Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 665: Changes in Nie Tong

I took out a piece of clothing and hurriedly put it on, and Mi Jing felt that the hotness on my face had alleviated a lot. When I looked up, I saw a teenager not far away, and looked intently. His face was red again, his eyebrows raised, "You forget about what you see, you don't see anything, you can't tell others!"

"Forget to tell others?" Nie Yun looked strange.

"Yes, no one can say it, not even your demon pet, and you can't tell anyone, you have beaten me ... butt!"

Speaking of the buttocks, Mi Jing felt the hot pain behind him again, remembering that the guy in front of him had no pity for Xiangxiangyu, and gave him a harsh white look.

"Okay, I won't say!" Nie Yun couldn't help crying.

Speaking of this, you can't hang on to your face, okay ... it's not glorious to hit a woman.

"Huh? Your cultivation is ... the peak of the early days of Na Xujing? In two months, you broke through the overpass and directly reached Na Xujing? This ..."

Two months of accumulated anger, because the embarrassment had weakened, Mi Jing found that the strength of the young man in front of him was beyond imagination.

In the promotion, the bridge environment is a level, and the virtual reality is another level. The bridge environment communicates the bridge between heaven and earth. Borrowing the potential of heaven and earth, it is very difficult for each promotion to a small level, let alone a difficulty that increases tenfold. Virtual Reality!

At first, in order to enter the virtual reality, the cost of my brother, Mihua, was astounding. When converted into a superb spiritual stone, the value is definitely more than hundreds of thousands. This is the case, and I closed it for a full six months. Only successfully promoted from the peak of the overpass realm, and this guy actually has two months in front of him, not only breaking through the overpass realm, but accepting the virtual realm. The strength has actually risen to the peak of the early days of Na Xujing!

Taller than myself now!

How did it happen? Read it right!

Rubbing his eyes vigorously, he even looked at Tianyan talents carefully and found out that the other party has indeed reached the peak of the early days of Naijing, and Mi Jing sighed and felt a little frustrated.

No wonder this Nie Yun can make his brother suffer continuously. This talent is terrible!

Mi Jing was not mistaken. For the fourth time Nirvana, Nie Yun reached the peak of the early stage of Na Xu from the peak of the realm.

More than one large level, six small levels (half-step flyover, early, mid, late, peak, half-step accepting virtual reality)!

This time, Nirvana is full of strength because of the dragon grudge and the evil spirit core, and the soul has already reached the peak of the spirit level, and it goes smoothly. No surprises.

However, the accumulation of Nie Yun was too thick, and the sea of ​​air was too exaggerated. The dragon grudge and the demon core also vanished at the same time when Nirvana succeeded.

Fortunately, I got the dragon nuisance and the evil demon nucleus, otherwise, I'm afraid it will be bad for strength. Nirvana failed, and died directly.

It just made him think that Nirvana was only two months this time.

The first Nirvana was 10 days, the second one month, the third two months, and now the fourth time should be longer by reasoning. At least three or four months, I did not expect that, like the third one, it will end in two months, and the strength will be greatly improved, which is even more terrible than the previous one.

In the past, the peak of the realm of the realm could fight the early days of the virtual reality. Now the peak of the early virtual reality, I am afraid that if you encounter the late virtual reality or even the strongest, you can fight!

This is the real strength!

In this promotion, the physical strength has not increased, and the spirit rhinoceros refining system and Vajra glass body are still the fifth major achievements. But mana has made a qualitative leap.

The mana used to be only 24 million elephants, but now mana alone has one billion!

With one billion mana, Pentium came out, like a mighty river. The strength has increased by dozens of times. How can the combat effectiveness not increase? So, play against Mi Jing again, the latter is not an opponent at all!

After testing the strength after being promoted, Nie Yun knew that with the current combat effectiveness, he was actually standing on the upper layer of the floating heaven continent, so he was relieved and looked at Mijing hesitated.

If before, no matter how beautiful or how beautiful this woman is, she must be killed, not because of the other, but because her brother and herself have a deep hatred.

But now, I do n’t think so. Her brother is her brother. It has nothing to do with her. If her brother does a bad thing, she must kill her to relieve her hate. What is the difference between herself and the demon who advocates five kills?

Although the girl chased her all the way, but if the other party really wanted to kill the killer, she must have died long ago. The reason for the fierce attack was that she was almost dead because of a sneak attack.

"May I see your brother?"

I was thinking about how to deal with this girl, and Nie Yun saw the silence in front of her and came over apologetically.

"You want to see him?" Nie Yun's eyebrows raised, his eyes showed a chill.

"Don't you be surprised that I can catch up smoothly every time?" Seeing him like this, he knew his brother was his inverse scale, and quickly explained.

"Huh?" Nie Yun nodded.

To be honest, this matter has puzzled him for a long time. Since coming to the floating continent, he has been chased by the other party. This silence is even more powerful. It can not only determine the position, but even hide it after disguise.

Although Tianyan can see through the camouflage, she should not be able to see the escape speed so fast. How can she jump over ten times in a row and she can catch up quickly?

Recalling the scene when she was hunted two months ago, the small flag in the other's hand became the key. She can find herself, and it must be related to it.

"Because when my brother killed your brother, he left a soul imprint in his body, so ..." He didn't finish talking, but he could understand as long as he was not stupid.

"What?" Nie Yun's face fell cold and his body trembled.

As soon as the body fluttered, I came to the hall where the body of the younger brother was held, and tore his hands apart, he tore off the seal that was previously clothed.

Although these seals were laid under the peak state of Dantian Acupoint, after all, they were laid by his own hands, and it was very easy to lift them.

The torn seal soul immediately extended into the brother's corpse. Sure enough, a subtle imprint of the soul was found in it. As soon as the heart moved, a fire burst out, and the imprint was burned.

"I'm sorry brother, it's my fault ..."

Nie Yun's fist squeezed.

There was an imprint of the enemy ’s soul in his body. He didn't even know who he was wrong for.

Nie Yun was full of self-blame.

In fact, it was not right for him to blame himself because Nie Tong died. He had examined it carefully, but how could he find out the imprint of Mihua's soul with the soul realm at that time?


Nie Yun was repenting, and suddenly felt that Zihua Dongfu was suddenly shaken, and the whole man almost hit and fell.

"Huh? What's going on?"

After entering the Zihua Cave, Nie Yun turned it into dust and placed it in the car. How could there be such a big shock?

Suppressing the sorrow in her heart, she looked up and looked out, and Nie Yun's pupils shrank, her complexion changed.

I saw the stunned car outside somehow trembling, and the strong magic was like seeing something terrible. They fled towards the end that connected to the void.

All these magical spirits have spirituality, allowing them to escape, indicating that there must be a race with a life stronger than the devil.

Dragon race? Ghost ... or what?


Nie Yun was still thinking about it, and he saw that there was some kind of great accident underneath the originally empty carriage, and it was like something was completely touched, slowly opening a huge crack. Exposing another confined space.

In this space, there is a huge corpse lying flat, just like the dragon corpse outside. It is very large and mountain-like. Standing in front of it is like a flea on a cow, without seeing the end. I can't see exactly what it looks like.

Above the corpse is a sphere-like thing, because it is surrounded by aura, it is not clear what it is, but it floats in the air and flashes warm white light, which is extremely bright in some dark environments.

The corpse exudes a strong sense of killing, and Dadao's intentions of killing condensed into a variety of Shura soldiers, guarding above the corpse, it seems that they will rush out at any time. Kill the sky, kill the land, kill all kinds.

However, as long as these Shura soldiers rushed out, they would retreat involuntarily as soon as they hit the suspended circular sphere. From the depths of his heart, it seemed that this sphere had done great damage to them.

"Who is this corpse? Is that the emperor?"

Looking at the outside scene clearly, Nie Yun's face was shocked.

According to the handwriting description outside the car, the emperor had fought with King Shura. If it is true, the body should be the owner of the Jiulong Lahu, the so-called emperor!

As for the ball ... Nie Yun glanced twice, shaking his head.

This ball is only slightly larger than a watermelon. It is all white and smooth as a mirror. It has no mountainous atmosphere and no convincing power. It does not look like a magic weapon. As for what it is, I really do n’t know .

"Why is the Emperor's body here? What triggered it just now?"

Nie Yun was puzzled, but couldn't figure it out.

There is too little news so far. Is this corpse the "emperor", let alone figuring out how the opponent died here, and what the ball is.

What's the matter?

When I entered the car, I found that the things here have not changed for tens of thousands of years, that is to say, there has been no change for tens of thousands of years, but now it suddenly appears. Is it related to myself here?

"Nie Yun, look, look ..."

Suddenly in my heart ~ www.readwn.com ~ I suddenly heard a quiet and anxious cry, and quickly took back the spirit and looked at the girl, but she saw her face turned pale and her fingers pointed forward.

"what happened……"

Before he could finish speaking, he couldn't help but hold back, Nie Yun's fist clenched, his face became extremely ugly.

I saw the direction of the girl's finger, and Nie Tong's body hovered quietly, with a strange and unpredictable smile on her face.

ps: Chapter 12 Nie Tong's change is over.

A new volume will be opened tomorrow. The name is [Fate of Previous Life]. As can be seen from the volume name, women mainly appear.

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