Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 752: Big trouble in the sky (Part 2)

"Come here, too!"

He killed him when he was ill, and did not hesitate under Nie Yun's feet. He strode forward and came to the other side. He grabbed his hands and took away the dragon and snake, pinching Zang Shuo's throat.

I have seized Lu Xiao, and then seized an elder and made a fate of their lives, and the right to speak would be much greater.

Today, letting Long Xiaquan come out directly will definitely solve the problem immediately, but Nie Yun wants to see where the bottom line of the elders of Huayunzong is, and let them know that they closed their doors and thought they were right. What a ridiculous idea.

The transformation of Yunzong is not the previous Big Mac. From the actions of Yun Xuan and Mihua, it can be seen that a huge storm will definitely happen soon. If these elders are still immersed in the former glory, It's just a matter of time before someone is killed.

It's time to wake up!


As soon as the palm of his hand touched Zang Shuo's throat, a loud drink rang, and then the wind broke, with a whine, before he came to see the space in front of him shattered into a black line.


Feeling the power brought by the wind, Nie Yun's pupils shrank, and he couldn't deal with Zang Shuo anymore. His face tightened, his right hand was raised and scratched, and the blue muscles on his arm jumped up. The muscles were like a rolling pimple, driving his fist Come on.

Xun Yiquan used his whole body's strength, and the space in front of him seemed to be smashed into pieces, which were densely packed together to form a series of defensive air walls.

If you talk about the degree of defense of this kind of air wall, it will definitely exceed the level of the best spiritual soldier, even the ordinary powerful people in the air can't penetrate.

However, it is not the general breakout powerhouse that hits this sign, but the super master who has realized the limits of space.


The thick defensive air wall came into contact with the black line, and even half of his breath was not blocked, it burst into pieces. The wind seemed to be unaffected and continued to stab.

"So strong!"

After seeing this scene, Nie Yun knew that the power of this finger was more terrifying than imagined. No longer dared to hide it, the wrist turned, the ghost sword appeared in the palm of the hand, the tip of the sword pointed, a sword awn, greeted the black line. .

Although Zang Hongyi's sword was not recognized by others, each one here is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. If it is taken out, it will be recognized, and things will go awry.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Long sword and Heiman collided, the time seemed to stop, one thousandth of the breathing time, touched hundreds of times, and each time when Nie Yun was hit by the strong impact of the backward exit, blinking, back Has hit the closed gate of the hall.

Every time the power of confrontation can make the internal viscera peak strong person's internal organs collapse and die directly, however, Nie Yun is not the ordinary narreal peak, the physical body is extremely powerful, and Rao is so cracked. On, blood splattered and breathing was not smooth.

"Let's stop it first!"

Hundreds of consecutive turbulences have weakened a lot. Nie Yun knows that the retreat is irreversible. Even if he is not killed when he is hit, he will immediately lose his combat Lee. When the ghost sword is about to be put away, mention his left hand forward. Block Lu Xiao in his palm in front of him.

Since the master who played this trick did not care about the hostage in his own hands, then it was let the hostage die!


The forward wind cannot be retracted, and Lu Xiaoguan pierced his chest instantly.


The black mang after the piercing weakened a lot again, hitting his chest straight, Nie Yun's face turned red, and he felt that his internal organs seemed to be broken. If it was not defense, it was a talent that could resist most of the impact, even in this case. , The body must be punctured instantly.

He has such power at his fingertips, and it shows that the strong man who played this trick has strength beyond imagination, far from being comparable to Zang Shuo and Lu Xiao.

He stabilized his body, took a deep breath, the healing gas quickly rotated, and the injury was completely restored in a moment. Nie Yun then looked up in the direction of Zhimang's shot.

I saw that it was the old man with white beard that sat in the middle.

"Wu Xun?"

Xie Nieyun came up with a name in his heart.

Elder Wu Wuxun died when the seven gates besieged Ling Xiaoding. Although he had not seen it in previous lives, he had heard of it and knew his appearance. At this time, he recognized it immediately.

"Let Xiao Xiao down, I will just abolish your practice and don't want your life, otherwise, holding on to the elders is the biggest offense, and you will be executed without any evidence!"

Seeing a full-fingered finger and being blocked by the other side, Xu was surprised in her heart. When she saw Lu Xiao, who was half dead, again, Wu Xun's face sank immediately.

"Oh, letting down Xiao Lu, I'm afraid I will die even worse!" Nie Yun made a forward stroke and returned to the center of the hall again "So ... I won't let it go!"

"Don't let go? Then you die for me!"

Elder Wu Wuxun snorted coldly, pinching his big hand, and the space in his palm was broken.

Although the space of Ling Xiaoding is more stable than the outside world, after all, he is a super strong with half a foot into the Dantian acupoint. Although he cannot tear the space to jump, he can control the space in a small area and let it have a huge attack power. , Still very simple.

"It is very easy to kill me, but before I die, Lu Xiao will surely die. It seems that Elder Wu Xun does not want Elder Lu Xiao to live!"

Ignoring the threat from the other side, Nie Yun raised Lu Xiao again.

Yunhua Yunzong now has eight elders in total. He doesn't believe that the other party can abandon Lu Xiao.

"Let him down!"

Elder Wu Wuxun stood up, the space in his eyes was broken, and a rage was burning. It seemed that he would make a thunder strike at any time.

As the leader of Elder Yunzong's Supreme Master, he can break through the Supreme Master who entered the Dantian Aura at any time and was threatened by a person who accepts the virtual reality.

"Animals, are you deaf? Didn't you hear Elder Wu Xun's words, let me go? Seems you don't want to live!"

Seeing Elder Wu Xun speak, Lu Xiao struggled and shouted.

He was injured by Nie Yun and penetrated by one finger, but the place of injury was not Qi Haidan Tian, ​​nor the heart. Although he looked terrible, in fact, he had no worries about his life. As long as it is not deadly and conscious, speaking is not a problem.

"I haven't lived enough, of course I want to live!" Nie Yundao.

"Just let me go immediately if you want to live. This is Huayunzong Lingxiao Peak, not outside. If you dare to do something to me, it will be automatically recorded as a crime. When that happens, the elders will immediately kill you. Die! "Lu Xiao said, with a sullen expression." Don't you feel very embarrassed, but you didn't dare to take me? I understand to tell you that if you start now, you will die next moment, no doubt! "

"Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Seeing Lu Xiao was still so arrogant at this time, Nie Yun's face sank.

"Dare to kill me? Haha, how dare you? You have to do it! You can kill me now if you have the ability, huh, the dog thing that is not as good as the animal, less pretend to be here, just let me go immediately if you don't want to die ~ www.readwn.com ~ Kneeling down and hoeing to apologize, I can also plead with you elders to save you from death, otherwise, not only will you die, but all the people related to you, including Fengyun League people, will die, and there is no death. place!"

Lu Xiao's face growled.

"All the people related to me paid the price? Is this what you said?" Nie Yun hated being threatened by others. This Lu Xiao even said in his palm that an anger suddenly came into being.

"Yes, that's what I said, why, so angry? Come and kill me if you are angry? But before you kill, you have to think about it, you are now taking me hostage, so that everyone can do nothing, once I die Everyone has no scruples, do you think you can stop so many sieges of the elders who break into the air? Haha, you can't stop it, don't brag here, don't let me go immediately ... "

啸 Lu Xiao's eyes are full of twisted madness and pride.

At the beginning, I was confronted with this boy, he was in a disadvantaged position, and his face was lost. Now even if the other party holds himself, what use is he? He doesn't believe that this guy really dares to do it!

As soon as Ling Xiaoding's door was closed, he couldn't get out. Even if the boy was strong, he would not be the opponent of so many elders!

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

Hearing his roar, Nie Yun snorted, and his palm suddenly squeezed.


Lu Xiao did n’t even have time to shout, and his head fell off his neck. Before he died, shock and panic appeared in his eyes. He could n’t think of it. In this case, the teenager dared to act, and was so fierce that he killed himself. !! (To be continued.

-Later I met many people, like your hair, like your eyes, but not your face.

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