Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 760: Jinghong breakthrough


"Yunfeng and Jinghong are both amazing!"

"Yunfeng is still awesome. He is only seventeen or eighteen years old. He hasn't practiced for long, and Jing Hongguang has spent more than two hundred years in Huazong. He has practiced long enough!"

"Yeah, this is the real genius. At the age of seventeen or eighteen years old, he has this kind of combat power. Over time, he will be the patron saint of Zongmen!"

"I thought that my strength was good before I saw them fighting, and then I knew that nothing compared with them! It seems that I will cultivate well in the future!"

The battle between Nie Yun and Jing Hong caused other disciples to ignite their cultivating spirit, and each of them showed excited worship from their eyes.

The strong, wherever they go, will be respected and admired, and Nie Yun is just such a person.

Since his rebirth, he has counted on a lot of calculations, but more than a year, in such a short period of time, he has reached the point where he is from the most important state of Qihai, and it will definitely scare people alive.

For more than a year of practice, it is against the peerless genius who has practiced for hundreds of years, even against thousands of years of old monsters, and they have not fallen behind. This talent has exceeded the scope of genius.

Of course, the promotion so fast, and the state of consolidation so much, has a lot to do with his detours, and more importantly, the unknown method changes the number of Dan Tian, ​​20 Dan Tian, ​​spiritual blood, too terrible.

"Six Virtues!"

He and Nie Yun were tied again, Jing Hong's eyes became brighter and deeper, and he took a deep breath, and once again raised the force that was somewhat disintegrated by the shock, and was another punch.

The six virtues of Confucianism, wisdom, faith, sacredness, benevolence, righteousness, and loyalty, the six virtues of fists are the most powerful attacks by combining these six virtues together.

Punch out. Various illusions appeared in the sky, and the mana pool became six long-bearded Confucian masters, which evolved six qualities of wisdom, faith, sacredness, benevolence, righteousness, and loyalty. As long as there are flaws in quality, this boxing method is encountered. Definitely mental breakdown, like burning.

It is another trick of mental attack.

Confucianism, like Buddhism, pays attention to purifying the soul, and pays more attention to the soul. Many tricks are attacking the spirit.

This trick is invincible and weird. When Jing Hong and Liu Ji were fighting just now, it was purely a battle of strength. At this time, the soul attack was so powerful, it was a terrible opponent.

"The defense division resists, the blessing of the fairy sounds, Capricorn palm. Fire talent!"

Many talented spirits are running in the body. As soon as Nie Yun's palm is raised, he blocks the spiritual attack of the Six Virtues, and at the same time a huge palm print appears in the air, covering the sky with a strong spiritual power. Daru rolled up.


When the palm prints fly up. The hot flames flew out along the way, and touched Daru, turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"The 25th Beacon?"

"The talent of immortal master, the talent of beacon master, this cloud wind is not easy!"

"It's too strong, even mana can burn, and Jinghong is not so good now ..."

Seeing this scene, all the elders in the hall looked at the same time.

Both the Xianyin and the Beacon are super talents in the top 100. Each one has the power to shake the earth, the power is extraordinary, one person can do both, which shows the great potential.


The beacon talent cooperated with Capricorn's palm to defeat the Six Virtues, and Jing Hong didn't panic. Instead, Yangtian smiled. "Very good, very good, I did not read you wrong. In that case, let me take the most powerful attack!"

Along with the laughter, a series of crisp sounds rang again in his lower abdomen.

"The power of Dantian acupoints?" Hearing this crisp sound, Nie Yun knew that the other party was going to exert the most powerful power of Dantian acupoints, and he couldn't hesitate immediately. The whole body instantly turned into dragons. , Like a dragon, like a demon, like a demon.

"It's a fusion of dragon blood? Great, but not my opponent, give me down!"

Jing Hong raised her eyebrows and hit with violent right hand.

There are no tricks in this punch, it is upright, with a force that distort space, it is excited like a sword, and people have to guard against it.

"Huh? It's not pure Dantian acupoint power, but a treasure hidden in the body by some means!"

Just now, the distance was far away, and the mana blocked by the sky could not be seen clearly. At this time, the distance was very close, and Nie Yun immediately saw the difference.

Although Jing Hong's fist seemed to be from Dan Tian, ​​it was also an acupoint force. In fact, it was not his own power developed by Dan Tian, ​​but by some means, it inspired a treasure hidden in the body.

This treasure is perfectly integrated with his body, which allows him to inspire the power beyond his own level at the peak of the virtual reality.

"Since the eyes can't see it, God's stealing talent works and see what it is!"

Understanding this, Nie Yun's heart moved, and God's stealing talents moved, and his eyes were immediately filled with treasure.

This treasure was hidden in his body and blocked by a large method. The eyes could not see clearly, but he could not stop the observation of God's stealing talent.

God's stealing talent has a special peeping ability to treasures. Although he can't see what it is, he can outline the shape and location of treasures through the emitted light.

"Huh? It turned out to be ... a skeleton!"

As the light in his eyes gradually took shape, Nie Yun finally saw what was hidden in Jing Hong's body. At a glance, he couldn't help but stare round and startled.

What is hidden in his body is not a so-called treasure at all, but a skeleton of a great Confucian!

Jing Hong actually shaved his body's bones with a big method and replaced it with this great Confucian!

This great Confucian was probably a powerful Dantian acupoint before his lifetime. The skeleton contains a powerful Dantian acupoint. It is no wonder that Jing Hong can exert his power beyond the limit. The secret is here!

These thoughts and actions flashed in his mind, and Jing Hong's powerful and unmatched punch came to him.

"It turned out not to be your own strength, but to rely on the strength of the skeleton. Since that's the case, there is nothing terrible!"

Understand that this power was not issued by Jing Hong. The fear was gone. Nie Yun laughed, and the arms full of dragon scales suddenly hammered forward. At the same time, the wings of the Phoenix behind him trembled slightly, surpassing the speed. Limit, escaped the frontal attack and came behind him.


The pure physical strength carried a heavy Long Wei and slammed into Jing Hong's back.


In the previous life, he was a strong man in Dantian acupoints. He was too familiar with this kind of power. If it was Jing Hong's own power, Nie Yun was helpless, but the power he used was different. This punch happened to hit his mana and Dantian The connection point of the power of acupuncture points was broken by the shock of Jing Hong's powerful and unmatched power, his face turned red, and his blood surged.

"Okay, okay, I saw my weakness so quickly ..."

The blood was reversed, and the body was so uncomfortable. Jing Hong's pale face did not feel scared, but his dark eyes revealed the extreme fiery excitement.

According to the normal test, all of his strongest attacks were broken by Nie Yun, and he should throw in his fists, but this time, it was not a test of this significance, but a breakthrough opportunity. At this time, the body was injured, and the mind and mana were hit. , Like the beast that was oppressed to the extreme, the more injured, the more brave.

When normal people see blood, they will lose their fighting spirit when they are injured. However, geniuses are different and they can often break through in battle. Jing Hong is obviously such a person.

His eyes were blood-red, and his breath became thicker and thicker, as if he had broken a certain limit instantly. With the sound of "Boom!" With a hint of sorrow.

"Thank you for pushing me to share, break through!"

In the long whistle ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jinghong raised his hands up, a strong heaven and earth aura, Baichuan Huihai generally rushed in, because the speed was too fast, with a strong roar.

The early days of breaking the air!

Peak in the early days of breaking the air!

Breaking the Middle Stage!

Breakthrough in the middle of the pinnacle!

Late Breaking!

He jumped across six small levels in one fell swoop!

With this breakthrough, the carp jumped the dragon's gate, the cocoon became a butterfly, the wild cat became a tiger, Jinghong had a world-wide change, and its strength had undergone a qualitative transformation.

"Haha, give me up!"

The strength soared, and with a loud roar, Jing Hong rolled his palms like a sky falling and crashed down. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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