Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 683: Thunder God Celestial Formation

"Stop it!"

This disciple also knew how powerful Nie Yun was. He rolled his hands quickly and wanted to resist, but where to stop it, just one click, the body's mana was penetrated. Before he could cry, he was beaten into a meat pie. , Fell from the air.

"You're looking for death, do it together!"

Unexpectedly, this disciple was shot by the other side when both breaths were not reached. Hu Kui Zang Hongyi's face sank at the same time.


The two masters shot at the same time, the sky and the earth seemed to be covered with dark clouds, and the entire empty space of the mountains was trembling.

When Nie Yun was in the realm before, he was able to fight against the strongest in the early days of Nai Reality. Now the strength of Nai Reality is not necessarily the peak of Nai Reality. It is not that his strength has weakened. The gap at the small level is really too big, and it is not only you who is a genius in the world. Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi are also geniuses among geniuses. They can also fight beyond the ranks.

Therefore, although strength is also a virtual reality, it is not easy for Nie Yun to overcome by strength alone, let alone beheaded.

At this time, the two shot at the same time. Nie Yun saw the dark clouds in the sky and knew that he could not resist. Immediately, the light flashed under his feet, and the gale stepped forward. .

"Want to escape, leave me!"

It seemed as if I had known that Nie Yun would avoid, Zang Hongyi's face was gloomy, and the palm of his hand slaps, tearing up the space-like palm wind.

"Big Sad Seven Immortal Swords!"

Knowing how to dodge, however, the sword of the sword **** appeared on the palm of his hand, Nie Yun's eyes were dignified, and he swept left and right, with colorful lights appearing in front of him, and the surge of sword gas greeted.

"The Sword Art of Sword God Zongzong? It seems you stole a lot! Wear a cloud palm!" Hu Kui Lengheng, also a palm.

The palms of the two were extremely strong, with a clear understanding and understanding of martial arts, while falling. The sky fell and the earth sank. Before coming to the sky, the huge pressure caused Nie Yun to sink down in the air and almost couldn't fly.

Martial arts, the understanding and understanding of battle, the same strength. The same mana, different understanding of martial arts, different combat effectiveness.

Xiao Feng's most common Taizu Changquan defeated Xuan Nan's sleeves, not that his internal strength far surpassed the opponent, but that his understanding of martial arts surpassed Xuan Nan a lot.

Just like Nie Yun, since rebirth. Fighting with people has always been able to anticipate the enemy's opportunities and strike attacks against each other, also because of their deep understanding of martial arts.

Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi's understanding on martial arts is impossible to compare with him who was two generations, but it is also extremely profound, especially Hu Kui's last attack, although not his strongest force. However, it represents a subtle grasp of the battle, which is exactly used in the gap between the Daxi Qixian Sword and Zang Hongyi's attack and collision. It is extremely unpredictable and extremely uncomfortable.

"it is good!"

Nie Yun saw the ingenuity of this move, praised it, turned his left hand, and gave out the ghost sword, and the same sword was drawn out.

Destroying Sword Art!

The left and right palms do not have the talent of the master of the sky, and cannot perform the great sword skill at the same time. But at the same time, it was not too difficult to perform Supreme Sword Art.

"Suddenly learned two sets of supreme swordsmanship, and two such powerful swords, haha, even if you kill you, you won't get anything, these two swords are worth it!"

Seeing the teenager take out a sword again, the eyes of Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi all lighted up.

In their eyes, how can they not see the speciality of sword sword and ghost sword. Not to mention the other, the value of either of these two swords is far more than all of them.

Although the sword of the sword **** has a great reputation in the floating world, it has never been brought out of the sword **** sect. Not a disciple of Sword God Sect, basically impossible to know.


The smashing dust lore, swords of Da Bei Qi Xian Sword and the attacking pair of the two met together and annihilated in the air at the same time, the turbulent air waves shook all the surrounding mountains into powder.

The disciples of the two peaks of the Zongna virtual reality teamed up to attack, although Nie Yun blocked at the same time, his face was reddish and he was slightly injured.

However, this minor injury is nothing, as soon as the gas of treatment turns, it is completely cured.

"You guys are in a big battle so that he can't leave. You must kill this kid today!"

With a long howl, Zang Hongyi instructed the remaining disciples to stir their hands and push their palms down.

This trick is called Pushing Hands. Although the name is ordinary, it is a very strong martial art in Huayunzong. With one hand turning, the aura in the air is completely stirred up and disordered, forming a mountain-like hard block, rushing towards Nie Yun .

This hard piece not only has the force of rotation, but it will explode when touched. The power is equivalent to the self-detonation of a strong man in the late stage of the virtual reality. It is terrible. Seeing this trick, Nie Yun knows that the other party is determined to kill. I want to kill myself completely.

"Can't touch it hard, Wind and Thunder Wings!"

Knowing that it could not be touched hard, a pair of wings suddenly appeared behind Nie Yun, and the Xuan Xuan Tian Bu cooperated with the wind and thunder demon wings. When a thunder thunder sounded, it flashed dozens of kilometers, making the thrusting hand's attack lose its effect.


However, after avoiding pushing hands, I felt a thunderous light coming in front of me. It turned out that a Huayun disciple who was in the formation not far away shot.

He held a short weapon in the palm of his hand, like a dagger and a token. With a stroke of his palm, there was a thunderbolt on it. The speed was so fast that it was impossible for him to dodge.

"Thunder gods heaven array, so ruthless!" Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

I did not expect Zang Hongyi to have such a treasure, so these people are actually clothed by the Thunder God Tianxian array!

The Thunder God Celestial Formation is a well-known combo formation of Hua Yunzong. If you want to arrange this large array, you must have a Thunder God Order.

Thunder God Order is a special kind of spiritual soldier, it is extremely difficult to refine. It is said that if you want to refine, you must put the token embryo into the lightning layer every rainy day, and let it absorb the lightning force generated by the world. Only after absorbing thunder and lightning in 1981 and then using special techniques to carry out special seals, can one be made into one.

The thunder gods array, each person in the array must hold a thunder god's order. Once you start, the thunder and lightning flash, it is impossible to escape, even if you are half-step through the air, you are trapped in it. Shen will die and die!

No wonder these two guys do n’t have much money. They let them steal stealing 100,000 gemstones. Originally, all the money was bought for equipment. The thunder **** order alone is worth 700,000 or 800,000 gemstones. And there is still no price!

"Talenting talent, burning with fire!"

Seeing the lightning speed was so fast that he couldn't dodge, Nie Yun didn't resist, and the defensive air on his body moved. A defensive tortoise appeared immediately in front of him. At the same time, his fingers shot a hot flame straight at the disciple.


The thunderbolt hit the defensive tortoise shell, shattered the tortoise shell directly, and was impacted. Nie Yun flew hundreds of meters backwards, his face flushed.

This time, it was also judged that this random thunderbolt at least caught up with the power of the powerful Nazis in the later period.

All of them are so powerful, and they can still be excited. The Thunder God Tianxian array is indeed the famous formation method of Huayunzong, and it is really powerful.


Nie Yun flew backwards. Before he came to this disciple, the torch fired by him was crushed by the thunder and lightning from other disciples.

The matrix method has this advantage. Others can help each other and give full play to the strength of everyone.

The formation method is equivalent to an extra one-half step through the air, and with two peaks of Nai Realm that can leapfrog, Nie Yun's situation is at stake.

"Haha, I see where you are still running, let me die this time!"

Seeing that he continued to suffer losses, Zang Hongyi laughed, his palms were raised, and something like a sledgehammer rushed straight to Nie Yun.

Disciples of Hua Yunzong, although practicing martial arts, do not mean that they do not use weapons. On the contrary, they are more powerful because they are proficient in all kinds of weapons.

"This is the best spirit!"

Seeing that the sledgehammer had absolutely reached the level of the best soldier, Nie Yun understood that when Tu Qiong saw it, his eyes were dignified, and the sword of the right-hand sword **** bounced in the air. , To form a curtain with complete sword light.

Destroyed by the sword!

At this time, there was no reservation, and the Supreme Sword Art was hit.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

It is indeed the strongest trick of Sword God Sect. When it was hit, it immediately blocked the sledgehammer in the air. The excess sword light attacked Zang Hongyi straight.

"This is ... Supreme Sword Art, the full version of Supreme Sword Art? You are not Thousand Fantasy, you are the new Sovereign of Sword God Sect?"

Zang Hongyi was accidentally caught in the sword thorn, blood flowed, her pupils shrank, and she remembered something, and her eyes were full of surprise.

Being able to perform Supreme Sword Art, there is no second person except the Sovereign Sect of the Sword God. This person can use it so naturally in front of him. Is it the Sword Sovereign that has a great reputation but has not been shown?

I heard that the Sovereign is a Kendo master and has even been recognized by the sword of the sword **** ... the sword of the sword god?

Looking again at the long sword in Nie Yun's hand, I felt that rumors and facts slowly blended.

"Hu Kui ~ www.readwn.com ~ This guy is the new master of the Sword God Sect. Once we escape, we will definitely be retaliated. Hurry up and do not let him run away!"

Recognizing Nie Yun's identity, Zang Hongyi not only did not stop, but on his face exposed the sorrow and sorrow, his hands were shot down continuously, the mana on his body was running to the extreme, and one by one palm prints appeared in the air, even in space Blocked.

"The Sovereign of the Sword God?" Hu Kui's pupils also shrank, knowing the seriousness of the matter, strength was also added to the fist, and thunderclouds rolled in the air for a while, and the mana was violent.

The lord who besieged a sectarian door, as long as he didn't kill, the other party would surely retaliate, and withstand the vengeance of the sectarian door, although they were not weak, they felt they could not afford it.

"Well, these two guys are going crazy, they must find a chance ..."

Nie Yun immediately felt the pressure doubled at the same time, even though they had the blast Xuantianbu and the thunder-wing wing, they were still very strenuous, and they could not avoid it, and suddenly a kind of cruelty appeared in their eyes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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