Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 672: Kampo Conference

Before reaching the gate, Nie Yun changed his appearance again and fell down.

"Xuan Jincheng? This is indeed the place where Hua Yunzong is located!"

This city is called Xuanjin City. Nie Yun knew that it was part of the territory of Huayunzong. It can produce such a mine as Xuanjin, which has great benefits for refining weapons. Although this city is only a second-class city, it is very rich. Compared with Chiba Castle, it's not much more.

One person and one dragon walked into the city and looked up. It was very lively. The streets were full of various weapons, most of them were low-quality soldiers.

However, there are not many Chinese soldiers. As for the top grade, even if it is sold, it will not exceed three in a year.

For the soldier Nie Yun, there has always been no requirement, and the baby born from the two worlds of the sword of the sword **** and the ghost sword, the demand is naturally lower.

Looking all the way down, I didn't feel there was anything I needed to buy. Now the biggest demand is nothing else. It is able to open up the special atmosphere of Dantian. Now, this atmosphere does not look easy to find.

If you just go all the way down, you will not find it exhausted.

"Have you heard of it? Sword Emperor Sect renewed his teaching!"

"Of course I heard about this kind of event. The previous teacher taught Yun Xuan to be evil, and even made the body of the ancestor to be used as a puppet. The sin is extremely great. I heard that it has been abolished by the four Supreme Masters!"

"Who do you know who is the new teacher?"

"I don't know, it is said that this palm teacher is a kendo teacher. As for the name of the sword master, the **** of the sword is not announced, and there is no way of knowing it. I only knew that the palm teacher took office and closed it, and it hasn't come out yet!"

"Yeah, that's what I heard. I really don't know what this new master is. But since it is a swordsman, it is definitely not easy. The revival of Sword God Sect can be waited for ..."

As I walked, I heard people talking on the side of the road. Hearing these conversations, Nie Yun smiled slightly.

It seems that the teachings of the Sword God Sect have not been leaked. Yes, there are four Supreme Masters of the Red, Yellow, Blue and Black who suppress them. The elders who know the situation are too shocked by the sticks and jujubes. They should not reveal their whereabouts. .

"The Sword God Sect. It has nothing to do with us. In a few days, it will be a century-old Jianbao Conference of Xuan Jincheng. Many treasures will emerge at the conference. I think we still have the opportunity to collect some money and go to Taobao. Maybe we can find some real Baby! "

"Be sure to participate, it is said that the disciples of Huayunzong will also come. This kind of convention, once every 100 years, if you miss it, you will definitely regret that your intestines are all blue!"

"It is not so easy to participate. Those who can participate not only have the strength to reach the top of the field, they are said to have a certain ability to learn treasures. The ability is not strong, even if they are not in the past!"

"How can you judge Jianbao?"

"Of course it can be judged. These days, the main city of Xuanjincheng City is assessing this matter. If you really have the ability, you can go to the assessment, maybe you can get tickets for admission, and you can buy a few treasures! I ’ve made a few days ago. I'm going to try this knowledge, why not, a few of you? "

"Such a good opportunity. How can you miss it, of course, go together!"

While talking, several people walked forward slowly and disappeared before their eyes.

"Jianbao Conference?" Nie Yun nodded.

In the previous life, he was closed as a disciple after being adopted as an apprentice by the elder Zhuge Qingyun of Northern Yunzong. After becoming famous, he often sneaked into the demon world to kill and did not spend long on the floating continent. Therefore, although second-class cities such as Xuanjincheng have heard of it, they do not know this so-called Jianbao Conference.

"Since it's a gathering of babies, maybe you can find something that makes the unknown method work ..."

Suddenly Nie Yun's eyes lightened.

What is the name of the thing that can make the unknown method work? He does n’t know, but if you look for a lot of babies, you may find clues, which will increase the number of Dantians and get super talents such as sky master and skywalker. .

After using the talent of the master of tactics once, Nie Yun is full of expectation for this special talent. With this talent, combined with the talent of the kendo master, he can double his power instantly.

The previous use of both hands with Supreme Sword Art can only be performed with this talent.

Skywalker, one of the three major escape talents, works with the wind and thunder wings, and has a strange and unpredictable body. Even if he meets the top of the virtual reality, he may fight one or two.

"Go, go to the city's main house to take the assessment!" Nie Yun smiled slightly, and led Xiaolong, and walked forward.

Although he didn't know how to go to the city's main government house, the people who had walked just now had quietly shown his traceability. He could easily find the other person's place, followed closely, and strode forward.

Like the other cities, the city's main government was just in the middle of Xuanjin City, and the crowds were seen just now. The square outside the city's main government was full of people.

Each of these people has the strength above the top of the field. Among them, special clothes are grouped in groups, and at a glance, it is known that they are some disciples and some family members.

To attract these people, it seems that this Xuanjincheng Jianbao Conference is a relatively well-known existence among the core disciples of Daozongmen.

Second-tier cities, the strongest in the city, but the sky bridge, suddenly there are so many field peaks, I am afraid the pressure is also very great.

"Dad, what are we doing here? I'm hungry ..."

Xiaolong looked around for a week, his big eyes blinked, his face was innocent, his forefinger pointed to his mouth, and he was hungry.

When he heard this guy calling again hungry, Nie Yun looked dark.

Do not doubt, this guy must have been born to starve to death, so much food before, what stomach do you have?

"I'll give you something to eat later, and here you can be honest!" Nie Yun ordered.

"Well, Xiaolong listens to Dad the most!" Xiaolong said milkily.


When one person and one dragon talked, suddenly an air wave rolled in the air, and several figures flew from a distance.

"Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi, the core disciples of Huayunzong, came to see the city master!"

The figure stopped, making a loud voice, sounding East Kyushu, ringing through the square outside the city's main mansion.

"Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi are the genius characters of Hua Yunzong. They are very famous. They all seem to be able to accept the peak strength of the virtual realm. As long as they participate in the" Ji Yun Jie Ceremony ", they can become supreme characters breaking through the air and become Hua Yun Zong's elder too! "

"Yeah, the two of them are also very famous among the core disciples. It is surprising that they came here ..."

"It seems that there will be a lot of good things coming out of the Jianbao Conference of Xuan Jincheng, otherwise it would not be possible for all the powerful ones to come over!"

"The core disciples of Hua Yunzong have high visions. How can they make things easy? Even if we get something, we should be eye-opening ..."

Hearing this sound, a sound wave blew around, and everyone whispered quietly.

"Hu Kui, Zang Hongyi ..." Hearing the name, Nie Yun's face was not the joy of meeting people, but his fists clenched, and a gloomy flashed in his eyes.

The two men Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi not only knew each other but also had an unforgettable relationship. In the World War I, it was these two most trusted guys who secretly shot behind the sword, destroying their heart lifeline, otherwise, How did these people kill themselves!

Most of them believed in them, but they took refuge in the demon tribe.

Although it is possessed by the demon spirit, it can be hidden so thoroughly that even the apex of the Dantian acupoint can't be seen. I am afraid that their soul essence has a relationship with the demon. Otherwise, how can they completely show no trace of every move?

Three hundred years later, they are already Dantian acupoints. They are both top figures in Huayunzong and the floating heaven continent. Because of this, they took them to Wanjieshan, but they did not expect to betrayed and attacked. !!

Hua Yunzong is located on the top of the floating heaven, which is completely different from the other seven sect gates. The other sect gates, Yuan Shengjing, are eligible to become ordinary disciples, immortal state is eligible to become elite disciples, and the realm is the core disciple. Huazong of a gate is not.

Immortality is at most ordinary disciples, and domain realms can only become elite disciples. As for core disciples, those with the lowest strength have reached the skybridge. Among them, the outstanding ones have reached the peak of virtual reality.

Just like Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi now, they are two of the core disciples.

This strength can already be the elder position in the other seven major gates, and here, it is only the core disciple.

The elders of Huayunzong should have the ability to break through the air.

This shows that the strength of Yunzong is higher than that of other schools.

However, this was the situation decades ago. With the disappearance of the Sovereign of the Huayun Sect and the loss of the teaching seal, there were more than thirty elders who broke the air.

With the disappearance of these elder elders, there are only eight elder elders who can take out the whole sect now. The four elder elders are still on the move. Shenlong can't see the end, and no one knows which depth of time and space ~ www.readwn.com ~ Naturally, it makes people feel that the former giants are now completely ruined.

The ancestral gates that previously had the absolute strength over other ancestral gates are now almost the same as the other seven ancestral gates, and naturally they should be despised.

Of course, this has not been defeated to the extreme. The real extreme is the seven major gates in Nie Yun's memory converging the Ling Xiaoding to persecute Yunzong together. Only after that war did this giant sectarian gate truly come from God. Falling from the altar.

After the war, the eight Great Elders were too elders, all died, and there were less than ten disciples who were at the pinnacle of the virtual realm, except Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi. Ordinary disciples were dead because of this. All three Dantian talents were recruited into Zongmen to become disciples, otherwise, with the talents of previous lives, no one wanted to sweep the streets of Yunzong.

And now, that catastrophe has not yet come.

"I will definitely prevent this from happening ..."

Muttering to himself, Nie Yun snorted softly, but not loud, but revealed firmness beyond Jinshi. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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