Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 738: 9 Days Void Vine

Not far from the turbulent space is a long and narrow passage. Grabbing Xiaolong's tail, Nie Yun got into it.

After flying along the passage for a long time, one person and one dragon shook at the same time, as if squeezed out by something, appearing in a dark and dark space.

This is not a place in Kowloon, but a wide continent. The mountains are like the sea. The mountains are bare with red rocks and black ashes. Occasionally, a red flame is still burning. There is no vitality. An irritating, chaotic breath.

"It looks like there was a major upheaval here not long ago, with a devastating blow!"

Looking around for a week, Nie Yun frowned.

Looking at the burning flames and the ashes around the ground, it can be inferred that it used to be green and vibrant here, but after a special change, it has become what it is now, and the time of the change should not be Long, not more than three months.

The talents of Tianyan are running, there is a scar in the eyes, and there are space cracks everywhere. It seems that it is caused by some terrible fighting here by the very powerful people.

This kind of damage can no longer be repaired in space. I am afraid that it won't take long for this place to turn into a turbulent space and disappear completely.

"That dragon is in front!"

Xiaolong didn't care about this situation, the dragon claw raised and pointed in one direction.

"Eh!" Although Nie Yun didn't know why the ancestor of the dragon of Hua Yunzong came here, out of trust of Xiaolong, the wings opened and quickly flew forward.

Trained into a great mercy and sorrow, the King of the Fists is not moved, and the wind and lightning magic wings are no longer restricted. I don't know what kind of change happened here. The crisis is heavy. It's better to be careful.

The spirit rhinoceros refining method reaches the sixth weight. The wings are wider than before, and all of them are more than three meters long. The black lights flashing above them, exuding strength and beauty.

As it is now, although the Wings have not reached the Dacheng level, they are also fast.

As the wings increased, Nie Yun's body ratio became more and more perfect, although his muscles were not full. But with smooth lines, he and the demon became more and more like.

"Huh? What a strong dragon clan!"

After flying a distance forward, I saw a huge and extreme breath, rolling in the air, constantly tearing the space, these airflows hit and tumbling in the air. Form a whirlwind of dragon shapes.

These whirlwinds roared and kept devouring the aura of space and vegetation.

Dragon Breath! It is a pure dragon breath!

The dragons are three, six, nine, and so on, with strict grades, and the real dragon's breath. Like the magical spirit that possesses spirituality, it will involuntarily form a dragon shape, swallow it, and even produce its own spiritual intelligence in the end.

As long as it is touched by this thing, even the virtual reality strong. There will be dragon scales on the body, and the soul will be controlled. Thoroughly assimilated and turned into a half-human half-dragon. This thing, like the puppet, will make people lose their consciousness and become a walking dead.

This phenomenon is called the dragon of all things!

"These dragons look familiar ..."

Looking at the dragon shapes formed by the dragon's breath, one after another, Nie Yun suddenly felt a little familiar.

"I look at a total of several forms, one, two, three, four ... There are nine forms of seven, eight, and ninety-one. These forms should be like the original owner of Dragon's Breath ..."

The dragon shape evolved by Dragon Breath is not ever-changing, but a few shapes that have evolved steadily. After careful observation for a while, Nie Yun found a total of nine species. When he saw this number, his eyes were suddenly rounded.

These dragon shapes are not exactly the shape of the nine-headed dragon corpse that was pulled at the beginning?

At that time, I was shocked. The nine-headed dragon corpse was not carefully observed. When I walked out of the car, the dragon corpse was shattered by the ball with a large method, and I was not impressed. At this time, I saw the shape and memory of these dragons. Gradually merge.

"So it is ..."

Thinking of this, Nie Yun laughed bitterly and realized.

No wonder there is such a strong dragon's breath here. Why is this place destroyed like this? The culprit is himself.

The time to escape in the Lashio space in Kowloon is now just over two months. At that time, that space was swallowed by a black hole, and the powerful impact force shattered all the surrounding space, even the floating heavens and continents penetrated. This place should be the closest floating space.

Because of this, the dragon's breath generated by the broken nine-headed dragon's body will invade here, causing an unrecoverable and devastating blow to this space.

More than two months, less than three months, the time is just right.

Wanting to understand this, he turned to look at the little dragon around him, but found that it had big eyes, clear and transparent, without the slightest abnormality, as if everything before it emerged from the dragon egg had nothing to do with it, no memory at all.

"Is the ball that originally fought against the corpse of the" Emperor "the dragon egg that hatched the dragon?"

Another thought came out of his mind, and Nie Yun was startled.

At that time there was only a sphere and a huge corpse, and no dragon eggs were found. Later, the two produced a huge black hole. The dragon eggs came out of the black hole, which was very abrupt, without any sign.

Thinking of this, I carefully recalled the size of the ball and the dragon egg, and Nie Yun was surprised to find that it seemed that ... the two were about the same size!

Well, the dragon egg in which the dragon is located is the weird ball that meets the huge corpse!

If this is the case, Xiaolong's identity will be terrible.

According to the description on the car, the "Emperor" of King Lao Jiulong and King Shura fought. Is Xiaolong one of the two?

"Forget it, don't think about it, no matter who it is, at least now it is a five-pronged golden dragon that can only eat ..."

Nie Yun shook his head and stopped thinking.

The current strength is too low. It is too early to think about this level of things, but I still have to think about how to find the old ancestor of that dragon.

Thinking of this, no longer tangled with the circling dragon's breath, flying forward quickly.

"Well, what is that?"

After walking for a while, a turquoise slender vein appeared in front of me.

The space of the bare ash everywhere is strangely a touch of green, it is hard to see.

I don't know how long this rattan is. It is rooted in the void and spreads in countless spaces. The surrounding dragon's breath nourishment is absorbed by it and tumbling.

"This thing can absorb the dragon's breath?"

Seeing this scenario, Nie Yun was stunned.

As long as the general vegetation touches the dragon's breath, it will turn into a dragon, or it can't bear the complete fragmentation, and this thing is not harmed by it, and it can devour the dragon's breath, which is strange and inexplicable.

As soon as he grabbed his hand, he grabbed a piece of rattan, swept away, and was startled.

This rattan actually contains a special space, although it is small, it is real.

"Casting flying soldiers with this kind of rattan saves space even ..."

The production of flying spirit soldiers needs to open up space and stabilize the space so that things can be stored in it and become free to grow larger and smaller. If you use this rattan to cast spiritual soldiers, the space inside is ready-made, and even the open and stable space Steps are saved.

"Vegetation itself contains space and can devour dragon's breath. Is it the legendary [Nine Heaven Void Vine]?"

Nie Yun suddenly thought of something.

Jiutian Void Vine, a special vegetation that stands in the void and penetrates the space. It is said that it has the power to traverse the world. The space between the vine veins can form a [Jiutian Void Fruit], which is a floating heaven continent and even the heavens and the world. Both rank among the first few powerful plants.

This plant can devour dragon breath, magic qi, demon qi, and even mana to grow. The purer the level of breath, the higher the level, the faster it will grow. Nie Yun, who was seen in previous books, introduced it in the book. I thought it was false. Yes, I didn't expect such a powerful plant.

"I'm afraid this nine-day void rattan was originally very weak. It was because of the pure dragon breath that swallowed the corpse of Kowloon, that it appeared like it ..."

Nie Yun guessed a possibility.

If this place had such a huge nine-day void vine, it must have been discovered by the hidden superpowers of the floating heaven continent, and it is impossible to stay until now. The only explanation is that more than two months ago, nine dragon corpses were broken. The dragon's breath created by the cracking, accompanied by the destruction of the black hole, led to a small plant that was originally unknown, and grew into a nine-day void vine across many spaces in a short time.

"With nine days of Vine Vine, there will surely be nine days of Void Fruit. If you can get it, your grasp of space will definitely increase! Strength will increase!"

Thinking of something, Nie Yun's eyes lit up.

The Nine-day Void Fruit is a treasure that many powerhouses of the Void Realm have been dreaming of, which can increase people's ability to perceive space and greatly increase the power of the Powerful Voids.

Although he hasn't reached the void now, if he can get one, the surge in strength is still a matter of course.

"Looking along the veins, maybe it has already turned out, or even matured ..."

Thinking of this ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun no longer hesitated, and could not continue to study the vine veins. His wings flew, and he flew forward along the vine veins.

The vegetation of Jiutian Void Vine doesn't seem to be afraid of the void and broken space. Many places spread from it. Nie Yun was not afraid to walk inside, so he had to walk around the road. Fortunately, he was gifted with eyes and was not lost. .

His current strength is in the late stage of the virtual realm. He can barely move or even walk slowly in the turbulent void. It is not enough to want to leap fast. For safety, it is better not to enter the turbulent void at will.

"We must be careful this time. Once we do well, we will not only cause the inside of the eight major gates of the floating heavens and the mainland to kill each other, but we will also benefit from the nine-day void fruit, and our strength will increase greatly!"

"This is something that the demon emperor explained in person. You must be careful. You must not make mistakes or mistakes, or you will be in trouble!"

Moving forward, suddenly a dialogue sound rang in front, looked up, and saw not far away, two strong demon people were slowly moving forward along the vine vein. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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