Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 664: Exit

"Abominable, abominable! Holding me here for two months and not even looking at it once, did you really consider me a prisoner?"

I was imprisoned in the same place by the formation of Zihua Dongfu. I could n’t move. The time had passed two months. At this time, the quiet face was depressed. The original good feeling for the teenager also disappeared with time. Annoyed.

She is an unstoppable person, and she hates being unable to move, otherwise she won't hear her brother asking her to go to Yuyuge, her frightened face will be green.

The person who was most afraid of being trapped was now stuck in place, and she couldn't even lift her finger for two months. This humiliation was too great, which made her crazy.

She originally thought that the other party said to cultivate, but she had some feelings. She would return at most a day or two. No one expected that she would go for two months!

Although she has reached her state, even if she does not eat or drink for a year, it is not a problem if she does not eat or drink, but he is dressed like a puppet with his clothes on his body.

Either you kill me or let me go, so shameful, it's better to die!

"It must be intentional! Intentional revenge on me!"

The more I thought about it, the more I could not hide the anger, and my brow kept beating, I could not wait to tear up the teenager.

From small to large, as the daughter of Mi Jinzong, the little pepper that everyone fears, has never been so insulted.

"Miss, it's time to eat!"

I was scolding in my heart, and a voice rang out behind me.

"Go, go, I don't eat, let your master Nie Yun come to see me!" Mi Jing scolded loudly.

The owner of the voice is Heiyan. It was ordered by Nie Yun to come and eat and drink every day, but the young lady didn't seem to be very good at serving and ignored this set. For two months, she hadn't eaten a meal. I ate and drank no water.

"I'll retreat first!" Seeing that she still didn't eat, Heiyan turned to leave, and didn't take a few steps before she heard a shout and stopped.

等等 "Wait!" Mi Jing said, "What the **** is your master doing? When will he be back?"

"I don't know, the master takes a long time to practice every retreat!" Black Rock scratched his head.

I honestly don't say it, even Nie Yun dare not be sure how long Nirvana is.

"Hum, retreat? Do you think you can beat Miss Ben in retreat? Two months, and another ten months, you must not be an opponent. You told him in the past that there is no need to retreat. Miss Ben does not want to kill him now, as long as he releases Drive me, I will never do it! "

Mi Mi quietly hummed.

"Don't kill me? Oh, thank you!"

Immediately after the chanting, I heard the voice that made Mi Jing feel humiliated again. Then she loosened her body, suppressed the restraint on her body and disappeared instantly. Her whole body could move again and again.

"Did you finally show up? Dare to let go of me, it is your most failed decision!"

Hurrying to look around, she really saw the teenager who was pumping her **** was standing not far away, with a smile on his face, seeing him laugh, silently angry "Come!" Rushed up, his feet on the ground. Step on, the whole person turned into a whirlwind, rushing straight.

"Black Rock, go out first, don't worry about it here!" Face her

The teenager didn't care about the attack and turned his head to command.

"Yes, master!" Heiyan turned and walked out.

The young man was naturally Nie Yun. After spending two full months, Nirvana finally succeeded.

Hagiwara thought that after the end of Nirvana, there would be a scourge. As a result, he was surprised that the scourge has not been produced so far, and he has not even seen it, which makes him unable to bear it for a while.

However, it is better without Tianjie, so the trouble is saved, and the cultivation can be better consolidated.

"You asked for it, don't blame me!"

When I saw her rushing over, Nie Yun didn't care. Mijing became more irritable and drank again. I don't know if it was a reminder or really angry.

With a shout, the jade palm was pushed forward, and a silver palm print appeared again in the air, just like the original attack in the Eternal World Restaurant, but it was more fierce and full of breath.

The aura in Zihua Dongfu is higher than the outside world. She has been trapped for two months, and the silence is not just angry, roaring, unreasonable, ordinarily. She is also practicing, so she has been able to accept the strength of the early stage of the virtual reality. With some progress, it will be completely consolidated.

When she came out from Mi Shenzong, she had just reached the virtual realm, and her strength was not completely solid. Now she is as calm as water, and she has no more uncontrollability and levitation than before, and her combat power has more than doubled compared to two months ago!

The fact that Yun was able to consolidate the early days of Na Realm in such a short family also showed that her talent was terrible.

"This trick again?"

Seeing the silver palm, Nie Yun didn't seem to care, and the quiet body standing in place suddenly moved, that is, he didn't move forward or dodge, but gently clicked the finger of his right hand.

手指 "Fingers? You just want to beat me with one finger. You think it's my brother ..."

Seeing him so despise, he sneered quietly, but before the voice was over, he was replaced by a startled face.


In his horrified eyes, the silver palm dissipated like ice cubes, dissipating into a mass of aura.


Mi Mijing's pupils shrank.

One finger shattered the silver palm attack. This kind of strength was only seen in the original brother. How could I never have thought of it. Two months ago, he was chased by a small person like a dead dog. At this time, he will have such a terrifying change. She all felt fear.

"Eat me!"


The golden whip of the semi-perfect spirit soldier before that time appeared again, and with a slight shake, he split a layer of air waves and drew it.

This trick looks easy, but it actually contains a very strong force. It was the trick that hurt Nie Yun at the beginning, called [Dragon Kyushu]. It is a trick designed by Mihua for her. In the middle of the period, the strong did not dare to underestimate their front.

If it wasn't so powerful, Nie Yun wouldn't have had superb spirit soldiers and defender talents superimposed, and he would have been killed on the spot.


Xie Nieyun also knew that this move was fierce, his body flickered, avoiding the sharp edge, and at the same time, his footsteps struck across a distance of tens of meters, appeared in front of the quiet, **** together, and moved forward again.


指 This finger with a strong mana shock, before responding, felt that a huge force rushed straight, calmed his chest, and stepped back seven or eight steps.

As soon as the Tatar retreated, the attack power of the whip suddenly weakened, and then the young man was pinched gently, and the long whip was pinched by his two fingers, like a straw with no life.


The whip is not like a stick, it is as soft as a snake, let alone pinch it, even if you cast it, you will hurt yourself a little. If you just step back, the power of [Dragon Kyushu] is slightly weaker. In fact, the power is still very strong, generally In the early days of Na ’s virtual reality, the strong men rushed forward, and they would be killed on the spot, but such a powerful whip was ... pinched by the other two fingers?

Mi Mijing felt a little crazy.

Two short moves are the same as before. Two months ago, the other party couldn't dodge, but now it is so simple, there is no second move, just two fingers. How is it possible!

"I do not believe!"

Suddenly he tried to pull the whip back, but found that the whip seemed to stick to the other's fingers, motionless, his face flushed, and his **** on his right hand flashed angrily, stabbing straight forward.

She was a therapist. The broken arm had been cured long ago. At this time, she hit again and used the talent of the master of the sky. The **** were like two sharp swords and showed no mercy.

If you said that it was just a contest, but the two moves were unsuccessful, and the shame turned into anger, Little Pepper has lost his patience and killed the killer.


As soon as the Tiantian Master's talent came out, the air made a series of crisp sounds.

The space inside Zihuadong House is much more fragile than the outside space. In just one click, it broke like a watermelon and a huge space crack appeared.

"Talent master talent, just let me try it, how powerful is it!"

There was a groaning like a fairy music, and the opposite Nie Yun also showed a dignified color. Without the laughter just now, his palm was raised and turned into a burning flame.

The flames are extremely hot, and when they appear, they will distort the space.


The palm of the flame has not touched the fingers of the Heavenly Master, it has evolved countless swordsmanship in the air, just like the world ’s Kendo, demonstrating courage, strength, hard work and tenacity ... many spirits.

It is rumored that swordplay has reached its peak, and it can display many spirits such as courage, strength, hard work, tenacity, etc., and transform it into sword tricks. I used to be silent and unbelievable. Those, even the elder brother Mihua's sword tricks, are as ridiculous as children playing.


The two palms touched each other ~ www.readwn.com ~ A huge black hole was wiped out in the space at the meeting, and the quiet face turned red, and "Hoo!" Flew out, lying on the ground, the opposite Nie Although Yun has the upper hand, but her face is not very good, of course, it is much better than Mi Jing. Once the healing energy is turned, it will be completely restored.

"You ... you ... impossible, how could your strength grow so fast? I don't believe it!"

Seeing that Nie Yun didn't use that weird hand, no use of the sword, and the sword skill deduced from the palm of one hand defeated the talent of the master of the masters, Mi Jing felt really crazy.

Is this still human?

咳 "Cough, don't worry about it, just put on your clothes ..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw the boy on the opposite face flushed, and looked down and almost did not faint.

Previously, she was imprisoned by Dongfu ’s prohibition and could not change clothes. After the imprisonment was eliminated, she only fought with Nie Yun. She forgot that her clothes belonged to each other and were extremely wide. Just now, in the fierce battle, she was dispelled Sweeping turned into a pile of fly ash, but now she is all covered with red, rounded chest, bright red highlights, and shyness between her legs ... all exposed in front of each other.

A clear view.

Ps: Forget about Monday today, Khan, ask for a few recommended tickets, Khan, monthly tickets are terrible, fell to 58th place. . Even if it's resting now, once there are more monthly passes, Lao Ya can't be idle and may break out. . . . [To be continued 『』 If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation】 ◆, if you have any questions, please go to Piaoxu to ask questions, if you want Join, welcome to join Piaoxu platform ◆

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