Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 663: The 4th Nirvana begins

But this expectation disappeared soon, because a piece of clothing wrapped her.

When I saw this dress, the whole body was covered up and down, and all the good skin was covered, and there was a slight silence for a moment.

She was very confident in her figure and appearance. Although those men were afraid of her in Zongmen's heart, the naked fieryness in her eyes was clear.

It is precisely because of this, that they show no mercy to those talents, they cry and cry for mercy on their knees.

Now this man not only sees himself, but there are so many embarrassing actions in the two people. In such a sloppy situation, even if he is strong, he can only confess his fate!

He not only did not do such a thing, but also covered his carcass with his clothes.

I really don't know what he thinks!

If it was a friend, I had no mercy on him before!

"What a weird guy!"

However, it is safe to not rush over at least for now! Mi Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there is a glimmer of expectation in her heart, she is not a person who touches her with the slightest impression, knowing that the other party really wants to rush over, the consequences can be avoided, and she is very happy.

"Put on this dress first. I'm retreating now. It may take a long time. If you are hungry, Black Rock will give you food. If you want to escape, it is impossible!"

Immediately, Mi Jing heard a voice, and immediately after the sound of footsteps, the young man left far away and disappeared after a while.


After two moves, he was found to be imprisoned by the formation law in Dongfu. He could not move at all, and Mi Jing was no longer struggling. I remembered chasing and killing with this boy before. Although the opponent was weak, he showed calmness. Calm, far more than any genius you have ever seen.

哎 "Oh, how good it would be if you weren't your brother and enemy ... maybe we can be ... friends!"

I do not know how long it took, a sigh sounded slowly from her mouth, and she did not even know why she said this.


外 Outside the fourth hall of Zihua Cave Mansion, Nie Yun looked at the door in front of him, remembered the move just now, and shook his head.

"It seems that the magic in my body is getting stronger, and my fixation is getting worse!"

There are many ways to get into a demon. Five kills can become a demon, and six desires can become a demon.

Liuyu refers to: color, sound, fragrance, taste, touch, and law.

Twenty-six desires occupy the first place, which is terrifying, and was chased all the way quietly. The wind and thunder magic wings are used too frequently, resulting in a thicker enchantment in the body than before, and the ability to control desires is reduced a lot.

越大 The greater the desire, the deeper the magic, the same, the deeper the magic, the worse the ability to control desire.

If you do not control your desires well, your practice will be greatly hindered. The Buddhists pay attention to abstinence and abstinence, and the Taoists pay attention to pure desires.

It is said that some monks, even if the most beautiful beauty in the world is standing in front of him, it is a red fen skull for him, and he does not have to look at it. This kind of person is strong in spirit, and no desire can be blessed. Calmly analyze tricks and stand invincible.

Even the demon fox tribe who is best at charm, they are afraid of this kind of monk and dare not move forward.

It is for this reason that, even though the Buddha tribe is a branch of the human race, it has realized a thousand different avenues, exceeding the scope of the human thousand.

Although Nie Yun did not want to practice such a state of desirelessness, but before meeting her in her heart, she did not want to have a relationship with any woman, for nothing else, only for the unfinished love in the previous life.

I set aside these thoughts, and operated the Vajra glass body for a while, and thunder and lightning came into my mind, and then Nie Yun's turbulent mood calmed down.

"This woman can't kill yet, the most urgent thing is to perform Nirvana!"

I was chased all the way by this crazy woman. Nie Yun really realized that her strength was not enough. If she wanted to truly stand on top of the world, even 10,000 special talents would be useless. Only real strength is king! Without strength, everything is illusory!

As for being quiet, not killing her is not because of pity and love for her, but because she has so many special energies. If she can feel them all, having enough Dantian in the future will definitely have inestimable benefits for her leap in strength!

In case of death, these special atmospheres will dissipate, and I want to sense, but I don't know how long it will take.

I further said that she lost the battle in her hands. If she was killed by the formation method, it would also be a blow to confidence. If she wanted to kill, she would rely on her skills.

Xie Nieyun is confident that once Nirvana succeeds, she will definitely not be an opponent, even if she has any means.

呼 "Hoo! Nirvana for the fourth time, here I come!"

He exhaled, opened the door of the fourth palace with a push of his hands, and Nie Yun flashed in.


As soon as the door was closed, I felt a strong aura that squeezed him against the wall, looked up, and saw that Long Yu was flowing peacefully in the jade bowl, slowly rotating, and the spiritual power kept evaporating. Almost every breath has to exude an aura comparable to a drop of Primal Liquid.

It takes so much time to breathe for a single breath, and it has been scattered for tens of thousands of years, and there is such a huge spiritual power. I really don't know how strong the master of this dragon grudge should be during his lifetime!

I'm afraid that the Dantian acupoint peaking strongman can sneeze in front of the other person to die.

The two are not the same concept at all.

"No matter how much, prepare Nirvana first! I don't know how much strength will be improved after Nirvana this time. Mid-term flyover? Later? Or peak?"

After adjusting my breath for a while, I felt comfortable. Nie Yun also took out the uncle's demon core, struggling to take a few steps forward, and came to the place near Long Yu, sitting cross-legged on the ground, preparing for the fourth nirvana. plate.

After the strength reaches the field level, the first-order gap is larger than the first-order. Previously, Nirvana could be promoted to two large levels in succession. Now I am afraid that one large level is difficult to achieve.

Especially, there is a huge gap between Na Xujing and Tianqiao. Nie Yun feels that this breakthrough can reach the peak of Tianqiao, which is very good.

However, once Nirvana is activated, it is out of control and it is not up to you to decide what to do. You can only find out how much your strength has increased by waiting for the day of success.

"The fourth Nirvana begins!"

With a movement in my heart, Nine Pan Gongs are running in the body.


Su Ni Ni was seduced ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun suddenly fell into a state of cultivation, like a dead body, motionless.

Nine turns of Nirvana, each time Nirvana is like breaking a cocoon into a butterfly. When Nirvana, it seems that a bug has entered a cocoon. Only on the day when the cocoon is broken, will you find that the true strength has become qualitative from the inside out Leap and change.

Now Nie Yun is just like a bug that enters the cocoon, waiting for the day to break the cocoon, a light that trembles beyond the world!

Ps: Just starting school, there are more trivial matters, many teachers' children are admitted to the university for gifts, etc., Khan.

Maybe the string is too tight. It ended in August yesterday and finally broke. There was no idea at all in the night, and the bitter scratching of the head didn't make it out. I didn't feel it. I sat at the computer at six o'clock at night and sat down. Only now. . sweat.

Take time off for a few days.

Lao Ya doesn't want to hurry up with the manuscript anymore. I just want to be able to write better and better for everyone to see. This is the king!

Well, during the break, at least two or six thousand words a day.

Although I'm resting, I hope you can vote for a few more monthly tickets so that we don't get too miserable at the beginning of the month. Otherwise, we can't catch up and we will be decadent! Khan!

That's what Tatar people do. When they see hope, they sprint hard. Once they feel too far away, they stop thinking.

Let's get a monthly pass. Energize Laoya again. [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Su @ 郗 葶] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe, reward, and your support is my greatest motivation] ◆, if you have any questions, please Go to Piaoxu to ask questions, if you want to join, you are welcome to join Piaoxu platform ◆

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