Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 675: Buddha bone relic

"Still reckless!"

Walking on the street of Xuan Jincheng, thinking of what happened just now, Nie Yun shook his head.

Suddenly heard the news of Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi, he lost some calmness and wanted to have a fight. In fact, it was a bit rash to do so.

Although his current strength has improved greatly, he can also fight beyond the ranks, but Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi are the outstanding geniuses of Hua Yunzong. Although they can't keep up with the most evil ones, they are not weak, and they can fight beyond the ranks.

Both of them are satisfied with the peak of the virtual realm, and then cooperate with the leapfrog battle, the general half-step break through the strong power can be defeated, this kind of strength, is not the current one can compete.

Unless you reach the middle of the virtual reality!

Reaching the middle of the virtual realm, the strength once again leap, there is nothing terrible to meet these two again.

Despite knowing this, when I think about the past life, I feel anxious to kill the two to relieve their hatred. In the previous life, they were able to advance to the Dantian acupoints and rely on various refined elixir for themselves. Otherwise, with their talent, they wanted to It's almost impossible to succeed!

It's abominable to give them so much help, but to rely on the demons and give them a fatal blow!

"Forget it, after all, it's a past life thing, maybe they haven't trusted the demons in this life ..." Aside from these thoughts in his head, Nie Yun's wrist turned, and a small token was added to his palm. "This should be Be able to attend the warrant of the Jianbao Conference! "

When I started with the owner of the city, God stole the talent and stole it out.

With this, there is no need to go to assessment, which can save a lot of trouble.

"Well, why did I forget this thing? Xuan Jincheng seems to have [earth spar], which is exactly what she likes. See if you can find some ..."

While walking, suddenly Nie Yun patted his head and thought of something.

In the previous life, she particularly liked the special minerals such as dysmenite, and she had found a lot of people to exchange them. Although I don't know why she likes this kind of thing, she still has the desire and desire for her. It is because of this that she knew the name of the city of Xuanjincheng. Before, I thought the city was familiar, but she didn't think of it for a moment.

This mysterious city seems to be the place where the veins are rich!

If you can find this spirit stone for her. Maybe meeting in this life will become much smoother.

When you think about it, Nie Yun casually walks into a shop selling things and asks a few things about Dimai Lingshi, and asks several companies in succession, most of whom don't know what Dimai Jingshi is. Until I asked about the tenth one, people in a large store had heard about it, but they didn't have it in the store, but as soon as it was mined, it was sent to the city's main government.

"It looks like we're going back to the old business, and stealing ..."

Inquired clearly, Nie Yun smiled slightly.

Even if Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi live in the city's main residence, it's nothing to Nie Yun. With the talents of the Earthwalker and the Thief who reached the second form, he is still very confident.

"Find a place to stay before talking at night!"

Looking at it, it was still early, and Nie Yun changed into another look and found a place to live.

Entering the residence, Nie Yun stumbled into Zihua Dongfu.

Since being promoted, I have n’t had time to open the remaining halls of Dongfu. I just took the opportunity to see what's inside.

A total of four temples were opened before, and the first one contained various spirit stones. Although there is no gem, it is a great wealth.

The second is the created spirit fluid, of course, at this time has been completely eaten by the five-pronged golden dragon.

The third is a variety of spiritual soldiers, the highest level is top grade. There is no gem.

The fourth palace was empty and nothing, and now filled himself with pure magic.

Thinking to myself, came to the fifth palace.

If you want to open the fifth temple, you must have the strength to reach the fifth skybridge of the Secret Realm. Before Nirvana, Nie Yun has not reached it, and it has not been opened.

After Nirvana, they encountered the collapse of the world in Jiulong, and have been unable to take care of it until now.

The keys to the opening of the first four temples were swordsmanship. When he came to the fifth temple, Nie Yun suddenly found a difference, not a swordsmanship, but a set of martial arts and a set of boxing.

"Breakthrough fist? This is ... the method of Hua Yunzong?"

Seeing this set of boxing, Nie Yun was confused.

The martial arts portrayed in the fifth palace turned out to be Hua Yunzong, and it was a set of boxing techniques that reached the highest level.

Hua Yunzong's boxing skills and martial arts are the same as swordsword swordsmanship, and they are also divided into ordinary, elite, core, supreme, and supreme, but the last sword godzong ’s supreme great swordsmanship is called [Budo].

The ancestor of Hua Yunzong was a martial artist, so the highest level was also called martial arts level, surpassing the Supreme Boxing Method.

Although this set of "Breakthrough Fairy Boxing" did not reach the highest level, but it is definitely the highest peak boxing skills, the power is not inferior to the Fan Yun sword.

This boxing method has always been the secret of Hua Yunzong's non-communication. I did not expect that this Zihua Taoist could get it and stay on the stone wall outside the palace hall of Dongfu. It was really powerful.

"I've practiced this complete set of martial arts in previous lives, can't help me ..."

The previous life was the Supreme Elder of Hua Yunzong. He knew Zongmen's martial arts and boxing skills very well. He smiled, turned his body into a whirlwind, and quickly set out the boxing methods.

Click, click!

After the boxing, Shimen seemed to get a sense of induction and slowly opened.

"Eh? It's empty? Didn't the Zihua Taoist keep a baby?"

Entering the temple and taking a look, Nie Yun couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

This temple is the same as the fourth one, but it is also empty. No Zihua Taoist would put things in the first three rooms, but there would be none at the back ... But he said that the eight palaces are all good ...

However, there was nothing and no way, shook his head and came to the front of the sixth palace.

This palace corresponds to the strength of accepting virtual reality. The above is also a set of martial arts, but it is not boxing but leg work called "Breaking the Celestial Immortal Foot", and it is a set of Beast Cunning Immortal.

The world-famous martial arts technique is also a set. Like the four seasons swordsmanship, it is divided into four. The fists, feet, elbows, and knees are combined, which is a set of close combat martial arts, which is extremely powerful.

Nie Yun had practiced the entire set in his previous life, so he was soon familiar with the amazing feet.


After the training, the sixth temple opened suddenly. Open the temple and look inside. This one is not empty. The inside is full of spirits. The huge aura fills the entire room. Take a closer look.

An extraordinary stone in a palace!

The last time I exhausted all my hardships, and only grabbed tens of thousands of unique gemstones from Mitai and others, I thought that I had made a fortune, but compared with these, it is not the same concept at all.

The sum of all the gemstones in this temple is definitely over a million!

Millions of unique gemstones ... Nie Yun was depressed before the five-pronged golden dragon ate up his savings. Seeing these spiritstones immediately knew that he became a rich man in an instant!

"It's weird. According to the truth, there should be something in every hall of Zihua Dongfu. How can some have it and some not?"

At the same time as my heart was excited, a little doubt was raised.

According to common sense, these temples should all have things, but for some reason, the fourth and fifth temples are all lost.

"Forget it, you will get rich with these!"

If you can't figure it out, you don't want to, Nie Yun smiled at the superb spirit stone on the ground.

With these things, it is considered to be a real wealth of money. Even if the cultivation is expensive, you don't need to be afraid.

"This guy hasn't sobered up yet ..."

Stepping out of the sixth hall and glancing at the five-pronged golden dragon, it was found that it was still asleep, and did not seem to wake up from drunkenness. Nie Yun could not help but shook his head.

This guy has never seen cultivation except eating and sleeping, but he is so powerful that he is indeed an ancient alien and has great talent.

It can't be compared with this kind of beast. It really has to be compared.

Your hard work hardly grows. Other than eating and sleeping, you can greatly increase your strength. How can you compare?

Shaking his head, looking down the stone room, the seventh stone room corresponds to the strength of breaking through the air, and the eighth corresponds to the Dantian acupoint situation, although the above ground-breaking martial arts skills can be performed by themselves, the level is less than, But he couldn't open the stone door.

After experimenting for a long time, with no results, Nie Yun reluctantly practiced cross-kneeed.

I don't know how long it took to see that the sky had turned dark outside, stood up, his body shook, came out of Zihua Dongfu, and got into the ground.

It's getting dark, and it's time to visit the city's main mansion.

Tianyan observation walked underground all the way, and soon came under the city's main mansion.

Although the main city of a second-rate city has defense, it is too far away from a large gate like the sword **** sect. He can walk freely, let alone here, and quickly bypass some arrays and come to The main city center.

"Look at the sky eyes, where is the vein spar ..."

Stabilizing his body, Nie Yun was planning to use the eyes to find the location of the ground vein crystal. Suddenly a heart move, and the mind instantly thunders, and the whole body muscles jump involuntarily ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huh? Is anyone practicing Buddhist practice? "

Feeling the muscles beating, the Vajra glass body practice method involuntarily operated, and a burst of Brahma sounded in his ears. Nie Yun knew that someone must have practiced the Buddhist meditation method or the Buddhist treasure, otherwise, it would not be possible to get the distance so far.

"Look at it!" Following the direction of the beating muscles, sneaked quietly from the ground, and soon came to a yard.

Surrounded by the aura of the courtyard, he quietly sneaked forward, and Nie Yun looked up.

In the eyes, Hu Kuizheng was sitting cross-knee in the middle of the yard with his hands on his belly and his right hand up. The fingers of the two thumbs were connected, showing the Buddhist meditation. Glory.

"This is ... is this Buddha bone relic?"

Seeing this bone joint, Nie Yun's eyes lighted up, and his fist "screamed!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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