Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 678: Who stole it?

The sound is exactly the same as his, and even the soul breath is exactly the same, without any difference.

How is this going?

It's very easy to imitate similar sounds, but it's difficult to have the same breath.

Everyone's soul is different, so that the soul breath is the same. Unless you have the talent of a disguise master, it is impossible!

Zang Hongyi's mental strength hurriedly looked into the wall, and wanted to search for people, but at a glance, his face gloomed immediately.

The voice was over, there was no more movement, it seemed that the speaker had already left, and there was nothing.

"Oh no good, let's go!"

Seeing this scene, Zang Hongyi didn't know where it was designed by someone else. She raised her eyebrows and couldn't care about chasing and killing the person. She pulled Hu Kui like she was rushing outside the aisle.

The other party can steal the spirit stone in front of the two without knowing it, indicating that the soul has reached at least the peak of the spirit level. A person of this strength cannot even kill directly after catching up, but once the movement is quiet, even if The spirit stone wasn't stolen by itself, it was, it's better to leave quickly.

The two were extremely fast. They quickly left the passage and left the valley. After leaving the valley, they found that the valley was still calm and did not seem to attract the attention of others.

"Abominable, you got a show without getting a baby!"

Thinking of what happened just now, both of them looked depressed at the same time.

"It's an expert, don't say so much, let's go back quickly, otherwise we will come over and find that we are not in the yard, and the trouble is even greater!"

Zang Hongyi is indeed a heroic figure. After suffering such a big loss, although frustrated, she wanted to understand a moment later, she said.

"Huh!" Hu Kui also knew the seriousness of the matter. Nodded, the two flew towards Xuan Jincheng quickly.

As soon as they walked away, a figure came out of the cave, and their faces turned red, looking at the direction they were flying. Full of anger.

"Hu Kui, Zang Hongyi ... I didn't expect you to be such a character. I treat you as a noble guest, and you have shamelessly stole my things, hateful, hateful, I must report this to Huayunzong!"

The fist pinched, "Giggle!" The figure screamed in anger, and the moonlight reflected the person's face. It was the owner of the city!

His strength is only the peak of the overpass realm. He is not the opponent of the two at all. Although he saw the two coming out of the secret room containing the spirit stone. But did not dare to rush forward to stop.

Not daring to stop does not mean that it is not cruel and not angry. In order to meet these two people, many people have been offended, and these two guys actually stole his things. If this anger can be swallowed. There is no need to be the master of a city.

"I can't let them find out yet, wait for them to return to Zongmen, and then falsely report this!"

With a flick of his wrist, Bao Tong palmed a crystal stone recording the image and said fiercely.

Even if he now knows that the other party stole something, even if it is recorded, he does not dare to face the puppet. After all, with the help of the other party, he can use hundreds of methods. Kill him without leaving any traces.

So, even if you want to take revenge, it is not now, but wait for them to return to Zongmen! Just report to Zongmen. They are suspicious, even if they try to kill themselves, they dare not!

The rules of Hua Yunzong are extremely strict. The first door of the magnificent mainland China has a reputation that is more important than all other doors. Therefore, as long as there is evidence, it can definitely get a fair penalty.

"Go back!" Hold the anger in his heart, Bao Tong gave a command, turned around and flew back to Xuan Jincheng.

Just after a few of them had left, a head popped up underground.

"This is a great show ... I'm sorry not to look at it!"

The nature that appeared was Nie Yun, who designed such a situation with his own hands, and of course he had to look over it.

When he got out of the ground, Nie Yun flew fast, and the blast of wind and sky was very fast. He quickly returned to the city's main mansion, flew his body, replaced the soldiers, and stood outside Zang Hongyi's door.

At this moment in the courtyard, there was still a loud dialogue sound, which sounded like Zang Hongyi and Hu Kui. In fact, Nie Yun knew that the sound was deliberately made by other disciples, and it was Zang Hongyi's intentional absence evidence.

Although these disciples do not have the talent for camouflage, they have reached the level of their ability to change the shape of the throat muscles arbitrarily and imitate the sound. There is no problem, except that without the talent for camouflage, the breath of soul cannot be imitated.

But in their opinion, the gatekeeper outside was only Yuan Shengjing, how could he find such a subtle problem.

Nie Yun stood outside the door for a while, and "see" Zang Hongyi flew up from the air and landed in the courtyard.

As soon as the two entered the courtyard, Nie Yun felt two powerful spirits scanning over, and they did not hide immediately, standing quietly with their backs straight.

It seemed to see someone outside and there was evidence of not being present. The two were relieved, and the voice of the conversation went down.

About ten minutes later, I saw that the city owner Bao Tong also returned to the city mansion. It was completely different from the pride that I saw in the morning. At this time, my face was convulsing and my eyes were red, but this emotion was concealed when I returned to the mansion. .


Back to the mansion Bao Tong quickly, came over and came to Nie Yun.

"Back to the Lord of the City, Senior Hu Kui entered the courtyard and discussed with Senior Zang Hongyi, never left!" Nie Yun knew what he wanted to ask, and said quickly and respectfully.

"Huh!" Bao Tong took a nap before hearing it, and came to the hospital, tapping it a few times.

"Zang Hongyi and Hu Kui's two seniors, all in the lower city of Baotou, have something to ask senior Zang Hongyi!"

"Come in!" Zang Hongyi seemed to know that he would come over, his voice sounded.

"Yes!" Bao Tong pushed open the door and walked in. Nie Yunjian saw an opportunity and followed him in.

Sure enough, Bao Tong glanced at it without objection.

This courtyard is very similar to the one Hu Kui stays in. The courtyard also seems to have a spirit gathering, aura full of aura, at the middle of the stone platform, Zang Hongyi and Hu Kui and several core Yunzong disciples are sitting on it, as if discussing a certain Some things.

"I don't know why the city owner came here late to find the next place?" Seeing Bao Tong, Zang Hongyi stood up and said with a smile.

From the expression alone, he couldn't see what he was thinking.

"That's it. Tonight some of my subordinates have just sent the newly mined ground veins. I know the seniors in red need it, so I took the liberty to bring it to you!"

The city owner Bao Tong glanced at the clothes of the two men, and seemed to be certain in his heart, but his face was full of smiles, and he was insincere.

Being the master of a city, he is not a reckless person, knowing the choices.

"Oh? Newly mined spar? Give me, I will buy it for the same price!" Zang Hongyi grinned.

"Thank you!" The master of the city waved a flying spirit soldier, and Nie Yun quickly took it and handed it to Zang Hongyi.

"Yes, this is the top-quality spirit stone, here!" Zang Hongyi glanced at the veins in the spiritual soldiers. There were not as many as before, but there were also many. About one hundred, nodded and gave the corresponding top-quality products. Spirit stone.

"Bring things in, I'll say goodbye too!" After receiving Lingshi, Bao Tong seemed to have completed his task and turned to leave.

Nie Yun did not expect the two sides to say a few irrelevant words, turned around and left, and the excitement was not considered, so he shook his head and went out after him.

Neither this bag nor this Zang Hongyi is a fuel-efficient lamp. A small trick just wanted to make them turn their faces, and it seems that they still think simple.

As soon as the two left the yard, Zang Hongyi's smiling face was gloomy.

"What's wrong? What does this bag see?" Hu Kui frowned when he looked at him.

"It shouldn't, but it looks like we should have guessed that we were not here!" Zang Hongyi's eyes narrowed.

"It has been seen but it is hidden so deeply. I am afraid he will report this to Hua Yunzong. The city lord within Hua Yunzong has the right to report the matter directly to the elders of the cabinet. If it falls to the elders who have conflicts with us, It must be a lot of trouble here! "

Hu Kui nodded.

The elders of Hua Yunzong's cabinet and their core disciples are similar in strength, and both are admirers of virtual reality.

"I know this, as soon as the auction is over, I will look for a chance to take him ..." Zang Hongyi made a beheading action.

"Well, this can only be done!" Hu Kui nodded, and suddenly smiled: "With so many veins, you are closer to the heart that captured the fairy of Huantai, but be careful, Xiao Ling That guy must be prepared! "

"Oh, rest assured, I'm not preparing the same veins ... Well? My veins?"

Zang Hongyi laughed, and was about to take out the vein veins that had just been put into Dantian. Suddenly he saw something that shocked him, and his pupils shrank.

"What's wrong?" Seeing him, Hu Kui was also stunned.

"I didn't see all the 500 veins I got before?" Zang Hongyi's voice shook slightly.

After the 500 spar crystals obtained before were kept, they have been kept in Nawu Dantian, why can't they be seen? Only one hundred left! This is too weird!

"You can't even see it in Nantan Tantian? Why are you so careless, you should keep it in the future when you get this kind of thing. The soul often glances at ... Ah, my Buddha bone relic ~ www.readwn.com ~ 噗!

Hearing that Zang Hongyi said that his spar was lost, Hu Kui had a sense of gloat, but before he finished speaking, he saw the Buddha bone relic in Dantian, but he did not know when it would disappear.

Anxious and angry, before the injury was not fully recovered, a spurt of blood spurted out.

"Your Buddha bone relic is also lost?" Seeing Hu Kui's appearance, Zang Hongyi couldn't see it, his face froze.

"Yes, what's going on ..." Hu Kui flushed and hoarse.

"Is it ..."

After speaking only half of it, I looked at Zang Hongyi, saw a deep shock in the other's eyes, and shouted a name at the same time.

"Thousands of fantasy? God steals thousands of fantasy!"

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