Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 712: Mother and daughter bone nails

"you wanna die!"

Even before Lingyue in the ring, he saw that Nie Yun's face on one side became very gloomy. With two palms, he slashed at Xiao Ling.

"You go to refine this palace, these four people gave it to me!"

Immediately after Lingtai Lingyue heard his voice sounded.

"I will deal with you!" Lingtai said.

"No, you don't need to intervene to deal with these four people. I'm enough!" With a sneer, Nie Yun has come to Xiao Ling, and shot with the power of tearing the space.

"court death!"

Seeing him blinking to the front, Xiao Ling narrowed his eyes, turned his five fingers in a half circle, the palm of his hand, forwarded.

This trick is called "Crane Beak Branch". There are offenses and defensives, defending and attacking, the fingertips of the thumbs are facing Nie Yun's palm.

This trick [Crane Beak Branch] was used very well. With a sharp attack in the defensive position, he changed someone else. When he encountered this trick, he had no choice but to change it immediately and dodge backward.

However, Nie Yun is not an ordinary person. The spirit rhinoceros training body and the diamond glass body reached the sixth weight at the same time. The physical body is comparable to the excellent spiritual soldier. Although his attack is powerful, it has no effect.

"Huh!" Nie Yun didn't dodge, turned her palm into a fist, and flashed a fierce flash in her eyes, smashing into He Beak.

Birds and animals, the mouth and hoof claws are the hardest. [Crane Beak Branch] imitates the action of the crane to concentrate all the power on the thumb. According to the truth, the thumb can be hard to point out even the top soldiers The cave is extremely hard, but unfortunately ... when you touch Nie Yun's fist, it is like glass hitting a hammer.


There was a crisp sound. The thumb was smashed into powder, and severe pain hit. Let Xiao Ling's face turn into a dull look.

"Let's go, refining Tian Wai Zhi Bao, these four jumping beam clowns, I will make them come back forever!"

Xiao Ling was wounded, and Nie Yun screamed.

"it is good!"

Seeing Nie Yun's success, it seemed that the real strength was even stronger than expected, and Lingtai nodded. Turned and walked in one direction of the palace.

Refining and refining this kind of space-like treasures, like refining and refining Zihua Dongfu, must find the core of control. It seems that Lingtai Lingyue has been fully prepared and knows where the core of the palace is.

"Want to refining this heavenly treasure in front of us? Dream it, I think you better hand over the refining method, lest you die here!"

"Leave the refining method to our brother. You can't kill you, otherwise, even if you are a disciple of the Elder Dong, you must die!"

Seeing Lingtai coming out of Huantai, Ge Huan and Du Jun looked at each other and saw a ruthlessness in their eyes.

Really need to be able to refine this treasure. Even if the elders in the Dantian acupoints are strong, don't be afraid. The interest is fascinating. If the interest is less, people will think about it. The big one is difficult to give up. Even if the parents are standing in front of them, for them. Will not hesitate to do it!

Because of understanding this, Lingtai Lingyue was deeply moved by Nie Yun's approach.

"Want to deal with her? You still beat me first!"

Before Ge Huan and Du Jun arrived in Lingtai Lingyue, they heard a roar behind them, and then the surrounding water flow was blocked in a blink of an eye, as if a closed water polo was formed. It takes a great deal to break away. trouble.

"Master Xiangshui? Are you Xiangshui? In this case, I will kill you first, then deal with this cheap woman!"

Feeling that the seawater was like being controlled, Ge Huan and others thought of a special talent and stopped rushing forward. Qi Qiba stopped and turned around to surround Nie Yun.

The top four apprentices of the Naomi Realm separated from the Quartet, forming a special aura, blocking all retreats.

The core disciples of Hua Yunzong, when practicing, not only improve their personal understanding of martial arts, but also study the combined attack skills. Seeing the cooperation of these four people, they must have made great efforts, otherwise they would not be so tacit.

"In order to kill you, the four of us have specially cultivated this combined attack method. Even the Xiangshui division will die as well!"

Xiao Ling was smashed by a punch with a punch, which was relieved after being treated with special means.

"I'm surprised, how can you come faster than me and the Xiantai Fairy!" Nie Yun was not anxious about the siege of the four, but became more calm and asked.

Huantai Lingyue and his speed are faster than the four, and there is no rest in entering the ghostly misty sea. How could they never have thought that they would be faster and have already come here to ambush.

"Well, it's okay for the dying man to talk to you. This heavenly treasure came here a few months ago. At that time, it attracted the attention of Zongmen's high-level officials. Because he could n’t refine it, he was even forced to leave because of exclusion! "

Xiao Ling snorted and said, "This treasure is unusual, so they used a large method to arrange a teleportation array around this treasure, so that if they found a good method, they could come over and refine it immediately! I Unintentionally getting this news, I begged for three days and nights in front of Elder Lu Xiao, and even paid a large price to get the teleport jade card. I originally wanted to take the opportunity to please Lingtai Lingyue. Deserve to suffer! "

He had no love for Lingtai Lingyue, only conquest and desire. Now that he knew it would be impossible, he tore his face, no more disguise, and no more respectful title than before.

"Transfer array? That's it!"

Nie Yun understood it.

He and Yantai Lingyue are very fast, coupled with special abilities such as natural eye talent, are behind, and only this interpretation can make sense.

"The eight elders not only set up a teleportation array, they also joined together to seal it. Unless there is a special token, otherwise, even the strongest in the early days of Dantian Acupoint, it is impossible to enter! If you cannot enter, you cannot refine This kind of token is in our hands, and Lingtai Lingyue is not there. Unfortunately, you pretend to be a good person, but you have no effect! "

Ge Huan sneered.

"Hey, when she can't find the entrance and finds that it has been sealed. When I hurried back, I see your body, I don't know how I will feel!"

Du Jun laughed.

"No wonder you didn't stop Lingtai Lingyue, the partner besieged me, it was already planned!" Nie Yun sent the dragon on his shoulder into Zihuadongfu with a smile.

In battle, Nie Yun likes to use his own strength and does not want to rely on Xiaolong.

"Yes, now that you know, let's die in peace!"

Seeing the teenager did not imagine the panic, Xiao Ling's face was hesitated, his palms were raised, and three dark black rays stabbed away towards Nie Yun.

These three rays are fused with the dark sea water, without a trace, strange and inexplicable, and flickered from his hand, and already came to Nie Yun, as if there was no time and space limitation.

"Mother-in-law screw?"

No shadows and no traces concealed the actions of others, and the eyes of Nie Yun who had concealed them were still worse. With a cold hum, his face became dignified, and Feng Xuan Tian Bu cast a rapid retreat.

The daughter-in-law bone-piercing nail is a weapon used by the demon. It looks like three nails. In fact, when it hits a person, it will explode. Each one contains hundreds of nails. Mana blessing broke out at a faster speed, piercing and killing opponents.

Because of this viciousness, he was consistently resisted by the Eight Schools and was not allowed to be used by decent disciples. I did not expect that Xiao Ling actually had this, and there were three in one shot!

"Retreat? Are you retreating? Now that you recognize this son-in-law, let's try it!"

With a chuckle, Ge Huan flipped his palms together, and a thick mana turned into a huge palm print in the seawater, blocking all of Nie Yun's back roads.

Continue to retreat, you will be hit by the palm print, hiding in front, but not behind.

Master battles are usually thought exchanges, and the speed of soul fluctuations is extremely fast. Each of them said one sentence, not even one hundredth of a second.

Reaching their level, the battle is not only mana, tricks, but also mental competition, wit and bravery, and sometimes a very common sentence can make the other side lose confidence and no motivation to fight.

Once confidence is lost, no matter how strong it is, it is useless.

This is the same as the war drums of the two armies. The more loud the drums, the stronger the morale. Because of this, when fighting, they often shout a sentence or two, and even scream, which is to disrupt the opponent's attention and lose heart.

"Let me taste it? It's a pity I don't want to, but you come!"

Looking at Ge Huan's movements, Nie Yun's palm turned, and the water in front of him was controlled by him. "Hoo!" And moved behind him.

The Xiangshui Division, the king of the water, is not in vain. At the time when there was only the supreme level, the control of seawater can leapfrog. Now it is easier to reach the late stage of the virtual reality, and it can directly transfer water to a short distance.


Behind Nie Yun was Ge Huan, and his son-in-law was moved to the back, which meant that he flew over to him. Ge Huan's face changed, and his fingers hurriedly pushed forward. Immediately, a unique spiritual shield appeared in front of him.

As the ninth super powerhouse who broke through the air ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although the rare spirit soldiers are scarce, they still have one or two.


The bone nail pierced the palm print he made and hit a crunch on the shield, but it was not pierced.


Taking advantage of Xiangshui's talent to seize the opportunity, Nie Yun's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly screamed, and the anger of Xianyin's talent formed a sharp wave, and rushed straight towards the second law enforcement disciple. A push in the palm, a stroke of countless stars!

In the melee, killing the weak one first can reduce some troubles by dying one. Of the four people, this one has the lowest strength, so Nie Yun shots whenever possible.


The law enforcement disciple did not expect that he dared to shoot himself under the attack of Xiao Ling and Ge Huan. He was shocked by Xianyin and a dizziness appeared in his brain. Then he saw the current in front of him compressed into a huge palm print. , Shot it hard. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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