Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 679: Beating Soul Word

The name of God Thousands of Thousands of Magics is very loud throughout the continent. Stealing technology is the first in the world. The physical appearance is ever-changing, making people indefensible. Sometimes he is the closest person, but he is actually disguised.

They can steal things from the two people in Dantian, and let them know nothing. In the whole world, I am afraid that only God can steal this magic.

"Abominable, fantastic, don't let me catch you, otherwise, I have to kill you with all kinds of swords ..." Thinking of the preciousness of Buddha bone relics, and the hardships I had to pay, Hu Kui was so angry that his teeth clenched and his face was angered ferocious.

Zang Hongyi also stunned on one side. "It seems that we stole the spirit stone before and it was calculated that it should have been done by thousands of magic!"

"Yes, it must be him, not him. Who can hide it so that we can't see it, and disguise your soul breath?" Hu Kui also confirmed his judgment.

"This matter must be reported to Zongmen. A thief dared to steal the head of our Hua Yunzong and seek death!"

Zang Hongyi's fists clenched, a roar, and hate flowing in his eyes.


"Buddhism relics are in hand and see if they can be refined!"

Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi's wrong judgments, Nie Yun didn't know, at this time he had left the city's main mansion and returned to his residence.

I came out this time, and the harvest was extremely rich. Not to mention 500 spar crystal stones and tens of thousands of exquisite spiritual stones, the Buddha bone relic simply wanted to get it but never found it.

Body flew into Zihuadongfu.

At this time, Zihua Dongfu re-arranged his ban. Although it was nothing compared with the original, it was not weak in fact, even if the powerful people wanted to break in. It's not so easy.

After entering Dongfu and sitting in the training ground, he took out the Buddha bone relic.

As soon as the buddha relic appeared, a loud Sanskrit sound was rippling, surrounded by a bunch of Buddhist characters, with the taste of purifying and persuading people to believe.

"King Kong's glass body, a thunderous thought. The soul is pure and the Buddha bones are refined!"

With a movement in his heart, Nie Yun began to operate the Diamond Glass body.


When the thoughts moved, the sea was full of thunder and lightning, and the pure soul formed by the operation of the Vajra glass body rushed to the Buddha bone relic immediately.


Same as Hu Kui Refining. The bones of the Buddha seem to feel refining, the Sanskrit sound is bright, and they explain their Buddhism principles. A white halo spreads out of the bones. As long as they are touched by white light, they will make people feel happy and happy. There is an idea of ​​walking in the door of the Buddha.

Buddhism pays attention to abstinence. Although there are men and women, they basically do not reproduce their offspring. If they want to expand their faith, they can only subdue the disciples. This behavior is called crossing over in their words. thought. To practitioners is the same as falling into magic.

Fall into the magic path, have desire beyond the heart, want to kill those who see the unsatisfactory, bloodthirsty, bloodthirsty, craving from the depths of the soul, the pursuit of killing the sky, killing the land, killing, killing, killing the heart, killing five magic.

Falling into Buddhism, everything can't help but respect the teachings of Buddhism, pay attention to the reincarnation of cause and effect, and cut off the cause and effect. Transcendence and rebirth can lead to Buddhahood.

Although the doctrines of Buddha and demon are completely opposite, they all have something in common that makes people lose their nature. Some big demon put down the butcher knife, and then they can become Buddha. There are also some monks who become a demon and sink into a sea of ​​misery.

Because of this, in the eyes of some people, the Buddha and the demon cannot distinguish themselves, they are actually a community.

Nie Yun II was a man with a firm will, and naturally he would not fall into the Buddhist path, but this Brahman interpretation also made him a little uncomfortable, his mouth opened, and he suddenly yelled.

The sound of the immortal sound of the immortal master's talent in the drink sounded, "Boom!", He hit the Buddha bone relic severely, was hit by the immortal master's talent, the original white light on the bud's bone was dim a lot. It seems to go off at any time.


Seeing that the sound on the Buddha's bone was shocked and weakened by Xianyin, Nie Yun smiled slightly, pinched it with a big hand, and with a little finger, the relic gradually melted into his body.


Just when the relic and the body were perfectly integrated immediately, the muscles suddenly bounced, and the muscles were shaken, and the bones of the Buddha returned to their original shape again, and could no longer be fused with the body.


Seeing this, Nie Yun shook his head and said a pity.

He is now a fellow initiate of Buddha and Demon. Although both the Vajra glass body and the spirit rhinoceros body tactics have reached the fifth major achievement, because the latter has developed the martial art of wind and thunder magic wings, the control of the body is much stronger than the former.

Because of this control, it is impossible to fuse the bones of the Buddha with the body.

Unless a set of Buddhist martial arts skills can be obtained now, the two will be neutralized and offset, and the balance will be reached again, perhaps the bones of the Buddha can be thoroughly refined.

"If you can get another Buddha's magic weapon and blend it with the bones of the Buddha in a special way, you can also integrate it into the body. It seems that Hu Kui wants to use this method ..."

Suddenly remembering that I heard him talking in the courtyard of Hu Kui, it seems that there is a Buddhist rosary that can be fused with it. It seems that even if the cultivating King Kong glass body is against the sky, it does not have much advantage over the other party, and it also needs a medium .

"Listening to the conversation between Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi, there will be an auction at this Jianbao conference, among which the Buddhist rosary and the veins of the earth veins will appear, and they will be bought by then!"

Thinking of the conversation between Zang Hongyi and Hu Kui before, Nie Yun came to understand.

In fact, this Jianbao conference is the same as the original Jibei City Fair. In the end, it must be barter or auction.

Anyway, it is still a while before Huazong recruits his disciples. Since there is such a treasure in the auction, he is waiting here.

As for finding a chance to steal, Nie Yun thought about it, then shook his head.

I am not a real thief. As long as the other party is not guilty, there is no need to spend money. There is no need to steal. After all, the owner of the baby has also worked hard. Since it is auctioned, it definitely wants to get a return.

In the next two days, Nie Yun stayed at Zihua Dongfu and practiced with peace of mind. He had enough gemstones. Although he didn't continue to be promoted, it also strengthened the surge of strength.

"Dad, the wine is so delicious, I want to drink ..."

On the third day, Nie Yun couldn't practice anymore. It wasn't because he hadn't fixed enough strength, but because the five-pronged golden dragon woke up.

When this guy woke up, he felt like a demon, and had to drink alcohol, which made Nie Yun helpless.

"You're still young and can't drink!" Thinking of this guy drinking a few sips and getting drunk for three full days, Nie Yun had to kill his thoughts.

"I want to drink ..." Mini Xiaolong's big eyes revealed his innocence, and the corners of his mouth drooled.

"..." Seeing it look like this, Nie Yun was defeated. "So, the Jianbao Conference has almost started. I will take you out for a stroll, and drinking will be avoided!"

"It's okay to go out, I want something delicious ..." Xiaolong pursed his lips.

"..." Seeing it like this, Nie Yun really didn't know if this guy was a dragon or what, was the dragon really so embarrassed?

After coming out of Zihuadong Mansion and asking for a circle outside, the Jianbao Conference has begun. At a large trade place close to the main city hall, one person and one dragon walked in smoothly with the stolen credentials.

The last day of the Jianbao Conference was the auction conference, and it has only begun now. It is crowded with people and lively. It is indeed a centennial ceremony of Xuan Jincheng. When he entered, Nie Yun was immediately fascinated by colorful things.

Various treasures are dazzling, countless, think about the fish skin of overseas ghost-faced fish, which can quickly change the color of the appearance; the nucleus of the golden light beast can emit golden light at night, and it is bright at night; the dream stone can let you in dreams Ecstatic and dying, so reality can't be achieved, dreams come true ...

These things are better than a trick and a clever one. Many of them are not helpful to cultivation, but they are unknowable.

"See if you can find the baby who makes the unknown method work here ..."

Nie Yun concentrated his mind and carefully relied on the nameless method. However, after a long while, he was disappointed and found nothing.

Although he didn't know what it was that made the unknown method work, he knew it was not so easy to find.

If it is easy to find, the treasure trove of the sword **** sect may not find only a small piece.

Although the Jianbao Conference was once a hundred years old, it was far too far compared to the treasure trove of Sword God Sect.

During this period, the five-clawed Jinlong stole once, and when Nie Yun found it, he found that this guy was eating other people's herbs, and he took away all the treasured treasures from the basket. In the end, Nie Yun took out The inferior stone was rationed to the other side, and the other side agreed.

Seeing this situation, Nie Yun regretted bringing this guy over. It would be better to let him get drunk.

"Dad, it seems that place has not been seen, let's go over!"

When Nie Yun was furious and wanted to clean up the pouting dragon, he saw the guy grinning, his paw pointing in one direction.

That direction was at the corner of this hall. Nie Yun had no intention of passing by. Hearing it said, he couldn't help walking.

Only took a few steps to come to a booth ~ www.readwn.com ~ and stopped abruptly.

Because at this moment, he suddenly felt that within Nagoya Tanada, something bounced suddenly, emitting dizzying waves.

"Is that [soul]? Is there any baby here?"

Concentrated, he hurriedly looked at Nawu Dantian, and at a glance Nie Yun couldn't help wondering.

I saw that it was nothing else. It was the word "soul" that was used to suppress the soul body when it was bought and sold in Baiyan City.

The soul body was left by the soul summoner. I encountered some trouble when studying the word "soul". Later, because the soul body died, I threw the word and the coffin in Dantian. I even forgot about it. Something suddenly jumped.

"Is it related to the soul summoner?"

Suddenly thought of a possibility, Nie Yun's whole body muscles tightened. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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