Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 744: Congenital Dragon Body

In the vagueness, Nie Yun felt that consciousness was wandering in the endless void and could not find a place to land. It seemed that he had fallen into the abyss and could no longer climb up.

I don't know how long, this feeling slowly disappears, the soul gradually merges with the body, and the consciousness slowly returns to the body.

"Well, what happened to me?"

Rubbing his head, he slowly stood up. As soon as Nie Yun opened his eyes, he saw Xiaolong and the old ancestor of the dragon. At the same time, he looked at him with his eyes widened, and his face was frightened.

At this time, the blood of the Nether Phoenix ancestor in the ancestor of Dragon Dragon was relieved, and the ulcerated wound was much better. Although it had not recovered to its previous heyday, it was also much more powerful.

"Huh? What's going on?"

After watching Chen Long, Nie Yun's eyes fell around for a while.

I saw the surrounding space, at this time all shattered into a turbulent stream, endless weird winds swept away in the distance, and at a glance, there was nothing left in the large land before, and nothing left in the barren Space debris, even the nine-day Nether Vine that everyone was fighting for together, turned into fly ash, which could not be found.

Did you change places when you were unconscious?

After a close look, Nie Yun shook his head.

The place is the same as before, but it seems to have been bombarded here with extremely powerful forces.

This kind of power, as far as he knows, can't be achieved even by the top peak of Dantian Acupoints!

"What's going on? You don't know? This is ... you did it!" When he saw his face confused, Xun Long said.

"Me?" Nie Yun froze.

"Yes, Dad. Just now you passed out, and red clouds appeared in the sky. I don't know what these clouds do. After a turn, this is what it is!"

Xiaolong blinked with big eyes. When it was talking, Xiaolong didn't dare to intervene.

Although the ancestor of this dragon did not know what level the dragon was, it also knew that the blood was definitely more orthodox than it was, so it was a little awed by it.

"Red clouds?" Nie Yun wondered. What red clouds? Did he cross the robbery by himself?

A flick in his heart.

"The summit of virtual reality?"

The strength in the body is indeed a lot stronger, surging out.

It has already reached the summit of the virtual reality!

I didn't expect this coma to wake up, the strength has improved, and reached the peak from the late stage of the virtual reality, but as long as it does not break through to the void. There should be no disaster?

"Yes, let's see if there is any abnormality in the body!"

Since there was no breakthrough, it should not be a disaster, and Nie Yun hurriedly turned her attention to her. At a glance, she almost fainted.

The body flickered. The wings of the demon protruded out again, but this time the demon wings were not painted black and bright, but showed a colorful appearance, exactly the same as the blood of the Nether Phoenix who had penetrated into the body before!


A wing fluttered, and immediately cut through the limits of space and time. The speed is actually faster than the wind and thunder wings!

"Wings of the Phoenix?" A flash of light flashed into his head, and a word entered his mind.

Unexpectedly, after integrating the blood of the Nether Phoenix. Demon Wing was promoted to become Phoenix Wing!

Legend has it that the fastest flying speed in the world is not the dragon, but the phoenix. With a flutter of wings, it can cut through layers of space and soar in the void.

"This wing of Phoenix is ​​just a junior, it should not have such a strong strength, but when it is displayed, it is even stronger than the wind and thunder magic wings!"

Nie Yun was excited for a while.

This wing of Phoenix should be just a junior level, but let his speed increase again, and it is several times stronger than the wind and thunder magic wings.

With this kind of magic wings, if you really want to run away, I am afraid that the Dantian acupoints might not be able to catch up!


"Huh? This is ... Dragon Scale?"

This time, not only did the magic wings advance into the wings of the Phoenix, but the whole body shook, and a dense layer of dragon scales appeared on the body surface.

These scales are golden yellow, and when they appear, they show strong power and invincible defense.

"What is this?" Even when Nie Yun was calm, he couldn't help but exclaim.

"This is the [Congenital Dragon Body]. It is a change in the physical body after the integration of the pure blood of the Dragon family, which can strengthen your defense and strength. But my blood is too low-level, and in the end it didn't work out! "

Seeing Xiaolong didn't seem to know, Xiaolong on one side explained hesitantly.

"Congenital dragon body?" Nie Yun scratched his head and didn't quite understand.

He has never heard of such a thing.

To live to be old and learn to be old, there must be a teacher in the three-person line. No one is omnipotent and omnipotent, and knows everything, and Nie Yun is no exception.

"In the heavens and the earth, there are several kinds of high-born natural bloodlines. For example, the ghost family, the dragon family, and the phoenix family. This kind of high-blooded species is better than humans in life and strength at birth. When you cultivate, you can do more with less. "

He seemed to see his doubts and explained.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

He had known this for a long time, just like the devil, the devil was inherently stronger than humans. Once born, he could almost reach the secret of heaven and earth and live longer than humans.

"The innate dragon body is to use a special method to make the human body evolve into the same physical body as the dragon family! Do you see if the life span has increased?"

Long Road.

This dragon has been with martial arts masters. The old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years is far more powerful than Nie Yun and Xiaolong.


Ordinary people cannot know their life span. After all, they are old and sick, and no one can predict it, but for a strong man like Nie Yun, their bodies have been tempered to a state where they can't live without illness, and there is almost no possibility of getting sick. Some just have weakened cell viability and natural life failure.

Just look carefully and calculate the rate of cell failure to know the exact life span.

"Twenty thousand years?"

The soul carefully calculated the muscles of the whole body. Nie Yun was startled and couldn't believe it.

Normal humans, even if they reach the pinnacle of Dantian acupoints, or even the ninth in secret, as long as they do not break through again, the life expectancy should not exceed 10,000 years, and their life span has reached 20,000 years! This is too exaggerated!

"Sure enough!"

Hearing his words, the dragon's huge head nodded. "This is the innate dragon body. With this body, like the dragons, the practice speed will increase and the promotion will be much faster!"

"Oh!" Nie Yun nodded and understood.

It seems that this innate dragon body is also a means of changing innate talents. The number of dantians cannot be changed, but it can make people's bloodlines become more advanced, and the speed of cultivation will increase accordingly.

The blood of the dragons is ranked high among all the thousands of people. Once born, they have the power to seize the heavens and create more secrets. Not to mention the other, let's say that the dragon, just emerged from the dragon egg, can swallow the Dantian point Lei Bingcai, who is afraid of the strong, is not something that humans can accomplish!

After all, many human beings, even if they are extremely talented, cannot even reach the state of supremacy.

Different bloodlines and different starting points. Can the son of a beggar and a poor man be the same as the son of a billionaire and a president?

The former spent years of study and hard work in order to get a job that barely made a living, while the latter played every day, ate, gambled, and learned nothing, and could inherit hundreds of millions of assets as soon as he reached his age. Just the gap!

In Nie Yun's view, the innate dragon body uses this difference in blood and race to transform the blood of humans into the same as the Dragons ~ www.readwn.com ~. This will increase the speed of both cultivation and promotion.

However, this promotion is definitely not that easy, not to mention the other, just to say that, if there is no unknown method to operate, I am afraid that today is not the bloodline promotion, into the innate dragon body, but directly exploded and died. Dead again!

It is not strange to think about it. When the body flickers, the wings of the Phoenix and the dragon scales are hidden, and Nie Yun exhales a breath.

I came here to look for the Patriarch of the Dragon, but I did n’t expect to encounter so many things. No matter what, the strength has improved again. Not to mention the innate dragon body and the wings of the Phoenix, just to say that the power has been promoted from the late stage of the virtual reality to the peak. Let him have a qualitative leap and change in strength.

"Huh? The fifth summit has a Nirvana?"

Mana worked in his body for a moment, and suddenly a message popped out of Nie Yun's mind, making his face just relaxed and instantly dignified.

ps: The remaining five changes, one change per hour, until the end, I ask everyone to support monthly tickets! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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