Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 681: Soul Cage

"Ah ..." The arm suddenly smashed, and the severe pain made the middle-aged man growl.

"This ... this ..." Seeing such a weird scene, the young man retreated in shock, stepped under his feet, and fell to the ground.

In the late stage of the magnificent flyover, the strong fell to such an extent that the shock in front of him was beyond imagination, and his spirit could no longer be as stable as a mountain.

The arm is meat, not ceramics, not jade pieces, and it can be fried into powder. This situation has exceeded the recognition.

"This person's strength is not something you and I can compete with, let's go!"

I swallowed a panacea and felt that the pain had subsided a little. The middle-aged man looked to the venue of the Jianbao conference, and his face was pale.

"Yes!" At this time, the young man finally realized that the other party was terrible, nodded again and again, followed behind the middle-aged person, and turned away.

"I didn't expect the strength to reach the virtual world, and the secret power was more proficient!" Looking at the dialogue and actions of the two, Nie Yun smiled lightly, stopped paying attention, and walked outside the trading venue.

Because of the fighting just now, the entire exchange knows that this young boy is strong, and all of them have given way, and their eyes are full of admiration.

Wherever the strong go, they are respected.

For these reverences, Nie Yun didn't care about it, always thinking about what happened just now. He showed his secret strength in the last moment of punches with middle-aged people.

Previously, the dark power would erupt immediately once it was played. Now with the promotion of the power, the dark power also seems to be able to control at any time. It was just by this control that the dark power was delayed. Only when the two of them went out of the exchange, suddenly Once the eruption broke, all the bone joints on the opponent's arm shook the muscles into mud.

"Go back and try. Can you use all of Dark Power, Supreme Sword Art, Beacon, and Xianyin together? This will definitely increase the attack power!"

Stepping out of the trading place, remembering the strength of the secret strength just now, Nie Yun thought about it.

Now he has the strongest attack power, such as Dark Power, Supreme Sword Art, Beacon and Fairy Sound. If you take it out individually, you can leapfrog. If you can perfectly integrate these four things, how strong should you be?

However, he also knows that these things involve many talents and understanding of strength, and it is too difficult to completely integrate. Not to mention the other, let ’s talk about Supreme Sword Art and Dark Power. Supreme Sword Art was created by the original Sect of the Sword God Sect, and is composed of ten sets of Supreme Sword Art. Both the tricks and the understanding of Kendo have reached Reached the limit. It's perfect. If you add the dark energy, it will only continue the sable and affect the power.

If you want to truly integrate these issues, I am afraid that it will involve the issue of Dantian Qi's fusion. Whether or not this is the case, Nie Yun still does not know. It seems that I can only find opportunities in the future, slowly cultivate, and slowly comprehend.

Nie Yun had just left. In a closed room at the trading floor of the Jianbao Conference, the two figures slowly showed their figures.

"Did you see it just now?" Hu Kui said ugly.

"This guy's strength is not under you or me! It should be the one we met in a drunk house, stealing magic!" Zang Hongyi judged.

"This guy is so fascinated, even if we buy something, I'm afraid he can be stolen by him. I can't seem to ..." Hu Kui made a "kill" gesture.

"This is a good way, but it must be handled properly. God steals thousands of magics and can be famous for the floating continent. For so many years, it is still alive and living. It's a big deal! "

Zang Hongyi nodded, her eyebrows frowned.

It's okay to kill thousands of magical strikes, it can't be killed. He kept coming back for revenge, even if the two hid in Huayunzong, they could not escape!

If you are not afraid of stealing, you are afraid of being stolen by the thief. Being stolen by the first **** on the mainland is definitely uncomfortable.

"It seems that you can only use your [Broken Mountains Map]!" After thinking for a while, Zang Hongyi said suddenly.

"Broken mountains?" Hu Kui frowned and waved his hands again and again. "No, this was the baby I had worked hard to get in [Ghostly Mist], which is the last life-saving means to deal with this guy. It ’s not appropriate. ,inappropriate!"

"What's wrong, he is a **** stealing thousands of magics. There must be a lot of treasures on his body. As long as he kills and gets these things, the breakthrough is just around the corner. Once the breakthrough, Lima becomes the elder of Zongmen, what else is terrible? "

Zang Hongyi's eyes flickered, and everything seemed to be counted. "In addition to the power of breaking through the air, you and our two elders who broke through the air, ten elders accounted for four. Is it in your hands? "

Hua Yunzong now has only eight elders who have broken through the air. Two of them are the masters of Zang Hongyi and Hu Kui. If the two of them break through at the same time, they will also become elders, and there will be a lot of words in the entire gate. right.

"This ..." After hearing this explanation, Hu Kui hesitated.

Becoming an elder of Taishang, the resources and core disciples obtained are completely different. It can really be successful. Not to mention a broken mountain map, it is nothing to lose two.

"It's just ... in case there is no treasure in Thousand Fantasy, and you don't lose a piece of empty mountain map for nothing, don't you lose money?"

Hu Kui expressed his concerns.

"Oh, Brother Hu worry about it, even if he doesn't have any treasures, as long as he kills them, take your buddha relics, and then get the rosary, you are safe to break through the void! Zang Hongyi laughed.

"Yes, as long as the rosary can be fused with the bones of the Buddha and refined into the body, I can definitely take the opportunity to break through and reach the void!"

Speaking of cultivation, Hu Kui's eyes are full of confidence.

"What's hesitant about that!" Zang Hongyi hummed.

"It's just that the auction hasn't started yet, and the rosary hasn't arrived yet ..."

"Anyway, now the city owner Bao Tong already suspects us. Sooner or later, he will be killed. Instead, he just kills it and grabs it. Just wait for the auction! When the news really reaches the gate At that time, we have become the elders of the powerhouses, who else dare to punish? "

Zang Hongyi sneered.

"Yes! As long as we break through, our status will change immediately, and no one can treat us like that! Fight!" Hu Kui's eyes brightened.

"Okay, I'll send someone to find the city owner now!" After talking about Hu Kui, Zang Hongyi turned his head and ordered a disciple behind him.

The man walked out, and within ten minutes, the city owner Bao Tong came in.

"Bao Tong has seen two seniors!" The city owner said with a respectful expression, not knowing that danger had come.

"Hehe, good job!" Zang Hongyi blocked all around as soon as he waved, and suddenly sneered. Suddenly shot.


"Look what weird in this cage!"

After Nie Yun came out of the Jianbao Conference, he went straight back to his residence and entered Zihua Cave.

As soon as I came in, I took out the cage I bought, and groped with my fingers, and found nothing strange.

This thing looks like a cage. It can also be a jar made of special materials. It's weird, if you only look at it from the outside. There is nothing special about it, I really don't know why the word "soul" can be jumped and excited.

With one finger, I took out the coffin with the word "soul" in it.


[Soul] As soon as the word appeared, it flew out of the coffin and flew towards the cage.


Touched both. Blending together without any surprise, a dazzling sensation in an instant, as if only a glance at it, the soul will be swallowed up and pulled to the unknown darkness.

This sense of dizziness, even the soul of Nie Yunling's peak, feels difficult to resist.

"There seems to be something missing at this location!"

After fusion. As if completely transformed, the whole body emits golden light, and the rust on it disappears, revealing a slightly strange shape.

It doesn't look like a cage, but a skeleton with a pouting mouth.

But his mouth was slightly sunken, and there seemed to be one thing missing.

"What the **** is missing in this place? Why does it look so familiar ..."

Looking at the skull with his mouth open, Nie Yun became more familiar with it. But for a while I couldn't remember what was missing.

"Well, yes, I got a Soul Eater in the Ziqiong Mountains at first, which seems to be similar in size to this skull ..."

Suddenly there was a flash of light, and Nie Yun thought of something. He flipped his wrist, and the Soul Eater obtained in the Ziqiong Mountains was taken out.

Originally disguised as Qihuang in the Ziqiong Mountains. When stealing the baby, he got a soul eater in the treasure house. It was this mirror that made his soul from the peak of Qi Hai to the great completion of Qi Hai.

Later, because of things one after another. I didn't use it much, I forgot to put it up. At this time, I saw that the big mouth of the cage was similar in size to the mirror, and suddenly thought of it.

I have heard of myself in the previous life of Soul Eater. It is an extremely famous magic weapon of the demon tribe. It is impossible to directly affect the following souls of Qi Hai Da. It ’s useless to the spirit soul!

After a gesture, it was the right size. As soon as my heart moved, I picked up the Soul Eater and nodded to the skull.


In an instant, the two were perfectly inlaid together, completely fused, without distinguishing each other.


At the moment of fusion, the skeleton released thousands of golden lights, a powerful tearing force on the soul permeated, and the whole thing seemed to have transformed from a sparrow to a phoenix, and its power increased greatly.

"The soul cage? Is this the soul cage?" Seeing the sudden changes in the skeleton, Nie Yun was shocked and suddenly thought of something.

A horrifying treasure of the demon tribe-the soul cage!

Soul cage, which can hold people's souls, makes it difficult to escape ~ www.readwn.com ~ Strange and unpredictable, it is one of the most terrifying magic weapons of the demon people. Is this ...

It is said that the life that is shrouded in spirits will be limited as long as the soul does not reach the spiritual level of perfection. In a short time, it cannot be broken.

The soul is restricted, and the body cannot move naturally!

During the battle, as long as this thing is released, the opponent will be imprisoned, the body can't move, how can you pack it if you don't want to pack it?

Even if the opponent is a power-breaker, the soul is confined, and the body cannot move, I am afraid that it only has to be beaten.

"This is really the strength to laugh proudly of the entire floating continent!"

Bring the cage over and confirm that it is indeed a soul cage. Nie Yun's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. Haha smiled, excited to the extreme, and the uncontrollable voice rang through the entire Dongfu.

(Today ’s Teacher ’s Day, hey, Laoya is a teacher ’s festival, add a chapter!) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is My biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read m.)

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