Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 638: Double sword

At this time, the eyes of the king of the zombie changed from red to milky white, and his pupils looked like a black spot. The original dark body and milky white turned out to be strange and indescribable.

"Baisha King?"

Seeing Su suddenly changed, everyone was startled, and even Nie Yun couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

If you say that 魃 is the king of the zombie demon clan, then King Baisha 魃 is the king of the zombie demon clan!

This kind of maggots are white and full-body defenses are comparable to the best spiritual soldiers. The strength has reached the peak of Dantian acupoints. With one breath, you can destroy a city. With one grasp, you can tear up space and cook rivers. Strength is several times stronger than human monks at the same level!

This zombie emperor, even in the zombie demon tribe, can hardly see it. Why is this head suddenly changed?

"Someone forcibly intensified it by using a secret method. This situation is extremely harmful to ,. It seems that Yun Xuan wants to kill us all!"

The elder in red seemed to see something, and his face became very ugly.

Regardless of humans or demons, there is a secret method that allows them to burst into super power in a short period of time, just like the "Ranmingdan" used by Elder Yuanheng. This method, although it can increase people's strength, the sequelae also Very large, still using Ranmingdan as an example, the price is never to be promoted in the future, and now the sudden transformation of the king into the white evil king, is also using a similar method, and the sequelae are more obvious, this is the head will change It will be a one-time thing, and this battle will be completely turned into waste.

"Can't wait for it to finish metamorphosis. Once the metamorphosis is successful, no one is an opponent, and it will also distribute the corpse poison, so that all the corpses in the entire sacrificial place will become zombie demon!"

I saw that my body was getting whiter and whiter, and gradually turned from milky white to pale. Nie Yun whispered, turned her palm, and punched out!

The corpse poison on the zombie demon can make humans become zombies, but the corpse poison on the king of white evil spirits can make the corpses transform!

The sacrificial rites buried the heroes and corpses of the ancestors of the Sword God ancestors. These corpses are far more powerful than immortality. Even if they are buried for tens of thousands of years, they will not decay. Once all of them are transformed into zombies, it will really bring the disaster.


This punch is a set of martial arts techniques used by Nie Yun in the past, called [The End of the World], and one punch can strike directly, even if the other party is far away from the End of the World. It is the best trick for long-distance attacks. In that year, he used this to kill more than a dozen demon monsters.


Seeing his attack, I knew the power of this move, and I couldn't bear in mind to continue to transform, snarled, grasped both palms forward, turning like a disc.

"Martial arts?" Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

This head has transformed into a queen of white evil spirits, and is able to perform martial arts!

"It's [Mopan's big turn of the palm] of the demon tribe. It can resolve all attacks and rotate to the outside without harming itself. How can this be done?" The elder in red seemed to recognize the martial arts being carried out by Xu, and was surprised to say that what.

The true zombie king will naturally perform martial arts, and his wisdom is not lower than that of humans, but now this puppet is a puppet refined by Yun Xuan's corpse. This kind of thing has no complete consciousness, and it can still be played under the control of no one. Martial arts, weird indescribable.

还是 Is it still controlled?

If this is the case, Yun Xuan has been marked as supreme, and I still don't know where to remotely control this 魃, the power of the means is incredible.

"Sword of the sword god, Supreme Sword Art!"

Nie Yun knew that now was not the time to consider this, it was important to deal with this maggot first, Tianya Wangchuan had not yet come to the king of Baishayu, the sword of the sword **** trembled, the sword was at will, and it was broken with a great sword technique. And to.


Fully exerting the Supreme Sword Technique, the magnificent Jianmang suddenly formed a rainbow-like light in the air. When this light swayed in the air, it transformed into dozens of channels, like a colorful light curtain, tilted down, as if The river is hanging upside down, although there is no violent intention to kill, but people will know at a glance, as long as they are stirred into it, they must be broken.

"It was indeed the emperor's mercy just now ..."

I saw the same set of swordsmanship. The power was the same as before, and the four elders in red, yellow, blue, and black were ashamed, and they couldn't wait to find a place to drill into it.

When the four of them appeared to do a trick just now, Nie Yun once met with the same trick. He thought that the sovereign was not able to control because he was young and suddenly gained powerful power. So the real swordsmanship is not particularly powerful. It has surpassed their imagination and reached a state of myth.

This state can only be possessed by the original sword **** ancestor.


He also saw the power of this set of swordsmanship. His disc-like hands broke Tianyawang, his eyes glared, his knees bent, and he ran straight to Nie Yunhuai.

This move looks reckless, but it is the best way to deal with this great swordsmanship. Destroy the airless swordsmanship is all-pervasive and can destroy the space. If you dodge blindly, you will only encounter a more intense attack and come straight. , On the contrary, the danger is the smallest.

"魃 's body is the ancestor of Fengge, and he has also performed Supreme Sword Art in that year. He has a deep understanding of this trick, and he will definitely not be able to deal with this trick, but there will be flaws ..."

Seeing this, Elder Red shouted quickly.

Their current strength is not enough to blend the two battles, but as an old antique who has lived for thousands of years as the sword **** sect, his knowledge is far stronger than Nie Yun.


Hearing the call of the elder in red, Nie Yun understood it. At this time, the Supreme Sword of the right hand could not be recovered. The left hand caught a volley, and the Nether Sword suddenly burst into the air. Prickly brows.

This trick is neither Supreme Sword Technique nor Supreme Sword Technique, but with the talent of Kendo and his understanding of the battle, the attack made by hand seems casual, but it instantly covers all directions of the forward rush, no matter where he goes All the way, they will be stabbed by the relentless swordman.

Moreover, there is a special connection between the sword of the right-hand sword **** and the ghost sword of the left hand, which makes the broken swordsmanship and the skill of this random display better blend together, and evolves into an unavoidable absolute kill.


He seems to know that this is a real crisis, and once the body turns, he avoids the key.


Wu Youming sword stabbed his straight arm and chopped it down.


This time without Yun Xuan's supply, 魃 seems to know the strength of the boy in front of me, roars, and suddenly turns around to tear the space, and is about to run away.

"Hum, if I run away for you, I don't deserve to be called Nie Yun!"

How can Nie Yun make him do what he wants, sneer, his body turned into a shooting star, came to the sky, and his palm suddenly pressed down.


掌 This palm is very powerful, with the power of the world to collapse, coming out of the air!

The palm of the gods is immeasurable!

In the same way, there are countless floods. The development of Dantian acupoints and the realm of the realm are completely two concepts. Before I could escape, I felt that the huge body collapsed on the ground and the blood fell wildly. flow.


I didn't earn a little cheap for two consecutive moves. This white king seemed completely irritated, roared again, and his whole body suddenly turned white.

"Well, the suzerain is careful. It is about to explode. It must not be allowed to succeed, otherwise the entire sacrifice area will come to nothing ..."

The elder in red shouted again.

"Explosion? It has no chance!"

In fact, without him shouting, Nie Yun also read it out. In this case, it is obvious that this guy wants to explode. However, the strength of Nie Yun is the same as the previous life. , Push left and right hands forward at the same time.

The sword of the **** of the sword and the ghost sword are like two entangled lovers, cuddling each other, "Wow!" Break open the space and come to the front of You.


The next moment, his head fell to the ground and was cut off by the combined swords.

Although the body of this maggot is comparable to the best-in-class spirit soldier, it is still vulnerable to the peerless swords that are rare in the world.

Giggle Giggle!

It seems that the King Baisha could not believe this situation before he died. All his strength was killed by blunt life. There were sounds in his throat, and his head was rolling down the ground.

The zombie demon tribe, as long as the head was cut off, basically represented death, but Nie Yun was still a bit uneasy. Long sword strangled again in the chest of Baishayu King, and then he was relieved.

"Whoo! Good danger!"

This battle didn't look long, and it prevailed all the way. In fact, it was very dangerous. If it were not for the close cooperation of the two swords of the King of Sword and Ghost Sword, it would be impossible to kill them so quickly. !!

The sword represents killing and pride. There can only be one king. According to common sense, once the two swords of the king meet, they will definitely fight each other and no one will accept them. Now these two swords are not only not so, but also each other. Cooperate with each other and make your strength more than double!

"Predecessor Wenxu and Huizi, thank you! Because of Zongmen, family, and secular vision, you were not together, and now you are the soul of the sword ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ Life and death are interdependent, and fortune and happiness may be shared. It's the best ending! "

He looked down at the two excalibur swords flying back to his palm, and Nie Yun shook his head, whispering.

文 Chen Wenxu and Xie Zhanghuizi could not live together due to the contradiction between the two groups of monsters and monsters. Now, after being transformed into sword spirits, they are together every day. For them, they can satisfy their wishes.


The two long swords seem to understand Nie Yun's words, and at the same time, they emit a bright light, and Jin Tie sympathizes.


Suddenly the sword of the sword **** flew out, and it flew again after a moment, with a round walnut-sized ball above the tip of the sword, crystal clear and exuding a strong light.

"This is ... 魃 's demon core? It even formed a demon core? With this thing, the fourth Nirvana is definitely no problem!"

Xie Nie Yun was a stunner, and then ecstatic, hearty laughter rang through the place of sacrifice.

Ps: I just chatted with an author. He said that you still have the monthly ticket award. I didn't pay attention to it before. At first sight, it was so. For a thousand dollars, rush!

There are now 786 monthly passes. As with the last crazy outbreak, three monthly passes for one thousand words are not counted. The two chapters are not guaranteed (they are usually two chapters. In fact, this month has always been an outbreak), with nine more each. For monthly tickets, Lao Ya will add a chapter of three thousand words, the more the better!

I sprint! !! Still hesitating? Vote now! [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 飘落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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