Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 674: Brief confrontation

This Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi's faces are too big, they must be beaten everywhere!

"Let's go, the noble guest of the city owner must be the core of those several Yunzongs just now!"

"We can't afford such a big man, just leave!"

哎 "Hey, you must look at your face for a meal, the core of Hua Yunzong is really big ..."

When everyone in the restaurant heard the apology, they all shook their heads and turned to leave.

Although the status of those who can spend here is not low, the first door in the world like Hua Yunzong is far worse.

I soon left Nie Yun in the entire hall.

"The guest officer, please leave, the city's main government wants to banquet the guests, you see ..." The hotel owner saw the young man sip a drink without any intention of leaving, his face changed, and he came quickly.

"Drinking wine with you, does it depend on your status? Don't talk nonsense, show me the best wine you have!"

Nie Yun frowned and snorted, and the body's strength at the beginning of the virtual realm was immediately released without reservation.

Although I don't want to cause trouble, I also want to see what the obedient little person who followed in the previous life has become.

Regardless of whether Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi were willing to take refuge in the demon clan or be possessed by the demon spirit in the previous life, it would not be so miserable if they were not because of the two of them in the previous life. .

Besides, the city owner Bao Tong dared to do so and blasted out all the guests, and certainly got the other party's default.

Yunhua Yunzong has always been self-righteous and respectful of his reputation. He speaks so loudly, and what is the difference between the evil demon and those of the Xunzi?

It seems that the two were not so well behaved in front of themselves.

"Enjoy the strong man in the virtual world ... this ..." Feeling the breath of the other person, the hotel owner was startled, knowing that he could not afford to rely on his skills, and he dared not say anything, and took out the fine wine.

Wu Xuan Jincheng's strongest city master is only the peak of the flyover realm, the hotel owner is also the realm of the realm. In front of the virtual reality, nothing can be counted, and he dare not talk nonsense.

The wine I got this time is much better than just now. It is the snowberry wine of Jiujiu.

"What's going on? Why aren't anyone leaving?"

As soon as Xi brought the wine, he heard the sound of footsteps outside, then Bao Tongcheng and Zang Hongyi walked in.

When I saw that there were other guests in the hotel, Baotong raised his eyebrows.

"City Lord ..." The hotel owner was trying to explain two sentences, and saw Bao Tong's face sinking, snorting "waste!" Turned to Nie Yun and walked over.

"Sir, I have already contracted this restaurant to limit you to three breaths, and leave immediately, otherwise, the consequences are at your own risk!"

He came to Nie Yun, Bao Tonglang said.

His voice was harsh, and Meiyu took the breath of the superior. As long as there was no problem, the person being scolded would be afraid and turned to leave. Who knows that the drinking boy still cares about drinking and turns a deaf ear to his words. As if I didn't hear it.

"Did you hear the Lord of the City? Deaf or dumb!"

Xi Baotong did not continue to say that a subordinate behind him rushed up, patted the table, and shouted loudly.


I was too lazy to talk with this kind of nonsense, Nie Yun snorted softly while drinking.

Gurulong! Gollum!

刚 As soon as his voice fell, Bao Tong's subordinate even rolled out and crawled out, looking extremely ridiculous.

The spirit of the pinnacle-level peak exerts the talent of Xianyin Master, how can it be a low-end who can not even reach the realm of the field?

"You ... Okay, okay, a few seniors, this person doesn't understand the etiquette. At first glance, it looks like a demon spy. Please also take a few shots to correct my prestige ..."

It seems that the young man in front of him looks good, but Bao Tong is not afraid. He turned to Hu Kui and others, but before he finished speaking, he felt a pain on his face, his head twisted into a twist, and he flew across. When he went out, he inserted it into a thick pillar in the restaurant.

"Spy, demon? You demon your mother!"

The **** was inserted into the post, only to hear a disdainful sound slowly.

Nie Yun hates buttoning hats for others, but ca n’t beat them, but pretends to be a wolf tail! You did n’t leave me, it ’s because the demon was spying. You forced the people to be so rude, wouldn't it be even more demon?

"Xian Yinshi talent? Yes! If you don't dislike it, can you have a few drinks with us?" Zang Hongyi glanced at the guy who had just got out and glanced at the city lord who was being slaped with a slap, his eyes flashed, I didn't know what to think, and suddenly spoke.

"Drinking together? Gao Pan can't afford it!" Looking at the eyes in his eyes, Nie Yun chuckled and ignored them.

"Dog, what are you arrogant? My brother in red is able to talk to you, it is a blessing that you have repaired in your lifetime, and even pretend to be here, I think you are looking for death!"

Behind Zang Hongyi, a Hua Yunzong seemed to have received some instructions. He jumped out, yelled, his palms stretched forward, and a fistprint rushed over.

As the core of Huayunzong, his strength is not low. Although he can't catch up with Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi, he has already reached the early stage of accepting the virtual realm. This kind of strength has already been regarded as too elder level in other sects. The characters, attacking with all their strength, with the force of oppressing the space, before they came to the front, swept the surrounding table and chairs into powder.

找 "Look for death? Clown jumping, in this case, you kneel for me!" The original drinking hand stopped, Nie Yun's body didn't move, her eyebrows raised, and a light burst into her eyes.


A strong mental wave greeted this fist print suddenly.


When the spirit fluctuated, he rushed through the fist prints and pierced the head of this person. With a scream of "patter!", "Ah!", He fell to his knees.

Although Hua Yunzong is a fetter in his heart and has deep feelings, but the main door is not the same as the good and the bad. This core, without saying a word, starts with others, and naturally belongs to the category of "莠". Nie Yun has always hated this kind of scum that bullies people. , He will show no mercy.

"You dare to let Brother Du Jiang kneel down and challenge us to change the majesty of Yunzong, very good. It seems that you don't want to live ..."

Another core jumped out, and looked diligently at Nie Yun. This guy possessed the strength of accepting the middle of the virtual realm. He screamed as soon as he came out, and just like the previous one, the body twisted, the strength of the whole body was condensed, and the punch was punched out. !!


This person's strength is obviously a grade stronger than that just now. After the fist was punched, a violent air wave slammed violently. The acupuncture points that immediately covered Nie Yun's body seemed to have left the scope of the lesson, but went directly to the killer. .

As long as he is hit, even the middle-term strong man who is satisfied with the virtual reality will be broken and miserable.


However, before his fist style came to the teenager, he felt a red face and a pain in his mouth, and a wine glass penetrated into his mouth, knocking down seven or eight teeth.


The blood spit out, and Xu took a few steps back and fell to the ground. The powerful attack just now was also interrupted by the power and the smoke disappeared.

"you wanna die……"

核心 The core was injured, and the rest wanted to rush over and was stopped by Zang Hongyi.

"Okay, it ’s not enough to be shameful?" Blocking everyone, Zang Hongyi turned to look at Nie Yun. "Is there any conflict between this friend and our Hua Yunzong? If so, I have the strength of Zang Hongyi Bad, I can still make the decision for you! "

"There is no contradiction, just look down on these dog-fighting guys!"

Seeing that the other party did not take a direct shot, Nie Yun was also surprised by Zang Hongyi's stability, but this did not mean that the hatred of the previous life was cancelled and he snorted.

"It seems to be a misunderstanding. If you don't dislike it, please share a table with us. Any contradictions and misunderstandings, let me clarify it!"

Zang Hongyi continued.

"Drinking with you at the table, I feel sick, well, not to talk nonsense with you, let's go!" Nie Yun snorted suddenly, his body suddenly grew, "Wow!" Disappeared from the place, and no more No trace is visible.

After using the special talent, it has an hour of use period. When the camouflage Dantian was originally generated, he lent the air of camouflage to Xiaofeng, and Nie Yun knew this feature.

Before the talent of the Skywalker had not lost its effect, he took the opportunity to make [Feng Xuan Tian Bu] become a show, at this time, the speed is fast, even Zang Hongyi and Hu Kui can hardly find when he has left .

Of course ~ www.readwn.com ~ I also want to practice the frivolity method. Unfortunately, this level of martial arts has a special talent, which can only be the same. It is the same reason as the original Kendo spirit. The air of talent can countless martial arts of this level, and the air of kendo will not be so precious.

Squeak! Squeak!

As soon as Nie Yun left, the silent restaurant heard the sound of Zang Hongyi's fist clenching. At this moment, his eyes were cold and seemed to be able to freeze.

"Red, it looks like this person doesn't accept your affection, so hold back, unlike your character!"

Hu Kui smiled.

The cores of the crickets were Zang Hongyi's subordinates, so Hu Kui didn't care.

"Resist? Oh, I just don't want to find excuses for Zongmen's competitors, rest assured, I have left a trace of his soul on him, even if he escapes to the ends of the earth and kills him, it is easy to wait until no one is there. To kill directly is ... eh? Huh! "

Zang Hongyi had a look of self-confidence that she didn't care about, but she didn't finish her words, and suddenly her face turned red, and a burst of blood burst out.

"what happened?"

Seeing sudden changes, Hu Kui couldn't help but change his face.

"My soul's mark was actually obliterated by him ... this ... how is this possible?"

Zang Hongyi's original confident face showed an ugly color, her face turned red, and her whole body trembled.

[Unfinished To Be Continued [This text is provided by Piao Su @ 观 之 淡然 [飘 Su Welcome]] If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe and give a reward on 〓 中文 网 〓, your support is my greatest Power] ◆, if you have any questions, please go to Piaoxu. If you want to join, you are welcome to join Piaoxu platform ◆

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