Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 662: Spanking

The quiet temper is hot, but the person is relatively simple. He has never experienced personnel affairs. He has only a half-knowledge of the relationship between men and women. He was slammed by the man's strong and powerful arms. The whole body was close together, breathing the strong counterpart's breath. Gives a crisp feeling.

在 At this moment, Nie Yun's things came up even more. In a shock, it was even harder to stop, and an involuntary "um!"

I myself don't know much about the love between men and women. In addition, I make a sound in such ambiguous and ambiguous posture, and I can't wait to find a place to dig into it.

怎么 How could I make such a shameless sound, is it ... Is this the first time in the legend?

Although she is a small pepper, as long as she is a woman, she has a dream. I hope that one day, Ruyi Langjun, comes on a white horse, and treats her like a treasure ... I never expected that the "first time" would be completed in such a rude way. The more you want, the more you get angry. "Let me go, otherwise, my brother knows that I will kill you ..."

"Your brother? Your brother will kill me even if he doesn't know!" Nie Yun dare to let go, his arms clenched tighter.

The hatred between him and Mihua has long been dead. Even if the other party is no longer hunting, he has to avenge his brother and kill him. At this time, there is only one mind to hold this woman, don't let her Ran!

"You ... you nasty! Let me go!"

Seeing that the other person did not take his threat seriously, his arms were clasped tighter, the bumps on his chest were squeezed and deformed, and that one was close to the privacy ... The quiet face was bright red, forbearance Live in a panic and drink.

"Dirty?" Nie Yun was only trying to catch the other side, she couldn't make her resist, and after hearing this, she realized that something was wrong.

姿势 This posture is so ambiguous that the body even has a physiological response when it is not controlled.

However, knowing that she was embarrassed, Nie Yun would not let go. Once she let go, she would surely be attacked by this female crazy woman in a storm.

"Let me go! You big gangster, human-faced and beastly guy, dare to treat me like this, I must tell my brother when I go back, kill you, feed the wolf beast, the soul is burning ..."

I felt more strength on the other's arm, and the whole body felt more numb, and shouted quietly.

"Shut up!" Seeing the ruthlessness and viciousness of what she said, Nie Yun's heart was on fire. "No more nonsense, believe it or not, I'll take you now!"

"Dare you! Dare to touch me, my brother will definitely not let you go, not only will you be killed, but all the people related to you will be killed, your parents and that Huo Ying ..." Mi Jing Furious drunk.

"Don't you dare? I'll let you know what dare not!"

Hearing the other side's repeated insults, and also involving relatives and friends, plus three consecutive times of Mihua, Nie Yunhuo rushed up, tightened the girl with one hand, and "wow!" The other hand. The clothes were torn to pieces, revealing a smooth back and a **** white hips.

"You ... let go ... you let go ... you dare touch me, I killed you ..."

I felt the clothes behind me being torn apart by the other party, and calmed down.

"Call me again!"


With a scream of anger, Nie Yun slap on the other's ass, and his white hips leave five bright red palm prints.

Tearing the other person's clothes just warned the crazy woman to be responsible for what she said, not really. The other person, Nie Yun was a human being, not a beast. Even if she was angry, she couldn't do it.

"You ... Stop! I will kill you ..." A pain in the ass, Mi Jing felt a moment of humiliation and anger, and shouted.


Alas, her shout was not over yet, and it was slaps again.

"I will kill you……"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

"Aren't you trying to kill me? Aren't you trying to kill everyone who is related to me?"

"Aren't you arrogant? Is it cool to chase me all the way?"

"Don't you think I'm just a toy, kill if you want to kill, or kill if you don't want to kill?"

I remembered that I was almost killed by this crazy woman. The more Nie Yun wanted to get more angry, the palms of her hands kept pumping for a dozen times, louder than louder, and fierce. The opponent's hips were white and bright red. Incomparably full of palm prints.

"You stop ... wow ..." I felt more and more pain in my buttocks, almost naked and hugged by the other side, and couldn't escape. The more I became silent, the more I became angry, the more I became angry, and suddenly "Wow!" Cried.

算 Even if she is fierce, she is a girl who has never seen anything in the world, where she has seen such battles.

Not only is pain, but shame.

"Shut up!" Nie Yun didn't expect the other person to cry if he pumped his palm, but he was not the kind of woman who was so confused when he cried, his eyes glared, "Cry again, I keep pumping, you won't cry until you pump!" "

"Woohoo!" Hearing the threat, Mi Jing stopped crying in spite of her hatred.

"It's almost the same, don't resist, I will take you to my flying spirit soldier. When I get inside, I will let you go!"

Although he didn't care about the cry of the woman, and would not show mercy to his subordinates, Nie Yun's original murderous heart has weakened a lot, knowing that this is not the way, said.

"Enter your flying spirit, don't hit me? Okay!"

When I fell into this place before, the suction was too great. For safety, Mi Jing also entered her flying spirit. I didn't know that Nie Yun owned the Dongfu. In addition, Mi Hua had always been secret in doing things. Even as a sister, I don't know that Nie Yun has a powerful cave, and thought it was an ordinary flying soldier.

Even if the general flying spirit soldier has a defensive formation to trap people, it is useless to the world's first escape talent such as Skywalker! So Mi Jing sobbed twice and promised to come down.

Besides, if you don't agree, it won't work. As long as you don't agree, you will definitely continue to pump your **** and feel the hotness on the butt. There is a feeling of anger and indescribability.

"Well, let's go!"

Hagiwara thought it would take a period of stalemate. Unexpectedly, the other party agreed to come down so soon. Nie Yun breathed a sigh of relief, moved her spirit, and communicated with Zihua Dongfu.


Just a moment, the two came to a large hall in Dongfu.

"Dongfu?" As soon as he entered here, Mi Jing found something wrong.

Looking at the appearance of this cave house, the momentum is magnificent, and the prohibition in it must be very strong. I was confident that I could run away just now, and now I have no confidence at all.


When he reached Dongfu, Nie Yun was able to communicate the restraint in the spirit and set the woman in place. This relieved him.

旖旎 It seemed 旖旎 just now. Actually, Nie Yun knew that it was very dangerous. If she let the other party escape, she would surely die.

I am now not afraid of entering Zihuadong House.

He is his own master here, not to mention the early days of accepting the virtual realm, even if the powerful person penetrates, it will be dead!

After a few sips, I felt the tense spirit relaxed, and then Nie Yun remembered that he was holding each other and let go.


I was lying on my stomach just now. After entering Dongfu, I stood up. At this time, I let go of my hands and lost half of my clothes. I fell directly to the ground and immediately exposed the quiet and perfect body.

Tie Nie Yun was taller than Mi Jing. Looking down, she looked at the plump and two red grapes in her eyes, her face turned red, and she stepped back quickly.

Clothes fell, Nie Yun was embarrassed, and Mi Jing was even more ashamed. Her perfect body, not to mention never seen by a man, never seen a woman, whether bathing or changing clothes, has always been a person ~ www. readwn.com ~ I didn't expect to be naked and naked in front of a teenager now.

I was ashamed in my heart, and heard that the teenager who had already receded came over again, his face flushed, and his whole body tightened involuntarily.

"What is he going to do ... this is his place, I can't move, can't he want ... what if he really wants me ..."

I heard the footsteps getting closer and closer, thinking about what was about to happen, and calmed my mind, and my breathing was involuntary.

Although I knew that I was so ashamed at the moment, I could n’t wait to kill this guy, but when I thought about the other person ’s feeling of holding her in my arms, I do n’t know why, while resisting, she even gave birth to a little bit in her heart. Perceived ...

Looking forward!

Ps: Recently I saw a lot of doubts, and I feel that the protagonist is a little bit embarrassed. The first 900,000 words of this book are almost invincible all the way, but everyone feels that the journey is not shocked and there is nothing to watch.

All are invincible, have nothing to watch, feel a little wronged, and feel unhappy. . Lao Ya didn't know what to write.

Anyway, write it according to the outline. Since everyone is upset, try not to write this kind of chased after.

Finally, continue to ask for monthly passes. Everyone has guaranteed monthly passes. Please vote for Laoya. Last month, we were 33. We ca n’t fall to more than 50 this month!

Please vote for the monthly pass! Thank you! !! [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Su @ 郗 葶] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe, reward, and your support is my greatest motivation] ◆, if you have any questions, please Go to Piaoxu to ask questions, if you want to join, you are welcome to join Piaoxu platform ◆

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