Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 737: Finding Dragon

The fact that the ancestor of the dragon of Hua Yunzong is about to reach the limit of life, although it is a secret, it can still be easily calculated for those who are interested, and Mihua is this kind of interested person.

There are two ways for the Dragons to improve their lives. First, break through the existing realm. This dragon has not broken through for tens of thousands of years. At this time, it is more impossible to break through the life limit. This is directly denied. Second, It is possible to look for things like dragon breath and blood of the ancient dragons, promote blood vessels, and increase lifespan.

It's just that the ancient ancient dragons disappeared from the floating continent many thousands of years ago. How difficult it is to find them!

How did Mihua never think that Yun Xuan could find a treasure land containing such things, it was really amazing.


"The dragon has strong vitality. This dragon has reached the peak of the Dantian acupoint for many years. The general poison is probably useless! Even if the two famous poisons of the mainland [the demon saliva] and the" thousand heart cold poison "are put on it, It will have no effect, but it will completely anger it! "

Mihua asked in confusion.

Reaching Dantian acupoints, Dantian opened up acupoints, swallowed strength, and increased immunity to highly toxic and other poisons. The well-known poisons on the mainland are just a few. Demon saliva, Qianxinhan poison are useless, more Don't say anything else.

"Poison, you can rest assured that I may be powerless to deal with the humans at the top of the Dantian acupoint, but I have something special against the Dragons! I promise that when I touch it, my strength will fall, and we obey our orders!"

Yun Xuan chuckled a little, and Zhi Juan was holding the light in her eyes.

She did everything she planned to do. If you dare say that, you must have full confidence.

"Okay. Now that Lord Xuan Xuan is so sure, this matter is so fixed." Mihua laughed.

If this matter succeeds, the seven major gates will converge on Ling Xiaoding, forcing Hua Yunzong to bow his head, and Mi Shenzong will become the world's first major gate just around the corner!

As for helping Yun Xuan to reach the peak of breaking through the air, as long as she is prepared, she can afford the sacrifice. It's not complicated.

Thinking about this before and after this cooperation, I have made more money and lost less. How can I not agree?

"Okay, now that we've decided, let's go!" Yun Xuan saw Mihua be moved by herself. Bend your eyes and smile slightly.


Mihua stood up, followed Yun Xuan, and walked out of the hall. After a while, she left the hall of Mishen and disappeared into the air.



The injury was heavier than expected, and he recovered for an hour. Nie Yun was refreshed and bright.

Now martial arts have begun to merge and new breakthroughs have been made in combat effectiveness. It can even win a race among the core disciples of Hua Yunzong. Only then has the force that can really be deterred.

"Leader, this time the elders have been beaten too far, the Law Enforcement Church will certainly not give up ..."

"Yeah, it's not as simple as hurting a few core disciples this time. It hurt too much elders and killed the core disciples ... each of these seriously violated the door rules and can be executed!"

"What shall we do now?"

When Nie Yun recovered, Zhu Yin, Ouyang Shixiong and others gathered around, thinking of the previous events, shivering.

Before, they were excited about the benefits, but then after thinking about it, they felt scared.

What is the status of the elder? How could such a powerful person be ashamed today?

"I'm afraid now that the Zongmen Conference will be held and you will be judged by the elders. In that case, as long as more than four elders over eight think you should be killed, they will probably kill them directly!"

Ouyang Shixiong Road.

"Oh, things have reached such a point that they can't be undone. Instead of waiting here for their trial and asking for forgiveness, it's better to be ruthless. I'm going out now to do one thing. You shrink the alliance these days and will quietly get His feats have turned into combat effectiveness, act low-key, and wait for me to come back! "

In the face of the concerns of everyone, Nie Yun smiled lightly and didn't say much, stood up.

"Huh!" Everyone saw him, knowing that he looked reckless, but in fact he was careful, every step had a deep meaning, and the nervous heart was a little comforted now.

"Okay, I'm leaving now. You send a few people to stay vigilant and give others the illusion that I still don't go out on the mountain peaks. I will start immediately!"

After experiencing this incident, Nie Yun trusted a lot of the remaining people, and commanded that as soon as his body shook, he suddenly fell into the ground and completely disappeared.


Seeing him leave suddenly, everyone was all in a panic, all uproar.

They couldn't think of anything about it. This lord actually had the talent of a master.

Moving along the ground, Nie Yun soon came to Tianwaitian's teleportation array, disguising his talent as a law enforcement disciple, and quietly left Tianwaitian without knowing it.

"Xiaolong, let's look for that old dragon ancestor of Huayunzong, you have to help me!"

Out of Huayun City, as soon as Nie Yun shook his body, he released Xiaolong from Zihua Dongfu and said with a smile.

Yes, the purpose of Nie Yun's coming out this time is to find the ancestors of the dragon of Huazong!

Now the elders will be too embarrassed, and the other party will definitely not give up. Instead of looking for the old drunkard and the previous master Zhuge Qingyun, it is better to go to the Yunlong ancestor of the dragon.

Since this dragon was once the darling of martial arts, its high status is definitely the first in Yunzong.

If you can find it and let it help yourself, let alone a few elder elders, even if the four Supreme Elders appear again, the missing suzerain will definitely not dare to treat yourself!

It is incredible and impossible for others to admit obedience to surrender, but to Nie Yun who has a five-pronged golden dragon as a demon pet.

Even if the blood of the dragons is as high as it is, it is not as high as the five-pronged golden dragon! As long as it is not too high, among the dragons with such strict blood ranks, they must obediently obey!

These, Nie Yun had already thought about it when he was in the misty sea, so he dared to be so reckless, even the elder elder dare to do it!

Otherwise, even if your strength is strong, you will not dare before you have enough backing status!

"Xiaolong ... is still the ancestor?" Hearing Nie Yun's words, Xiaolong put his lips on his lips. It seemed that in his eyes, there was no difference between Xiaolong and loach.

"Oh, I know that the dragon is nothing in your eyes, but this dragon has a very high status in Huayunzong. Now I don't know where it is. Can you find it using your dragon's special induction? "

When he saw it, Nie Yun smiled bitterly.

"Well, a delicious meal ..." Xiaolong took the opportunity to bargain.

"OK!" Nie Yun nodded.

Hearing his promise, Xiaolong nodded with satisfaction, blinked with a pair of big eyes, a forefoot stuck in his mouth, tilted his head, and didn't know whether to think or explore with his soul. It took about a minute of incense , Suddenly the little claw points in one direction.

"I saw a dragon heading in that direction, let's go!"

In the direction of his fingers, Nie Yuntian shook his head after seeing it for a long time.

Although Tianyan has been promoted to the second form, he still can't see the so-called Xiaolong. It seems that Xiaolong's direction is not hundreds of kilometers away from here.

"Break the space and go, so quickly!"

Knowing the distance, Nie Yun didn't bother to fly and search for a teleportation array, so that Xiaolong directly broke through the space and flew.

Xiaolong didn't care about the delicious meal. As soon as his claws were torn, the space cracked and the two got into it.

In the blink of an eye ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun felt that time and space had changed and came to a mountain.

"Huh? Why is this place so familiar?"

Looking at the surrounding terrain for a while, Nie Yun could not help but stare.

Here is more than familiar, that is, the mountain range that you used to chase yourself silently and use the Heavenly Rune to escape!

It was in this mountain range that the wind and thunder wing caused the cracks in the ground, entered the space where Kowloon was pulled, and almost died.

It was here that I got the dragon egg and the little dragon.

"The old ancestor of Dragon is here?" Nie Yun frowned.

"Yeah!" Xiaolong did not answer his words, but the claws of the hoof cleaved again, and the space broke apart.

ps: 12 monthly passes today, plus a chapter. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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