Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 759: Evenly matched

"Jinghong should challenge Yunfeng?"

"Even Liu Ji, who broke through to the middle of breaking the air, is not an opponent. How can Yunfeng, a newcomer who has just started, be an opponent?"

"It can't be said like this, as soon as this Yunfeng comes, so many things have happened, and even in the trial of the Eighth Elder, they can retreat from their bodies. I am afraid the strength is not simple!"

"Yeah, I guess it's another battle, but I don't know who can win!"

"I bet Jinghong!"

"I don't think Yunfeng should be underestimated ..."

With Jing Hong's shout, the square was silent first, and then it was noisy.

The fighting just exceeded their imagination. I did not expect that Jing Hong would not rest. He would continue to challenge, and the object of challenge was the leading situation leader, Yunfeng!

"I guess Yunfeng won't pick it up!"

"Yeah, if I do n’t answer, Jing Hong just defeated Liu Ji, who has already broken through to the middle of the void, and his morale is booming. Even if Yun Feng's strength is in harmony with it, I am afraid he can be defeated by him. It's unwise to accept the challenge! "

"I don't think it's possible to pick up, but the Yunfeng leader is not an ordinary person, maybe he has a stronger card!"

When the noise was over, millions of eyes focused on Nie Yun's body. He seemed to want to see whether he would accept or not accept the morale-like invitation of Hong Jinghong.

"Leader, do n’t answer. Although I do n’t know what secret method he has used to enhance the combat effectiveness, he is definitely in the most powerful period. Anyway, we have made an appointment in the afternoon. We might as well wait until noon to fight with him. Take it down in one fell swoop! "

"Yeah, lord, it is not wise to take it now!"

Zhu Yin and others also looked at Nie Yun.

"Oh!" I heard everyone's dissuasion. Nie Yun shook his head and stood up, his breath swelled for thousands of miles in an instant, and his spirit pierced through eternity.

"I accept!"

After speaking, ignore the dissuasion of the crowd, and touch your feet. Step by step into the rooftop.

Jing Hong needs someone to take the opportunity to make an opponent to break through, and you are the same. Your strength is strong, and you can even exert the power of Dantian Acupoints. That's right, and I just want to use your power. Reach higher level!

"Yunfeng picked it up?"

"Ah, it still looks young and doesn't look scary at all!"

"The power of Dantian Acupoints is so difficult for even the strongest in the top of the sky to defeat. Yunfeng, although not weak, is far worse. It is almost impossible to defeat it!"

"Yunfeng doesn't know the power of Dantian Acupoint is also normal, but you should understand it after a failure. The power ratio of Mana and Dantian Acupoint is not in the same grade!"

The elders in the hall also realized at this time how terrible the power that Jing Hong had just exerted. Looking at Nie Yun, who had "no fear. Know nothing", could not help shaking his head.

Faced with the power of Dan Tian's acupoints exhibited by Jinghong suddenly, even they felt a bit of fear and did not dare to make a hard connection, let alone this young boy.

"it is good!"

Seeing Nie Yun accepting the challenge and entering the theory roof, Jing Hong's eyes lit up.

Instead, the average person saw that he defeated Liu Ji, who had broken through to the middle of the void, with an overwhelming advantage. He would definitely refuse to fight, and the young man did not hesitate. Suffice it to say that he read the right person.

"This is a sacred-grade elixir that can restore mana in a short time. Although it may not fill your air, it can also help. I want to fight with your best strength. It is not a decisive battle!"

Falling on the roof of Nian Yun, as soon as Nie Yun's palm was turned over, a jade bottle passed to Jing Hongfei.

"Okay! Man enough! However, I can recover without your elixir!"

Seeing the young man's behavior, Jing Hong showed his admiration. With a flick of his finger, he bounced the jade bottle back, and then took out some golden liquid and swallowed it.

The liquid entered the abdomen, and the loss of the battle he had just recovered slowly, and his strength gradually increased.

"This Yunfeng is silly ..."

"Even if Jing Hong is fierce, a fight with Liu Ji just now will definitely cost a lot. At this time, if he does not fight with him, he will help him restore his strength. It is really a brain problem ..."

"What do you know! The strength to reach their level, victory is not the main purpose, but to challenge the heart, to overcome the heart. If you rely on this advantage, it means that you have already been afraid of the other party, and the momentum is weak! "

"Yeah, this is also respect for the opponent. It is also a genius. It is the best choice to fight with the strongest strength!"

Seeing Nie Yun's behavior, some people secretly admired it, while others dismissed it.

However, these are not important to Nie Yun. He only has this Jinghong in his eyes. Although he doesn't understand why he can reach the power of Dantian acuity with the peak strength of the virtual realm, he also knows that he must be able to defeat it. Overcome!

As long as he beats him, he will definitely make a qualitative leap in both his mood and strength.

After swallowing the golden-yellow liquid, Jing Hong's power was completely restored to the level before the battle with Liu Ji, and his mana was surging endlessly, as if endless.

Seeing that his strength reached the limit, Nie Yun was not covering up, and his whole mana radiated from the pores, like a **** of war.

"come on!"

When the gale stepped out, Nie Yun flew hundreds of meters in a blink of an eye, came to Jinghong, and first launched an attack.

A single punch hit him, blocking his eight paths of retreat, and the whistling fist wind converged to the extreme mana, coming from the air.

His style is different from Liu Ji's. The latter is a long-range attack, and Nie Yun is close when he starts.

"Let me see what your strength is!"

Seeing that there was a defense in this boxing attack, although it was not as good as Liu Ji's eight swings, it was not weak, and had some magical effects. Jing Hong's eyes were fixed, his right hand was forward, and his strength was lined up.

[Crane Beak Branch] that Xiao Ling once performed!

This trick is the same as Nie Yun's boxing method. He has attack and defense, defends the attack with his thumb, sticks his thumb out, and pierces Nie Yun's fist. Once he is stabbed, he must be injured.


Nie Yun did not move, he gave a cold hum, and the power on his fist kept on attacking instead.


Suddenly, the fist and Jing Hong ’s [Crane Beak Branch] came together, and the power of the fist burst with one fist, and the hurricane of the mana waved.


The two tricks met, and the two took a few steps back at the same time.

With strength alone, no one can win!

"So strong!"


"Jinghong means that the power is strong, even the semi-perfect spirit soldiers will pierce it. The Yunfeng Alliance leader blocked it directly, there was no change in his fist, it was too strong!"

"No wonder Jing Hong has to challenge Liu Ji first and then Yunfeng Leader. It seems that the latter is indeed stronger than Liu Ji!"

Many disciples of Hua Yunzong are also people who know the goods. Although the attack time of the two is short, the strength will open at the touch of each other, but they will read it out. They lamented that although the Yunfeng confederate was young, he could be so short. It's really not fake to make such a great reputation in time, and its strength is appalling.

"The gentleman has three commandments!"

Regarding the exclamation from the audience, Jing Hong ignored it, raised his eyebrows and made three consecutive punches.

The gentleman has three commandments.

A gentleman has three precepts. When he is young, his vitality is undecided, and his precepts are in full bloom.

Sanjie saves one's body and is proud to keep it!

Three fists shrouded, Nie Yun felt that the whole body's blood seemed to be completely solidified.

"Rumen's trick is really powerful! However, it is useless to me, it is broken!"

Feeling the changes in the body and the effect brought by the wind of the other party, Nie Yun knew that Confucianism's unique skills were extraordinary, took a deep breath, and made a long howl, the talent of Xianyin Master was like a sharp sword piercing the stone ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ welcomed to the palm wind.

Ding Dong!

The intersection of Xianyin and the palm wind did not defeat the magnificent force, but dispelled the cowardly and oppressive spirit. Then, Nie Yun felt light on her body, the so-called three precepts pressure disappeared, and Qi and blood were again. Up and running.

"Taste my Fang Mingquan!"

With a long cry, Nie Yun's eyes were dignified and he struck in the past.

Great Compassion and Great Compassion Doesn't Move the Ming Boxing!


Confucianism and Buddhism's tricks collided together, and the sound of Langshu and 袅袅 Brahma sounded everywhere. The great power twisted in the air, rippled for hundreds of kilometers, and dissipated at the same time.


The two retreated again, and they were evenly matched. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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