Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 703: Walk with child

However, this feeling disappeared in an instant, because she saw a thick thought and feeling from the eyes of this boy, sincere, sincere, from the heart.

What did he think of seeing me? Will this complex emotion and joy be revealed?

Yantai Lingyue felt a little curious about the small boy in front of her.

"Toad wants to eat swan meat, huh!" Seeing Nie Yun's appearance, Xiao Ling sneered and looked at Yantai Lingyue again. "I think we should leave now, after all, it will cost us to reach the ghostly sea a period of time……"

"I'll go by myself, without you!"

Awake from that curiosity, Lingtai Lingyue frowned and said lightly.


Hearing being rejected, Xiao Ling's face froze again, and he was about to speak, and he heard Ge Huan not far away and said with a smile: "Xiao Ling, the fairy of Yantai is unwilling to follow us, we are not following, you Did n’t you say that there is still something to do? Let's go together! ”


When he heard what he said, Xiao Ling hesitated. There was a vicious meaning in his eyes. He nodded and walked forward two steps. He came to Nie Yun, stretched his hands and patted his shoulder, and hummed coldly: "Yun Wind, although your strength is not weak, the ghostly misty sea is too dangerous. In this way, brother, I will make things difficult for you, along with you, so that you can take care of each other and increase your chances of survival! "

"I am with you, one more and one more safe!" Ge Huan also sneered and took a step forward.

The two intentionally or unintentionally left Nie Yun in the middle.

"Take care of me? The two are polite. However, I already have a better candidate. I'm really sorry ..." Nie Yun didn't seem to see their small movements, suddenly sliding forward, his shoulders shrinking, Out of the encirclement.

"Has a better candidate? Are you talking about these wastes?" Seeing him so easily out of the control of the two, Xiao Ling was a bit surprised, but now Lingtai Lingyue and a lot of disciples are in front of him, and can't go too far. obvious. He immediately sneered and pointed at Zhu Yin and others, showing a strong scorn.

"You ..." Zhu Yin and others clenched their fists and looked ugly, but there was nothing they could do.

Ge Huan and Xiao Ling broke the ninth potential list one ninth and one tenth, although they were hit by Yun Feng like dead dogs. But not their current strength can compete.

"You have to think about it. The ghostly sea is very dangerous. They are dragged down by these people. I'm afraid you won't get anything, and you will lose your qualification to become a core disciple because of insufficient merit!"

Ge Huan sneered.

"Hehe. I think there are some skinaches in the leisure of the two people. The use of demon pets is not allowed to break the potential list. Guiwu Wuhai did not ask for it. If the two really feel itchy, I can do it for you!"

See the two talk neither yin nor yang. Knowing that he wanted to eat himself, Nie Yun said lightly.


Hear that. Xiao Ling and Ge Huan had a complexion on their faces, almost dying.

In front of this guy, although he is not very old, he is a guy who is not afraid of heaven and earth. I'm afraid he will dare to make any more nonsense!

"Haha! Good!" Zhu Yin and others told Nie Yun to shut up at the same time when they said a word. They couldn't help but laugh and burst into laughter.

When they heard their laughter, Xiao Ling's face was even more ugly.

"Ha ha!"

Ignoring the two who had turned green, Nie Yun smiled lightly and came to Lingtai Lingyue in two steps with a fist.

"I don't know if this sister can take me for a ride and let me go with you ..."

After that, his eyes revealed strong expectations, just like when she went out with her for the first time hundreds of years ago.

It was the same at that time, with hope in my eyes, hoping to walk with her ...

"Are you able to invite the Fairies of Yantai?"

"Do not look at yourself, go away!"

Xiao Ling and Ge Huan did not expect that Nie Yun threatened to finish them and invited Lingtai Lingyue, all of them were furious, especially Xiao Ling, who was almost alive.

The disciples participating in the core disciples' trials, if they want to get enough merits, can only go into the depths of the ghostly misty sea, and this depth, if there is no core disciples to lead the way, it must be very dangerous, nine lives.

Of course, the core disciples are not leucorrhea. They all have their own purpose. As long as they are brought to a certain area, they can act independently.

The purpose of Xiao Ling and Zang Hongyi participating in the trial was because I heard that Lingtai Lingyue participated in the trial and planned to work with her to show their love for the heart. Now, because of being insulted by Yunfeng, she wants to take revenge. come back.

If this Yunfeng wants to act with Ling Yue, he will retaliate!

You can't do it in front of someone you like!

Besides, trial does not allow killing. I really want to do it. I must be unaware of the ghost and be with the elders of the East. Xiao Ling is not confident that she can kill the invisible, and she can't find it!

Realizing this, he resolutely did not allow Nie Yun to go with her!

"Xiantai fairy, this boy is frustrated, ignore him ..." After scolding Nie Yun, Xiao Ling turned to look at Yantai Lingyue and said with a smile.

Ignoring Xiao Ling's words, Yantai Lingyue glanced at Nie Yun and said lightly, "If you can keep up, follow me!"

After speaking, as soon as I stepped forward, I flew forward.

"You ..." I did not expect that the always indifferent Xiantai fairy would promise, Xiao Ling seemed to be slap in the face, her face even more sullen.

He invited Lingtai Lingyue many times, and he was ruthlessly rejected every time. He never expected that the boy would only agree once when he spoke. The blow in his heart was imaginable.

"Hehe, Xiaofeng, Xiaohu, you are following Zhuyin and Ouyang Shixiong, they are in danger, try to protect them, I will go first!"

Ignoring Xiao Ling's green face, Nie Yun smiled slightly, released Xiao Hu and Xiao Feng, and gave it to Zhu Yin and others.

The purpose of releasing Xiaohu and Xiaofeng was to protect Xiaoyin, Ouyang Shixiong, etc., and to attract Xiaoling to hook.

Since the other party wanted to kill themselves, how could Nie Yun let them leave the ghostly sea this time alive!

And if they know the existence of Xiaofeng and Tiger, they will definitely be jealous. Doing this will let them know that it is the best time to kill themselves!


After explaining Xiaohu, Zhuyin and others, Nie Yun flew away behind Lingtai Lingyue as soon as his body shook.

"Follow up!"

Seeing that he actually released the little tiger and the little wind two beasts, Ge Huan and Xiao Ling glanced at each other, and each saw the ruthlessness in their eyes. "Hey!" And the remaining two core disciples followed behind Nie Yun. Chased after.

Although it is an island, this place is not small, and a trace of tracking spirit follows behind Yuetai Lingyue, and Nie Yun quickly catches up.

The island is relatively safe. When flying above, there are only some monsters that have not been repaired. When they saw his power, they fled immediately. Occasionally they flew over with one or two eyes. They were basically slap to death. .

The level of these monsters was too low, and the corpses were not left. They were directly stirred into powder and the crystal nuclei were taken out.

"Why is this island so big? It's not over yet?" Nie Yun froze.

This rapid flight has already swept tens of thousands of kilometers, and I haven't seen the end yet. Isn't this just an island? How come so far?

The place where the teleportation appeared was an island standing in the ghostly misty sea. According to his idea, since it is called an island, a few hundred kilometers is even large. How can it fly tens of thousands of kilometers before it ends?

"Huh?" The doubt in her heart didn't want to understand, but she suddenly felt that Lingtai Lingyue flying in front stopped, and her slender body fell on a tall tree, watching the front quietly, motionless.

At this moment, the sunlight just shone on her face, and Nie Yun stood looking to the side, like a flawless picture.

"Sister Yantai, what happened?" Nie Yun asked gently, beside her.

Yantai Lingyue started earlier than him. According to the truth, she should be called sister. This is the same name in the previous life. Later, the two fell in love and changed their name to Yueer.

"There are monsters in front of you!" Lingtai Lingyue said lightly, without any fluctuation in tone. "You have resentment against Xiao Ling and Ge Huan?"

"A little contradiction!" She did not expect that she would ask this, Nie Yun froze slightly.

According to the previous life's understanding of her, people who have just met will never ask a question even if they die. This life is obviously not the same as the previous life.

After asking this sentence, Lingtai Lingyue stopped talking, and a pair of glances looked forward, the eyes flashed, it seemed to want to see the monsters in front, what specific strength.

When she saw her, Nie Yun didn't know what to say. Although she was full of words, she didn't know where to start.

In the previous life, although the two were lovers, this life is not, even this is only the first formal meeting, they are strangers anyway.

"Forget it, don't think about it first, and see what monster can make her so jealous?"

I was tangled in my heart for a while, and after thinking for a while, I didn't know what to say, so I just shook my head and stopped thinking about it. The eyes opened and looked forward.

"A psychic red leopard? A half-step through the air?"

At a glance, Nie Yun could not help but look dignified.

The monster in front is a half-step psychic red-striped leopard ~ www.readwn.com ~ This kind of monster is good at speed. The red stripes on the back can change into wings, flying fast, agile and extremely fierce. .

Once it is found that humans pass through its area, they will definitely kill without hesitation, which is one of the monsters that are extremely unfriendly to humans.

Unexpectedly, there were such fierce guys on this trial island.

"Are you still an eye-visioner?" It seemed that Yuetai Lingyue was a little surprised when she saw the golden light flashing occasionally in Nie Yun's eyes.

"Hehe!" Nie Yun laughed, and did not deny that he and others can say that he has a heavenly eye. He doesn't want to hide the lovers of previous lives, but also knows that this is not the time to say this, saying: "This psychic The red-striped leopard is not weak and good at speed. Once it cannot be killed, it will surely keep on attacking, and it will be a lot of trouble. It is better ... Let us go around quietly and not fight it directly! This can reduce a lot of trouble ! "

"Do you have a way?"

Yantai Lingyue for a while. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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