Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 637: metropolitan

With his palm raised, Nie Yun was about to kill the four elders and hesitated and then put his hands down again.

Not to mention Chen Wenxu's gratitude to himself, but the actual situation, these four were not intentional. As Supreme Master Elder Sword God, they were humiliated when they saw the teaching and came to protect them.

Although he was holding the sword of the sword **** and was recognized by the heart of refining the gods, he was misled by the wrong information of Yun Xuan's [Sword Spirit Yang Fei], so that they did not notice the authenticity for a while, and really thought that he had obtained sacrifice by mean means. It ’s normal to think that it seems crazy attack.

Not that they are stupid, but that Yun Xuan's mind is too strong. Maybe she used the palm to teach the seal to cause the entire sacrifice to shake and attract Supreme Elders to come. It is a part of the plan itself. They attacked themselves and it became logical.

However, there are always three problems that Nie Yun couldn't figure out.

First, Yun Xuan's charming voice should have played a role, which made the four elders preconceived and determined that they were wrong! Is this a special talent? Nie Yun is not sure yet, but isn't Yun Xuan's strength abolished? How can they be charmed by the four elders?

因为 Is it because the soul realm has not been lowered?

Although she just abolished her cultivation just now, it is just the strength of the sea. Because the soul power is not much different from her, it has not reached great consummation and cannot be abolished. If because of this, Yun Xuan and the four elders are both spiritual peak souls and charm. It seems that methods can influence and make sense.

Second, the strength is now the pinnacle of Dantian acupoints, and Yun Xuan is still at the extreme level of the sea. The difference between the two is ten thousand miles. Even though the space was turbulent because of the confrontation just now, he could not use the space to block it, but his own attack The speed is by no means Yun Xuan's ability to escape! Why did she suddenly burst out a hundred times faster and escape smoothly at last?

Even with the talent of Skywalker, it should not be possible to escape so fast!

If the Skywalker is so abnormal, the so-called Earthwalker and Xiangshui Master, compared with one, will definitely become garbage, totally incomparable.

Nie Yun has a lot of special talents now. I know that even if I have a great advantage, I won't be so perverted!

Third, how did she move into the void and why she didn't die!

The defense level of the defense division is also directly related to Xiu Wei. If she is still out of the air, there is definitely no problem. The Supreme level is not enough. However, this level dares to rush into the void, and it must not be death. There is a way to survive and leave smoothly!

Does she also have a Dongfu that can withstand the turbulence of the void, and can even leave the void by virtue of this cave, otherwise, it is impossible to see the sky so quickly.

In fact, these three questions are in the final analysis. Why is Yun Xuan's strength only to be beaten to the extreme level, but he can use all the power of special talents to escape smoothly!

Special talents are directly proportional to strength. At the beginning, the strength was low, and it was not even possible to open the second form. It was only after being promoted to the soul of the spiritual peak that the second form was explored. Perfect application!

I ca n’t use it, but Yun Xuan can show special talents, which is really weird!

Alas, I still know too little about special talents!

Although the Sword God Sect has a special talent ranking, most of them introduce the Dantian form. He did not say how Dantian is promoted, and there is no fixed method of cultivation. It's the same as before.

I thought for a long time, but couldn't figure it out anymore, so I no longer paid attention. Nie Yun turned to look at the four Supreme Elders who were lying on the ground like turtles. When the body shook, they came to the four.

知道 "Know that it is not your opponent, kill us! Even if we are dead, as long as the teacher is alive, she will avenge us!"

The four elders still didn't seem to realize who was right and who was wrong. When they saw Nie Yun coming, one of the elders in red said loudly.

"You said Yun Xuan would take revenge for you?" Nie Yun sneered.

不错 "Yes, Sect Yun Xuan's intelligence and wisdom will surely kill you such humiliating ancestors and mad scum!"

"Although we die to protect the sword God Sect, let's do it!"

"I didn't expect you to be so young and so spicy, worse than the demon!"

The remaining three elders also shouted out at the same time, although they were a little confused, they were very loyal.

"The four elders have misunderstood Nie Yun!"

At this moment, Ye Jianxing and Qian Huan came over and heard each other's words. Ye Jianxing couldn't help it anymore and justified in a loud voice.

"Looking at your clothes, it should be the core disciple of Zongmen. As a disciple of the sword god, even with this scum, how can you face the ancestors!" An elder saw Ye Jianxing come out with a blue band on his forehead, and shouted Angrily.

"It seems that the four elders really misunderstood, yes, I am the core disciple of Jian Shen Zong, my name is Ye Jianxing, and the cabinet elder Chen Wenxu is my master!"

I heard them, Ye Jianxing shook his head and said quickly.

"Wen Xu's nephew?"

"It seems that Wenxu said it once. He said that he has been trying to cultivate a junior over the past few years. I forgot what it is. Since this is the case, it should be you!"

哎 "Hey, Wen Xu was also our favorite candidate for teaching at the time. Unfortunately, he is obsessed with the demon fox woman. He cannot be as decisive as Yun Xuan, and it is difficult to become a major event!"

"Wen Xu is obsessed with the demon fox family, but he is right and wrong. You are his nephew, but you are a demon. But what is going on?"

When the elders of the 24th heard Chen Wenxu's name, his face eased, but his frowns continued.

At first Chen Wenxu was the most powerful contender for the teaching. He was the one recognized by the ancestor himself. The four knew that if he was infatuated with the demon fox tribe, I am afraid that even if Yun Xuan can perform the Supreme Sword Art, he cannot be taught. Quota.

"Since the four elders know my uncle, then I will tell you everything, this Nie Yun, presumably you have also seen it, and have received the approval of the Sword God's Heart and the Sword God's Sword. of……"

Seeing that the faces of the four people were somewhat relieved, Ye Jianxing explained the previous events in detail.

"You mean ... Yun Xuan raised the corpse of her ancestor Fengge to 魃, and also used the sword spirit to raise her baby to destroy the sword spirit of the sword **** sword?"

Hearing Ye Jianxing's explanation, the four elders looked at each other, and were stunned by the news they had just heard.

"Yes, if it is not a critical moment, Nie Yun has been recognized by the sacrifice place, and Yun Xuan will be allowed to take the puppet out. I am afraid that our 10,000-year reputation of the God of Sword God will be ruined. If we do n’t say it, it will give the entire floating heavens Bring an unforgivable disaster! "

Ye Jian Star Road.

"That's it, just ... how can he get the approval of the heart of the sword mark?" The elder in red seemed a little unbelievable, looking at Nie Yun.

因为 "Because he is a kendo master, and he is a kendo master in Kendo Danda's third form!"

Ye Jianxing solemnly said.

"What? Kendo?"

"Kindo Opening the Third Form?"

At the same time, the elders of the four elders became very ugly, and looked at Nie Yun again. At this time, Nie Yun did not conceal his identity as a swordsman. Dan Tian was running, and a surge of sword gas rushed into the clouds.

"It really is Kendo ..."

"It turned out that the sinners of Zongmen were released because of us, but it was ridiculous just now ..."

Seeing the breath erupting from Nie Yun's body, Xun interpreted the mystery of Kendo, and the four elders were no doubt confused, and they looked at each other with a look, their eyes were full of remorse.

It is impossible for the Jiandao Master to be false, and the other party is recognized by the sacrifice place, and has the ability to kill himself and others, so there is no need to lie about it.

"The Supreme Elder's red clothes (yellow, blue, black), I have seen the suzerain! I was a reckless subordinate just now, but please teach me punishment!"

I remembered the recklessness just now. The four elders shook their heads at the same time and came to Nie Yun in a few steps. They folded their fists and fell to the ground.

"Huh?" Nie Yun was startled when they saw him calling to his lord and kneeling down.

Supreme Master Elder has a higher status than Zong. Even if you make a mistake, you don't have to kneel, and you are not a suzerain. What does this mean?

"Please also the lord, please do n’t quit, this is the rule of our sword **** ancestors. As long as you are a swordsman, you are eligible to inherit the position of palmistry. Besides, you have also refined the sword god's heart and sword god's sword. Zu's own acknowledgement, we are willing to obey! "Said the elder in red, holding his fists loudly.

不错 "Yes, now that Yun Xuan has done such a thing that is detrimental to the ancestors, she is really not qualified to continue teaching, please don't quit!"

The three old men in yellow, blue and black clothes also held fists at the same time, with sincerity in their words.

"This ..." Nie Yun froze.

"Nie Yun, the four elders are right, don't quit, as long as you become our teacher, I believe that the sword **** sect will be better and better!" Ye Jianxing heard the decision of the four elders, but not jealous Instead, the eyes were extinct.

Swordsman, only one appeared in tens of thousands of years of sword God ancestry, and the second one, you can imagine, as long as time passes, can definitely reproduce the glory of the sword **** ancestors.

"I'm young, I'm afraid I can't bear such a heavy task, and I ... I'm a disciple of Hua Yunzong!"

Seeing the eyes that the five people expected, Nie Yun hesitated, and finally shook his head.

He was a disciple of Hua Yunzong in his previous life, and he has deep feelings. Although he hasn't had any intersection with this gate in this life, he still wants to enter Hua Yunzong.

"Hua Yunzong disciple?"

I heard Nie Yun say this, the Supreme Master Elder's face changed a bit.

When Yun Xuan left just now, he did say that he was the heir of Supreme Master Hua Yunzong. He thought it was a lie, but it was true.

The atmosphere became dull for a while.

"What happened to Hua Yunzong? The original ancestors of Hua Yunzong and Jiansong Zong, an martial arts master and a kendo master, joined forces to gallop the world, and the demons who fought were scared. This made the whole floating heaven continent There is a place for human beings! I think that even if Nie Yun is a disciple of Huayun, there is no conflict when he is the Sword Lord Sect. Who stipulates that Huayun Sect disciples cannot become other-sect masters? "

Seeing that everyone was silent, Qian Huan suddenly laughed.

Yunhua Yunzong ’s patriarch was a martial arts prince, and he was friends with the original ancestor of the sword **** ancestor.

The Futian continent was a world dominated by the demon tens of thousands of years ago. It was the establishment of the Eight Sects that expelled the demon from the continent after years of battles. Otherwise, there would be no place for human beings.

不错 "Yes, it's our narrow mind! What happened to the disciples of Hua Yunzong, the ancestors recognized you, what can we hesitate! Please don't quit!"

"Yeah, as a kendo master, you should carry forward kendo. How can the whole floating heaven continent be more suitable for practicing kendo than the sword gods?"

When he heard Qian Huan's words, the four Supreme Supreme elders seemed to be drinking with their heads, and at the same time, their eyes were bright and they fisted.

又 What happened to this Nie Yun disciple of Hua Yunzong? He is also a kendo master. Adhering to the true meaning of kendo, he is the suzerainer, who can not only have a good relationship with Hua Yunzong, but also better use kendo. The best of both worlds, why not?

As for whether this transformation of Yunzong will take the opportunity to annex Sword God Sect, although the four elders are also a little worried, but since the ancestors have all admitted, what more can he hesitate?

He further said that although the Hua Yunzong was called the head of the eight sects, he never occupied the other sects, and the idea of ​​floating heaven and earth together, on the contrary, Mi Shenzong has been eager to move, trying to conspiracy.

"This ..." Nie Yun did not expect that the other party could accept such a condition, and for a while did not know how to answer.

"Don't hesitate. Our Sect of the Sword God Sect can automatically recognize the Kendo Master. Once the Kendo Dantian is running, the Sect will not only be blocked, but also controlled, and the effect is comparable to the teaching seal! Besides, you get again Recognition of the sacrifice place of the ancestral gate, if you are not our lord and come to our ancestor, how should we get along? "

Seeing the teenager seemed a little hesitant, the elder in red smiled bitterly.

"Uh ..." When he said that, Nie Yun smiled wryly.

It is true that I have been recognized by the place of worship and my strength has soared. If I do not become the suzerain, I am afraid that the entire Sword God sect will have trouble sleeping.

Also, you have to find your parents. If there is a pedestal as a backer, it will be much easier to find and protect them better!

"Okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ I can be the Sword God Sovereign!"

I pondered over and over again, Nie Yun smiled suddenly, said loudly.

"The Supreme Elder (core disciple) in red (yellow, blue, black, Ye Jianxing), met the Sovereign!" Heard the young man promised that the four elders and Ye Jianxing simultaneously showed joy and brushed their fists.

"Oh!" Nie Yun nodded, trying to speak, and heard a sound of dust shaking not far away.


I do not know when, the king of the zombies, who was lying on the ground before, stood up again.

ps: I had a sudden headache this afternoon, no fever, and no cold, but it was uncomfortable. Bathing, sleeping, and inhaling oxygen did not work. It may be too tired recently, and it was really angry in the morning. That's it!

From the moment she was put on the shelves, the whole person ’s spirit has been tense.

三 Just three changes today, and the 12 o'clock update will be pushed to tomorrow morning. It ca n’t be written.

In addition, seeing that everyone is very tangled about Yun Xuan's escape, this is a foreshadowing designed by Laoya, not a bug, and it will be written later. Please continue to support it!

Do n’t worry about Lao Ya at the end, the monthly ticket has been choked with chrysanthemums and turned into 31. Can we really not rush up?

Laoya has been tired recently. Please give Laiya a renewed motivation!

Thank you!

[To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 飘落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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