Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 671: 5-claw golden dragon

It's really amazing. It's not a chicken or a monster that appears in front of you. It turned out to be a dragon!

A five-pronged golden dragon!

It's just that this five-pronged golden dragon is very small, adding up to only two feet in length, it looks particularly thin.


When Nie Yun was shocked and stunned, Jiuzhuan Lei Bing's attack hit him on his body, and only a moment later, Nie Yun felt that his whole body was grilled by the flames, and there was a pain from the inside to the outside.

"Dad, dad!"

Before coma, a milky milk sound sounded in his ears, and then the five-clawed golden dragon in Zihuadongfu came out and kept babbling on his face.

Impressed by this golden dragon, Nie Yun felt that the originally injured body slightly improved, especially the injured soul was slowly recovering.

"Dad?" Nie Yun shocked Li Jiao Wai Nen.

It's surprising that a sudden extra dragon came from Zihua Dongfu. This dragon actually called his father ...

Where is this all ...

Squeak! Squeak!

However, it was too late to shock him. I just felt that my body was recovering. I saw the Jiuzhuan Thunder soldier not far away rushing over again. This time, it seemed angry that he couldn't kill Nie Yun so quickly. The thunder and lightning were densely spread, the huge palm stretched forward, and a light composed entirely of thunder and lightning hit straight.

Seeing the power of this light, Nie Yun knew that once he was shot, even if there were nine lives, he would be killed immediately.


I knew I could definitely resist it. I pulled the five-clawed golden dragon in my arms and fled, but when I pulled it, I found that the little dragon did not appreciate it, but stared at the ray of lightning. Disdain was revealed in his eyes.


Xiaolong opened his mouth and said, "Mum!"

"What?" Nie Yun jumped.

That kind of attack, even if the power-breaker meets it, will drop a layer of skin and be swallowed by this little dragon?

"Dare to hurt my father, you are a bad guy! Die!"

After swallowing the thunderbolt, Xiaolong seemed to recognize that this nine-turn thunder soldier was not a good thing. With a low hum, his tail fluttered, and he came straight to Lei Bing with a big mouth.


Like the thunderbolt that had just been swallowed up, Jiu Zhuan Lei Bing didn't even have time to resist, and then disappeared instantly.

"Nine-turn thunder soldier was swallowed by it ..." Nie Yun's eyes widened. I swallowed my saliva, looked up at the sky, and saw the cloudy sky gradually disperse. Then I rubbed my eyes to confirm that this was true.

Although the nine-turn thunder soldier hasn't had time to make the nine-turn yet, I am afraid that the strength has also reached the peak of breaking through the air, so strong. In front of this five-pronged golden dragon, it was swallowed ...


too terrifying!

It's just ... where did this five-pronged golden dragon come from? When the giant corpse and the ball battled before, I didn't find the dragon egg. Why did such a powerful guy suddenly pop up!

As for why this guy called his dad, it was easy to explain.

Nie Yun has seen introductions in ancient books in previous books. Egg-like species such as dragons, no matter how powerful they become, will become more intelligent. They will regard the first life they saw after breaking the egg as their father (mum).

He refined the Zihua Dongfu, and he also collected the dragon eggs into the Dongfu, so when the little guy broke the egg, he saw him and naturally regarded him as his closest relative and father.

It seems that he is quite lucky. At the critical moment, this five-pronged golden dragon emerged from the egg and recognized himself as a father. If it were not for it, I am afraid that this time under the attack of the nine-turn thunder soldier, it will undoubtedly die!


Clouds dissipated in the air. Suddenly a lotus-like cloud appeared, showing colorful colors, hovering over Nie Yun's head, releasing auspicious light.

"The colorful clouds are colorful clouds. This is issued ..."

Seeing the colors gathered in the air, Nie Yun smiled and exploded.

After the thunderstorm, the practitioners are generally weak, even in danger, and will die at any time, but God is not rushing to kill them, there will be a path to life, which is the cloud of empowerment.

After successfully crossing the thunder and calamity, an auspicious cloud will appear on the person who crosses the calamity. The auspicious cloud contains a lot of spiritual power, which directly instills, not only can restore people's injuries, but also strengthen their realm.

The spiritual strength contained in auspicious clouds is related to the difficulty of thunderstorms. The larger the number of abbeys, the greater the benefits. Generally, the virtual clouds of the strongest can appear in three colors, which is called the three-colored auspicious clouds. .

There will be five colors when crossing the air, namely colorful clouds.

Seven colors will only appear when crossing the Dantian acupoints. The colorful auspicious clouds can instill energy into the powerful Dantian acupoints and restore them, which shows how terrible the spiritual power is.

Now colorful clouds appear on Nie Yun's head. It is foreseeable that if all the spiritual powers are swallowed up, the strength will definitely increase again!

I am afraid that it will directly break through the peak of Na's early days and enter the middle.

Each promotion to a small level of Na Xujing will cost a great deal, especially Nie Yun ’s accumulation is so strong. If he wants to make a breakthrough through cultivation, it will never be completed without ten or eight years. Now, he can break through by swallowing Xiangyun. It's God's good fortune and luck.

"Colorful clouds, here I am!"

With a move in his heart, Nie Yun opened his arms and looked like he was looking forward to devouring the spiritual power in the colorful auspicious clouds. At this moment, he heard the immature voice just now.

"Dare to hurt my dad, find death!"

Immediately before Nie Yun responded, he saw the auspicious clouds in the sky swallowed by Xiaolong and disappeared completely.


Seeing the scene in front of him, enjoying the expression on his face, Nie Yun almost spit out blood, and died of depression.

This is not to hurt me, but to improve my strength? You swallow it, how can I improve my strength?

Thinking of such crazy things, Nie Yun suddenly felt that it was not a lucky thing to have such a five-clawed Jinlong as a son.

Immediately afterwards, he found that this judgment was correct, and indeed it was not a lucky thing.

After the sky robbery passed, Nie Yun returned to Zihua Dongfu, and once entering Dongfu, this five-pronged golden dragon seemed to be attracted by the spiritual fluid of the second palace of Dongfu, jumped in, and swallowed.

At first, Nie Yun thought that this guy looked only one or two feet long. Even if he was given it, two or three gourds would be almost the same. When he looked at it in the past, he almost did not have a fight. Fall to the ground.

The created spiritual fluid in the whole hall was eaten clean by it, and this guy still looked at Nie Yun with two big round eyes, "Daddy, I'm hungry ..."

Hearing this, Nie Yun can't wait to have the urge to suffocate it, Nima, I have given you so much created spiritual fluid, and you **** is hungry. You should n’t call you a dragon, but let you starve ghost……

However, since it was hungry, Nie Yun had no choice but to take out his savings and stole it all the way after rebirth, and he was relatively wealthy.

But this self-confidence was quickly broken again by this five-pronged golden dragon. This guy is just a natural foodie, and the baby who has accumulated so hard has been eaten by the sea. In less than half a day, there is almost nothing left. And this guy hasn't eaten enough ...

In the end, Nie Yun couldn't help it. He stung it out of the treasure heap. There was no way he could continue to feed the guy and it would soon go bankrupt.

"Dad, I'm really hungry ..." Nie Yun clutched the tail of the five-pronged golden dragon, who lifted his head and looked at it with a pair of big eyes, purely innocent.

"Ahem, Dad took you to eat delicious food!" Seeing the appearance of it, Nie Yun wiped the cold sweat on his head and said, "But when you get to the place, you can't come out at will, it is not good to be seen by others. ! "

A creature like the five-clawed golden dragon is probably not on the entire floating continent. If this guy really appears in public view, don't even think about being quiet.

So after thinking about it, Nie Yun still didn't take this five-pronged golden dragon out.

"Is there something? That ’s good, I listen to Dad ..." The five-clawed Jinlong claws stuck in his mouth, the saliva kept flowing down, and he said milkily: "I don't need to hide it, I can change Just look at it and make it unrecognizable! "

"Change the form?" Nie Yun froze.

"Yeah! Look!" As the five-clawed golden dragon rolled in the air, it turned into another look. Although it is still similar to the dragon, it is a species owned by the floating heavens.

The young golden armor dragon!

Jin Jialong is full of gold armor and is very beautiful. The strength is only about the field level. It is said that it is also a descendant of the Dragon tribe. The things to watch and show your identity.

The five-pronged golden dragon turned into a golden armored dragon can really hide the identity very well, no one can see.

"Well ~ www.readwn.com ~ OK!" Nie Yun saw no defects in Tian Tian's eyes, knowing that although this guy is small, the real means are much stronger than himself, and he nodded immediately, saying: "There is one more, no With my permission, no random shots are allowed! "

Originally, Nie Yun wanted to say that he would rescue him when he was in danger, but after thinking about it, it would be fine. He did n’t know how strong this guy was, but he had previously swallowed Jiuzhuan Lei Bing ’s strength. I'm afraid it's no less than the Dantian Acupoint Powerhouse. Such a guy, just like encountering colorful clouds, both good and bad shots, just wait to cry.

"Okay, Dad!" He tilted his head and looked at Nie Yun, his eyes tangled, and then he nodded, clear and simple.

"Then let's go!" Seeing it promised, Nie Yun was relieved, put it on his shoulders, and one person and one dragon identified one direction and flew forward.

Here has reached the boundary of Huayunzong, and it is imperative to find a big city and borrow the teleportation array.

Flying all the way, after walking for seven or eight days, I saw a huge city appear in front of my eyes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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