Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 677: Get into trouble

"I'll be careful, but in the ghostly sea, even if it is terrible, it is useless in the face of my Xiangshui talent!" Zang Hongyi grinned.

"Talent of the Master Xiangshui? Zang Hongyi still has such a talent?" Aside from the thoughts in his head, Nie Yun hesitated.

The relationship between Zang Hongyi and Zang Hongyi was very close, but he didn't know he had the talent of Xiangshui division.

It seems that this guy was able to fight back, not by accident, but by necessity. I really don't know what else this guy had concealed at first, and he didn't know it.

"Huh? I didn't know he liked Yueer in the past life, did he ... he couldn't pursue it, and then he learned that I had captured my heart, so I hate it because of love, and hate me for it ..."

Suddenly such an idea came to mind.

The full name of the Xiantai fairy is Lingtai Lingyue. Nie Yun used to call her Yueyue. He did not know that Zang Hongyi also liked Lingyue in previous lives. Because of this, Zang Hongyi deliberately approached himself, saying that when he called his brother and brother, he still kept his back, which he did not know.

Understanding this, Nie Yun's eyes were dignified.

It seems that no matter the previous life or the current life, I have despised this Zang Hongyi, and I can bury my mind so deeply, how can it be a simple character?

"Well, I brought you here, not to say that. I know that you want to refine the Buddha bone relics, so you can take the opportunity to break through, but Buddha bone relics are not so easy to refine, unless you can put that Buddha gate A rosary bead is available! I also want to buy a vein of the earth vein. However, both of these things are of great value, not only for us. I am afraid there are still many people who want to get it. Once in the auction, It must be a sky-high price! "

Zang Hongyi interrupted Hu Kui and said.

"Well, I know that!" Hu Kui frowned. I watched it, "Although you and I are the core disciples of Hua Yunzong, I have been training with great concentration. I don't have much wealth on my body. What are you going to do?"

"What to do? Oh, it's very simple. I sent someone to inquire when I came just now. I found out where the mysterious veins of Xuanjincheng are located. As long as we go steal it tonight, is there no money?" Zang Hongyi smiled.

"Stealing? Stealing black veins is useless, isn't it money?" Hu Kui hesitated.

Although black gold is a very valuable special mineral, but the two do not cast weapons, what do they steal? And once it's shot. Surely it will be detected again by a caring person, and the trouble is not small.

With regard to troubles, relying on their strength, even if the owner of Xuanjincheng knows it, there is no alternative but the key is that the impact on reputation is too great.

Yunzong, the core disciple of the first gate of the floating heavens, actually steals ... it is too shameful.

"Xuanjin deposit? Of course not, I'm talking about Lingshi deposit!" Zang Hongyi grinned.

"Lingshi deposit?"

"That's right. This mysterious master found a spiritual stone deposit. It is said that there are some excellent spiritual stones. Although there are not many, there are at least tens of thousands of them. They were mined secretly as early as a few years ago, but because their strength is not enough With such a large treasure, it has always been kept secret, and I also learned through various channels. If we can steal this spirit stone, huh. The auction will buy these two things, grab it!

Zang Hongyi's eyes flashed.

"There is such a thing? Very good, but ..." Hu Kui showed hesitation. "If we steal it, it will definitely cause doubts, which will not be very good for our reputation. Once it comes out, I'm afraid we will suffer The opponent's borrowing play ... "

As soon as they arrived, things were lost. Do not doubt who they suspect?

"Oh, I've thought about this for a long time. Did Brother Hu forget that guy who met in a drunk house before?" Zang Hongyi's mouth raised.

"You mean ... get rid of trouble?" Hu Kui was not stupid, and immediately understood.

"Yes, this guy's origin is unknown, and his strength is at least in the middle of the virtual realm. Suddenly, a character like this appears to dare to lose our face and not marry him. Whoever will marry him in the future? Even in the future, he can be justified. Kill! "

Zang Hongyi showed a feminine taste.

"Okay, okay, the owner of the city will give us the treasures, let ’s not, we will participate in the auction. At the beginning, we will have a good reputation. If we push this thing to that person again ... haha, not only us It ’s not bad, it ’s getting better, it ’s a good idea! ”

Hu Kui's eyes lit up.

"Well, let's go. Just now I deliberately asked the people in the city's main government to call you, just to create an illusion for everyone to let everyone know that you and me were together and didn't leave the courtyard. In this way, let us act quietly, and not Will be found! "

Zang Hongyi seems to have arranged everything, said.

"All right, let's go!"

Hu Kui stood up.

After the discussion, the two stood up at the same time and arranged a few sounds for the remaining core disciples. Then they quietly flew away.

They are all capable of meeting the peak of the virtual realm. They want to remain undiscovered, even if they are at the same level, it is difficult to find them, let alone the people in the main city.

"Want to marry me? Oh, it's still tender, I'm the ancestor of marrying me!"

As soon as they left, Nie Yun hid in the ground and made everything quite clear, without coming out, and followed the underground and followed behind.

When the two talked just now, although the prohibition was imposed, it did not have any effect on Nie Yun's natural talent. Therefore, all of these dialogues were seen in the eyes, and they knew everything clearly, People will marry him.

Since rebirth, Nie Yun first marred Qiyang and the five princes, and then marred Ziqiong, Qihuang, Chuyang, and Zongyan ... The methods of marrying the evil have long been in full swing, and they even planned to marry him.

Behind the two, Nie Yun was flying fast in the underground, and flew out of the ground when they were out of the city. The three of them walked about half an hour, came to a valley, and saw them stop. Hidden well, Tianyan looked at the valley.

The valley looked quiet and there was no movement at all, but when you looked closely, it was found that the mountain belly had long been hollowed out by large means, and it was full of soldiers.

"Sure enough there are mineral deposits, so many gems!"

Under the eyes of the sky, Nie Yun soon saw that the innermost chamber of the mountain was filled with spirit stones.

These spirit stones seem to have been excavated shortly, and have not yet been loaded into flying spirit soldiers or darts, but although they are much worse than the sixth palace in Zihua Dongfu, they are also a lot of wealth.

"Huh? The city owner is here too? Hehe, this is even better!"

Tianyan glanced around, and suddenly found that the city owner was also there, and Nie Yun laughed suddenly.

I am thinking about how to get rid of the trouble. With this "witness", He worry is unsuccessful!

"There are a lot of people, and there must be something, let's go down!"

Nie Yun had a glimpse of the situation in the valley at a glance. Zang Hongyi and Hu Kui did not have the ability to reverse the sky, carefully observed the terrain, and finally came to a conclusion and quietly dived.

Although they don't have the talents of the earth master and the talent of stealing, after all, they are the top of the virtual reality, the soul of the top of the spiritual level, and they still can't find them.

Soon they entered the cave of the valley, and quietly marched towards the secret room containing the spirit stone.

"It's me!"

Seeing that they were very fast, they were looking for the secret room in which Lingshi was stored. Nie Yun knew that the time had come, and when the next one walked, he came straight to the passage.


He didn't hide his figure this time, and was immediately found by a soldier when he fell into the valley. Nie Yun smiled slightly, and his fist squeezed forward slightly.


Before the soldier's questioning was over, the internal organs became powder and died directly.

"Go!" The soldier was killed, Nie Yun pointed a finger, and punched a large hole in the wound on the soldier. This talent flickered, drilled into the ground, and rushed to the cave full of spirits.

"Well, someone came in, hurry!"

As soon as the soldier died, he immediately caused a shock. Without consuming three or five breaths, a few rays of light burst out. The first one was Baotou, the city owner.

"What's the matter?" Bao Tong asked quickly as soon as he fell.

"Look at the city master!" A soldier pointed at the corpse on the ground.

"Although this person deliberately damaged the wound, the bone was broken under one punch, and even the sound could not be heard, and the soul was directly obliterated ... Except for Hua Yunzong's" Breaking Heaven Fist ", it cannot be other tricks! "Looking at it, Bao Tong's fist clenched suddenly.

Hua Yunzong's groundbreaking fist is very famous. Bao Tong, the city master in charge of Zongmen, has also learned some fur. At a glance, he can see what kind of tricks this soldier was killed by.

Although the soldier's wound has been treated, it is not sure, but it is obvious that because of the tight time, the treatment was very rushed, leaving traces.

"You are all dispersed, no one is allowed to say this!"

Recognizing the cause of the soldier's death, the city owner Bao Tong changed his face a few times and suddenly turned his head and ordered.

"Yes!" Although everyone didn't know why he ordered it, they couldn't help spreading it all.

Seeing all the people leaving, Bao Tong gritted his teeth and quickly entered the cave. The path he took was obviously different from Zang Hongyi and Hu Kui, and it seemed a secret passage.

Not to mention the city owner Bao Tong, at this time Zang Hongyi and Hu Kui have come to the room where the spirit stone is placed.

"A lot of superb spirit stones, more than I thought, there are more than 100,000, haha, this time we sent it!"

Pushing open the door of the room, they saw the spirit stone on the ground, and their eyes lighted up ~ www.readwn.com ~ A big hand stretched out and was about to grab it into the dartfield of Nawu. Suddenly, a palm suddenly appeared from the ground. Pinch the spirit stone all over the ground.


All spirit stones disappear completely.


Seeing this scene, the two were startled at the same time. Where did this palm come from?

Someone is here!

"Hu Kui, things are here, let's go!"

The two were angry, trying to break through the ground to find the person, and then heard a faint sound in the wall.

Hearing this voice, Zang Hongyi just felt that his hair was exploding, and he was creepy.

(At 12 o'clock, there is another chapter, and if there are ten monthly passes, there will be a fourth chapter, hehe) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) for recommendation and monthly tickets , Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read m.)

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