Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 713: Middle plan

"Resist ... Ah ..."

With an exclamation, the law enforcement disciple immediately struck the strongest attack on his body, but it was useless. He watched his arms break apart, and then his breastbone collapsed and his mind left the body.


The bones are broken, the internal organs are turned into powder, and the gods are hard to save.


Seeing Nie Yun's stroke to kill his companion, the other three's pupils shrank and shot one after another. Instantly, under the powerful mana turbulence, the seabed was boiling.

These three are the top of the virtual reality. As disciples of Yunzong, they have strong martial arts experience and ability to leapfrog. They saw the death of their companions, shot with all their strength, and the powerful hot mana hit the seawater around Nie Yun. It was evaporated in a flash and turned into steam.

Reaching the top mana realm of the Secret Realm, you have the ability to move mountains, reclaim sea, and cook rivers. The top three imagination peaks are naturally more powerful. One ca n’t breathe, with everyone as the center and the tens of miles. The place, no seawater at all, became a sphere completely filled with mana.


Seeing this situation, Nie Yun knew that the other party was trying to prevent himself from using the identity of Xiangshui, and continued to call the seawater, his face sinking and whispering.

In the ocean, the status of Xiangshui Division is at least equivalent to raising one level. If it cannot be used, the combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly reduced.


With the sound of his voice, the mana sphere trembled, and then recovered again without breaking.

In this shout, Nie Yun used the Immortal Master and Mana to collide. In this case, it was not shattered, which shows the ball. Not as simple as imagined.

"Haha, it's useless! Fighting in the sea will encounter a lot of trouble, because my previous opponent was Zang Hongyi, and he is a Xiangshui division, so he has been prepared for a long time. It was a trick I designed to deal with Xiangshui. It was reinforced with the matrix method, and I want to break it, unless you have really reached the void, it is impossible! "

Seeing the young man's behavior, Xiao Ling laughed and couldn't express it easily.

"Strengthening the formation method?" Tianyan blinked. Nie Yun really saw several corners of this space, hiding a few small array flags.

In such a deep place as the ghostly misty sea, space is laid out, which is not restricted by water pressure. This shows the power of these flags, and it is really difficult to break them. Moreover, Nie Yun also knows that these battle flags Xiao Ling are refined and controlled by him, even if they are snatched, it is useless.

"Ha ha. This array is really clever, I can't break it. But ... I will let you take this banner back yourself!"

Seeing everything clearly, Nie Yun had a plan in his heart and laughed softly.

"Let me take back the banner? You must be disheartened!"

Xiao Ling froze, and his expression flickered immediately, then he looked at the two people Ge Huan "Don't talk nonsense with him, kill him by hand, it's a hundred, or else once Lingtai comes back in time, it will be a big deal!"

"Huh!" Ge Huan also knew this, and nodded at the same time, they were about to shoot.

But before it was too late to move, I saw a small Mars bursting from the fingertips and bodies of the young man surrounded by them. These Mars and the surrounding mana touched the oil as if they encountered oil, forming the Sugawara. Potential.

"What? Mana can burn ... this is the beacon of the beacon!"

"The ability only available to the 25th Beacon is impossible!"

"As a Xiangshui division, but also with a beacon talent, what's going on?"

Seeing the mana burning instantly, the three's faces changed at the same time.

Even mana can burn, I am afraid there is only one explanation, that is, the beacon possessed by the beacon talent!

The beacon can burn even the soul, burning mana, naturally, but they ca n’t figure out how this little boy can still be a beacon.

Water and fire cannot be blended. If he is not using talents but real talents, it is too bad!

"Xiao Ling, hurry up and accept the banner, otherwise we would all be burned to death here!"

There was no time to be surprised. The fire in Kashihara spread wildly, and soon came to Ge Huan, Du Jun, and others, and the clothes on them were burned instantly.

In the outside world, torches can still be avoided, but in the space composed of mana, it is filled with mana everywhere, just like a gasoline barrel full of gasoline. How can you hide it without draining the oil? And if you flee now, the advantage of being able to surround the other side in the center will be lost again. A beacon talent will make the three of them in a dilemma.


Dilemma also had to make a choice. Xiao Ling didn't expect Nie Yun to have so many talents, his face was embarrassed, and he grabbed the banner around him with a big grasp.

Although letting him leave the sea has great advantages, but before he treats the other side, he will be burned beyond recognition. It is no longer an advantage but a disadvantage.


As soon as the flag was closed, the surrounding sea water rushed down immediately, and huge pressure hit him, making his chest feel stuffy and almost spitting blood.


Just as his chest was stuffy, he suddenly heard a sharp sound from the current in front of him, and then a stab of killing stabbed straight from a distance, with a chilling murderous power.

"This is the Supreme Sword Art of Sword God Sect? How could you do it?"

Seeing the indifference to kill the sword, Xiao Ling's pupils shrank, and he recognized it.

Sword Art of Sword God Sect!

Supreme Sword Art is the secret of Sword God Sect, how can this guy perform?

However, time is too late to think about it. The strange swordman revealed in the opponent's swordsmanship is like the poison of cheekbones.



In a hurry, he resisted even the resistance, directly crushed a rune that could be transferred, disappeared from the spot at once, and appeared a few hundred meters away.

Tiantian Fuyu can instantly move 100,000 kilometers, but he only shifts this short distance now, it must have used some special means instead of the authentic Tiantian Fuyu.

This is not that he did not want to run away, but that the ghostly sea is too dangerous. In case of moving to a certain undercurrent, he will die without fighting.


He disappeared instantly, as soon as Nie Yun expected, and did not catch up, lengheng stabbed, and his backhand stabbed out. This time it was law enforcement disciple, Du Jun!


The long sword draws a perfect radian in the water, not only the sword-breaking swordsmanship, but also the four seasons swordsmanship, the Seven Swords of Great Compassion, the Heavenly Sword of Heaven and Earth, the ethereal thousand-handed sword, and the heaven and earth Xuanyang swordsmanship ... the ten swordsmanships blend perfectly Out.

Supreme Sword Art!

Xiao Ling used Fuyu to escape, and the three-member encirclement trend lost its effect again. Nie Yun waited for this opportunity. He made a move without any reservation and made the strongest trick.

Now he has two of his strongest skills, Capricorn Palm and Supreme Sword Art. But when it comes to single attack, the latter is better.

Supreme Sword Art, the essence left by the Kendo Master, and with the sword of the sword god, can become the treasure of the sect of the sword **** sect, how can it be simple!

"Supreme Great Sword Art, are you the new Sovereign of the Sword God Sect? No ... impossible ..."

Supreme Sword Art is no secret in the floating continent. As a core disciple of Yunzong, Du Jun immediately recognized it, and instantly wanted to understand Nie Yun's identity. His face became pale and pale, and his palm was turned. The jade-like thing was held in the palm of his hand, and he threw it away.


Although this jade hammer is a treasure, how can it stop the supreme swordsmanship that Nie Yun exerted with all his strength, it was stirred into powder.


Immediately after, Du Jun was pierced by the magnificent sword gas, and his head fell off his neck.

Locked by the Qi machine of Supreme Sword Art, Yitian Fuzhe could not be used at all. Du Jun's strength was not even comparable to Zang Hongyi, Hu Kui, and others. How could he be blocked? It was completely killed in one fell swoop. There wasn't even time to scream.

"Abominable, you must die, Xiao Ling, use your last resort!"

Ge Huan did not expect that the four would besiege the Nie Yun. Within ten breaths, the two were killed. His face became extremely embarrassing, and he yelled, yelling at Xiao Ling not far away.

"Okay!" Xiao Ling also showed a vicious meaning in his eyes, as if he had made some kind of decision, and raised his palms at the same time, each playing a unique trick.

In any case, the two of them are masters who can rank in the Huayunzong platoon. Although they are slightly angry with a little panic in their anger, the strength in their hands is not built, and the powerful mana is gathered into two huge ones. Light ball, rushed straight.

"King Kong Bo Liu Quan? It's tough, but it's not that easy to kill me!"

Seeing two light **** attacking, Nie Yun closed the sword in his palm, and he drew a semicircle on the chest with a sharp point. The left and right palm seals immediately greeted him.

King Kong Bo Liu Quan is the most violent one of Hua Yunzong's supreme martial arts. It uses the whole body's mana to condense into a mana ball. Once it is hit, it will explode, making it impossible to prevent.

However, Nie Yun also has a countermeasure. Two palms draw a semicircle ~ www.readwn.com ~ is using the talent of Xiangshui master to control the seawater, and then hits the magic core palm of the third type of sun and moon in both hands at the same time!

Although the third style is not as powerful as the fourth style, he can only play one move in the fourth style and two moves at the same time.


Capricorn's palm and King Kong's wave fist bumped together, two violent explosions, and the three men's attack rolled a huge wave in the sea water.

"Haha, boy, you are dead this time. The power of the explosion just now has completely inspired the array we arranged before, and see how you can escape this time!"

The explosion was over, and Nie Yun suddenly heard the almost crazy voices of Ge Huan and Xiao Ling.

Upon hearing this sound, looking down, the pupils shrank sharply.

I saw the sea water rolling suddenly and violently, forming a huge vortex, dark, like a swallowing giant, slowly swallowing over him. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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