Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 684: Xiaolong shot

Now in this situation, only using the cage of restraint, one can be fixed and successfully killed, even if the problem cannot be solved, it can relieve a lot of pressure.

Nie Yun took a deep breath, hurricane Xuantian stepped across, avoiding the attack of the sky, turned into a light, rushed straight to one of the disciples who was inspiring lightning.

"court death!"

Seeing his movements, the other disciples who maintained a large array at the same time stimulated the amount of lightning power in the formation, and suddenly a thick lightning storm rushed towards him.

This thunderbolt was issued by several people, which is even more powerful than before. Even if Nie Yun had the talent of a defensive division, he would be seriously injured.

"Welcome from Supreme Sword Art, Xuan Yu's sword, the potential of the earth!"

Not afraid to resist lightning, Nie Yun shook his right hand, and the sword of the sword **** greeted him with a great sword skill. The ghost sword of the left hand was replaced with the sword of Xuan Yu, accompanied by the sound of the thunder of the wings, and the whole person came in a blink of an eye. The disciple approached, and the movement of the earth was mixed with a secret effort.


For a moment, the sky seemed to fall. The earth's potential brought the power of the earth's collapse, covering all the area that this disciple could escape.

Xuan Yu's sword and the potential of the earth, Nie Yun has not been used for a long time, at this time used more and more mature, more powerful.

The use of the power of the earth is not because the power of this trick is more powerful than the Supreme Sword Art, but the Nether Sword just played the Supreme Sword Art. The other party has already known and can even avoid it. When oppressed, let alone others, prevailed in momentum.


Sure enough, when he saw that the sword blocked all the escape routes around him, the disciple became pale and screamed.

"Whirlwind shield, go!"

Once this disciple is killed, the formation will certainly not attack himself. Hu Kui also knows this situation. The next time I drank, my palms shook, and a shield suddenly appeared in front of the disciple.

The shield is long in the wind and has a diameter of dozens of meters. It is just in the middle of Nie Yunxuanyu's sword and this disciple.

"Hehe!" It seemed no surprise that he was blocking the shot. When Nie Yunxuanyu's sword was closed, the left wing was the wind. The right wing is Thunder, "Wow!" The figure flickered, and he had come to Hu Kui and threw a punch.

It was a false move to hit this disciple, and they must come back to the rescue, when the time comes. Whoever rescues, do it to whom.

"It turned out that your purpose was me. This trick is really subtle, but if you want to kill me, you don't have this ability!"

Hu Kui is also a wise man. Seeing the speed of Nie Yun's change, how can he not understand what he thinks. With a sneer, both palms lifted, and a single stroke came out.

This set of palms and Nie Yun's wind and thunder demon wings have the same magic. The left palm is the wind, and the right palm is the thunder.

Unparalleled martial arts of Yunzong, wind and thunder palm!

The core disciples of Hua Yunzong have the ability to accept virtual reality. With merit points, you can exchange for superior martial arts. In this regard, it is much more transparent than Sword God Sect.

"Whether you have this strength, it is not up to you, the soul cage!"

Facing his response, Nie Yun suddenly flipped his palm, and the soul-stealing mirror on the soul cage took a moment to pass.


Soul Eater is not refined. An attack that made no difference to anyone, being illuminated by the light above, Hu Kui felt that his soul was swallowed up by a gigantic monster, and immediately fell into a state of utter danger. The body lost its ability to move, and the Supreme Martial Arts had not completely hit, so it stopped in the air, and the whole person became a puppet.

"It works!"

Seeing that the first use of the cage was the same as the legend, Nie Yun's eyes brightened, and the fist of his right hand did not stop, but he had already reached the other person's chest.

"Hu Kui!"

Although I don't know why Hu Kui stopped suddenly, but seeing him like this must be the means of the other party. Zang Hongyi screamed, his mana was running crazy, his body was like a teleportation, and he came behind Hu Kui. Grab his collar and yank back.

The sudden outbreak of this speed seems to have used some secret method. It is indeed the genius of Hua Yunzong, with many means, which is completely different from the previous opponents Nie Yun encountered.


Hu Kui, who was stiff, was pulled back and flew out.


However, despite his speed, Nie Yun was very close to Hu Kui when he used the cage of restraint. Even if he was rescued, his fist still hit him and he was seriously injured.


It was a pity that Nie Yun shook his head. This trick was originally intended to kill him directly, but it only worsened him by hurting him.

It was a pity in my heart that I didn't stop my hands, twisted my back, and suddenly made a half circle in the air, kicking Zang Hongyi who rescued Hu Kui.


This time the move quickly changed, and injured Hu Kui and kicked over, Zang Hongyi did not even take precautions.

"it is good!"

With a shrinking pupil, Zang Hongyi's face turned red, "Wow!", And once again performed the mystery just flashed dozens of meters, and then escaped the fatal blow.

Seeing that this trick did not hit the other side, Nie Yun shook his head again, and changed the Yunzong disciples, especially those who can take the position on the Zongmen empty list. The understanding of martial arts has reached a certain level. One or two strikes are impossible!

A moment ago, he deliberately killed the cloth disciples and provoked Hu Kui to rescue them. Then he used wind and thunder wings and soul cages to do everything he could, and only injured them. This shows their strength, combat consciousness, and on-the-spot response speed far surpassed those of other schools .


Hu Kui woke up at this moment, feeling the injury in his body, and quickly took out an elixir and swallowed it.

He is a core disciple of Yunzong, and the two masters cooperated in the battle, but he did not kill a kid who was in the early stage of the virtual reality, but was injured by him. It is a shame and shame.

"Zang Hongyi, this kid has something very weird. Once he is photographed, the soul has the feeling of being swallowed. The body cannot move. Be careful!"

With a roar, Hu Kui knew that his life was saved by Zang Hongyi, and quickly reminded him.

"There is such a baby?" Zang Hongyi's eyes were dignified, and then his face was ruthless. "Since this, let's attack far away. I don't believe he has so many mana and can stop the rotation of so many of us. attack!"

"A true disciple!"

Hearing Zang Hongyi's order, Nie Yun snorted, knowing that the other party was doing the wisest decision at present.

The soul cage has not been refined, and it cannot be attacked from a long distance. It can only make people stiff for a second or two. When the distance is long, the other party wakes up before they reach him, and it has no effect.

Long-range attacks may also be what he said casually, but it did capture the shortcomings of the cage, making it useless.


Time didn't wait for him to think about it. A flash of lightning shot again. Nie Yun turned to hide, looked down, and saw that Xiaolong had stopped eating, and looked over with a pair of big eyes, looking as if he wanted to take a shot, and was afraid to violate himself. The command.

"You break this formation, just leave them to me!"

What makes Nie Yun the most uncomfortable now is not Zang Hongyi and Hu Kui, but this [Thunder God Celestial Formation]. As long as this large array is broken, the two will not be too embarrassed if they can't win.

"Huh!" Xiaolong blinked with big eyes when he heard the voice of Nie Yun's soul.


The sound shook, and several of the Yunzong disciples who arranged the Thunder God Tianxian array fell like rain. With a glance, Nie Yun knew that these people had been killed by the earthquake.

These people can be killed with a whistle. The strength of the five-pronged golden dragon is even more terrifying than expected.

As soon as a few people died, the formation was naturally self-defeating.

"What?" Hu Kui and Zang Hongyi were startled at the same time.

"Good opportunity, give me a coma, Supreme Sword Art!"

Seeing the two were shocked, Nie Yun knew that it was a good opportunity. Suddenly, there was a long howl, and the talent of the Xianyin Master was exerted, and a crisp sound of a golden stone clash suddenly burst into the air.

Although the crisp sounded with infinite killing intentions, it made people linger and couldn't bear to interrupt.

Fairy Tale Talent!

At the same time, the sword of the sword **** in Nie Yun's hands whistled and turned into a streamer, flying straight to Zang Hongyi.

This guy has the most imagination and the strangest means. If he wants to overcome, he must first take his shot!

At this moment, the two of them were shocking Xiaolong's shot, the soul was weakened, and the soul attack using the talent of Xianyin Master could just play an unexpected role.

"Xian Yinshi talent? Damn!"

Sure enough, Zhan Hongyi was stunned by the talent of Xianyin Master. When he reacted, he saw that the swordman of Supreme Sword Art had appeared in front of him.


Although he was dodging fast, he was still stabbed by Supreme Sword Art, blood splattered, and one arm was cut off.

Supreme Sword Art, the highest level of martial arts of Sword God Sect, and the talent of Nie Yun Jiandao show, powerful, even if he wants to avoid it is extremely difficult.

What's more, he was broken because of the shock, and his heart was lost.

"Close your ears!" The arm was chopped, and the pain was severe, making Zang Hongyi's face pale and quickly closing his hearing.

In order to reach their realm, Xiu is very simple to close the Six Senses.

"Just close your ears? Let me die!"

Nie Yun's defense made the talent run ~ www.readwn.com ~ ignore the attacks of others, and moved forward again, came to Zang Hongyi, it was another great sword skill.

If you close your ears, you wo n’t be able to hear the immortal talent, and it is not worthy of ranking 50th.


Feeling that closing the ears still can't resist the immortal sound, the body hurts again, and a sword is hit in the chest. This wound is extremely dangerous, and almost pierced the heart. Zang Hongyi knew that if she continued, she would die. Gritting his teeth, his face became abnormally haggard.

"This is what you forced me to do, even if I can't advance in the future, I will kill you!"

After the roar was over, Zang Hongyi's whole body suddenly burned a blast of weather. Under the rendering of the breath, the level was getting higher and higher, and he even broke through the virtual realm and broke into the air!

ps: I have a meeting for a day, sorry, starting tomorrow, strive for regular updates, at 12 noon chapter, 7 PM chapter! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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