavens and the earth, and it seemed to swallow them all.

"Ah, Yun Xuan, you couldn't kill me at the beginning, now it's even more impossible!"

Seeing such a huge attack in front of him, Nie Yun and Chen Wenxu both changed their faces slightly. The only thing that did not change was Qian Huan. I saw his helpless shaking of his head and suddenly grabbed the palm of his hand. The two wood chips that had trapped Yun Xuan again Fly to the palm of your hand and throw it up.


The wood pieces grew long when they saw the wind, and they were 70 to 80 meters high in an instant. They were like two huge portals that shook the storm outside.

"Come on again? How long can you stop it!"

Yun Xuan outside saw Qian Xian throw the wood chip again, his face became gloomy and growled wildly.

These two pieces of wood look not like spirit soldiers, nor are they innate spiritual treasures. They haven't even been refined. Why do they have such power?

Rao is her knowledgeable and confused.

However, even if she didn't know it, after the attack just now, she knew that as long as she attacked with all her strength, this thing would be broken for up to three minutes. Even if she could protect them, she wouldn't be able to protect it for long.

Ignoring the angry Yun Xuan, Qian Huan quickly turned to look at Chen Wenxu.

"Brother Wen Xu, you said that there is a way to solve this problem, hurry up, as long as I can resolutely drop the problem, I will be able to ensure that everyone escapes here safely and securely, even if Xuan wants to chase, he can't catch up! "

Qian Huan said that she ran away, with a strong self-confidence in her eyes. When she saw the wood piece standing in front of her, her face was worried again. "This thing can only stop them for three minutes, and it will appear cracks after being used three times, completely scrapped. , Now it has been twice, if there is a way, also as soon as possible! "

"Huh!" Chen Wenxu nodded, knowing that the matter was urgent and his face was dignified.

"My method is very simple. I just use the peculiarity of the sacrificial land to kill the puppets directly!"

"Using the sacrifice place to kill the puppet?" Everyone was a puppet, but they also knew that the situation was critical at this time, so they couldn't ask more. They all calmed down and listened to him continue.

"The place of worship of the Sword God Sect is where the heroes of the ancestors of Zongmen rested ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even the true sword **** of the ancestors rested here for tens of thousands of years, and they have their own mission and Spirituality! "Chen Wenxu said. "The whole sacrifice place has its own spirituality?" Not only were others surprised this time, but even Nie Yun's eyes were wide and it was hard to believe.

Although this sacrifice place hasn't figured out where it stands in the Sword God Sect, but according to the direction of the time of coming, it should be built in the chaos of time and space. Such a huge area should have unique spirituality. ……how is this possible?

"Don't believe it, this spirituality was given by the ancestor of the sword god, and it is said that as long as you can obtain spiritual recognition, you will immediately have the peak of the Dantian Acupoint Realm in the place of sacrifice.

Speaking of this, Chen Wenxu turned his head to look at Nie Yun, his eyes exhilarated, and the uncontrollable joy was deafening.

"And you ... are eligible for spiritual recognition!"

ps: Khan, don't want to have a monthly pass for each chapter, but it's almost the end of the month, and the great gods are starting to work hard, asking my friends to help me, thank you! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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