Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 743: Unreliable little dragon (below)


Nie Yun hadn't thought of how he could help him, so this guy shook everyone from the air, his heart twitched, and almost fainted.

I knew this guy was unreliable, I didn't expect it to be so unreliable!

Yun Xuan's scheme has already been guessed, and there is only one way to make her scheme unsuccessful, and that is to keep these Supreme Master Elders alive!

Once they die, Yun Xuan will definitely have a trick, and frame them all to Hua Yunzong. Then, he can't say anything.

Nie Yun's original plan was to let Xiaolong take the action to stop the people. He first rescued the dragon ancestors, and then exposed Yun Xuan's and Mihua's scheme in person. Before anyone could tell, he saw all the people falling down. Like a corpse, they are going crazy.

"You killed them all?" Nie Yun asked quickly.

"I didn't kill them, just stunned them. Why, my dad wanted to kill them, well, I'll take a shot ..."

Xiaolong took the hoof claw out of his mouth and had to start.

"No, you just rest, you don't have to ..."

Hearing it, Nie Yun quickly stopped.

It seems that in the future, it is still better to let Xiaolong shoot less. This guy is really unreliable. I really want to kill all these people and stop the fart. I am afraid that tomorrow, the seven major gates will besiege Ling Xiaoding. Let Hua Yunzong surrender people ...

"Don't let me do it, then okay ..."

After hearing Nie Yun's words, Xiaolong pursed his lips, and seemed a little upset.

However, now Nie Yun can't control whether he is happy or not. There was a chill in his eyes and he stood up. The sword of God appeared on the palm of the palm, "Wow!" The whole person turned into a sword, and stabbed at Yun Xuan lying on the ground!

This Yun Xuan is a big scourge and must be killed. Now he's fainted and just cuts the grass to eradicate the roots to avoid future troubles.

Nie Yun even thinks that Mihua is not as scary as this woman!

This sword did not leave any backhand, a sword full of energy with the momentum of tearing space. The stab came, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the position of Yun Xuan's eyebrow.

As long as she is stabbed, Yun Xuan will not only be shattered into powder, but her soul will also be strangled completely.


Unhindered, there was an extra hole in Yun Xuan's eyebrow, and Nie Yun's sword instantly penetrated it.

"Nothing! It's so bad!"

A sword pierced Yun Xuan's eyebrow, and Nie Yun suddenly felt something wrong. Normally killing people will definitely have blood splatter and soul blocking, but this sword seems to be stabbed on wood, not like flesh and blood.

"Nie Yun, I will remember today. I and you are not over!"

Confused, he heard an angry roar.

Although Nie Yun disguised his appearance and soul, the sword and sword of the sword **** cannot be concealed.

The roar was over, and numerous swordsman torn apart.

These swordsmanships were not played, but crushed the Fuyuyu card. The violent attack was stormy, and Nie Yun's face was frozen. Knowing how to dodge, however, the left-hand ghost sword, the right-hand sword **** sword, the Supreme Sword Technique and the Supreme Sword Technique cooperated to make a fight with the heavenly sword-mang.


The trick was, Nie Yun stepped back seven or eight steps, and then he took it easy, turned around, and shook his head.

I saw all the people stunned by Xiaohu on the ground. At this time, they had all disappeared and were taken away.

It seems that Yun Xuan who she killed just now is fake, and her true body has taken others and fled.

"Why didn't you just stop it?"

Thinking of such a good opportunity without killing the woman, Nie Yun's face turned red, and he turned to look at Xiaolong.

"You won't let me do it ..." Looking at him, Xiaolong bowed his head and muttered quietly, aggrieved.

"You ..." Nie Yun wanted to blame but felt no sense, shook his head helplessly. "I have a bad attitude, I'm sorry! Didn't you stun them just now? How can Yun Xuan be sober?"

With the means of Xiaolong, he has seen it with his own eyes. The thunder soldiers in Dantian acupoints can be swallowed casually. It should be very simple to stun a few powerful players. Why isn't Yunxuan fainted?

"I don't know ..." Xiaolong shook his head.

"Forget it, save the dragon ancestors!"

Seeing it was not clear, Nie Yun knew it was useless to ask, and looked up into the air.

When Xiaolong roared just now, he did not deal with the dragon, so it was not in a coma. However, although he was not in a coma, the blood of the Nether Phoenix clan had done great damage to it. At this time, its breath was weak, and the scales fell off. Will die at any time.

He flew up to the dragon, Nie Yun looked at the cage that trapped it, and found that this thing was very simple, not even the spirit soldiers, but there was a trace of blood-spelled spells on each cage bone, and this spell had a great effect on the dragon. Great damage.

"It should have been drawn with the blood of the Nether Phoenix ..."

A look, Nie Yun understood.

This broken thing can be torn apart by one finger, but the strongest in the peak of the Dantian acupoint can not break free, which means that the above things are the same, which should be the blood of the Nether Phoenix said by Xiaolong.

Don't study it at the moment, just pick the sword of the sword **** and smash the cage.


Destroying the cage, Xiaolong seemed to be awake, and looked at Nie Yun with his eyes wide, thinking he was insulting it like Yun Xuan, an angry roar.

"Don't be afraid, I'm Yunfeng's disciple Yunfeng. I came here to save you. Don't resist, I will help you to **** out the venom of the Nether Phoenix in your body!"

For fear of this guy's misunderstanding, Nie Yun quickly mapped into his mind with a mind map, and at the same time took out the jade card representing the core discipleship of Huazong.


Seeing Jade, and hearing this, Xiaolong's eyes were much more kind, but it seemed to him that he could **** out the venom of the Nether Phoenix, and he was not convinced.

Nie Yun also knew that he didn't have time to explain in detail. At the moment he grabbed the palm of his hand and pressed it on the dragon's back. The poisonous talent was working, and he slowly explored it.

Sure enough, I quickly saw a special liquid containing highly toxic substances, which rammed into its body. As long as it was touched, the muscles were immediately corroded. The blood of the Dragons became thin and the muscles ulcerated.

"Venomous gas works, come here!"

Nie Yun's eyes were dignified, and his spirit was highly concentrated. The poisonous gas slowly wrapped around this liquid, and he whispered in his heart, tearing it towards himself.


Torn by the poisonous gas, this special poisonous liquid suddenly made a loud sound, like a phoenix with colorful wings, and rushed over.


Unexpectedly, this thing rushed in violently, and without any precaution, it was drilled into the body. When Nie Yun searched again, he found that this colorful winged thing was incorporated into his blood.

Zizi Zizi!

The blood was soaked with this thing, it suddenly boiled, a severe pain swept through, Nie Yun's face turned red, and the whole portrait fell into the fire at any moment, and it would explode at any time.

"How is this going?"

Feeling the mad vibration in the body, the blood was about to explode, and Nie Yun felt that the soul would be confined, as if he would be detached from the body at any time and completely die.

It seems that Xiao Long's words can't be believed, and the poisonous talent does not have much resistance to this thing!


Just when he felt he couldn't bear it, the dragon's figure flew forward, and a drop of golden blood above the hoof claws spread down his brows.


The golden blood was also the same as the previous thing ~ www.readwn.com ~ immediately entered his own blood and played against the colorful wings just now.

At the same time, the two bloods fused in the body, and Nie Yun felt that the whole body was extremely painful. It seemed to be even more painful than the original battle between the Buddha and the demon, and he was as rigid as last time, and his body was no longer under his control.

"Suppression of the unknown method, suppression!"

Knowing that this was the result of two powerful blood battles, Nie Yun was focused and quickly communicated the unknown method.

The conflict between the Buddha and the demon last time was achieved only by the suppression of the unknown method. This time, I hope it works.


"The heavens and the earth are fortune, infinite bloodlines ..."

Before the spirit had time to communicate the nameless method, suddenly the ancient sound resounded in his mind, and Nie Yun felt that a huge force between the heavens and the earth envelops himself, two kinds of special blood fight for battle, Disappeared instantly, then his eyes darkened and passed out. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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