Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 707: The late stage of accepting the virtual realm (on)

The Law Enforcement Hall, Hua Yunzong's entrance to criminal law, has the same rights as the Sword God Enforcement Team of the Sword God Sect. As long as there is a little doubt and doubt, you can catch people and enter it. It is difficult to think of it. .

This is not to say that the people in the Law Enforcement Hall are not fair and strict, but it is almost impossible for any institution to be truly fair!

Emotional law, affection comes first, and law comes after. Even if the laws and regulations are in the mountains, it is impossible to execute flawlessly in front of human feelings.

Xiao Ling was able to find these two people, indicating that the personal relationship was very good. Now they bite and killed Nie Yun to collude with the psychic red-striped leopard and fasten the iron hat. Once it is buckled, it will be difficult to overthrow.

"No matter what disciples you are, say that I am collaborating with psychic red leopards. Let me have evidence!"

With indifferent eyes, Nie Yun waved his hand.

Hua Yunzong is a decent and decent person. No matter what you do, you need evidence. Without evidence, everything is a fantasy bubble and untenable.

"Evidence? It's okay for you to pass through the territory of the psychedelic red leopard, and we will be blocked and killed. This is the evidence. Obediently, you can confess your crimes lightly. Once you reach the Law Enforcement Hall, it is too late to confess your guilt!

The first law enforcement student disciples shouted with a sneer.

"Yes, we have seen it with our own eyes. This is the evidence. It is the evidence. You have no door rules, colluded with monsters, sneaked into your brother, and violated the rules. I can tell the door now to take you back to trial?"

The second talking law enforcement disciple growled.

The tone of the two was extremely arrogant. At a glance, they knew that they were often planted to other disciples. Their skins were already as thick as the walls. There is no hard evidence, but the truth is said.

"Seeing it with your own eyes? Did you see me and the psychic red-striped leopard ventilating the news. Or besieging you with it?" Nie Yun was very angry when he heard such forced planting.

"Presumptuous, I said I saw what I saw with my own eyes. Did n’t my law enforcement disciples, the supreme figure, frame you as an introductory disciple? What do you think you are, an ant-like beast, it is worth me to go Framed? "Du Jun, the first law enforcement church disciple, sneered.

"Brother Du Jun is right. I do n’t know the dog stuff that is so tall, so do n’t take yourself too high, thinking that there are two demon pets with similar strengths that can be wanton in Hua Yunzong? Tell you, this is not your family, something You ca n’t touch it! Admit your mistakes immediately, make compensation, and let us catch you. You can also show mercy and be pardoned, otherwise, even if you kill you on the spot today, you will blame yourself, and no one will dare to say anything! "

The second Law Enforcement disciple then shouted.

"A good character. Refers to the deer as a horse, reverse the black and white, the disciples of law enforcement can really be arrogant!" Unexpectedly, the two were so shameless, Nie Yun squeezed his fists, his eyes were indifferent.

"Arrogance? You mean that our disciples in the Law Enforcement Church are doing things unfairly?" Du Jun's eyes narrowed. The breath on the body suddenly waved, and it was the same as Xiao Ling. He is also a strong leader in accepting virtual reality. He took a step forward and sneered. "You, a small introductory disciple, dare to question our law enforcement hall, a big dog courage! Today I will let you know what is called Xunzun Humble, courteous and shameful! "

In the cold laughter, the right hand grabbed forward, the sky collapsed inch by inch, and the powerful extreme force rushed towards Nie Yun.

"Haha, Yunfeng, the disciples of the Law Enforcement Church are trying to deal with you because you are rude to the Law Enforcement Church, and you have learned lessons to let you know what is respect and decency. Door regulations, do not resist, then wait to enjoy! "

Seeing this law enforcement disciple named Du Jun shot, Xiao Ling sneered, holding his arms, unable to speak easily.

"Yes, dare to resist is to do something wrong without accepting punishment, openly provoking the rules of Zongmen! I think you are still obedient and do not move, let me give you a lesson, let you know who can offend, who Can't offend! "

Du Jun made a long cry, and his palm strength increased again. Before he came, Nie Yun felt the wind blowing and his face was cold and frosty.

"It's rude to Enforcement Hall by hand? In this case ... let me go!"

Seeing the unscrupulous hands of the other party, Nie Yun's anger ignited, his eyes narrowed, and Feng Xuantianbi slid his body forward and entered the palm wind range of his opponent, his arms tightened and his whole body muscles jumped like curved iron Bow, "Bang!"

This time, no martial arts were used, just like the previous action when the claws of the red-striped leopard were engaged, completely broke out by the muscles.


The palm wind in the sky was broken by his punch, Nie Yun swept forward again, pushed with a big hand, and the fourth star of Capricorn God's palm greeted me immensely.

Capricorn Palm is not the same as Supreme Sword Art. Guang Mingzi who created this set of martial arts has no clear sect. Now he doesn't need to marry Xiao Ling. Even if he sees it, he can't recognize it.


The immeasurable power is nothing worse than the Supreme Sword Art. In addition to the physical strength that has already been promoted, the stars gather, and the air in front of Du Jun is compressed. The huge palm print with irresistible pressure, splits his head. fall.

"What? Help!"

Nie Yun couldn't resist even Zang Hongyi and Hu Kui, not to mention this law enforcement student disciple, his pupils shrank, and there was no longer the arrogance he had just now.

"So big dog gall!"

"Damn, you're dead!"

"Dare to take action against law enforcement disciples, even if you say so well, you won't be able to clean up your charges!"

Xiao Ling and others did not expect that Yunfeng not only fought back, but also made such a fierce attack, all of them changed their anger, roared, and resisted.


At the same time, the four of them shot at the same time to block Nie Yun's Capricorn palm. The violent air flow overflowed and pulverized the surrounding rocks into powder. Fortunately, Nie Yun was facing away from the cave, otherwise he would be destroyed.


Blushing, Nie Yun took a few steps back.

The power of the four to join forces is too strong. Even if he has made great progress and shows Capricorn Palm, he is not an opponent and has suffered a little.

Xiao Ling and Ge Huan are each better than Zang Hongyi and Hu Kuiqiang, plus two disciples of law enforcement. Together, the four of them can fight even the top five who broke the empty potential list, even now Nie Yun is also Unstoppable.

After all, Nie Yun wasn't sure if the elders of Huazong were watching quietly, and he didn't dare to erupt all power.

With the same stroke of Capricorn God, the power of twenty Dantians running at the same time is different from that of nine Dantians.

"He ignored the rules of Zongmen and blatantly attacked the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall. Everyone worked together to kill them!"

Seeing Nie Yun recede, it seemed to be a loss, Xiao Ling's eyes flashed with a rudeness, roaring, and a pinch of his hand was about to come over.


However, before his power erupted, he heard a sound that sounded like a sound of nature. This voice was indifferent, but with a power that could not be questioned and resisted.


The voice was over, a white shadow flickered, Lingtai Lingyue flew out of the cave.

"Xiantai Fairy, this is what you see with your own eyes. This Yunfeng has no rules and blatantly provoked the disciples of Law Enforcement Hall. He should be killed on the spot!

"Yes, if such an arrogant kid is allowed to join Zongmen, where will the rules of Huayunzong stand?"

"This man must be killed by hand and must not be tolerated ..."

Seeing that Lingtai Lingyue stopped, Xiao Ling and others yelled.

"This is a trial of the ghostly sea, what is the contradiction, you leave here to say whether Yunfeng violates the door rules, and only the law enforcement hall can make a final decision. Can you two law enforcement hall disciples represent the law enforcement hall? the meaning of?"

His eyes fell coldly on the two disciples of Law Enforcement Hall. Lingtai Lingyue's voice was cold.

Although she is not an elder and is not a core disciple, her identity as an elder of the elders of the East is placed there. Even the elders of Zongmen have to be courteous by three points. At this time, there is good reason and Xiao Ling et al Shut your mouth completely.

Even if the law enforcement disciple is even better, it cannot represent the meaning of the law enforcement church. If she is not here, the two can find a reason to cover up the matter, but she will see the matter with her own eyes. Once Yunfeng is killed, When said to go out, the four of them may all be punished.

"Well, since Xiantai Fairy said so, as core disciples, we naturally have to enforce the law impartially and abide by the rules. Today's things will stop here, and everything will wait until the trial of the ghostly sea is over!"

Xiao Ling and others were about to speak, and Ge Huan suddenly said.

"Let's go!" Lingtai Lingyue shook her sleeves, turned to look at Nie Yun, and flew forward.

Seeing that the girl unexpectedly invited herself to leave, Nie Yun looked at Xiao Ling and others, followed by a slight smile and flew behind.

It's not that he didn't want to kill these people, but the fighting power of the four is indeed very strong, not his current strength can counterbalance, and besides, really want to do it here, in case Yunzong's Taishang elders' ideas penetrate Come over to www.readwn.com ~ and encounter great trouble.

Even if you want to kill, you have to wait until you enter the ghostly sea!

I do n’t know how deep the ghostly fog sea is. The powerful ca n’t penetrate the minds, and enter the ocean. With the status of Xiangshui, their strength has increased greatly. Even if the four of them join forces, they are definitely not opponents!

"Ge Huan, what do you mean?" Lingtai Lingyue and Nie Yun left, and Xiao Ling looked at Ge Huan with a dark face.

Just before he spoke, Ge Huan agreed to the other side, making him very angry.

"What do you mean? It's not a good thing to kill him right now, and it's not a good thing to be caught by the fairy of Taiwan. But ..." Ge Hua said with a slight smile. The hands-on scenario has been recorded. If this is passed to the Law Enforcement Hall now, what will happen? "

"It will definitely cause the rage of the Law Enforcement Hall. At that time, I'm afraid I will give an order to execute it!" Xiao Ling's eyes brightened when he heard Ge Hua's words, and he almost jumped up in excitement. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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