Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 633: Kneel down


"Supreme Great Sword Art is pinched by two fingers?"

Qian Qianhuan and Ye Jianxing twitched in shock at the same time, speechless.

The attacks by the Supreme Sword Art are all formed by sword air. Like airflow, there is no specific form. In this case, it is frightening to just block it, and you can pinch it to prevent the attack from breaking. What is this strength? What means?

"I thought ... even if he accepted the sacrifice place and reached the peak of the Dantian acupoint, he couldn't control this power perfectly. Now it seems that he has more control than 魃, what is going on? ? "

I watched the young man in the air not swaying up and down in his whole body, ordinary, just like an ordinary person, the color of surprise on Qian Qian's face grew stronger and stronger, until he couldn't believe it.

Dantian acupoints, the peak fighting power of the mainland, a person of this strength will cause great damage every move. According to common sense, Nie Yun uses the power of the sacrifice place to advance to this state. It should not be able to control the power in the body. The power is splashing, but what I see now is that not only does the power control not radiate to the outside, but also the grasp of the battle, it is not bad, as if he is in this state, it is incredible!

It seems like ... this friend, he is getting harder and harder to understand!

"Is this the ability of Kendo's third form? The control of power is more subtle and stronger?"

Ye Jianxing murmured to one side of the cricket.

Nie Yun's strength, in the late stage of the field, is a fact everyone knows. Such a low strength can completely control the power of Dantian Acupuncture, and only one explanation is that of Kendo.

"Impossible! I hold the palm to teach the seal, and my strength is no less than 魃, how can you block me!"

Xu Qianhuan and Ye Jianxing were surprised. Yun Xuan was panicked, her face paled, as if she saw a monster.

What kind of strength is this?

"Although the land of sacrifice can increase your strength, it is not something you have cultivated by yourself. After all, it is not certain who will die, oh, attack!"

His teeth clenched, his eyes flashed with a cold indifference. Suddenly, as soon as the long sword in Yun Xuan's hand lifted, he separated from the Supreme Sword Technique, and the blade turned, piercing Nie Yun's chest.


At the same time, 魃 also whistled, stepping on the thick soles of his feet, one point of his hands, and an extremely powerful wave of waves also surged.

Xun and Yun Xuan just surrounded Nie Yun, and the two attacks coordinated seamlessly, making him bothersome.


His face remained unchanged, Nie Yun snorted, his body slipped around, and suddenly disappeared from the place.


Startled, Yun Xuan hadn't responded yet, and felt a hot giant * attack behind her, heading straight to the back of her heart.

"How could he be so clever in martial arts!"

Feeling the heat behind her, her skin was about to crack, Yun Xuan just felt cold in her heart, and a thick fear slowly rose from the bottom of her heart.

Recognized by the place of sacrifice, the strength suddenly increases. This situation is similar to the empowerment, that is, the weak person has a very strong power. In this case, the power is

It has increased, but there must be no changes in knowledge, body style, and martial arts. It is not a concern. Just as a baby suddenly has the strength of a martial arts master, even if the strength is similar, he must not beat the martial arts master!

Why can't I see this in the teenager?

This sudden disappearance and the body stature that appeared behind me, and practiced for decades, integrated into life, what is going on?

"Teach the power of India to adjust the power, stop!"

I was cold in my heart, but I didn't stop at all in action. As soon as the water snake-like waist was twisted, I blocked the palm teaching mark behind me.


As soon as the Zhangzhang taught the seal, the surrounding air immediately thickened, and a barrier composed entirely of energy blocked behind Yun Xuan.

Yinzhangjiao Seal is a symbol of Zongmenzhangjiao. What transcends the best spirits represents the right that cannot be refuted, and it appears with sublime power and authority when it appears.


Bian Nieyun's attack was heavily hit on the palm teaching seal, and a huge force came out, still hitting Yun Xuan's back through the barrier.


Xun Yunxuan's blood squirted again, and a tumble fell.

At this moment, the attack of Xun came over.

"Give me down!"

With five fingers spread out, he turned around in the air and made a "creak! Creak!" Sound, and Nie Yun pushed forward abruptly.

This is a simple confrontation of power. Without any skill, the two palms will see each other.

"Huh? Why is Nie Yun so reckless, the zombie demon is physically strong, and the body is full of zombie poison. Once contaminated, he will be seriously injured, or he will lose his mind and become a zombie. "

I saw that the juvenile was facing each other's palms, Qian Xuan was startled, showing anxiety.

The most taboo of fighting between zombie kings like and 魃 is that they have physical contact with them. This kind of thing has special zombie poison. If you touch it, you will lose your reason and become a zombie, which is very scary.

I can only fight with this kind of guys by using mana to attack. Now Nie Yun is not wise to do so.


I also saw this. Blood-red eyes revealed a hint of excitement, and the whole body of zombie poison was concentrated in the palm of his hand.

虽然 Although it is 傀儡, it also has its own wisdom. Although it is not high, it also has a deep understanding of battle. Otherwise, it is not worthy of such strength.


The two palms fought together, and a piece of space was stirred up. 魃 Knowing that the opportunity was coming, the zombie poison in the palm suddenly passed to the palm of the other side.


As soon as the poisonous pancreas passed on, before he could be happy, he suddenly twitched, his face turned black, and an ugly blood spit out.

"What? Against the zombie demon king, instead of being poisoned, he was poisoned?"

"This ... how could he poison 魃?"

魃 His face turned black and he vomited blood. At a glance, he knew that it was caused by poisoning. It was a big monster in its own right. Instead of Nie Yun, it was okay. Instead, it was poisoned, like drowning a fish in the water, subverting it. Recognize everyone!

What the **** happened?

"What's wrong with your poison!"

Xie Nieyun smiled lightly, and spit out the strength of his palm. "Yeah!" A moment, he knocked Xun heavy and flew, and fell in front of Yun Xuan to stir up a dust.

Two consecutive strokes wounded the unattainable one and one demon just now. Nie Yun's eyes showed excitement and grandeur.

Others may suddenly encounter this kind of power that is difficult to control, and when he was the strongest in his previous life, it was this kind of strength. The peak of Dantian Acupuncture is at the peak, and now it has no sign of hindrance. Instead, he feels that his whole body is smooth and rises from the heart Feeling refreshed!

This is the real power!

It is precisely because he is so proficient in controlling power that he can use the martial arts he has cultivated before, and he has a sense of fighting that meets this strength!

With the peak strength of Dantian Acupoint Realm, and matching martial arts and strength, how could Yun Xuan and 魃 be rivals!

As for the poison on the slug, it is even simpler. He owns the highly poisonous Dantian. This 21st super talent resolves the zombie poison and transforms it into a more powerful gas. It will be easy to drink. Water makes no difference.

"I don't believe you can control your power so perfectly, die for me!"

Seeing that the killer was poisoned, Yun Xuan was going crazy, her voice was hoarse, and there was no calmness before. The sword in her hand trembled and stabbed at Nie Yun again.

This time the sword is like water. It is neither the Supreme Sword Technique nor the Supreme Sword Technique. Instead, it looks soft and intoxicating.

"It's a soul attack! Oops, it has been recognized by the sacrifice place, and its power has skyrocketed. It's like inheritance. The soul power has not reached the level of spiritual perfection, and it is impossible to stop this attack!"

When I saw this sword, Chihiro's pupils shrank.

Obtaining the recognition of the sacrifice place is not the real strength reaching the peak of the Dantian acupoint, but the instillation of strength and possessing this fighting power in a short time. In this case, the soul is still a spiritual peak, not a great consummation The defense ability of the attack is very weak.

It seems that although Xuan Xuan was furious and did not lose her mind, she found Nie Yun's current defect and attacked in such a short time!

She is so strange in her sword skills, once it is displayed, it will make people addicted to, appetite, desire ... Many desires, it is difficult to extricate themselves.

"Soul attack? Yes, but to me ... useless, defensive spirit, defense!"

Yunie Nieyun seemed to know that the other party would have this trick. With a slight smile, the defense division's talents worked, and a transparent diaphragm instantly appeared deep in the soul, immediately blocking the soul attack.

Although the inheritance of the power will not let the soul break through the realm ~ www.readwn.com ~, it will achieve spiritual perfection. It is almost impossible to break through the line of defense.

"Faculty Talent? I see, it's the one I gave you? Damn, hate!"

Seeing that Nie Yun could easily block the attack of the soul, Yun Xuan first stunned, and then gave a roar.

When Nie Yun came to the place of sacrifice, he once gave him a defensive air. Now I saw him and thought it was the previous one, which Yun Xuan gave, but now the opponent used it to block the attack. Feet!

"I can't kill you, I can kill him!" Knowing that the young man has defense power, he is almost impeccable, and it is impossible to kill. Yun Xuan screamed suddenly, and stabbed in a thousand magic.

"I want to go to find thousands of fantasy, you have not been so good in the past, let's kneel and admit it!"

Seeing this woman despondent, still thinking of killing Qian Huan at this time, Nie Yun's face became cold, her eyes shot a golden light, her palm pressed forward.


Before Yun Xuan responded, he fell from the air, kneeling straight down in front of Qian Huan, as if confessing wrong, the smooth jade surface was full of humiliation.

Ps: The big climax has come, Yun Xuan has been beaten, and it is only a week and this month is over. I implore everyone and I to always defend the honor of the 28th monthly pass. Thank you!

Monthly pass, monthly pass! [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 缥缈 落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to Chinese website, give a reward, your support is my biggest motivation] ◆, if you have any questions Please go to Piaoxu to ask questions. If you want to join, you are welcome to join Piaoxu.

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