Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 706: Disciples

"how can that be?"

"Who, who stole it?"

In the scene at hand, not only Xiao Ling felt his head exploded, but Ge Huan and others were going crazy.

The psychic red leopard has been killed. This is an indisputable fact. The corpse will not run by itself. The only possibility is that it was stolen!

But ... there are no people around? How could it be stolen?

"We're being counted!"

For a moment, Ge Huan thought of something, his face twitched, and he couldn't help yelling.

He can form an alliance and become the leader. He is not a fool. The psychic red leopard suddenly found everyone, and he attacked fiercely, as if there is deep hatred. This is not normal, and the corpse disappeared at this time, it must be Someone designed himself deliberately.

"This place was specially used by Huayunzong for trials. There can be no other people. In the past, there were only Xiantai Fairy and Yunfeng. It must be Yunfeng!"

Although I don't know how the young boy did this, the four of them can be sure that they can't escape the relationship!

After all, this place is a confined space, and only the people of Huayunzong can come in, but Xiantai Fairy is indifferent in nature and definitely won't do it, and it's only him.

"Abominable, abominable, chase! This kid will kill anyway!"

Xiao Ling was not a stupid person. He heard Ge Huan's words and understood that his anger and heart attack and the injury just hit by the red leopard just spit out blood, and he hated Nie Yun even more.

Since hostile to this guy named Yunfeng, nothing has gone smoothly!

Dragon Blood Rune ... It took him decades of hard work to gain the reward. As a result ... the chicken flies and gets nothing!


Adjusted their rates for a while. Several people faced each other, quickly chasing past Lingtai Lingyue.


"Dragon Blood Rune? Fortunately, I guess they will have a hole card and let Xiaofeng stay in front of Zhu Yin and others, otherwise, even if they follow me, they won't help, or they will fall down because of this!"

Below the ground, Nie Yun thought while progressing.

The corpse of the psychic red panther was naturally taken away by him. I just brought the red-breasted leopard here. I want to bring trouble to Xiao Ling and others, and I want to see what cards they have.

At first glance, I couldn't help but be surprised.

"Why is there a dragon blood rune in Huayunzong?" Nie Yun wondered.

The dragon blood rune must first have dragon blood as the lead, and seal it in the jade card. Only when it breaks out can it have an impact force that dares not resist.

And the level of dragon blood needed. Far more than ordinary, not at all such a monster as Zitong can provide.

"Is that ... the mount of the legendary ancestor?"

Suddenly, something jumped out of Nie Yun's mind.

According to legend, the mount of Huayunzong's ancestor was a dragon, and the dragon's life span was much longer than that of humans. However, Chen Long did not die, and always accompanied Hua Yunzong, respecting his status.

However, when he entered Huayunzong in the previous life, he heard that the dragon was violent because of life-limiting conditions. With the seven siege gates siege Ling Xiaoding disappeared, where did he go. Life or death, no one knows.

Is this dragon blood amulet made from the blood of this dragon?

This looks very likely!

"Huh? Now the seven siege gates have not begun to siege Ling Xiaoding, which means that the dragon is not dead!"

If the legend heard in the previous life is true, then this dragon might not be dead now, and it is still being transformed into Yunzong.

Of course, this dragon is dead or not. It has nothing to do with himself. His strength is too weak to be exposed to such high-level affairs.

In my mind, I didn't stop at my feet, and the talent of the Earthwalker reached the second form. The speed of walking in the ground was no slower than that of flying in the air, and it quickly spread out thousands of kilometers.

"She didn't go far?"

After walking for a while, I looked up, and saw that I would n’t wait for Lingyue Lingyue, at this time I do n’t know why he was standing on a mountain quietly, motionless.

It's less than a hundred kilometers away from where the two were just separated.

"Is there a monster in front of it?"

She had seen this situation once before. Thinking of this, Nie Yun looked forward and swept around. No trace of a powerful monster was found.

"Was she waiting for me?" The idea flashed in his mind and he shook his head away.

If anyone in this world knows Lingtai Lingyue best, it is undoubtedly him. According to the understanding of previous lives, she and herself are not particularly familiar at present, and it is impossible to wait without any relationship.

This is her disposition, not intentional alienation. If not, Xiao Ling and Zang Hongyi will not touch the nails repeatedly.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much, just look at it!"

She came out of the ground, came to her behind a few steps, and laughed, "Sister Yantai, why didn't you go?"

"I'm tired today and want to take a break!"

Hearing his voice, Lingtai Lingyue's body seemed to shake a bit, and then that cold, icy word sounded.

"Tired?" Nie Yun looked weird.

When you reach the sky bridge, the bridge between the sky and the earth in your body, you basically do n’t need to sleep or rest, and you will be tired if you are satisfied with the virtual reality?

"Going out of this island is also a test for Hua Yunzong's disciples. It's getting late today. I want to take a break here. If you want to go, go first!"

Huantai Lingyue explained a rare sentence, with a wave of jade hands, he made a cave on a rock not far away and walked in slowly.

"It's getting late?" Nie Yun glanced up and found that the sun was falling, and it seemed to be getting dark.

There is also a sun and stars in the space of the ghostly sea, but the time is obviously different from the floating continent, which should be noon now, and it is almost evening here.

The purpose of coming here this time is to get along with Lingtai Lingyue. She said no, and Nie Yun would not leave.

Shaking his head also hit a cave not far away and went in.

After hearing what she said just now, Nie Yun also understood why this island is so big.

I am so powerful, and I have such a trick that can make my body move quickly. It is so troublesome to get out of the island, let alone those ordinary and elite disciples!

Although these people have less merit, the distance from the island to the ghostly misty sea will take several days. The trial has a time limit. When the ghostly misty sea is reached, the time is almost the same So even if there are only one hundred contribution values, it is difficult to save enough!

"Huh? By the way, let me see how much my contribution is!"

As soon as my heart moved, I took out the jade card given by Yuan Jin in Lingxiaoding Square as soon as I turned my wrist.

This jade card can record the contribution value, as long as you get the treasure or kill the monster, it will be automatically recorded on it.

With a flick of the palm, the jade card flashed, and a line of handwriting appeared on it.

"Get one psychic red grain fruit, worth 50,000 merit!"

"Five thousand? So many?" Nie Yun frowned, eyes narrowed.

The contribution value of Hua Yunzong is even more precious than the gemstones. A bit of contribution value must be exchanged for at least ten gemstones. How could he never imagine that a psychic red grain fruit is so valuable and worth 50,000 feats!

However, if you think about it, the psychic red grain fruit can advance the psychic red leopard half-step through the air. Such a precious thing, let alone 500,000 unique gemstones, even if it is a million, someone will definitely buy it. !!

Although a million unique gems are a lot of wealth, the entire floating heavens and continents can take out so much money, not a few.

"Unfortunately, they were killed by Xiao Ling. The meritorious value will not be recorded on me even if the body is stolen!"

Thinking of the value of 50,000 meritorious deeds and not planning to turn in, Nie Yun shook his head helplessly.

The meritorious value can only be counted on when it is turned in. The psychic red grain fruit can help to advance, how can it be turned in.

As for the body of the red-striped leopard, it was not killed, and the contribution value was not calculated.

In this way, there is still no contribution value. It seems that you must hunt and kill the monsters yourself. As for the low-level ones that were killed before, they are almost ignored.


When he was studying the psychic red berry, and was going to swallow it for promotion, suddenly there was a rush of wind outside, and four figures fell on the valley.

It was Xiao Ling and others who followed.

"It was originally Xiao Ling and Ge Huan, you came very fast!" With a slight smile, Nie Yun walked out of the cave and immediately pretended to be surprised. "What's wrong with you? Why are you so embarrassed?" "

At this time, Xiao Ling and others looked a little embarrassed. Before fighting the psychic red-striped leopard, it was extremely depleted. In addition, they were anxious and anxious, and their faces were full of tiredness.

"Little bunny, you secretly worked with the monsters to calculate us. You have violated the door regulations. You deserve all kinds of swords. Now you still have the face to ask us what's going on, and die!"

Xiao Ling's face was sullen and he sang loudly as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Yes, you and the psychedelic red-striped leopard teamed up to deal with the brothers, unkind and innocent, and have no respect for the matter. I will report this to the ancestral gate in fifteen to ten!" Ge Huan snorted.

The tone of the two was very fast ~ www.readwn.com ~, aggressive, with the taste of forced oppression.

In Hua Yunzong, the disciples can fight. If outsiders deal with the same disciples, even if the door rules are violated, the two will give Nie Yun a lawless and disrespectful brother hat.

"Couple with the monsters to calculate you? What did the two say? Why can't I understand?" Nie Yun sank.

"Don't understand? I pretend to be here. You colluded with the psychic red-striped leopard and attacked the core disciples. I can testify in person!" An old disciple behind Xiao Ling yelled.

"Yes, I can also testify, the evidence is as strong as the mountain, see how you quibble!" The last veteran disciple also shouted loudly.

"Huh?" Nie Yun frowned.

"Yunfeng, forgot to tell you, these two are disciples of Zongmen Law Enforcement Hall!"

Seeing him, Xiao Ling suddenly laughed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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