Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 751: Make a big noise

"It's ridiculous, I don't know the thick and thick dog thing. This is the sacred place of the sky outside the sky, and the sacred place of Huazong. Can you be a small Nass, and the peak of the virtual realm can be scattered here? Hurry up and let down Elder Lu Xiao, and scratch his head to pay for his sins. , Otherwise, you will die here today, even if you have more reliance! "

I was surprised by Nie Yun's behavior for a while. The elder Zang Shuo shouted aloud, stood up from his seat, and the thunder surged. With the words, the whole hall seemed to be covered with blood and rain, and Xiao Xiao was revealed everywhere. the taste of.

"Arrogance? Not yet your arrogance. I'm a core disciple anyway. Even if you try it, you have to give evidence. Now there is no evidence. I will take action as soon as I enter the door. Or when I'm bullying? "

Bian Nieyun's face sank. In the end, the indifferent words were indifferent, which made people shudder.

"I have sharp teeth and sharp mouth. I'll see if you have the strength to make your mouth so powerful!"

Leng Leng hummed, Zang Shuo raised his hand, and whistled and grabbed Nie Yun.

As soon as he started, the other elders who wanted to do so stopped. Although everyone was angry with Nie Yun's approach, the minimum dignity was still there. It was impossible for everyone to besiege because of anger.

"Hehe, Lu Xiao, did you see it? It seems that the person who wants to kill you most is this elder. He understands that he doesn't want you to live ..."

Seeing Zang Shuo's attack coming, Nie Yun didn't dodge, and his arms moved forward, sending Lu Xiao caught by him, blocking the attack, with a touch of ridicule in his words.

"Ah, don't, don't do it, Zang Shuo stop ..."

Although his mouth was torn, Lu Xiao, as a power-breaker, was still able to speak. Seeing himself sent up as a shield, he remembered that Bao Xing was killed by himself in this way, and he was so frightened that he almost lost his head. In the past, I hurried out.

If it is not mentally strong, I am afraid that this one will scare the fart and urinate.

He is no wonder that he is afraid. He is now being held by a boy around his neck, his body meridians are restrained, he cannot move, and there is no way to resist it. As long as Zang Shuo's attack comes, he will definitely make it into a meat pie.


I didn't expect that the teenager would use Lu Xiao as a shield. Zang Shuo was so angry that he waved his hand to collect the attack in a hurry, because the strength of the body rushed quickly, and his strong back-phasing force made his face red and white.

Lu Xiao is his absolute supporter of this vein. He really wants to kill. His right to speak among the elders of the Supreme Court will be weakened a lot. Besides, if Lu Xiao is killed by him, the crime will be greater, at least he Can't afford it.

So even knowing that forcibly recovering the force would hurt, Zang Shuo didn't hesitate.

His strength has reached the middle of breaking the air, not to mention in Hua Yunzong, even anywhere, he can definitely be regarded as a supreme master, but such a master has lost money in the opposite boy's hand before he can move. Depression can be imagined.

However, his injury was not serious. For him, after a breath or two, he recovered completely.

"Animal, dare the Elder to serve as a shield. Do you know what crime you have committed? Even if there is no evidence to prove that you killed my apprentice Zang Hongyi, if you disrespect the elder too much, the following crimes will suffice. A hundred times! "

Xu took a deep breath and calmed the anger in her chest, Zang Shuo shouted.

"Follow me? Is someone killing me and I have to wait to be killed? Self-defense is also a violation of Zongmen's regulations. It is right for you to kill? In this case, let me see if you can resist!"

With a cold drink, Nie Yun suddenly flew down from the throne, gliding a step in the air, like a dangling duckweed, his palm raised.

Wandering sky and stars, Zhoutian universe.

The palm of God is immeasurable!

This palm had no sign beforehand, and once it appeared, it formed a huge palm print containing the ocean of stars. The aura in the hall gathered together, like the tide being driven away, and the rushing spiritual power with the harsh sound of the tide, Coming madly.

"Look for death!"

I saw that this move had the power to destroy the world. If I didn't resist it, I would surely be killed alive. Zang Shuo's face sank, his eyes shot fine, and he hit with a punch.


He punched his spin with a spinning drill, like a sailing ship sailing the ocean, breaking the waves straight, breaking Nie Yun's Capricorn palm, and stabbing straight.

Yunhua Yunzong's Supreme Boxing Method

This trick is immeasurable to the stars. It has the taste of being in harmony with each other. Although the power of Capricorn's palm is fierce, after all, it is not a single attack trick, but a group attack trick. The power is somewhat scattered, and his trick is like a sharp and long The sword pierced the sky, chopped the waves, and whistled with a murderous spirit forward.

"Very good!"

When I saw him, he could see the shortcomings of Capricorn God's Palm, and made the opposite trick. Nie Yun turned his palm into a claw, tearing it forward.

The spirit rhinoceros refining formula and the Vajra glass body reached the sixth weight at the same time. The physical body is comparable to the outstanding spiritual soldier, plus the newly formed innate dragon body. Although this claw does not use any mana, it has an irresistible power. It is like a weapon that surpasses the superb spirit soldier and directly hits.


Claw and Zang Shuo's fists met.


Zang Shuo's feet softened, he stepped back, and quit seven or eight steps in a row, his face flushed.

The entire back of the hand is even connected to the head, as if it was severely scratched by an iron hook. The four **** mouths are constantly dripping blood, and the ground under the feet is red.

He made a big loss by hitting it hard.

"The peak of accepting the virtual realm will defeat Zang Shuo in the middle of the air?"

"How is this possible? Is this boy, like Jing Hong, also a man with great perseverance and great strength, and his real accumulation has surpassed the ordinary mid-air-strength strong?"

怎么 "How can there be such a freak?"

The scene in front of me was startled by all the elders.

When reaching the virtual reality, the gap between each small level is very large. In the middle and early stages of breaking through the air, although there is only a slight gap, in theory, none of the ten latter is an opponent of the former.

This cloud wind defeated Lu Xiao before. Although everyone was surprised, it had not yet reached an incomprehensible scope. After all, Jing Hong, who ranked first in the potential breaking list, also possessed such strength. Zang Shuo's defeat made them unbelievable!

This kind of strength can be regarded as a master even in the group of elders. It is no wonder that they dare to be arrogant in the sky, and this combat power is really amazing.

The top of the virtual realm is so powerful. Once it breaks through the void, who is the opponent of the entire Huazong?

"This kid must kill!"

"It's so arrogant now, depending on the rules of the sect and nothing, and let it grow, I'm afraid Elder Wu Xun will not listen!"

"Never stay!"

For a moment, all kinds of thoughts were stirred in the air, and the remaining elders were too cold. They each saw the cold and ruthlessness in the eyes of each other ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even if they did not agree with the elders of Nie Yun, It seemed to be cruel.

Everyone has a love of talent, but the premise is that this person is used by me and does not threaten my status, otherwise, no matter how generous, in the face of those who can threaten his status, I am afraid that we cannot be at ease!

"Damn, you beast!"

Zhe Yizhao was defeated by Nie Yun and felt the hot pain in his arm. Zang Shuo was ashamed and screamed again. His left hand was a fist and his right hand was a palm. He rushed over to Nie Yun.


Seeing that this guy did not think about repentance, he dared to rush in. Nie Yun's face sank and he didn't plan to keep his back. He squeezed the palm of Lu Xiao's hand and didn't let down. His right hand turned into a fist. .

这次 He is really angry this time, and he intends to show his great mercy and sorrow without touching Mingquan!

This set of boxing techniques may not be stronger than Capricorn Palm, but this trick is a single attack. The attack power alone is much stronger than the former, and the power is condensed. The attack is the soul, which is invincible and difficult to resist.


In the blink of an eye, Zang Shuo's fist and Nie Yun's fixed Ming Wang fist collided together, a series of space ripples came out, the roaring gas exploded, and the slate of the hall shattered into pieces.


The lingering aftermath of power burst out, Zang Shuo felt a headache, a feeling of being dispelled in his soul, a stuffy chest, and a burst of blood sprayed out.

(There is one more at 12 pm. Everyone must have a monthly pass if you don't, if you miss double, you can only count one ...) (To be continued.)

﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏You have never met me, whether I want to approach you or me who wrote your name in the air

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