Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 732: Mihua exit

In the depths of the Mi Shenzong Mi Shen hall, a flash of space appeared, a crack appeared, a hearty laughter sounded, and a figure stepped out. Angle? Degree?

This figure was full of ecstasy, as soon as it appeared in the hall, there was a strong breath, and the taste of the shattered space flashed in his eyes!

"Sovereign, you're out! You ... broke through? The peak in the early days of breaking the air?"

Hearing the laughter, Mi Linzong's elder Mi Lin appeared in front of the figure. When he saw the unveiled cultivation on his body, he was startled and his face changed.

The figure that appeared was the Misong lord, Mihua, who had been closed to death before!

At this time, the atmosphere of Mihua surged like a tide. Mana one, vastness, boundlessness, I do n’t know how strong, the strength is completely different from before, even reached the peak of the early days of breaking the air!

From the peak of the virtual realm to the breaking of the air is a big level. It is difficult to cross the territory. Even if it is broken, I am stuck in the early hundreds of years and thousands of years. I do n’t know how many months. Not only did I break through the big realm, but also reached the initial peak. The speed of promotion is simply appalling.

"Yes, I have reached the peak of the early days of breaking the air. As long as I enter the place of sacrifice, get the approval of the ancestor of the Heavenly Master, get spiritual empowerment, reach the peak of the breaking air and even the Dantian acupoint, it is just around the corner!"

Mihua laughed, showing a strong self-confidence and pride.

The ancestor of Mi Shenzong is a talent of heaven master, so is he. Once he enters the sacrifice place and is recognized by his ancestors, his strength will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, successfully reaching the peak of breaking through the air, and even the Dantian acupuncture point is not a problem.

"Peak the top of the air? Dantian acupuncture?" Mi Lin stunned.

When it comes to breaking through the air, it is important to understand the realm. Even if there is a strong spiritual empowerment, if there is no suitable opportunity, it is impossible to leapfrog the strength! But the lord dared to say so. Definitely sure!

"Is it ... the special talent of the lord is fulfilled?" Suddenly thought of something, Mi Lin's eyes widened.

"It's not yet complete, but it has already begun to merge, otherwise it won't be possible to practice so fast, and my strength has grown so much in a few months!" Mihua nodded.

He possesses four special talents for the human body, namely Tianshou Shi, Tian Yan Shi, Tian Ear Shi, and Tian Xing Shi. In addition to the talent of Meiyin Master obtained from Yun Xuan. All five human talents have been collected, and their strength has increased greatly. There has even been a fusion of various talents. This point, even the current Nie Yun failed.

"Well, have I been in retreat for a few months? Has anything happened?"

Let go and not discuss this topic. Mihua asked.

He closed life and death. Subpoenas are not allowed, so what happened recently in Zongmen was not informed.

"What happened ..." Upon hearing the question, Mi Lin's face turned pale, his lips trembled, and he didn't know where to start.

"What's the matter? Say!" Mihua knew this subordinate had been calm and showed this expression. It must be that what happened was beyond imagination, and his face sank.

"Yes ... Ms. Jing!" Feeling a violent force coming at me. Mi Lin hurriedly said.

"Miss Jing? What's wrong with Mi Jing?" Mi Hua said for a moment. "Did she mess with Zongmen again? This girl is not honest!"

For this sister's understanding, he felt that it must be a mess, and it was not small.

But for him now, it doesn't matter. He has reached the peak of the early days of breaking through the air. He already has the strength of the Supreme Elder. He is matched with special talents and has a strong fighting force. Not to mention that his sister has caused some minor problems, even if the matter is doorkeeper Perceived, not too much trouble.

Speaking of that matter, Mihua's heart was depressed. If it weren't for this, it wouldn't havetily shut down life and death, and would also deliberately refuse to let the news disappear from the eyes of everyone.

Of course, it is precisely because of the oppression in this matter that it has given motivation to be able to merge many talents at the last juncture, the strength is rising day by day, and the breakthrough has reached today's state.

"No ..." Mi Lin gritted his teeth and said, "On the day when the suzerain closed, Miss Jing secretly escaped from the suzerain, and then ... later ..."

"What happened later?" A pinch of Mihua's fist raised a bad hunch.

"Later, I couldn't find it after many inquiries, but the soul jade card left by her suddenly broke ..." Mi Lin said in a continuous breath.

"Soul Jade is broken, what? What are you talking about? It's impossible!" Mihua felt that her brain suddenly exploded, her face flushed.

"Yes!" Mi Lin lowered his head and was afraid to say any more.

"The broken jade card shows that the soul is annihilated and died. What happened? Why did she go out for nothing?" Mihua was stiff.

"The suzerain's pursuit of Nie Yun was unsuccessful last time. The lady seems to be very interested in this Nie Yun. She should be looking for him ..." Mi Lin said.

"Nie Yun?" Mihua bit his teeth, "Giggle!", And since he became famous, he has never hated a person so much.

His fiancee was robbed, his sister died, and he even frustrated and went back, even ...

Damn it! Damn it!

"Don't let me know that this matter is related to you, otherwise, I will definitely crush you!" Thinking of the boy whose strength is not comparable to him, Mihua's anger is about to burn.

"Open the treasure chest and bring me these things!"

Taking a deep breath, hiding the anger in the bottom of my heart, Mihua shook her hand, and an extra page of yellow paper was in her palm.

This yellow paper is not a spirit soldier, but it looks hard and abnormal, even the mana of the virtual reality can't be broken.

There are a series of things written on it, and from the name alone, we know that each one is priceless.

"Bring all these things? This ..." A glance at the yellow paper, Mi Lin's face changed immediately. "These things are the most important treasures of Zongmen. Even if the master wants to take it out, it must be supreme. Elders can only unite their fingerprints ... "

Every sect door has Zhenzong Zhibao. Even if the teacher teaches it, he has no right to take it out directly. It must be used by the Supreme Master's joint fingerprint and the elder Tai's collective consent.

The purpose of doing this is not to limit the rights of the lord, but most of these treasures are disposable items. It is very rare. Once lost, it will be very troublesome if you want to find it. It will even become impossible!

This restriction was added to ensure that this treasure can only be used for the critical survival of Zongmen and cannot be used at will.

Now there are several items written on the yellow paper of the lord, which are of this level. Rao is bold and dared not to decide.

"I have now reached the end of the void, and the Ying Ling who communicated with the creative sect master is about to be recognized. Who dares to say half a word? Bring it to me!"

Mihua raised her eyebrows, and a raging fire broke out.

"this is!"

Hearing his words, Mi Lin gritted his teeth and nodded.

The other party is a suzerain, he is just an ordinary elder, it is better to listen to him.

"Then, lord, please give me the seal of the palm. I have to rely on the palm of the seal to get these things out ..." Thinking of this, Mihua no longer tangled and quickly bowed.

The seal of teaching is the status symbol of teaching. If you want to take this level of treasure, you can't take it out without a certificate.

"Teaching the Indian Seal ..." After hearing these words, Mihua twitched violently, and waved her hand. "Let the elders guarding the treasure hall ask me for instructions directly. If you have any questions, please contact me immediately, not hurry!"

"Yes!" Seeing that the suzerain did not take out the palm to teach the seal, instead this expression, Mi Lin did not dare to touch the tiger's beard, and quickly retreated.

After walking for about an hour, this came quickly, grasping the palm, a pile of things on the ground, exactly what was written on the yellow paper.

The value of these things can no longer be measured with money. If they are auctioned, each one will be worth at least millions, thousands of gems, and there is still no price.

"Good! You go out first!"

There is no shortage in seeing things ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mihua relieved and waved.

"Sovereign, the elders of the Treasure Pavilion carefully asked the main purpose of these things, I can't answer, they ... have assembled all the elders, and plan to come and ask clearly ..."

Turning and taking a step outward, Mi Lin said cautiously.

"I see, let's go!"

Mihua didn't care about his words. When he left, he grabbed his hand and touched some kind of seal, which put the hall into a closed state and completely lost contact with the outside world.

"Jinger, my brother said that you won't die, there is definitely a way to make you live!"

Standing quietly, Mihua took a deep breath and said softly. (To be continued ...)

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