Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 639: News from parents

This cricket was made from the body of Fengsong, a master of Sword God Sect. Nie Yunyuan thought that there was no demon core, so he didn't care. I didn't expect that it was not only there, but also so powerful.

Although the demon core just wanted to explode because of the secret technique he just showed, the atmosphere above has weakened a lot, but after all, it is the thing left by the strong Dantian acupoints!

After several developments of the unknown method, Nie Yunqi is far wider than the strong at the same level, and it is more difficult to break through. Even if I got so many elixir at Jianling Peak last time, I still ca n’t guarantee the success. Complete the fourth Nirvana.

Nine turns to Nirvana is more difficult every time. Once you don't accumulate enough strength, you will die directly!

The fourth Nirvana involved the issue of Tiancai. After Nirvana was completed, it would be even more dangerous to have enough power to meet the thunderstorm. Even the original Guang Mingzi specifically left a message to warn him, which shows the difficulty.

Therefore, during this period of time, even if Nie Yun had the signs of breaking through to the top of the field, they were forced to suppress it, and they must accumulate enough to break the cocoon into a butterfly.

Now with this demon core, don't worry about everything!

The demon core in this realm represents the full power of a Dantian Acupoint Realm Powerful, so much energy is not enough to break through!

Of course, it only provides energy. When in the sea, you can advance with the demon core, but it is obviously impossible now.

Tianqiao Realm, Accepting Virtual Reality, Breaking the Realm, Dantian Acupoint Realm ... Each realm represents the understanding of the avenue, the recognition of space and time, and the cultivation of the state of mind is not promoted, and energy alone cannot make it through. Realm promotion.

Although Nie Yun had reached the pinnacle of the Dantian acupoint in the previous life, he only knew the cultivation method, he could know a little more than ordinary people, possessing certain advantages, but wanted to make a real breakthrough. It ’s not that easy. After all, he did n’t have a nameless method in the previous life. He did n’t have so many dantians and talents, and his accumulation was different from the current one. Even a breakthrough is completely different from this life.

Not to mention the other, let's talk about Tianjie. Guang Mingzi once said that he has the top ten talents in the ranking. Although it is the darling of heaven and earth, it will also be jealous of heaven and earth. Tianjie is much more powerful than ordinary people. If you still refer to the previous life, I am afraid that you do not know how to die.

"Close it up first. Once you reach the top of the field, start Nirvana!"

A flick of the wrist put the demon core into the dandan of Nawu, and Nie Yun turned to the four elders, Qian Huan, and Ye Jianxing.

"He was killed. Although it is a demon, this corpse is the ancestor of Fengge after all. He also asked the lord to allow some of us to bury it well!"

Seeing Nie Yun coming, he looked at the ambiguous bodies that were beheaded, and the Elder Red shook his head. Sigh.

In any case, Fengge's predecessors died in order to kill the demons, and made a singular contribution to the mainland. After he died, he was very sorry for being raised into a demon. It is uneasy to leave his body in the wilderness as a junior.

"Huh!" Nie Yun knew this, and nodded.

Soon everyone buried the song's body again. The elder in red came to him again, "Please also ask the palm teacher to follow us back to the palm church hall, these few days. I will find a way to inform the eight major gates, and we will convene the gate gates every day!"

"There is no need to hold the Zongmen Conference. I will not hold the meeting. I will only take notice of the elders for my succession. I don't want to make too much appearances!"

After hearing the words of the elder in red, Nie Yun thought for a moment and ordered.

It is a big thing to take over the teaching of Sword God Sect, Guangzong Yaozu, but Nie Yun doesn't want to talk too much now. There are several reasons for this.

First, the grievances between Mi Shenzong and himself have not been completely resolved. Once the other party knows that he has become the sword **** suzerain, he will definitely do everything possible to block it. Before the strength is completely broken, it is best to suppress the news and be chased by the old man. It's not a breeze.

Second, the problem of Hua Yunzong and Jiansong Zong, I have been posing as the disciple of Supreme Master Yunzong. This matter is known throughout the continent. This problem has not been solved. Instead, the sword **** Zong took charge of teaching. The people in Yunzong know that it will definitely cause a lot of trouble to read the full text of the emperor's opening-this palace only robs money!

Nie Yun is not afraid of trouble, but after all, he was a person of Hua Yunzong in the previous life and had a strong feeling for Zongmen. He didn't want to make the two Zongmen stiff because of this.

Besides, it was hunted down by Yun Xuan and Mihua at the beginning. Fortunately, the old alcoholic man was rescued and saved his life. Before he thanked him, it was ugly and unreasonable.

Even if you want to be a righteous emperor, you must first confirm the name of the elder disciple of Supreme Master Yunzong.

Thirdly, the ancestral conference will be held as the lord, and other ancestors will definitely come, so it will become the largest celebrity in the floating heavens and continents, and every move will receive great attention. It will be more difficult to find your parents quietly. Already.

Fourthly, and most importantly, she ... is a person of Hua Yunzong. The previous life was missed. In this life, she has to teach as the God of Sword God, how can she get her approval and reopen the love in previous lives?

Although she didn't care about status, the difference was too big and troublesome.

Because of so many considerations, Nie Yun decided not to speak up and try to minimize the impact.

"This ... If you do n’t convene the Zongmen Conference and worship the heaven and earth, Zongmen will not be able to grant the right to teach the seal, even if you take the seal, you cannot use it normally."

After hearing Nie Yun's words, the elder in red was surprised and said immediately.

The teaching seal represents rights and orthodoxy.

What is Orthodox? What people want is orthodoxy!

If you want to thoroughly refine your teaching, you must first become a sovereign and let all your disciples know, and then sacrifice to heaven and inform the world, so that people can truly be regarded as orthodox!

Secretly became the suzerain, only to inform some elder disciples, but also not allowed to spread, the name is not correct, and it is certainly impossible to refine the teachings.

"Uh ... don't you say that as long as you run Kendo's talent, you can control the Zongmen array as well as having the palm teaching seal?" I did not expect that refining the palm teaching seal needed so much trouble. Nie Yun hesitated a moment and asked suddenly Road.

"Well, there is such a record in Zongmen's ancestral teachings. Besides, the suzerain also refined the sword of the sword **** and the heart of the sword god. Even if he does not have the seal of teaching, he can control the Zongmen formation, and his strength is invincible!"

The elder red bearded his beard and nodded with a smile.

"That's good, then don't refine the palm teachings, and I will find a good opportunity to tell the world and establish orthodoxy!" Nie Yun nodded.

Anyway, the seal of teaching is placed in Zihuadong House, and there is a seal just blessed. I am not afraid of stealing it. Since refining is so troublesome, it is better to stop refining and find another opportunity.

If Yun Xuan dares to steal, she will just take the opportunity to remove it. Anyway, her strength is only in the supreme realm. Even if she leaves the sacrifice place and falls back to the realm again, she can still be pinched to death.

"It's all up to the palm to teach!" The four elders fisted at the same time.

"Okay, let's go out. By the way, here are some insights I got from the Dantian Acupuncture after I got the place of sacrifice. Maybe it ’s a great benefit for the four elders to break through. Please ask the four elders not to quit!"

As soon as Nie Yun's wrist turned over a jade card, it appeared on the palm of his hand. As soon as his soul moved, an idea was sealed on it.

With the vision of Nie Yun, it is natural to see that these four elders have been trapped in the air for a long time. Although I do n’t know why there is no breakthrough, it is good to help. After all, the two lives are human, and the previous life is even more of the declining Yunzong. The elders have many precious experiences. It's not much to say a few, maybe it will help them.

"Thank you, Sovereign!" Seeing Nie Yun handed over the jade card, the elder in red, though with a smile on his face, was somewhat disapproved.

In his opinion, Nie Yun only relied on the strength of the sacrifice place, not a real breakthrough to reach the Dantian acupoints. Even if he was very strong, he did not have a thorough understanding of how to break through the air, and should not help much.

Thinking in this way, the mental strength still entered the jade card, and then he glanced suddenly, his mouth opened like a petrification.

"Sovereign, this ... this ... is this what you realize?"

"Hehe!" Nie Yun smiled.

"Thank you, my lord, I'm really sincere to you now!" The elder in red fell to the ground again, revealing his true admiration in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Several other elders were a little puzzled to see Hongyi doing this, and the spirits entered the jade card, and they only glanced at each other, all excitedly flushed and almost jumped up.

Seeing that the four Supreme Supreme Elders became like this, Nie Yun didn't know what to say, and immediately returned to the Sword God Sect with the crowd.

The champion of the sword **** trial was slaped to death by a thousand slaps. Without the champion, Nie Yun established Ye Jianxing as the champion. By the way, he placed the stone statue of the ancestor back to the distance and gave him a few sensations of kendo.

Ye Jianxing deserves to be a genius. After realizing the energy of Kendo, he not only practiced two swordsmanship, but also broke through the sword master's realm in one fell swoop.

The sword art conception is divided into ordinary, elite, core, guru, the essence of kendo (the essence of martial arts), heart sword, and life sword!

Although it still hasn't reached the realm of Kendo ~ www.readwn.com ~, it also shows that it has made great progress, which is comparable to some elders.

"We are now preparing to convene the Supreme Presbyterian Assembly to determine the identity of the suzerain, and ask the suzerain to wait a moment here!"

After dealing with these matters, the elder in red clasped his fists and Nie Yun, and left the temple with the other three elders.

"Qian Huan, why are you back here, and ... how do you know that Wen Chao is me?"

Everyone left and there was no fighting. Nie Yun then relaxed and looked at the thousand fantasy in front of her, her face strange.

This matter was bewildered in the place of sacrifice, and now I have the opportunity to ask it.

"Of course I came here for you. The old drunkard was afraid of you. Let me tell you, your parents and their whereabouts, and I'm afraid of your danger. Come by and see!" After looking at Nie Yun, Qian Magic shook his head .

"The whereabouts of my parents? Do you know their whereabouts?"

As soon as Nie Yun's eyes lighted, his fist clenched suddenly.

ps: You are ruthless, now there are 17 votes, three votes and one thousand words, that is, Laoya will update seven thousand words in the afternoon, Khan!

It doesn't matter, everyone can vote for the monthly ticket. Lao Ya can stand it. If you want to see more, you can vote! [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 郗 葶] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe, reward, and your support is my greatest motivation]

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