Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 676: Breaking the potential list

Buddha bone relics, relics left by monks of Buddhism, which contain the understanding and experience of Buddhism, and those who can leave relics are almost all masters of Buddhism. Hearing the true meaning of the avenue, these figures are the existence of the spiritual entrustment of the followers of the Buddhist monks, and the relics they formed are extremely precious and are regarded as the treasure of future generations.

Hu Kui has a Buddha bone relic?

There was fiery in Nie Yun's eyes.

If this reliance can be obtained, the King Kong glass body will definitely improve a bit and go directly to the sixth!

King Kong Liuli can be promoted, indicating that the spirit rhinoceros refining skills can also be promoted. If the two major sports skills are promoted at the same time, the strength will definitely leap again. Even if you really compete against masters such as Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi, Any danger can even be defeated!

"I'm sure it won't work, you must find a way to steal it ..."

Ming Qiang is not yet Hu Kui's opponent, and once he starts, he will definitely alarm Zang Hongyi. If he flanks on both sides, it will not be a problem to escape, and it will be troublesome to get something again.

Can't grab, naturally steal!

Nie Yun secretly calculated.

With past memory, knowing that Hu Kui will turn to the demon in the future and steal his stuff, there is no psychological burden.

"Let's look for a while and look for opportunities!" Knowing that the other party is in the process of cultivating, the soul and the bones of the Buddha are mingling. It is almost impossible to steal them, and they can only wait and find opportunities.

"I wish to save all sentient beings, as the cooling pond can fill all thirst, as cold as the fire, as naked as the clothing, as a merchant winner, as a son and a mother, as a ferry boat. As sick as a doctor, as dark To get a lamp is like a poor and a treasure, like a king of the people, and a sea of ​​jakes. Like a torch to remove darkness, all beings can be free from all suffering, all illness, and all the bonds of life and death ... My heart is to the Buddha, refining! "

For a long time, Hu Kui suddenly whispered. It was like making a vow, and like recitation of the Buddhist scriptures, the Buddha's light was flourishing, his right hand was raised like a lotus flower, and he suddenly moved forward.


A swath of Buddhist scriptures rotates at the fingertips, converging into a large "卐" character. Wrap Buddha bones completely.

Zizi Zizi!

The Buddha's bone seemed to know that someone was going to refine it, and it suddenly sounded a shouting Buddha sound, like drinking with a bang and giggling, like a thunderous sound in the ground, and Hu Kui's face flushed with red blood.

"No ... I want to refine this Buddha bone. I must have a pure soul and be proficient in Buddhist techniques ... I'm still a bit behind. It seems that I can only get the Buddhist rosary after the auction, and the two monks leave behind Only by blending things with each other can they be thoroughly refined. Once refined, if the strength is greatly improved, it is even possible to break through the peak of the virtual reality and enter the empty space! "

Murmured to himself, Hu Kui stretched out his hand and pinched the Buddha bone in the air. With a sigh, he put it into Narita.

The Buddha bone relic represents the devotion and purity of Buddhist monks to the Buddhist monks during their lifetime.

"Senior Hu Kui, senior in red, asked you to go through the past and talk about important matters to discuss with you!"

at this time. There was a sudden sound outside the yard.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll be there in a minute!" Hu Kui frowned, turned and walked towards the room. He was injured and spit blood just now. It seems that he didn't want other people to know about it, and went back to change clothes.

"good chance!"

As soon as he entered the room, Nie Yun's eyes lit up, and his body came out of the courtyard.

A soldier in armor standing respectfully outside the courtyard, at a glance, he knew that the person who was the main mansion of the city had only Yuan Shengjing's strength, and his rank was very low.

"Control for me, come in!"

Seeing this man's appearance, Nie Yun sighed, and a surge of soul invaded the soldier's mind instantly.

The words carried the unique attack power of Xianyinshi's talent, coupled with his own strong soul, and the soldiers lost their eyes and turned into a puppet, and disappeared from the original place, and he was taken into Zihuadongfu.

Put him in, Nie Yun quickly changed into clothes, and the air of disguise turned into his appearance, standing in front of the door.

When everything was ready, he heard the courtyard door creak! Hu Kui came out.

Hu Kui changed into a new dress, with a magnificent attitude. From the appearance alone, he could not see that he had been injured.

"All right!"

He nodded as soon as he went out.

"Yes!" Nie Yun walked forward before taking a step. Suddenly, he bumped his body and touched each other, then flushed. "Sorry, I'm so excited to see seniors ..."

"Let's go!" Seeing that the soldier was busy, Hu Kui frowned, but didn't scold, and walked to the courtyard where Zang Hongyi was.

The two lived not far from each other. They arrived at Zang Hongyi's residence a few minutes later. Nie Yun had already got her hands. As soon as she wanted to leave, she heard a hearty laugh from the yard.

"It's a godsend. For this opportunity, I must capture the hearts of the fairies of Houtai! Haha!"

"Yantai Fairy?"

Hearing this voice, Nie Yun's body froze, and her mind suddenly emerged with an elegant and beautiful appearance.

"It's her. Sure enough, like her previous life, she's in Yunzong ..."

Fist clenched, remembering the appearance of previous lives, Nie Yun's face overflowed with happiness.

Since rebirth, because of the butterfly effect, many people and things have undergone huge changes. Nie Yun has always worried that the lovers of previous lives will disappear as a result. Therefore, she is obviously nervous and ca n’t wait to see her immediately, but she is even more afraid of being near home. I would rather stay in Xuan Jincheng for a few days than face it.

Hearing Zang Hongyi's words at this time, knowing that she was already in Yunzong, it seemed that the trajectory of history on her had not changed, which relieved her.

"Well? Want to capture her heart? Hehe, let me see what method you use!"

Quietly got the captive soldier out and stood outside the door, and Nie Yun walked out, waiting to leave the sensing range of the other side, then he flew into the ground, quietly went to the courtyard where Zang Hongyi was located.

"What god-given opportunity? So anxious to find me?"

Hu Kui also heard these words. Upon entering the yard, he asked Xiang Zangyi with a smile.

"Haha, I just got the news. During this trip to [Ghost Fog, Haohai], the fairy of Huantai took the initiative to ask you, did you say it was a good opportunity for me to show my skills?" Zang Hongyi laughed loudly.

"The sea of ​​ghosts and mists? This is a trial for new entry disciples to experience the feeling of life and death. Even if the core disciples have passed away, who will die for nine lives?" Hu Kui frowned.

"Well, who else!" Zang Hongyi's face sank when I heard who was going. "Xiao Ling is also a suitor of Xiantai Fairy. Do you think this is a good opportunity, can you not go?"

"Xiao Ling's breaking potential list is in front of you and me, both are in the top ten. Although it is only the tenth, be careful!"

Hearing the name Xiao Ling, Hu Kui's face went dark, revealing a dignity.

"Xiao Ling? It seems that there are quite a lot of her pursuers ..." Underground Nie Yun was helpless to hear the conversation between the two.

The past life's own entered Zongmen very late. Xiao Ling, the top ten characters who broke the empty potential list, basically died almost. Therefore, there were fewer suitors. They did not meet any competitors and did not expect to be reborn in this life. Before I saw a real person, I already knew two lovers.

However, it doesn't matter, in previous lives, I can catch up with you, and in this life, I can certainly!

Nie Yun's eyes showed strong confidence.

As the name suggests, the Breakthrough Potential Ranking is qualified to enter the ranks of the Breakthrough Realm. It is the most important list among Hua Yunzong disciples. As long as they can enter the top 30 of this list, they are basically famous. Big man, genius against the sky.

Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi seem to be able to enter the top thirty, but they are still a short distance from the top ten.

They can't make it into the top ten, which shows how abnormal the strength of the monsters in the top ten should be. Each of these people has the leapfrog combat strength. It is said that the top three people in each session even fight against the power-breaker. The ability is terrible.

As for [Ghostly Mist], this is where the new disciples of Huayunzong are tested. Usually, such trials also involve core disciples. It is very dangerous. New disciples enter the periphery, and old disciples go deeper. Here can better understand the killing and bloody, so that the disciples can grow up better.

In his previous life, after becoming a disciple, he was directly accepted as a disciple by Northern Elder Zhuge Qingyun because he had a red flame. He took it alone and did not participate in such trials. However, he heard about the cruel reputation of the Trial of Ghost Fog Yes.

"Isn't she all indifferent and unwilling to participate in these trials? Why ... this time please take the initiative?"

According to the previous life's understanding of her, she is a calm personality, quiet person, does not like to be with other people, and as a disciple of the East Elder, has a very high degree, even if you do not participate, no one dares to say anything.

Why are you taking the initiative this time?

After thinking about it for a while, I did n’t understand it. I just wanted to continue listening. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in my head. “It was 200 years after I entered Huayunzong in the previous life. Huayunzong recruited disciples once every ten years. The time is ... another month. Right and left, it turned out that Hua Yunzong was just a good day to recruit his disciples? Really help me too! "

Before, I was still thinking about how to mix Zongmen ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now I carefully calculated it. One month later is the time when Hua Yunzong recruits disciples once every ten years. You can go to participate in the assessment and become a Zongmen disciple.

As before!

However, the strength of the previous life is not good. In order to participate in the assessment, nine lives have been lost. This life is completely different. The initial strength of the virtual reality is comparable to the peak fighting power of the virtual reality. It is very simple to pass the assessment of ordinary disciples.

As long as she passes the assessment, she must participate in the trial of [Ghostly Mist], and she will also go ... It seems that, despite being reborn, God's will in Heaven will still let her and her have a touch of touch ...

In the previous life, you finally left me. In this life, no one will hurt you, even if you die.

ps: The update is not powerful, and I have been afraid to ask for [month] tickets. Today, Sunday, free, more than 25 monthly tickets entered the top ten, four more, more than 40, five more! If you have votes, cast it! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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