Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 702: Reunion across 0 years

It's her!

She is indeed going to participate in this trial

At this time, Lingtai Lingyue was still in white. Under the sun, the beautiful face was revealed, and the original noisy square stopped.

Whether a male disciple or a female disciple, it seemed instantly to be attracted to the most beautiful thing in the world, and to forget Nie Yun completely.

"Who is this ... so beautiful!"

"She is a disciple of Elder Dong, called Lingtai Lingyue ..."

"Don't look at it, many core disciples like her, it depends on your cultivation, it is still far behind!"

"Is she strong?"

"It seems to be just accepting the virtual reality. I do n’t know the specific strength. The main reason is that she never participated in the empty potential list. No one knows her specific strength. However, since she is a disciple of the Elder Dong, it should not be too weak ... ... "

After a while, everyone awoke from the astonishment she flew by, whispering one by one.

"She's more famous than I thought ..."

I heard the mutter of everyone, and Nie Yun shook his head helplessly.

Elder Wu Dong's disciples are beautiful and elegant. Either of these two is enough to make all the disciples envious and crazy, occupying the two alone, it is strange that everyone does not remember.

不过 "However, even if many people pursue you, you must be mine. This is the best opportunity for this trial of the ghostly sea!"

Nie Yun's fist squeezed.

In the past life, let ’s leave you without saying a word of love. I will never allow this to happen in this life. I will protect you and stay together forever!

"Everyone is quiet, I now talk about the rules of the trial of the ghostly sea!"

Suddenly, a loud voice rang through the square, and it was the cabinet elder Yuan Jin who spoke.

When He heard what he said, everyone looked up and stopped talking.

At this time, Yuan Jin was suspended in the air, staring at the many disciples gathered below. "The ghostly misty sea is a trial place found by Hua Yunzong's predecessors, deep in the void. This place is like Tianwaitian , Is a unique space, extremely dangerous, the mortality rate of each trial is very high, if you are afraid, you can exit now! "

"Oath to death!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

Those who can pass the entrance examination of Hua Yunzong are geniuses no matter where they are. If such people are afraid because of a trial, they will not come to Hua Yunzong.

"Very good, then I will talk about the trial rules this time!" Speaking of which, Yuan Jin grabbed his hands and scattered small jade cards in the air, one for each person, no more and no less.

"This is a token representing your identity. You can calculate the merits you get. After entering the ghostly sea, kill the monster to get the crystal nucleus, obtain treasure and snatch, you can get the meritorious value. As long as ordinary disciples reach one hundred merits The value will pass the assessment. The elite disciples have 1,000 merit values ​​and the core disciples have 10,000 merit values. If they do not reach it, they will be eliminated and they will not become Zongmen disciples! "

Seeing everyone holding a jade card, Yuan Jin said lightly.

"Snatch? Get treasure?" It was easy to hear what he said, but Nie Yun knew that the trial was extremely cruel.

I am not limited to snatching this article, I am afraid that there will be countless disciples to attack the same door.

Of course, the fittest survives. If you can't resist this test, you can't blame others if you are robbed.

"Before the trial, I ’d like to inform you in advance that the Ghostly Mist and Sea trial will last for ten days and will be transmitted back as soon as the time comes. The following three rules must be kept in mind. First, during the trial, allow Robbery is not allowed to kill. Once the phenomenon of killing fellow disciples is found, they are expelled immediately! Second, disciples of higher level are not allowed to **** merit values ​​of lower level disciples, such as entry disciples with core disciple competitiveness. It is not allowed to rob the elite disciples. If they violate it, they will be kicked out of the gate! Third, the tokens that were crushed in the middle of the hand will be automatically returned here. However, doing so also means that you have lost the qualification for trial. Can't be a disciple! "

Yuan Jin said solemnly.

"This trial, these core disciples will take you there, and they must obey their arrangements when they arrive! There are so many ghosts and ghosts in the sea, and they are extremely dangerous. I don't want you all to die in the hands of the monsters!"

"Yes!" Hearing Yuan Jin's arrangement, everyone responded again, one by one flushed.

They know that the brutal competition for entry is about to begin. Once it passes, Liyu jumps into the dragon gate and becomes a disciple of Zongmen. If it fails, it will either be death or return home in shame, and there is no possibility of entering Zongmen.

I can become the first disciple of the floating heaven continent, no matter where it is the supreme honor.

"Okay, let's go!"

Seeing that everyone's passion was ignited, Yuan Jin waved his hand, and a huge portal appeared in front of the square.


Everyone flew towards the portal like a locust, densely packed, covering the sky.

"These disciples will be given to you!" Turning to look at a few old core disciples not far away, Yuan Jindao.

"They are really bold ..."

Xie Nieyun did not enter the portal in a hurry, and she turned her eyes to it, shaking her head at a glance.

的 The core disciples who hosted this time were not only Yantai Lingyue and Xiao Ling, but Ge Huan was also inside. He also had two faces around him, but at a glance he knew that his strength was not low.

He seemed to know that he had seen it, and Ge Huan and Xiao Ling's eyes also came down, in the twinkling light, with the chill of coldness.

Xiao Ling had to go to the ghostly misty sea before, it is not surprising to appear here, and Ge Huan added at this time, must be for himself.

"Relax, Elder Yuan Jin, we will definitely take good care of them!" Ge Huanying said, staring at Nie Yun, the words "good" were deliberately aggravated in the words, and his teeth were gritted.

"Yes, I will take good care of them too!" Xiao Ling nodded.

"You guys ... be careful. You can't kill people during the trial. This is a rule. Don't delay the good future of the two of you because of this!" Yuan Jin seems to have heard of the previous thing, and saw the two of them. Knowing that he could not be discouraged, he shook his head helplessly and comforted him.


The two did not know if they had heard it or not, and hummed at the same time.

"[Good] take care of me? I will [good] take care of you!" Looking at the conversation of several people, Nie Yun smiled slightly, hummed, and entered the portal behind everyone.

The portal is a huge teleportation array. As soon as it enters, it feels that the space is changed. The sky turns round and round, and once again it is a lush green.

"The ghostly misty sea is a white sea. The place we come from is an island close to the sea and the only land!"

As soon as she stood firmly, she heard a sound from one side, turned her head, and saw Zhu Yin looking at her with a smile on her face.

The Fengyun League can develop so fast, it has to be said that it has a lot to do with the talent of Zhuyin bewitcher. This guy can be said to be dead if he is dead. Even the old disciples will be bewildered and willing. Join.

"Huh!" He smiled and nodded, Nie Yun looked forward.

Although the ghostly misty sea has not come in the past, I have also heard of some. It is said that this is an extra place in the void and turbulence. It is not in the floating heavens. It was originally sealed by the ancestors of Yunzong here Yes, with countless natural treasures and many powerful monsters, it is a good place for trials.

Ghostly foggy sea is a bottomless ocean. There is only one land, which is where you are currently staying. This land is relatively safe. Once you enter the ocean, you will encounter various undercurrents, various All kinds of powerful monsters are invincible.

Disciples who come to the trial will generally camp on this small island, and then find a suitable direction to enter the ocean alone or with a group of people. However, they generally do not go too deep. When they get a baby, they come out immediately. Only strong disciples, Only then will they go deeper and look for legendary treasures.


Between the two of them, the light flashed behind them, and when they turned around, they saw Xiao Ling and others coming in.

"Yueer ..."

Behind Xiao Ling and others, it was Yantai Lingyue. She was as unsmiling as ever and her face was cold like a snow mountain.

"Yantai Fairy, shall we go now, or will we rest and then enter the ghostly sea?"

Xu looked at Nie Yun coldly, Xiao Ling quickly turned around, with a respectful look.

Xu did not answer Xiao Ling, Lingtai Lingyue's eyes looked around casually and fell on Nie Yun inadvertently.

Gently glanced at it, Nie Yun felt shocked, as if he had been in the memory for hundreds of years in an instant ~ www.readwn.com ~ The beauty in front of me is still the same as it was more than 200 years ago, without any change .

"Yueer, it's really you, nothing has changed ..."

Although I have seen it before, it is just a back view. One side is now the front side. When I see the face like a jade in front of me, slowly blending with the jade person in memory, Nie Yun feels that he bumped his chest and murmured gently, his eyes There is a hint of complex feelings.

Yeah, it has n’t changed, it has n’t changed at all, it ’s still so beautiful, so indifferent, and does n’t care about anything!

Do you know? The biggest obsession in my past life was you. I did n’t let you stay. If it was n’t, I would n’t risk going to Wanjie Mountain or being killed by Zang Hongyi and others. Feeling a touch of relief ...

Do you know? How much I miss you, this figure, this face, are engraved in the bones, and can never be forgotten, as if engraved in the heart, even after many years of reincarnation, it will remain clear and unchanged for thousands of years!

Do you know ...

The past time, the once laughter, slowly blended together, and slowly gathered into the beauty of the eyes.

"Finally meet again ..."

Stubbornly holding back the shock in his heart, Nie Yun took a deep breath and calmed his mood slowly.


Seeing Nie Yun's sudden gaffe in front of him, Lingtai Lingyue thought that he was just like other apprentices, and his eyebrows were slightly raised. [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Su @ 郗 葶] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe, reward, and your support is my greatest motivation] ◆, if you have any questions, please Go to Piaoxu to ask questions, if you want to join, you are welcome to join Piaoxu platform ◆

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