Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 680: cage

For Nie Yun, there are three things that are more important. First, find the soul master, feel the spirit of the soul, and call back the younger brother ’s dissipated soul. Second, look for a special breath and derive a new Dantian; third, dehuayun Case.

Three things can summon the broken soul of Nie Tong.

So suddenly I saw the word [soul] shaking, my face was heavy, and I looked in the direction of the induction, and saw something like a cage appear in front of my eyes.

This cage is old, and I don't know what to make. It is full of rust and hidden in the pearly treasure stack. It is inconspicuous. If it is not the word "soul", it would be impossible to imagine that this would be a treasure.

"Boss, what is this cage? You sell it so broken?" Pretending to be unintentional, Nie Yun came forward and said casually.

"What's broken? What do you know? This is the treasure from our ancestors from eight generations, an ancient artifact with great mana!" The boss is a middle-aged man, his eyebrows glaring, his face unhappy.

The Jianbao Conference is actually similar to a large-scale trade fair, except that there are not only treasures but also garbage. If you don't have a pair of eyes that can be identified, rough stones are used as jewelry, and treasures will be ashamed.

Therefore, many businesses will also take out some **** for the purpose of mixing fish and pearls, deliberately saying that they are treasures and driving up prices.

When he saw him, Nie Yun knew it was Hu Blow, and didn't know the true value of the cage. He smiled slightly: "Treasure with great magic power? If you have any, I bought ten top-quality spirit stones. No, three bad spirits! "

"Ten top-grade spirit stones?" At this price, middle-aged people became short of breath.

Ten high-quality spiritual stones are comparable to 100,000 low-quality spiritual stones. Even in second-tier cities, it is a great wealth, and you can even buy a house.

"This ... this cage can catch fish, although not so much ..." However, he thought for a long time and did not think of the value of this thing.

"Hehe!" Seeing him, Nie Yun threw out a medium-quality spirit stone. "Okay, it looks like you can't tell. It's a compromise and I'll buy you a medium-quality spirit stone. It's up! "

One medium-grade spirit stone is comparable to 100 low-quality spirit stones, which has made a lot of money for an old cage.

"Okay, okay!" The middle-aged man laughed, and handed it over after taking the cage.

I didn't expect to buy so well. Nie Yunqiang resisted the excitement and was about to bring the cage. Suddenly, he felt a murderous shot from a short distance, facing his palm straight.

This time, the speed is extremely fast, and the power is extremely fierce, as long as the palm is not withdrawn. Will definitely be penetrated.


Nie Yun pulled his palm back and turned around to see that two figures strode over.

When he was a middle-aged man, his two eyebrows were connected to form a single word, his breath was steady and his feet were as strong as a mountain. When he walked with his whistling wind, he knew that he had strong strength. At least in the middle of the Na Realm, he just issued his murderous spirit.

Behind him is a young man, who looks a little ordinary, and has only strength in the late stage of the flyover. He should be his junior.

"I want this thing, a top-quality spirit stone!"

Seeing Nie Yun look at him, there was a scorn in the eyes of the middle-aged man, and he grunted coldly. Throw out a top-quality spirit stone.

"Sorry, I have already bought this thing. I must pay attention to my business first when I do business!" Ignoring him, Nie Yun reached out and took the old cage over, saying lightly.

"Boy, do you know who you're talking to? Put things down, otherwise. I'm welcome to blame you!"

When the young people in the late stage of the bridge saw Nie Yun ignored the words of the middle-aged people, they yelled and walked up.

As soon as this person stretched out his cyan clothes, his breath was a little different from that of middle-aged people. A little irritable and hasty at first glance.

"People at Jingtianzong?" Nie Yun asked, seeing the breath of clothes and middle-aged people.

"I do n’t know if I can put things down quickly. My master is Elder Jing Tianzong. My master took care of this cage and immediately put it down. I will pay 100 top-quality spirits, and maybe I ’ll be protected from calamity. "

The young man snorted arrogantly.

The middle-aged man behind him did not object to this statement, and apparently intended to rob.

The eight major gates are Huayun Zong, Mi Shenzong, Qingyun Zong, Xianwu Zong, Rosewood Zong, Jingtian Zong, Yunxiao Zong, and Sword God Zong!

Among them, Jing Tianzong cultivates the soul's way. It pays attention to the calmness of the soul and is not afraid of doing things. When practicing the soul's way, it can be seen that this cage is special and normal, but it is so arrogant and arrogant. Such as Taishan】 Zongmen teachings are completely different.

"If you're poor, you can buy a bowl of bowls and go to the door to ask for food and ask me if I haven't got any spare money to reward!"

Seeing that the other party was rude, Nie Yun didn't bother to bother, stood up, stretched his waist a little, folded his cage into the storage dantian as soon as his wrists were turned, and turned to walk elsewhere.

Yun Xuan and Mihua are not afraid of themselves, let alone an elder.

"Toasting without eating and drinking, leave me behind!" The young man didn't expect this young guy in front of him to be so bold, his face gloomy, and two steps forward, grabbing Nie Yun's shoulder.

The five fingers are like hooks, with the sound of a tiger howling, and at a glance of the power, they know that they are not keeping people at all, but intending to scratch them.

"Huh!" Nie Yun snorted and stepped back a half step, his shoulders shrunk, just avoiding the other's grasp, drilled under his arm, twisted his waist and shoulders, his power was like a forceful bowstring, "Oh! ".


The young man only felt that his arm was numb as soon as he hit his shoulder, and the whole arm "screamed!" Was torn off and flew out.

"Ah ..." screamed.

If it is not strong, I am afraid that the scapula has been shattered under his hands, so I will show no mercy at all.

"I didn't expect that I should have seen it, and still be a master! Dare to hurt as an apprentice, let me die no matter what the way!"

Seeing that the apprentice in the late stage of the bridge did not reach the opponent's hand, he was beaten. The middle-aged man suddenly knew that he had encountered a master, his eyes narrowed, and he whistled, and then came over.

"Hurry up ..."

"Someone fights, leave quickly ..."

This is the trading floor. This guy has no worries about the people around him and he has no need to worry.

"It seems that your apprentice hurt your apprentice first. His apprenticeship hurt him. Who did he blame?" Nie Yun took a step backwards, avoiding the attack of the opponent, and hummed.

"Hand on you, you can fight back? What the **** are you! Let me lie down!"

The middle-aged person took a step forward, unparalleled domineering, and satisfied the strength of the late stage of the realm, and instantly revealed his doubts. The big hand grabbed forward, and a phantom appeared in the air like a ghost.

"Do it against me, can't I fight back yet? Domineering words, in this case, then ... I'll see if you have the strength to match it!"

When he heard that the other party was so unreasonable, Nie Yun was stunned, his face suddenly gloomy, and he was satisfied with the peak strength in the early days of the virtual realm. Without covering up, the strength of the whole body condensed, and one punch came up.

This boxing does not have any martial arts, it is just the most common one. It doesn't look gorgeous, but it carries great pressure and power.

"In the early days of accepting virtual reality? Haha, I will let you know the gap between us and let you know what strength is!"

As soon as Nie Yun moved, the middle-aged person saw his strength. Haha smiled, with indifference and disdain in his tone.

There is a world difference between each small level of reaching the virtual reality, not to mention the late and early stages. In his opinion, the young man in front of him is simply a product that can die instantly.

"Ha ha!" In the face of the arrogance of each other, Nie Yun didn't care, his fist just moved forward slowly, and he touched the ghost hand for an instant.


The fists intersect, the middle-aged person does not move, and Nie Yun takes a step back.

"Very well, I didn't expect you to have such strength, the green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow, let's go!" One stroke was over, and neither of them started. The middle-aged man looked at Nie Yun, hesitated, and finally snorted. With one whistle, he turned to look at the apprentice who had broken his arm, and strode outward.

"Master, you must avenge your disciples ..."

Seeing that Master had the upper hand obviously, he turned around and left. The young man didn't know what it meant, hesitated for a moment, and shouted quickly.


Before his shout was over, he felt a pain in his face, and he slaped around in situ with a slap and stopped his body, only to find out that it was the Master who was doing it.

"Where's the bullshit, go back to me!"

Then he heard a scold.

"Yes!" It was not clear whether the northeast, southwest, and northeast were pumped. The young man knew that the master was angry. He didn't dare to say anything at the moment. Behind him, he strode out.

Normal practitioners with broken arms cannot continue to connect, but as long as they find a therapist of the same level, or a stronger person, use a large method to connect, there should be no problems.

"Master, just now you clearly have the upper hand. That kid is just the early stage of accepting the virtual realm, not your opponent. Why should we go ..."

Out of the Jianbao Conference, the young man looked depressed and quickly asked Master.

He and Master have known very well for so many years that he knows that the other party is a person who does not suffer. He obviously can crush the strength, but turns and walks away, which is totally inconsistent with his personality.

"Having the upper hand?" The middle-aged man's face was darkened ~ www.readwn.com ~ The corners of his mouth twitched.

"Isn't it?" The young man froze when he saw Master like this.

"Look at my arm!"

The middle-aged person did not explain, but pulled up his sleeves.

"Huh? This is ..." The young man looked at it quickly, and his face suddenly changed.

I saw that Master ’s arm had become iron-blue at this time, just like the charred ceramics. There was no muscle activity at all, and it seemed to be clear that it was beaten out by people with forces beyond their tolerance.

"This is ... that guy hit?" Swallowed, the youth was about to finish ...



Middle-aged people's arms exploded into powder. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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