Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 733: Sacrifice

After He said, with a finger from Mihua, a small altar slowly appeared in front of him.

祭 This altar reveals a weird breath, with a special power to communicate with the ghostly, as if it had appeared from an unknown hell.

Such a weird altar, let alone other people, I am afraid that even an old monster like Nie Yun has never seen it.

A weird font in the middle of the burnt altar hovered, exuding a special breath. If Nie Yun can definitely recognize it here, it is the special "soul" that can make people's souls quiet.

字 On the word "soul", a human face struggles constantly, as if trying to escape and escape, but there has been no way.

"Mihua, what are you going to do?" Seeing Mihua on his face, his eyes showed resentment.

人 The face is a woman, and her appearance is extremely beautiful.

"I do n’t want to, I asked you to collect a part of my sister's soul last time, and now she has something going on, and I want you to revive her with this soul as a sacrifice!

Mihua coldly.

"Impossible! I can't do anything for you. You have the ability to seduce the soul to kill me ..." The woman roared again and again, seemingly full of hatred for Mihua.

"Initiate soul restraint? Of course I won't. I just want to discuss something with you. If you don't want your husband and daughter to die, you can refuse, believe me, you can do it!"

There was a sigh of coldness, and Mihua's eyes flashed a vicious light.

"You ..." The woman's teeth clenched. She is just a soul now, but she is dead. The key is her husband and daughter!

弥 As a lord of the **** Mi Ya, this Mihua really wants to fight against them. With her husband's identity and strength, she certainly has no ability to resist at all.

女孩 When she was caught and trapped here, the girl was only a few years old. Now more than ten years have passed, she should have grown up!

"Well, think about answering me again. They know you're here. It's a scourge to stay. I always like to prevent problems before they happen. If I don't agree, it will be very easy for me to cut off the roots!" Reveals the thick threat.

"Okay ... I'll do it for you this time, but you have to make a vow of heaven, promise me not to hurt them in the future, they are just ordinary people, even the strength of immortality, even if you know I'm here, I won't Will do you any harm ... "

Despite the anger in her heart, the woman finally agreed to grit her teeth.

一旦 Once a woman is married, all her thoughts will fall on her husband and children, and she is no exception.

Husband and daughter are just ordinary people. Husbands have no immortality, even if they know they are here? It's impossible to rush over to save yourself.

The only idea is that Mihua can not deal with them, just let them be peaceful.

"Taodao oath?" Mihua frowned, but remembered to save her sister, she turned her palms up and raised her. "My Mihua now issues a Tiandao oath. As long as her Minglan family does not deal with me, I will never move them. For the slightest, if I violate it, I am willing to accept punishment, so that I cannot survive the thunderstorm and die by death! "

"That's good!" Seeing him swore, this woman named Ming Lanxin believed a little "let me out!"

"it is good!"

When Mi Mihua grabbed his big hand, the altar exudes a twinkling light, and as soon as Ming Lan's body is earning, she comes out from above.

I am a soul body. Looking at her appearance in her thirties, she is impeccable regardless of her figure or appearance. She is better than some young girls and she is definitely a peerless beauty who can only choose one thousand miles.

"When I sacrifice, the host will let a hint of thought come through the heaven and earth. I hope you can respect and respect, otherwise, the host will not help, even if my soul is controlled by you, there is no way!"

I came out, Ming Lan said solemnly.

When Xun said of her master, her soul trembled slightly, seemingly giving her too much deterrent.

"Rest assured, my purpose is also to save my sister, will not do anything extraordinary!" Mihua's face was positive.

He also knows that it matters, and he dares not make unnecessary nonsense.

"Hmm!" Ming Lan nodded heartily, jade hand lifted, and many treasures prepared in the hall suddenly flew up and landed slowly on the sacrifice stage.

"The great soul mentor, master, offers a meager sacrifice in Xia Ming Lanxin, asking for help and support!"

After doing this, Ming Lanxin knelt down on the ground, a shout, and a voice like a spell was emitted from her mouth, and then a special power merged into the altar. All the precious treasures instantly glowed as if burning. Generally, floating around the altar, the altar reflected is becoming more and more strange and gloomy.


With the burning of treasures, the space suddenly trembled, as if a dark crack was torn out, and a huge human face slowly emerged under the call of a spell.

She is also a woman, her eyes are cold and cold, her whole body is hidden in the dark void, she can't see her expression, she can't see her appearance.

"Awful ..."

Mi Yahua only glanced at it, feeling dark before her eyes, and seemed to pass out at any time.

He has reached the peak of the early days of breaking through the air, and the soul is the fourth level of the spiritual peak. With such strength, he feels dizzy at first glance, which shows that the woman's strength is beyond imagination.

I was simply not able to imagine his current strength.

"What is it!" The face snorted.

The sound of with a dazzling soul impact, it seems that as long as the sound is a little louder, it can tear human souls, and the spiritual peak is unavoidable.

"My subordinate knows I can't bother you, but I still ask the owner to save someone, this Mihua Sovereign's sister. This is something I have prepared in advance to store her soul trace. My subordinate is willing to contribute the soul and ask the owner for help!"

Wu Minglan's heart gently touched, a small jade card was thrown at the altar in the air, and then her soul was slowly burning, as if some kind of strange sacrifice was being performed.

"Huh!" There was no emotion in the eyes of the face, and he didn't care if the subordinate was a soul or something. He fainted, and then a strong, extreme breath turned suddenly, and the jade brand "pop!" It became a powder, followed by a slightly transparent soul imprint on the Jade brand, which became clearer and brighter, as if she had used some great technique to gather her broken souls together.

嗯 "Huh? How did this person die?" Suddenly, his face frowned and asked.

"This ... I don't know!" Mihua said busyly when Ming Lanxin and his face came over.

He really didn't know how Mi Jing died. The only thing he knew was what Mi Lin had just said.

"She was stunned to death by the forces that surpassed this world, but when she died she was not on the floating continent, otherwise, your soul traces will be wiped out!"

With a humming face, he said to himself, "Although this power is very powerful, it doesn't seem to be the strongest attack, can't help me ..."


一 As soon as her voice falls, the illusory soul in the air condenses and forms ~ www.readwn.com ~ soon reveals her appearance, it is quiet!

The silent eyes closed at this time, also a soul body, lying on the altar motionless.

"Man has been saved!"


With the disappearance of the cold voice, the face disappeared instantly, and the whole hall was restored to the former silence again, as if the thing just was just a dream.

"Her soul is intact, and she will wake up after a while. All I can do is ..." Ming Lanxin turned to look at Mihua, coldly: "Don't forget what you promised me If you violate, I will not let you go as a ghost! "

At this time, Ming Lanxin's soul body stopped burning. Although it was not long, it was much weaker than before. It seemed to be annihilated and died at any time.

那样 The sacrifice like that just now requires the sacrifice of the soul, which is also a great harm to her. Seeing her weak appearance, it should not be possible to perform such a sacrifice again.

"Rest assured, I have no interest in dealing with people who do not threaten me!"

Seeing the spirit body lying on the altar, Mihua nodded and said.

"Hmm!" Seeing him agree, Ming Lan breathed a sigh of relief, his body flickered, once again entered the word "soul" in the altar, and slowly disappeared.


At this time, the precious precious treasures suspended around the altar just burned and turned into flying ash. [To be continued [This text is provided by Piaoxu @ 一袭 青衣 平 天下] If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe and give rewards to your Chinese website. Your support is my greatest motivation] ◆, such as If you have any questions, please go to Piaoxu. If you want to join, you are welcome to join Piaoxu.

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