Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 632: Kneel down

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The previous two chapters, namely Chapters 630 and 631, you think that writing that Ye Jianxing is not good, a bit of an idiot. Laoya revised it once, and it has been modified. You do n’t need to subscribe again. Please revisit and bring it to everyone. Sorry for the inconvenience!

In fact, Ye Jianxing that I originally designed is a genius. Everyone also knows that geniuses with high IQs are generally idiots. They do n’t deal with people. They will be furious when talking to them. In fact, I designed this role. It would be more factual to speak that way.

High IQ and low EQ. If IQ is high and EQ is high, then it is the protagonist.

I think Ye Jianxing talked to his uncle like that, and he did n’t see it as a failure. It only shows that you have never seen a guy with a high IQ and a low EQ. After you really see it, you will find them ... .

Of course, since you do n’t accept it, Laoya will change it. Although it is the same as rewriting, Laoya will work hard. If you have any comments, please mention it. I will accept the good work, and strive to write the book as much as possible. Thank you again. support!


"What method did she use to attack it, can you recognize it?"

Although the matter of thanking Zhang Huizi had dealt a heavy blow to Chen Wenxu, he was a cultivator with firm soul after all. At this time, in a critical situation, he immediately sobered up and asked Nie Yun.

"It seems like ... [Sword Spirit Raises a Child]!" Nie Yun thought for a moment, and said.

Sword Spirit Breeding is to put evil Soul into the Sword Spirit, kill the original Soul Spirit, use the way to raise the fetus to seize the house, and re-cultivate the Sword Spirit to adapt to your own, once the poison fetus develops. It is tantamount to successfully completing the seizure and completely refining this sword of the sword god!

This kind of fertility is very similar to the original spirit of the blood spirit. No one can refine!

"Sword spirit raises her baby ... so vicious trick, she dared to do such a thing to the sword left by her ancestor ..." After hearing Nie Yun's judgment, Chen Wenxu's face became extremely ugly, and the whole person seemed old for a moment. For decades.

The sword spirit raises the fetus. This is the method that the demon talents will use. Chen Wenxu never dreamed that the divine sword **** suzerain would do such a thing!

Click! Click! Click!

Time does not allow to continue to be surprised and imagined. The wood pieces seemed to be at the last moment, they couldn't hold it anymore, and made a sound of collapse and decay, like the murmur of sounds from the depths of hell, making the four faces change at the same time.

"It's too late, and the sword of the sword **** must be refined immediately!"

It seemed as if the wood chips had reached the final silence. Chen Wenxu's complexion was blue.

"Yun Xuan has exhibited her sword spirit for at least fifty years. The sword spirit of the original sword **** sword may have died long ago and no longer exists. Even the Kendo master cannot be refined immediately!"

Qian Huan's fingers were pinching her hair and her face was sad.

To say who knows Yun Xuan best in the world, he must be the first.

Yun Xuan dare to even raise the body of Fengge's ancestor, what else did he dare not do? This sword spirit raises a fetus, too!

She must know that it is impossible to obtain the approval of the sword **** and sword spirit by virtue of her real ability, so she came up with this trick. Kill the sword spirit poison with your own!

Once the poisonous tyre is successfully developed, this sword will become her private product like the sword of hard work and sacrifice, exerting more than ordinary combat power!

What a vicious mind, what a vicious person!

Others respect the ancestor's things to the utmost, but she doesn't take it seriously, even dare to do such a thing, how ruthless!

"It is impossible for the sword spirit to raise a fetus except for the one who raises the fetus. It is no longer possible to refining the sword of the sword god. Brother Wen Xu, is there any other method that can be recognized by the place of worship? "

Exhale. Qian Qian asked.

"No, there is only one way! To get the recognition of the sacrifice place, there is only one way to get the recognition of the sword **** heart and the sword **** sword at the same time, there is no second way!" Chen Wenxu shook his head.

"It's over, it seems we're dead ..." After hearing the conversation between the two, Ye Jianxing and Nie Yun understood it, looked at each other, and couldn't help shaking their heads.

If you cannot refine the sword of the sword god, it means that one of the hard conditions is missing, and then it is impossible to get the recognition of the sacrificial place!

"Don't despair, although there is no second way to go, but I still have a way to make Nie Yun refining the sword of the sword god!" When the despair was exposed on the faces of everyone, suddenly Chen Wenxu made it A certain decision, unshakable firmness on his face.

"It is impossible for the sword spirit to raise the fetus to be refined by outsiders ... Do you think ..." Qian Huan also knew very well the method of sword spirit raising the fetus. He shook his head and suddenly thought of something, his face became ugly. .

"Yes, now there is only this way to go, Nie Yun, come here!" Chen Wenxu looked at Nie Yun.

"Huh?" Hearing the conversation between the two, Nie Yun was a little confused, and Jian Ling also knew his previous life. This is indeed a method of extinction. Except for the person who raises the child, no one can refine it. Chen Wenxu has a way ,how can that be?

"Nie Yun, I hope that after you refine the sword of the sword god, you can treat it well. It is the sword of the sword **** ancestor. I don't want to be humiliated!"

The tension on Chen Wenxu's face disappeared, and he even forgot to thank Zhang Huizi's death. He quietly looked at Nie Yun and said blandly.

"Relax, senior Wen Xu, I have the sword god's heart left by the ancestor of the sword **** in my body, and I will definitely treat the sword of the sword **** ..." , And then answered a sentence, before the words were finished, I also understood, his face changed "Wen Xu Xu, don't ..."

"Hehe, life is gathering and scattered, and being with Keiko forever is my biggest wish. Now that my wish is about to be completed, you should bless me!"

Chen Wenxu seemed to know what Nie Yun wanted to say, and smiled.

Click! Click! Click! Click!

At this moment, a sound of devastation came, and the wood chips finally couldn't bear the opponent's strong attack power and completely collapsed.

"Nie Yun, grasp the sword of the sword god, and run the heart of the sword god, I am here!"

Hear this voice. Chen Wenxu knew that if he didn't have time to say more, a quick shout, his body suddenly rushed out of the soul lamp. Go straight into the sword of the sword god!

The soul can come out in the soul-gathering lamp. Once it comes out, the soul will fly away. With the determination of dying, Chen Wenxu plunged into the sword of the sword god, and even Xie Zhanghuizi chose the same path. Willing to turn into a sword spirit, guard forever, live and die!


As soon as his soul rushed into the sword of the sword god, the entire sword suddenly trembled, and for a short time, the tremor ended. The sword of the sword **** once again exudes a warm light, the breath rushes towards the sky.

Nie Yun held the long sword at this time, and felt a taste connected with the blood ... The sword of the sword **** has been thoroughly refined!

Coo coo!

When the sword of the sword **** was refined, Nie Yun felt that his thinking was immediately pulled by a huge soul body, and a powerful force of great shore fell instantly from the sky. Surround him completely.

The bridge to communicate this power is the heart of the sword god!


Under the shroud of strength, Nie Yun's body released a dazzling golden light, and the whole person looked like a round egg, completely covering it.

"Haha, where do you run away ... what? Who is getting the recognition of the sacrifice place? Nie Yun, I won't let you succeed, give me death!"

Yun Xuan outside the wood piece finally broke open, and rushed in with a big laugh, but before the joy was over, I saw everyone covered in golden light. The pupil shrank, remembering the legend of Zongmen, showing a hint of madness, a jade hand raised, and the palm teaching seal attacked Jin Guang in the past!


As soon as the palm teaching seal appeared, it had the power to crush everything. The space that penetrated the imaginary and the real, slammed into the ground with the force of the mountains falling.


However, such a powerful palm teaching seal, before coming to Jin Guang, was blocked by a gentle force, and then a sound of wings knocked out, "Oh!"


Unexpectedly, Zhang Jiaoyin not only did not attack, but also flew up. Yun Xuan's face changed, and her palms hurriedly raised to try to block, but the latter was faster than her response. Chest!


A bite of blood spurted out, and Yun Xuan flew out, hitting him heavily on a sword stand, smashing it, turning pale and seriously injured.


"That's great? This is the power recognized by the place of worship?"

Qian Qian and Ye Jianxing on one side saw such a scene and were also startled at the same time.

If Yun Xuan had not attacked Nie Yun in a hurry but attacked both of them, I am afraid that the two of them would have become meat pie long ago, and they could not die anymore. Scary enough.

"It's impossible ... how can it block the power of the teaching seal ..."

Struggling to stand up and swallow a panacea, Yun Xuan growled angrily, his face ugly.

For a long time, the palm teaching seal was invincible as long as it was within the area of ​​Zongmen. How could she never imagine that a golden ring on Nie Yun's body could knock it off and hurt it so thoroughly.

"Unbelief can't kill you!"

Taking off the palm teaching seal, Yun Xuan's heart was fierce, and an extra slender sword was added to the palm. With a shout, it turned into a series of sword shadows, as if she had thousands of arms in an instant, and stabbed at the golden light like a rainstorm. Come.

Supreme Sword Art, Ethereal Thousand Hands Sword!

At first, she got the nickname "Thousand-Handed Sword" because of this set of swordsmanship.



Jian Mang hadn't stabbed Jin Guang yet, and felt a powerful attack again, going faster and coming back faster.

This time is the same as just now, it seems like how much power is exerted on the golden light, how much power is returned to himself! With a sweet throat, Yun Xuan's blood spurted again.

Jin Guang's strength has exceeded her imagination, and she is not capable of resisting it now.

"Can't kill Nie Yun, I'll kill you first, I see how he can save!"

Struggling to stand up again, Yun Xuan looked pale, took a deep breath, taught the seal to bless the power, stepped on the ground, and stabbed again. The goal this time was no longer Nie Yun, but Chihiro and Ye Jianxing!

At this shot, the sword technique shot out four seasons swordsmanship, breaking the dust lore swordsmanship, Dabei Seven Immortal Swords, Spirit Rhino Breaking Heavenly Sword, Ethereal Thousand Swords, Tiandi Xuanyang Swordsmanship ... Many swordsmanships connected end to end, and became a huge curtain.

It is actually the great swordsmanship of Desolation!

Although she is not a swordsman ~ www.readwn.com ~, she is extremely deep, and with the power of teaching her, the Great Sword Art of Destruction is at least a hundred times stronger than that of Nie Yun. As soon as the sword appears, the space becomes It was torn into pieces.


Qian Huan and Ye Jianxing changed their faces at the same time and wanted to run away, but felt that their bodies were ravaged by space and could no longer escape.

Yun Xuan ’s strength is more than two people. In addition, she has blessed the power of teaching and imprinting and performed the Supreme Sword Technique. It is conceivable that as long as they are swept by the sword, they will die!

"It's over ..."

Just when they felt that they would die this time, they suddenly heard a faint sound throughout the place of worship.

"Kill them? I think you'll die first!"

When I looked up, I saw Yun Xuan's extremely powerful great swordsmanship. He was pinched at his fingertips by **** of a teenager, as if he was pinching a seven-inch snake. No matter how he struggled, it had no effect. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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