Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 673: Yantai Fairy

The former King Sejong had a gift for him to teach, and he could reach the Dantian acupoints, all of which are the Yun Yunzong's kindness. Because of this, even if he became the Sword God Sect's master in this life, he still didn't have much sense of belonging. Yunzong.

Although Hua Yunzong has parents and her, why not have the fetters and concerns of previous lives?

That sincere sentiment towards Zongmen is indelible and erasable even if the two lives are human.

"Xuan Jin Cheng Cheng Bao Tong welcomes several Hua Yunzong masters, please come in!"

When Nie Yun thought about it, the city owner heard the movement and hurried out, with a respectful look.

The core disciples of Hua Yunzong, especially Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi, are well-known in the floating continent. This bag is just a small city owner and dares not to neglect.

"Please come back, no more assessments today, and please come back tomorrow. I'm very sorry, these are some small gifts. They are things I apologize to. Please don't disapprove!"

Hu Kui and others were greeted into the city's main mansion, and the city owner Bao quickly flew out, sorry to everyone in the square.

After finishing talking with a large hand, numerous decorative pieces made of black gold were dropped from the air. Although not very useful, they are very delicate and represent the intention of the city's main government.

For Bao Tong, there are also many family and zongmen disciples in the square. Although these people are far away from the virtual reality, they cannot be offended.

"The master of this city is quite a man!" Nie Yun glanced and smiled after receiving an ornament.

Sure enough, when I received these things, I still had some opinions. I felt that the owner of the city favored each other and saw Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi ignored them. Not talking.

"It doesn't seem to work today, let's go and find a hotel to have a good meal and take a break by the way!"

Knowing that in order to receive Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi today, the city's owner will no longer be assessed, and Nie Yun is too lazy to wait. He stretched his waist and walked to a nearby restaurant with a five-claw golden dragon.

It has been boring for a few days in a row, let alone this dragon, even if you feel yourself, the mouth fades out.

This restaurant is called [Yi Zui Lou]. As soon as I heard the name, I knew there was good wine in it. I walked in with the golden claw dragon, and I found a corner, and sat down and asked for some good wine.

"What is this? Can I drink it?" Wulong Jinlong looked at the fine wine that Nie Yun said, blinking with big eyes, curious.

"This is wine. You should ... you can drink it!" Nie Yun scratched his head.

Although this five-pronged golden dragon is young, it is an ancient **** and beast after all, and its blood is strong. It should be nothing to drink.

"Hee hee, then I drank ..." Wulong Jinlong's eyes brightened, he quickly stretched out two claws to hold an altar, and drank in a big mouth.

Just drank half the altar. The big eyes of the five-pronged golden dragon blurred, flying in the air, crooked and crumbled, and "dropped!" Dropped on the table.

"Dad, this wine is delicious, I have to drink ..." Keju drunk, the five-clawed Jinlong grabbed the altar to continue drinking.

"..." Nie Yun didn't expect this ancient heterogeneity, and the amount of alcohol was so shallow. He shook his head with a bitter smile, grabbed the altar, and put it into Zihua Dongfu.


Inside the main palace of Mysterious City.

The city owner packs the same side. He looked respectfully at the people in front of him.

Of these people, two were seated in the seat, the others were standing behind, the two of them were sitting, one in their left hand. A sackcloth, black eyebrows, flashes of lightning appear between the pupils, the slender body on the right hand side, a red coat, temperament like a sheathed sword, terrifying.

It is Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi.

"Do n’t be alarmed by Bao Tong, this time we two came here to ask the Lord for help!" Seeing the restrained look of Zang Hongyi, Zang Hongyi smiled. He smiled, and the sorrow that had just covered him disappeared immediately.

Just by looking at the change of temperament, we know that this guy's control of the breath has reached a level of fire.

"The two predecessors are straightforward, I can help, no doubt!" Bao Tong nodded quickly.

There is no such thing as age in the practice world, only strength and weakness. These two people are stronger than Bao Tong, and the latter is called the senior.

"Well, this time we two came over, each with their own needs, Hu Kui, let's talk first!" Zang Hongyi turned to look at the Mai youth on one side.

"Okay, then I'll talk about it first. I heard that at the Jianbao Conference, Xuan Jincheng got a rosary from the Buddhist domain. I have always been interested in the practice of Buddhism. I don't know if the same is the case with Baotong. "

Hu Kui laughed and asked directly.

"The rosary of the Buddha domain ... we did get one, but ... it wasn't owned by our city's main government, but it was brought by a casual repairman, and he wanted to auction it, this ..."

The bag is insidious.

"Rest assured, I just confirm the news. As a disciple of Hua Yunzong, he is decent, and will not be forced to win. Once you auction, tell me that I will buy it at a fair price!"

Hu Kui waved his hands and was very proud.

"Thank you for your understanding!" After hearing this, Bao Tong wiped the cold sweat on his head.

The meditation man who took the rosary was also a strong visionary. For him, no one dared to offend.

Although casual repairs are not as entrenched and powerful as the famous sects, they don't need to worry about the identity of the door rules and wantonly acts. Once offended, the consequences are endless.

"It's my turn. I heard that in addition to the black gold, your city has also discovered a [earth spar]. How many of this spar do you have, I want it all!"

Seeing Hu Kui finished speaking, Zang Hongyi said.

"Sparks of the earth? You didn't say anything you wanted along the way, Hong Yi, so you're worse than me. You want to win the beauty!"

Hu Kui didn't seem to know what Zang Hongyi wanted before. When he said that, he couldn't help laughing.

"Hehe! I heard she was collecting the spar, and it was just a whim!" Seeing through the other party, Zang Hongyi didn't have the slightest shyness, but smiled lightly and gently.

"It's not false for her to collect geomorphs, but I advise you to be careful, this yintai fairy, but no one cares, indifferent and afraid of people, many teachers and brothers have run into nails, you must be careful!"

Hu Kui laughed.

"I know that this fairy of Taitai is a personal disciple of Elder Dong. It is normal to be lonely and lonely, but I am not a fan of Zang Hongyi. I am different from other people. As long as I take a shot, I must catch it. ! "

Zang Hongyi smiled slightly, her eyes flashed with confidence.

"Then I congratulate you in advance ..." Hu Kuihaha smiled.

Ignoring his congratulations, Zang Hongyi looked at Bao Tong again. "Why, is there a spar?"

"Yes, yes, I can get this directly from the seniors!" Bao Tong nodded quickly, turned around and gave a command, and after a while, his subordinates handed a flying spirit soldier, wiped the soul mark on it, and passed it over. .

"Um!" Zang Hongyi swept away from the flying spirit soldier, and immediately smiled on his face. "Yes, five hundred ground veins, one I will give you the normal price, ten high-quality spirits, this is 5000 High-quality spirit stone! "

With one stroke of the palm, there was another hill piled up with high-quality spirits immediately on the ground.

"Thank you very much!" Bao Tong was excited.

Ground vein spar is a special type of ore, which has the ability to transfer space. It is the main raw material for refining Zhitian Fuyu. Although the price given by Zang Hongyi is not high, it is acceptable. And he can't help it.

"Although there are a lot of 500 pieces, it is still not enough for me. If you still have them, I can continue to redeem them!"

Put the ground spar inside the flying spirit soldier, and hide in red.

"Grain veins, we do not have Xuanjin City, but ..." Suddenly remembered something, Bao Tong hesitated.

"But what?"

"A while ago, a disciple from Xianwuzong brought a [Earth Vein Crystal] to be auctioned. Now he is staying at the auction house ... or I can bring it for my seniors first. As for the auction, I think of a way ... Bao Tong said.

"Earth vein crystal? This is a hundred times more pure than the earth vein crystal. Good, very good!" Zang Hongyi heard that there was an earth vein crystal to sell, and her eyes lightened. There was no calmness before, There was a fiery enthusiasm all over the body, but this fiery enthusiasm was immediately replaced by calmness and calmness. "Don't take it first. The disciples of Xianwuzong and our Huayunzong belong to the eight major gates. You can take it directly. Later, he knew it would be troublesome Small, when I will participate in the auction, I will buy this thing upright! "

"Thank you for your understanding!"

Hearing that these two are not like other disciples, they think about themselves everywhere, and Bao Tong is relieved.

"If the predecessors have nothing else, can you appreciate your face and go down to a drunk house for a quick meal. Yi drunk house is our largest restaurant in Xuanjin City. There are countless fine wines, even the snowberry wines that are forbidden to drink are treasured!"

After seeing each other's affairs, Bao Tong said quickly.

"Oh? Is there a drink from others? Then our brothers are going to taste it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Let's show the way!"

Zang Hongyi's eyes brightened.

"Please, two seniors! Please disciples from Xianmen!" Bao Tong was relieved to see them agree. These two core disciples of Huayunzong are very famous throughout the floating heavens and continents, and will be with them in the future. It is certain that the status will be more and more consolidated, even if you are lucky, get some kind of reward, and improve your strength by one order.

"Huh!" Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi nodded at the same time, with many brothers and brothers behind them, followed by Bao Tong and flew over to a drunk house.

"Sorry everyone, today our restaurant city is mainly for banquets and guests, please leave. All the money for this meal is in our heads. I'm really sorry!"

As soon as the drunk five-claw golden dragon was put into Zihuadong Mansion, Nie Yun shook his head and made his own decision. He heard an apologetic sound in the restaurant, and he couldn't help frowning.

PS: The meeting lasted all afternoon, Khan. . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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